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Nope. I'm just the only ranger around. The rest of the kids here are troopers. Inexperienced, out-numbered and under-equipped.

Ranger Milo is an NCR Ranger living in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. He is found patrolling at a small NCR checkpoint tasked with locking down the road leading to Nelson and preventing legionaries from leaving or hapless travelers from entering.


Milo is an experienced Ranger normally assigned to Camp Forlorn Hope.[1][2] Milo has taken the lead on securing the road into Nelson after Dead Sea and his troops attacked it, with his repeater "Carmine"[3] and a gaggle of greenhorn Army recruits.[4] Although he has no formal authority over the troopers, he tries to help as best he can, preparing for the bid to retake Nelson. His biggest problem are the hostages crucified in the clearing in the middle of Nelson. The Legion has leverage and the advantage of terror on their side as long as they have those hostages.[5] Outnumbered and with no backup, he believes that the only way to help them is to mercifully take them all out at a distance, to deny both advantages to the Legion.[6]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

25 Strictly Business
This character is a temporary companion.
Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.
2d20 Terrifying Presence
This character has Terrifying Presence interactions.


  • Back in Your Own Backyard: Once the Courier has gotten to an NCR checkpoint, Milo will ask them for assistance if they have a good rep with the NCR, or if they pass a Speech check that varies based on the player's reputation (from 25-45).

Other interactions[]

  • He will warn the Courier of the danger up ahead, as Caesar's Legion has captured the nearby Camp Nelson (if they have a high reputation with the NCR he will let them through).
  • In dialogue with him, one can choose to identify the Courier by name, one of the rare cases in the game where the Courier's name is used.
  • Milo will joke about a "few dozen" doses of Psycho (24), claiming it would get the weepy soldiers moving down the hill to attack, but if the Courier actually has the Psycho, he will say he is impressed (granting small NCR fame) but admit he was only joking.
  • He will also respond to one's Terrifying Presence after threatening them with his suspicion on siding with the Legion if one walks into Nelson alone. This will cause him to cower in fear, disallowing future dialogue.
  • If the Courier's Intelligence is lower than 4 when first meeting Ranger Milo, he will inform them that some "Legion snakes" are held up in Nelson to which the Courier can respond, "Snakes are small. Why don't you just use a gun or whatever to shoot them." He will then call them "special folk" and explain that they are not really snakes but "like snakes."

Effects of the player's actions[]

  • Milo will remark upon the reputation the Courier currently has with the NCR when they introduce themselves. He seems to look down on the NCR troopers, considering them inferior.
  • If provoked with "I think it’s time to knock you down a peg or two, ranger," he and the troopers may be killed with minimal effect on NCR reputation.[verification overdue]



Milo says that he has named his cowboy repeater "Carmine," but in his inventory, it is just a standard repeater.


Ranger Milo appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

Milo was written by project director Joshua Sawyer.[Non-game 1]


  1. Milo: "You're always welcome around the Hope, Courier - least as far as I'm concerned."
    (NVNelsonRangerMilo.txt) Note: This greeting is spoken after the completion of the quest Back in Your Own Backyard.
  2. Milo: "Well, well. If it isn't the courier who wiped out the Legion over at Nelson. Good to see you around the Hope."
    (NVNelsonRangerMilo.txt) Note: This greeting is spoken after the completion of the quest Restoring Hope.
  3. Milo: "Me and Carmine - that's my repeater here - will do our best to cover you from this ridge. Good luck."
    (NVNelsonRangerMilo.txt) Note: This line is spoken when he is at the ridge during the quest Back in Your Own Backyard.
  4. The Courier: "What happened here?"
    Milo: "Troopers tried moving down from Forlorn Hope because we got this big gap between there and Searchlight. Turns out we were spread too thin. We took our sweet ass time setting up in Nelson and the Legion managed to hop over the Colorado and attack before things were settled."
  5. The Courier: "Don't you have the authority to command the troopers to go into the camp?"
    Milo: "I'm a ranger. They're troopers. Different branches. I don't have authority over them even though they're as green as a Super Mutant's backside. Besides, they'd probably start crying as soon as they saw the hostages get so much as a bruise. Nope, they don't got the stomach for it."
  6. The Courier: "Fine. Let's go."
    Milo: "Good. We clear out the hostages and they lose their advantage. They're down in a clearing, crucified on some telephone poles. I'll cover you from the ridge. Just make it quick. These boys should be put out of their misery, not plinked to death with some old varmint rifle. And don't get any dreamy notions about playing the hero and dragging those boys out. You'll get swarmed. Now let's go."


  1. Josh Sawyer Fallout 4 Project Mojave Mod Stream 13.11.2021 (reference starts at 1:17:12)
    Joshua Sawyer: "I wrote Ranger Milo, maybe? I don't remember him being very good, but I think I wrote him."