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Howdy. My name is Jed Masterson, and I'm a caravan boss for the Happy Trails Caravan Company. If you're hearing this, I have a job offer for you. ... If we like your gumption, we'll pay you square and treat you fair. Find me, Jed Masterson, at the Northern Passage if you're interested. Luck to you.Happy Trails Expedition Broadcast

The northern passage is a location in the Mojave Wasteland added with the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.


Situated north of North Vegas Square and east-northeast of the Horowitz farmstead, a grave and a hollowed-out rock containing random minor loot can be found near the cave entrance. The rock has "The sun is killing me" written on it. Two banana yucca plants grow near the cave entrance. The northern passage is inaccessible, covered by a barrier of fallen rocks before Honest Hearts has been installed. Afterward, the rocks have been removed, allowing passage to Zion.

The passage's interior consists of wooden supports, hanging lanterns, and an empty crate on the left. The crate is labeled "Happy Trails Shipping Crate" and is used to store items while traveling to Zion.

The Happy Trails Caravan Company expedition members are inside the cave preparing to leave for Zion Canyon, including caravan boss Jed Masterson and hired hands Stella, Ricky, and two Happy Trails caravan guards. If Ricky is convinced or threatened to leave the expedition before going to Zion, a third caravan guard will take his place.


  • If one attempts to advance to the end of the cave and leave for Zion without the caravan, a message will appear, "You will need to travel with the Happy Trails Caravan on your first journey to Zion Valley" and it will not be possible.
  • If one attempts to attack or pickpocket the caravan members, they will not sustain any damage nor acknowledge the attempt.


The northern passage appears only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts

Behind the scenes[]

The in-game Northern passage is situated in the same geographical location as the real-world June Bug Mine, at the foot of Gass Peak, bordering the city of North Las Vegas, Nevada. The real-world Jung Bug Mine contains a municipal fallout shelter in real life.[1] However, the actual connection between the Mojave Desert and Zion National Park is northbound on Interstate 15, as likewise mentioned in the Happy Trails Expedition Broadcast.


