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The fire bomb is a weapon in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.


A hand-thrown incendiary weapon made out of a Sunset Sarsaparilla bottle that has been filled with a flammable substance and stuffed with a rag to ignite it. It will also turn enemies into piles of green goo if the killing blow is a Critical Hit, similar to that of plasma-based energy weapons. It is considered an improved holdout weapon.



  • As the fire bomb uses the dynamite animation set, the model of the weapon is not an exact match for the world model of Sarsaparilla bottles, including the dimensions and texture.
  • Fire bombs also provide an alternative version of the planting items trick. Instead of one's target exploding (as with other explosives), they will erupt into flames and collapse. If the target is knocked down, they will simply erupt into flames on whatever they were lying on.
  • Like a grenade, they do not go off on contact, so they can bounce away from the target. Also, they have a small effect radius. These two combined make them difficult to use outside of V.A.T.S.
  • A flip lighter is used to ignite the bottle's rag, though the lighter will never be seen in one's inventory and is not obtainable as a separate item. A similar lighter is part of the texture files for the cut Molotov cocktail in Fallout 3. The flip lighter is also used in lighting short and long-fuse dynamite.

Behind the scenes[]

The fire bomb's function and cobbled-together design is based on the Molotov cocktail, an umbrella term for improvised explosives both incendiary and otherwise, coined as a derogative aimed at then-Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Soviet Union, Vyacheslav Molotov by the Finnish during the Winter War.

