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{Praying to herself} Oh Father, guide and protect us your humble children as we labor in the vineyards, and make us strong to resist those who would steal Zion from us.

Waking Cloud is a tribal living in Zion Canyon in 2281.


Waking Cloud is a Sorrows tribal, and one of Daniel's first converts. Daniel saved her life when she was giving birth to her third child, and taught her how to properly deliver children. She then became the Sorrows' midwife, and has started to learn Daniel's Mormon faith. Waking Cloud speaks with a good level of English, indicating she has been learning for a while.

Waking Cloud has a husband and three children, however her husband was killed by a White Leg as one of the first Sorrows to be evacuated to Grand Staircase. Daniel knows of this, but has kept it from Waking Cloud, fearing her reaction. Waking Cloud suspects that something is amiss, but trusts Daniel enough to know that he would not keep anything important from her.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator color
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
Paving the Way
This character is a permanent companion. They grant the Quiet As The Waters perk.
Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Rite of Passage: When asked about her yao guai gauntlet, Waking Cloud tells the Courier that it was her rite of passage.
  • A Family Affair: Waking Cloud is worried about her children and husband after they evacuated from White Legs. Daniel knows the truth, but it will become the Courier's choice whether or not to tell her.
  • Chaos in Zion: Killing Waking Cloud (or another storyline-essential character) will start this quest.
  • The Grand Staircase: Waking Cloud can serve as the Courier's guide into The Father's cave.


This section is transcluded from Honest Hearts endings. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
# Slide Voice-over narration In-game condition
Nvdlc02 endingslide wakingcloud
Waking Cloud turned bitter and resentful toward Daniel and the New Canaanites when she learned her husband's death had been concealed from her. She poisoned some of her tribe against New Canaanite teachings, making relations between the groups difficult from time to time. Lie to Waking Cloud about her husband.
Nvdlc02 endingslide wakingcloud
Waking Cloud was distraught when she learned of her husband's death, but took comfort from her tribe, and the compassion of the New Canaanites. She forgave Daniel for having concealed her husband's fate from her, and learned to accept his fate. When her grief faded, she took a husband from the Dead Horse tribe. At her bidding, he stayed close to home. Tell the truth to Waking Cloud about her husband.



  • Once Waking Cloud is recruited, one will lose Follows-Chalk as a companion permanently. Any items given to Follows-Chalk to hold will return to ones inventory when he departs.
  • If the player kills a friendly tribal while Waking Cloud is a companion, she will immediately depart for her home village and will no longer be available as a companion, a message will also show stating this.

Notable quotes[]


Waking Cloud appears only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.

Behind the scenes[]

Waking Cloud was written by Travis Stout.[1]

