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This is a transcript for dialogue with Dean Domino.


FollowersAcknowledgeMyOrder FollowersAcknowledgeMyOrder Neutral 50 I hear you. 1
FollowersFired It's time for us to part ways. Neutral 50 You sure? I mean... look, you can't just tell me to walk now, you know. That's... well, not very friendly. 2
FollowersFiredNo On second thought, stick with me for a little longer. Neutral 50 {Relieved} That's a relief. {Beat, changes tone to false confidence} I-I mean, not like I care. I'm fine on my own. 3
FollowersFiredYes Yes, I'm sure. Neutral 50 I can't say it hasn't been fun... {quiet} well, I can, but I'll save it for my memoirs. 4
FollowersHired I think we should travel together. Neutral 50 Lose the second-stringer, and I'll make the time. 5
I think we should travel together. Neutral 50 Strike up the band, Domino's back in town. 6
FollowersLetsGo Let's get going. Neutral 50 Music to my ears. 7
FollowersOverburdened FollowersOverburdened Neutral 50 {Dismissive} Get a porter, carrying someone's bags - not my style. 8
FollowersStealthing FollowersStealthing Neutral 50 {Quiet, to himself} This crouching's hell on my knees. 9
FollowersTactics Let's talk about your tactics. Neutral 50 {Curious, suspicious} Tactics? What, we going to get into a shootout soon, or...? 10
FollowersTacticsCombat I want you to change your combat style. Neutral 50 Style's not something you just change, friend. 11
FollowersTacticsCombatAggressive I want you to attack enemies the moment you see them. Neutral 50 {Scoffs} Yeah, right. {Beat} Oh, you're serious. You bet. 12
FollowersTacticsCombatEND Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 {Slight irriation} Sure, let's jaw all day and all night, why not? 13
FollowersTacticsCombatGOODBYE That's all. Let's get going. Neutral 50 If that's all, let's shake a leg. 14
FollowersTacticsCombatMelee Switch to a melee weapon. Neutral 50 Boxing's not really my thing. I prefer the gentle touch... but all right, it's your show. 15
FollowersTacticsCombatPassive I want you not to attack enemies unless I've already engaged them. Neutral 50 {Relieved} All you, trust me. 16
FollowersTacticsCombatRanged I want you to use ranged weapons. Neutral 50 {Nods, totally lying} I'll be sure to cover you, don't you worry. 17
FollowersTacticsDistance Let's talk about how close you're following me. Neutral 50 You're the one who dragged me out of my apartment, so yeah, I'm keeping close. So what? 18
FollowersTacticsDistanceDefault Stay close to me. Neutral 50 {Nods} Like dancing with your shadow. 19
FollowersTacticsDistanceEND Your distance is good. Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 All right. 20
FollowersTacticsDistanceGOODBYE All right, you're good. Let's get out of here. Neutral 50 Enough gum-flapping, Madre's not getting any younger. 21
FollowersTacticsDistanceLong Keep your distance. Try to flank them. Neutral 50 {Rolls eyes} Oh, you bet. I'll flank them... might take me a while, though, so you just hold tight. 22
FollowersTacticsEnd Enough about tactics. Neutral 50 Fine. "Tactics" means "stay out of sight" around here anyway. 23
FollowersTrade Let's trade equipment. Neutral 50 {Eager} Let's deal. 24
FollowersWait Wait here. Neutral 50 {Nods, but slight worry} Don't be long. 25
GREETING GREETING Disgust 10 {Cold, menacing} So you showed. Felt the collar start kicking again as soon as the elevator doors rattled open. {<THEATER: Dean greets Player at the Theater (Hates Player opener). Dean is about to spring a trap once the convo is done: Holograms around Player>} 26
Disgust 10 Think you're going to up-stage me, here at the Sierra Madre? I don't think so. Now that I'm inside... well, I don't need you anymore. 27
GREETING Fear 10 {Calls out, a little nervous, but relieved} Finally, a friendly face... hey! Partner! Up here. {<THEATER: Dean greets Player at the Theater (Likes Player opener). Dean is hiding in the backstage, and will need the Player's help to get out.>} 28
Fear 10 {Uncomfortable, like someone standing in a mine field} In a bit of a predicament here... had to duck backstage, take a powder, the audience is a little... {frowns} murderous tonight. {Dean is hemmed in by lethal security holograms.} 29
GREETING Anger 20 {Cold, menacing} All right, you're resourceful, I'll give you that - it's going to take a lot more than juggling keys and shooting speakers to stop me. {<THEATER: Dean greets Player (Hate opener) after the Holograms are gone, and the backstage is accessible. Dean will fight player, unless persuaded>} 30
Disgust 10 As I see it? All I need to do is kill you, then make a run for the exit. You do the same, you'll be clawing at the lock until your head blows off. 31
Neutral 50 So maybe you and I should have a little chat - just like we did when you first waltzed into town. 32
