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You can take the path north here if you want, or head east over the ridge. There's a nice view from the top of that cliff, if you want a look.Follows-Chalk

The Spine is a location in Zion Canyon in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.


Situated along the path from the southern passage, the Spine is one of the first landmarks one comes across in Zion. There is not much in the way of loot besides a few miscellaneous items and plants that can be picked. Its real importance is as one of the locations that triggers Follows-Chalk's perk, Well-Stacked Cairns. A couple of yao guai (including the giant yao guai seen killing a gecko when first approaching), and a few geckos can usually be found here, dead or alive. There is also a hollow log nearby that can be looted.


  • Climbing the tallest, arched rock in the location makes for an excellent view of the canyon.
  • On the northwest side of the top (behind the big rock) there is a skeleton. A campfire sack and two bottles of purified water are nearby.
  • There is a hollowed-out rock just to the south in a small alcove.


The Spine appears only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.


PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 This location may not show up on the compass. [verified]
