Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

So pointless... I really wish they could have given me some ammo or a magazine or something for my trouble. So many waste of space map markers in NV... —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Expansion Location Mayhap?[]

I've found 2 other locations along with this one that seem to be much like "The Pitt" entrance point, in other words it seems like these places would go somewhere but at the time do not, the Northern Passage and Canyon Wreckage both seem to be places that the dlc(s) will add onto, anyone else think so?-- 20:05, November 2, 2010 (UTC)

Definitely. That was my first thought when I found this cave: "Oh, it's blocked... the hell? Wait... DLC!!!" It definitely seems like it'll function like the entrance to The Pitt - taking you someplace that uses a completely different map. Canyon Wreckage, on the other hand, seems to simply block off a part of the normal world map that has yet to be developed.
Maybe somebody on PC could see about getting through that invisible wall, see if there are any half-developed cites or something? Centerflag982 01:31, November 10, 2010 (UTC)
I thought the same thing when I went to check out this location after getting Explorer. They probably planned out the DLCs better this time and decided to place some of the entrances now rather than later adding doors where they didn't exist before. There are quite a few other doors that do nothing in New Vegas although they're not marked on the map like this one is. It is odd that it's marked already though, probably just because of the grave being there. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!
It seems very likely to me that this will lead to Area 51 (or whatever it's called in the Fallout world). The Pitt (Pittsburgh, PA) is ~292km from Washington D.C. (via roadways), and Area 51 is ~200km from Las Vegas, NV (via roadways). BrenMan 94 03:28, November 16, 2010 (UTC)
Im sure youre right guys, like, they will never make a "empty" location, only with a map marker. There must be something behind this. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!
I'm using PC and never downloaded the game patch. I climbed right over the rocks and went into the cave with no issues, no cheats, no console. Inside the cave, I reach an exit, but when I try to activate the other exit (which also reads "Exit to the Mojave Desert," nothing happens. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!
There is also a boarded up train tunnel without a map marker. It may also get used. KaisarDragon 00:41, November 27, 2010 (UTC)
It could be a red herring. Unlikely, but Beth could feel like playing with our tendency to try to get into places we shouldn't (With the console, etc.) [[User:PoopskinTheLiar|PoopskinTheLiar, local retrocomputing geek]] 04:22, November 27, 2010 (UTC)

Re: Dead Money[]

I've removed the note about this being access to Dead Money, since looking at directions from New Vegas to New Canaan, it seems like it is far more likely that it will provide access to Honest Hearts. I've refrained from adding that as a note to the page, however, since I feel that would be extremely speculative. --Flower of Pock-Lips 11:21, November 30, 2010 (UTC)

The directions from Las Vegas to Ogden, UT (aka New Vegas to New Canaan) are simple: Get on I-15, follow it all the way to your destination. That simple. --Kris User Hola 13:02, November 30, 2010 (UTC)
I'm not sure what you're trying to say, I was just pointing out that New Canaan is north of Vegas, and the northern passage heads...well, north, and so it's more likely to be access for Honest Hearts than Dead Money. To be honest I'm not sure which Sierra Madre Dead Money is supposed to be set in, although it's gotta be south no matter whether it's the mountains in Mexico or the city/mountains in California. If it's California, then it would actually pass right through the Mojave Outpost, so I'd say that's the most likely access point. --Flower of Pock-Lips 16:25, November 30, 2010 (UTC)
I wasn't contradicting you, just pointing out that Google maps makes it seem more complicated than it really is. In the Fallout world, that route may be impassible, so the Northern passage might indeed be the route to take. --Kris User Hola 17:06, November 30, 2010 (UTC)


I have to point out something guys, speculation about whether or not this is an access point for future DLC really belongs here. In the discuccion, not on the Wiki. At least until it actually gets changed to an access point. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Cut content?[]

I'm just wondering why this is listed as cut content? As far as I'm aware the location still very much exists in the game, and it seems to me that it's a lot more likely to be an access point for a future DLC than an access point for a cut area. --Flower of Pock-Lips 13:57, January 2, 2011 (UTC)

Great question. Removed it. Nitty Tok. 14:13, January 2, 2011 (UTC)

got in on xbox[]

"Inside the cave is a passage lined with lanterns on both sides terminating at a door. Using the door returns the player to the Mojave Wasteland. "

That's not what I experienced. The exit at the other end says you can exit to the Mojave wasteland but clicking on it doesn't do anything. I had to go back the way I came in.

Oh, and I play on xbox, by the way, so I can't use console commands. I just fast-traveled there one time after already discovering the location when I noticed that the boulders usually obstructing the passage entrance were no longer there. Not sure how/why that happened. 07:37, January 5, 2011 (UTC)

Definitely DLC[]

Has anyone else looked at the mini map and noticed that on it is an entrance to the cave?

Yes, Honest Hearts


Surprised that no one has put any "Behind the scenes" section. The Northern Passage was a mythical thing, sought by many back in the 1600-1700s, as they believed it would be a route to China.

Just maybe.[]

Guys... I have a hunch that this is for Honest Hearts DLC coming out in a few weeks. I may be wrong though.

You do realize that Honest Hearts came out 2 months ago, right? --Kastera (talk) 21:37, September 20, 2011 (UTC)

safe storage?[]

can i leave things in the crate to get down to 100lbs and have it be there when i get back?

Definitely Felix BrehhUser talk:Felix Brehh 06:38, May 19, 2012 (UTC)