GREETING Neutral 50 {Relieved} Those electric ghosts aren't the kind of audience I like at the best of times - {to himself} at least the ones in the Villa had manners. {<THEATER: Dean greets Player (Like opener) after Holograms are gone. Dean will give his safe key, and entertainer pass, to Player.>} 33
Neutral 50 {Frowns, looking around} Don't even know how I ended up here... guess the casino still recognizes guests even after all this time, huh? {Snorts} How's that for history. 34
GREETING Disgust 20 {Under his breath, relieved, after battle in the theater} Not going to be performing {emph} here again, that's for sure. This place is a dump! Lousy acoustics. {<THEATER: Dean Greet/Bye Bark, if he was dealt with peacefully.>} 35
GREETING Anger 50 {Player tries to talk in the middle of combat} Not now, we got bigger problems. 36
GREETING Neutral 50 {Just heard Elijah booming over the radio} Was that him floating above the Fountain, the boss man? The one who put these bowties on our necks? 37
Fear 10 {Uneasy} Sure does like to make a presentation... wish he'd keep it down, or else the Ghost People are going to swarm the gates, Vera Hologram or no. 38
GREETING Neutral 50 {Player hasn't talked to Dean for the first time and isn't in his seat} Have a seat, and then we'll talk. 39
GREETING Happy 10 The Sierra Madre. {Smiles, slightly amused} Mmm... beauty, isn't she. She the one who invited you here? 40
Neutral 50 Or maybe you didn't catch her voice on the radio. {"You"} Woke up, confused, like some of the others. {Pauses, shrugs} Least {emph} you're still breathing. 41
Neutral 50 {Confidentially} By the way, don't get up or make any sudden motions, no matter how uncomfortable that chair gets... the cushion's just for show. 42
GREETING Anger 10 {Doesn't like player} I'll hold up my end, don't you worry. {To himself} We get to the Sierra Madre, it'll be a different tune, trust me. 43
GREETING Anger 10 {Irritated, basically asked to be a roadie} "Hold the wires, Dean." {Beat} Talk about being a second stringer. 44
GREETING Disgust 10 {At Gala position - Studying a barren rooftop with sparking wires} So {emph} this is where I'm supposed to put on the show? {Beat, mumbling} Played better venues, let me tell you. 45
Anger 10 {Studying wiring along the roof} What's that there... wiring? Looks... {frowns} looks like it's tied to the sound system in the Villa, {looks down} except for that snipped section there. 46
Disgust 10 {Frowns} So... what, I stand here, hold the two ends in my hands, and tap them together like cymbals? 47
GREETING Neutral 50 {Dean likes the player} Didn't think much of our chances, now I'm thinking I was wrong. What's the next step? 48
GREETING Happy 10 {Dean hates the player} Well, now, if it isn't my ball, chain, and dog collar rolled all into one. 49
GREETING Neutral 50 {Dean's neutral to the player} You have that sad, questioning look in your eye. Not sure talking to me's going to make it any better. 50
NVDLC01DeanDialogueAutoDocCorridor NVDLC01DeanDialogueAutoDocCorridor Fear 50 What, you need surgery done? Let's get out of here... those speakers on the wall are making my nerves do a dance. {Player keeps going deeper into the clinic, and Dean doesn't want Christine (a victim he put here) found.} 51
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGateLock NVDLC01DeanDialogueGateLock Anger 10 {Not really happy to hear this, it's like someone left his door unlocked in a dangerous neighborhood} Oh, looks like you already forced the gate. {Beat, under his breath} Now, everybody and their mother can walk right in, thanks. 52
NVDLC01DeanDialogueInClinic NVDLC01DeanDialogueInClinic Fear 10 Watch for Hologram security, not as nice as the lady at the fountain, trust me. 53
NVDLC01DeanDialogueMedicalDistrict NVDLC01DeanDialogueMedicalDistrict Surprise 10 {Confused} What are we doing here? {Sarcastic} We're not going to find a doctor on call at this hour, trust me. {Player has entered the medical district. Confusion, then uneasy sarcasm.} 54
NVDLC01DeanDialogueMedicalDistrict Fear 10 {Uneasy, not because of ghosts, but finding his victim, Christine} Place is haunted, got ghosts walking in it. 55
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic000 Are you going to give me the key or not? Fear 50 {Paranoia sets in} Look... I give you this key, and there's nothing to keep you from just killing me and running. And as I see it... 56
Neutral 50 {Quiet resolution} ...I just gave up my ace in the hole. So... the only chance I've got left is making sure you don't leave. 57
Neutral 50 And there's no way in hell I'm letting you get to the Sierra Madre vault instead of me. Not after all this time. 58
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic002 Come on, Dean, turning me to ash? Hardly the way to end a beautiful partnership. Neutral 50 It's a shame... I regret it. Still, you dames are all the same - things get a little hot, you get cold feet. That's why I'm still alive. You? Well... 59
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic003 Know anything about this Gala Event we're supposed to trigger? Neutral 50 {Chewing it over} Supposed to be the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Lot of lights, music, the works. 60
Neutral 50 {Slowly} And he's going to use the Gala Event... to open the casino? But... {Thinking} that's... interesting. 61
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic005 I found this Holotape in your safe. Disgust 20 {Disdainful} You don't just stop robbing casinos, do you? What's that tape... oh, the one with Sinclair's woman, Vera. 62
Disgust 20 {Disdainful} What about it? You want me to give you a standing ovation? 63
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic006 {Hates PC}That's all I wanted to know. Ready to die? Anger 20 Always asking questions when you should be shooting. You're a piece of work, I'll give you that. 64
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic007 I need you to stay here and fire off the Gala Event. Neutral 50 Unless you get some Hologram guards lit up in the courtyard below? No dice. 65
I need you to stay here and fire off the Gala Event. Surprise 10 {Like told to wait in a DMZ} Whoa, whoa, whoa... in the middle of town here? Alone? On a {emph} rooftop, with a big lightshow in the air? {<Dean doesn't want to stay in a DMZ with zombies all around.>} 66
Neutral 50 {Sarcastic} Tell you what - why don't you just find one of those Cosmic steak knives so I can slit my wrists, be less {emph} painful checking out that way. 67
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic008 Vera Hologram? You know the holographic woman? Anger 10 Yeah - don't you? Or... {Frowns} guess Vera Keyes got lost along with the rest of the holo-archives when the bomb hit, huh? 68
Neutral 50 {Little wistful} Ghost in name and image. Still a looker, though. {Quiet} Got to hand it to Sinclair, sure can pick 'em. Well, or get picked. Whichever. 69
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic009 You're not a betting man, which means I'm betting you have the key to the exit on you. Fear 10 [SUCCEEDED] {Bluffing, slightly uneasy} Lucky guess... you sure about that? Because if you make a mistake... well, Sierra Madre's got us both. 70
I bet I can figure out how to unlock the exit without you. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Yeah, you're a gambler. Me, I don't take chances. Trust me, only {emph} one of us has a sure out. 71
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic010 {THEATER: Player has rescued Dean}Are you all right? Neutral 50 {Relieved} Yeah, now. Talk about a captive audience. {Frowns, thinking it over} Or captive entertainer? Eh - whatever. {<Dean gives key to his safe - where supplies, and Vera's Holotape are found. He also gives the Entertainer Pass, to open Theater up. Thanks.>} 72
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic011 What are you talking about? Neutral 50 Might be a bit rude, but that chair you're sitting in - it's got a shaped charge in the seat cushion. 73
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic013 Better be a shaped charge, or you're going to kill both of us. Happy 20 [SUCCEEDED] {Impressed} Sounds like you've done some blue collar construction work in your life, your Ma must be proud. Still... 74
The chair's... an explosive? But... Disgust 10 [FAILED] "Butt" is right. That heart-shaped charge in the stuffing will cause just the right amount of bleeding. 75
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic014 Hnh? Anger 10 {Frowns} Great, a moron - just what I need. {Beat} Look? That seat you're sitting in? It's a {emph} bomb. Go boom. 76
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic015 <Storage Blue Node. Do not translate.> Anger 50 Get up without my permission, I'll blast your ass so far through your head, it'll turn the moon cherry pie red. 77
Anger 20 So - let's keep this sweet and polite, and finish our conversation with no misunderstandings. 78
<Storage Blue Node. Do not translate.> Anger 10 Just because I work in entertainment, doesn't mean I'm a moron. 79
<Storage Blue Node. Do not translate.> Neutral 50 I heard my necktie beeping, I know what that means - I'm part of this somehow. I want out of this contract. 80
Anger 10 {Colder} And if you put me in it, I'm not going to be too happy. So whatever's going on here, if you're part of all this? You're taking orders from me. 81
<Storage Blue Node. Do not translate.> Neutral 50 {Talking level with the player, relieved to be saved} I'm not an idiot. I know the reason I'm in here now is because of the old guy - and you. 82
Disgust 10 {Rueful} And {emph} you're wearing a collar, so I trust you a {emph} little more than the old guy. {Beat, throw this line away} He's more controlling than I'd like. 83
Neutral 50 {Whispering} Thing is, here's where being my {emph} partner pays off. See, I know how to get into the casino vault. 84
<Storage Blue Node. Do not translate.> Neutral 50 So here's the short of it - piece together Little Miss Vera Keyes' song in the right order? {Beat, spreads hands} Sierra Madre opens its legs, we're in business. 85
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic016 I'll save my questions for the end - please, go on. Happy 10 [SUCCEEDED] {Pleased} And that's what I've missed - a rapt audience. 86
Uh... you... probably want to hear my side of things. Anger 10 [FAILED] You don't listen too good, do you? {Colder} Makes me think whatever you have to say isn't worth my time. 87
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic017 Look - I need your help to get into the Sierra Madre. Anger 20 {Irritated, bad side starts coming out} Oh, of course you do. Now, it's like we're married with these big wedding rings around our necks. 88
Anger 10 So why don't you hear {emph} my proposal first, before you start talking about what {emph} you need. 89
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic020 Misund...? Ummm. Disgust 10 Christ, if that collar blows, I don't know if you'd know the difference, you'd probably still keep walking around with that dumb, blank look. 90
Disgust 10 {Different than other one - speaking to an idiot, so emphasis is different} Just because I work in entertainment, doesn't mean {emph} I'm a moron. 91
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic021 I'll cooperate. What do you want? Happy 20 {Slightly friendlier, let's-make-a-deal} Good, good - then we're in business. I may be a betting man, but I like it when the odds are in our favor. 92
Neutral 50 If you're here with who I think, then I'd rather have you on my side than his. An... ace in the hole. 93
Neutral 50 You want to live, I want what's in the Madre. Real simple. 94
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic022 No, based on your response, I'm sure of it. Fear 10 All right, all right... look, I'll hand it over, I promise. No need to get all upset. We can both come out ahead in this. 95
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic024 I'm positive you have it. Now, I'll just kill you and take it. Disgust 20 {Flustered} What? Hey, hey... now... w-wait... I... {angered} ah, forget it. Time for the hard way. {<THEATER: Dean curses Player, getting ready to fight to the death>} 96
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic025 I think she was sick, yes. Found a medical report in her Suite. Anger 10 {Frowns} What are you talking about? Medical report? Vera wasn't... 97
Surprise 10 {Thinking} ...the Med-X and Superstims. And here I thought she was trying to numb herself to the lights. 98
Neutral 50 Sinclair must have known, though. He was dense, not in that way. But... that doesn't make any sense. If she was sick, dying... 99
Surprise 20 ...then why build this place? Why start a damn casino and have her be the lock? 100
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic026 Why did you need her? Neutral 50 Because she could get closer to Sinclair than I ever could. He built this place for her... well, after the two "chanced" to meet. 101
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic027 I'm not sure. Neutral 50 That's... hmm. Never mind, doesn't change anything. The Sierra Madre's still waiting for us to crack it open. 102
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic028 Are you really that stupid? Neutral 50 I waited an entire lifetime! Sitting in that Villa, watching it all fall apart - Sinclair's Sierra Madre towering over everything? Untouched?! 103
Anger 10 Then you show up, thinking you can just take it all from me, you and the old man running the show? I {emph} planned all this, I {emph} made it all happen, not you! 104
Neutral 50 Sure, yeah, I have the key on me. I made other keys, too, to unlock the casino and ruin Sinclair, finally. After all these years... 105
Anger 10 No... now... now I think ruining you and all your plans would be enough for me. Kill me, I still win, you're never getting in the vault. 106
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic029 Have other people shown up in search of the Sierra Madre? Neutral 50 Tourists, you bet. They don't stay long... and they don't stay alive long. 107
Neutral 50 If they survive the Cloud, the Ghost People, the traps, then greed takes over, and they start sizing each other up for funeral suits. 108
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic031 Is anyone else alive around here? Fear 10 {Choosing his words carefully, the locals are, well, zombies} "Alive's" a tricky word. The locals, the Ghost People? Not sure it applies to them. 109
Neutral 50 They're a little... uncivilized. They don't talk much. As in, at all. 110
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic033 That's the plan. Are you going to be able to do it safely? Neutral 50 {Skeptical} Well... "safely?" Around here, that word doesn't come cheap. 111
That's the plan. Are you going to be able to do it safely? Disgust 50 Safely? What, after your sweet-and-ruthless talk when we first met, now you care about my safety? Right. 112
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic034 I could just jab both wires into you, close the circuit that way. Surprise 20 Really? You don't strike me as the type, especially after our little "how can I cooperate" chat at my home. 113
I could just jab both wires into you, close the circuit that way. Neutral 50 Real funny. {Beat} Although you know, after your "collar talk" in the Residential area, I believe you. 114
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic035 If re-connecting the speakers is part of the Gala Event, yes. Fear 10 Look... I strike up the speaker system, there's going to be ghosts all over this place. Any change in the sounds around here... 115
Fear 10 ...the Ghost People are not big on talking, they are big on listening. Hunting. Killing. More vicious than music critics, trust me. 116
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic036 Look, I need you to stay here and do it. Surprise 10 {Like told to wait in a DMZ} In the middle of town here? Alone? On a {emph} rooftop, with a big lightshow in the air? {<Dean doesn't want to stay in a DMZ with zombies all around.>} 117
Disgust 10 {Sarcastic} Tell you what - why don't you just give me one of those Space Age Cosmic Knives so I can slit my wrists, be less {emph} painful checking out that way. 118
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic037 I'm not going to help you. Neutral 50 That so? 119
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic038 Have you tried to deal with them? Neutral 50 Tried talking to them, bribing them, leaving food - nothing. In the years since, they haven't changed their approach, but I sure have. 120
Fear 10 They catch you, they drag you into the Cloud, and you're not coming back out. {To himself} After that, having your necktie go off would be mercy. 121
Neutral 50 My advice? Stay out of their way, they don't die easy. 122
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic039 Our collars... these "neckties" are linked. I die, you die. Anger 50 That's an interesting clause. {Frowns} That's a real bad contract you have. We have. 123
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic040 Your negotiation skills assume you're bargaining from a position of strength. Anger 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Frowns, suspicious} What are you talking about? 124
Uh... look, maybe we can make some sort of... deal, you and me. Anger 10 [FAILED] The hand's been dealt, {emph} that's the deal. You going along with my terms, or do you want your brains to be wallpaper? 125
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic042 Either deal with me as an equal, or I walk. Anger 10 Just like all the rest. Strolling in here, thinking you own the place. I've been here longer than {emph} any of you tourists. 126
Disgust 10 Trust me, I'm letting you off easier than the Sierra Madre ever would. Nobody's going to miss you... whoever you are, you're old news. 127
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic046 It's starting to make sense, now that I've met you. Happy 50 {Laughs} All right, all right... looks like marriage finally caught me. 128
Happy 20 I'm listening... partner. What's next, if we're death-til-we-part? 129
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic047 What weapons are you skilled with? Neutral 50 Not one for fighting if we can avoid it. Still, wasn't bad at the pistol range and over the years, I've learned how to handle a knife... 130
Sad 10 {Little quieter} ...and explosives a bit. A bit. {To himself} Made a lot of mistakes along the way. Still have my fingers, though. 131
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic048 Meet at the Fountain, and we'll hear what the next step is. Neutral 50 Not leaving me much choice. The Fountain, huh? {Beat} Hope the Hologram's still working and the battery's running strong. 132
Neutral 50 I'll follow you, I'm not going alone, trust me. Not like I'm a coward or anything, I'm not running around town without an escort. 133
Neutral 50 I'm serious. One of the locals catches us, we aren't coming back - and I'd like to keep an eye on you. 134
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic049 How tough are they? Neutral 50 You shoot them, they get back up. You stab them, they get back up. 135
Disgust 20 That's why I have explosives all over this place - unless you blow them up, chop them up, disintegrate 'em, {shakes head} the Ghost People don't go down. 136
Neutral 50 Not enough bullets in the town to spend on them. So unless you're a real good shot, save one for yourself right before they catch you. 137
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic050 I'm a fair shot. One shot, one kill is how I handle problems. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Studying player} Well... you seem like you know how to handle yourself. All right. 138
Happy 20 Once, I fired a lucky shot, hit a gas tank one was holding. Blew his arm off at the shoulder... and he didn't get back up after that. 139
Neutral 50 So if you're {emph} that good, don't aim for the head - aim for their bombs. And if you can wait until his buddies are close by, even better. 140
I'm not a bad shot. I could probably kill one. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Yeah, well, "probably" is something a gambler says, not a survivor. I'd keep your pistol where it belongs - in the holster. 141
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic052 Where did they come from? Neutral 50 {Slight exasperation, as if he's thought about this a lot, then tries to recall Hamlet quote} Friend... "there's more mysteries in heaven and earth..." wait, no, "there is more between heaven and earth..." oh, forget it. 142
Disgust 20 I'd sooner ask what makes me an undying son of a bitch than spend any thought as to why {emph} they crawled to life here. 143
Neutral 50 I'm counting myself lucky I still have my faculties - they sure don't. Then again, they may not have had the... focus I do. 144
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic053 I think you can manage walking there without me. Now get going. Fear 10 Wait, wait... wait just a minute. I'm not walking out there on my own. 145
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic055 Focus? Neutral 50 Always had the Sierra Madre to keep my mind occupied. 146
Neutral 50 Most folks, they don't have the same drive, the same need. Not worth my time. Pretty much Ghost People before the Bomb, now Ghost People after. 147
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic057 Any reason you can't find your way there? Neutral 50 I know what's out there. It's why I've planted a mine field, shotguns, and explosives all the way on the road to my little boudoir here. 148
Neutral 50 So we go together, or we're not going at all. I'll split my hand in Blackjack when the time's right, I'm not splitting up in this town, trust me. 149
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic058 Fine. Get up and follow me. Neutral 50 All right... partner. 150
Fine. Get up and follow me. Neutral 50 All right, all right... but you already got company, so tell you what - I'll meet you at the Fountain. 151
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic059 Well, if I can get here, others will be, soon enough. Fountain's the safest place. Neutral 50 That's... a good point. All right, let me grab some smokes, and I'll meet you at the Fountain. 152
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic060 {Opener}I had questions I wanted to ask. Neutral 50 All right, keep it short, we don't have a lot of time. 153
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic061 {After asking 1 Q}I had other questions. Disgust 20 {Slight irritation} Of course you do. Let's hear 'em. 154
{After asking 1 Q}I had other questions. Neutral 50 It's your time, and if you want to spend it chatting, not much I can do about it. 155
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic062 Is there anything else about them I should know? Fear 10 {Dean gets deadly serious here, his fear should foreshadow end of Act 2} Whatever we do - don't rile them up. Normally, there's only a few, maybe a pack. There's more out there, a lot more. 156
Fear 20 If they find out someone's trespassing, it'd be shaking a hornet's nest. Don't want to think how many of them could fill these streets. 157
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic063 What are the Vending Machines all over town? Neutral 50 Those little company stores? Sinclair's toy boxes, put in a casino chip, get a treat, {angry at self} like you're some dog doing tricks. 158
Neutral 50 Take any of the casino chips, put 'em into the machine, and you'll get something out - a snack, a cola, something to mend a tear in your shirt. 159
Neutral 50 Sometimes you have to know exactly what to ask for, other times, there's codes for... eh, unconventional items. For emergencies. 160
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic064 I've never seen machines like those before. Disgust 10 {Took vending machines for granted, realizes player may not} Yeah, well, machines like those weren't unusual before the Bomb. Maybe to you, they're amazing, to me, they're grifters without the personality. 161
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic065 Grifters? Disgust 5 Sinclair made sure if you spent money here, it went {emph} one direction - although that's not how {emph} he described it. 162
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic066 How did he describe it? Disgust 10 Called it "self-sufficient." Like he was doing the residents a favor. Right. 163
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic067 What other items can you get out of the machines? Neutral 50 If it's an emergency, you can get chems for any... uh... condition. Sinclair left that for doctors and trained professionals, not the common folk. 164
Neutral 50 Even security and maintenance could get special supplies out of them. Staff had codes on little cards they could use to unlock them. 165
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic068 Where can I find these cards? Neutral 50 Around. Don't have much use for them myself, not worth the risk to get them. 166
Neutral 50 I got all the basics covered, as long as I have the chips to pay for them. I don't need much. 167
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic069 Tell me about the Cloud. Neutral 50 The Cloud? Showed up after the Bomb. {Frowns} I think. I got used to it in small doses. Now, it covers the city. 168
Sad 10 {Slightly sad for a moment} Over the years, it kept climbing up out of the Sierra Madre, until it was curtains for the sun. Didn't see the sky again. 169
Neutral 50 Doesn't seem to bother the Ghost People. Can't see through it too well, though, so sometimes I can use the Cloud for cover... if I get desperate. 170
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic070 What can you tell me about the Villa and the town? Neutral 50 Residential area, clinic, police station - should keep away from the police station, it's a Ghost People hangout. 171
Anger 10 Salida del Sol, Puesta del Sol are East Town, West Town. "Sunrise" and "Sunset." {To himself, irritated} Or were when the streets and sky weren't covered with toxic gas. 172
Fear 10 Ghost People don't come into the Villa much. West Town and East Town, though... they're thick with the Cloud {emph} and Ghost People. Like hunting grounds. 173
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic071 {THEATER: 1st Time, Hates player}Don't act stupid. Let's get out of here. Anger 50 {Slightly defensive, angry, echoing player's "stupid" accusation} Stupid? No, playing it smart. {Emph} You're the dumb one, waltzing in here without realizing who the headliner is. {<Dean bids farewell to the Player. The trap springs, and he retreats to the stage's scaffolding/hallways to avoid harm - Holograms are on>} 174
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic072 {THEATER: Dean fight}This is where it ends, Dean, give up. Disgust 20 I can take a chump like you even if I didn't have eight lives lined up behind me, and a rising soundtrack. So put your dancing shoes on - let's go. {<THEATER: Dean curses Player, getting ready to fight to the death>} 175
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic073 {THEATER: 1st Time, Likes player}How did you get up there? Fear 10 {Slight nervous} No idea... woke up here, thought I was dreaming for a second... right back on stage, the mic... {Thinking about to the show days...} 176
Neutral 50 Thought I was back at the Fronds... {to himself} well, except no audience, used to pack theaters back then... so stepped up on the stage, check things out... 177
Fear 10 Then suddenly Holograms walked out of the wings... and they started raising their hands to their heads all creepy-like, {emph} not a good sign. 178
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic074 According to the marker, you're slated for a spot in Puesta del Sol. Neutral 50 No... looks like a {emph} rooftop in Puesta del Sol. In better days, nice view. Now? It's the last place anyone wants to stand when this event goes off. {Correcting player, then takes a breath - this isn't good news.} 179
Neutral 50 That place during Spring, Summer, and Fall, a little bit in Winter, is a prime resort spot for Ghost People. Not the best of neighborhoods. 180
Fear 10 If we're going there, I'm not going alone. And if you have any bright ideas about telling me to stroll over there - or leave me there? No thanks. 181
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic075 {THEATER: 1st Time, Hates player}If you think you can take me, come down and try it. Neutral 50 No... no, no... I'm not leaving this spot. Why dirty my hands when the Sierra Madre can kill you for me? 182
{THEATER: 1st Time, Hates player}If you think you can take me, come down and try it. Happy 10 {Smug, a little eager} Time for a little show - I'll just grab a seat and watch how this plays out from backstage. Security can handle it from here. {<Dean bids farewell to the Player. The trap springs, and he retreats to the stage's scaffolding/hallways to avoid harm - Holograms are on>} 183
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic078 {THEATER: Player has rescued Dean}Yeah, lucky us. Love getting shot at by Pre-War ghosts. Neutral 50 Look, I'm more about the short goodbyes than long thankful speeches... {sincere} but I appreciate you bailing me out of a tight spot there - partner. 184
Neutral 50 I know you didn't do it out of the goodness of your heart. So let me give you something a little more practical - a way we both come out ahead. 185
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic079 {THEATER: Player has rescued Dean}Don't have time for the song and dance, Dean. Neutral 50 I know you didn't do it out of the goodness of your heart. So... instead of empty words and a flourish, let me give you something more useful. 186
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic081 {THEATER: Dean fight}So, what, you're going to risk blowing off your own head to kill me? Disgust 20 {Smug, confident} No, I'm not. {emph} I'll get out in time - you won't. {Already planning ahead, as if free and clear already} Once I kill you, exit stage left, and my collar will go quiet. 187
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic082 {THEATER: 1st Time, Hates player}So, stabbing me in the back for the Sierra Madre? Surprise 10 {Incredulous} You think {emph} I'm the bad guy here? I'm not the one slapping bomb collars on innocent folks and flicking the switch. {<Dean bids farewell to the Player. The trap springs, and he retreats to the stage's scaffolding/hallways to avoid harm - Holograms are on>} 188
Disgust 20 {Sing-song, then disdainful in second half} And I'm not stabbing you in the back. I was facing you all the time. This heist? I planned it lifetimes ago. You and that old man? Tourists. 189
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic083 Any idea why he wants you there? Neutral 50 Partner, I'm not sure this guy's operating with a full deck. My bet? Process of elimination, lowest common denominator. 190
Neutral 50 He figures the "Strong Man"'s needed somewhere, {to himself} even if it sounds like the Strong Man's {emph} two minds about it. {Two minds b/c Dog (Strong Man) has multiple personalities.} 191
Neutral 50 Plus, I'm guessing wherever ol' Doggy Boy's needed doesn't need smarts. {Beat, to himself} I hope not, or we're royally jones'd. 192
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic084 What do you mean? Happy 10 {Confiding, superior} There's a private elevator, Sinclair's elevator. It's up in the Executive Suites, in Vera's room. {Beat, emph} Not a coincidence. 193
Neutral 50 Vera. {Reluctant, quiet} She was... my other partner, before the Bomb. {Quieter} Took some legwork. Some convincing, made it happen. 194
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic085 Tell me. The short version. Neutral 50 Elevator's up in the Executive Suites. Voice-activated. Speak the right phrase, in the right tone of voice, and it's open sesame. 195
Neutral 50 I was able to snag the voice, {beat downnote} or thought I had. {Normal tone} The right tone and phrasing... well, that may take some time. 196
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic086 Voice? Disgust 10 Yeah, the woman, the Starlet, Vera - her voice. {Grumbles to himself} Didn't realize there was so many holotapes of her still around, otherwise... eh, never mind. 197
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic087 So you don't know the phrase? Neutral 50 {Thinking} No, that I still had to figure out - still do. Sinclair wrote stuff down, was obsessive about it. Just got to find where. 198
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic088 {Likes PC}All right, I'll head out and see what I can do on my end. Neutral 50 Go knock yourself out. I'm just going to catch my breath a bit. That performance... well, more pressure than I was expecting. 199
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic089 Security? What security? Neutral 50 Didn't see anyone come in? Well... they'll be here soon. 200
Security? What security? Happy 10 And go on, run for the exit door, this'll be fun to watch. 201
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic090 How so? Disgust 20 Sinclair was already puppy-eyed, so all I had to do was the introductions. {Disgusted} She smiled, fluttered her eyes, showed a little leg... 202
Disgust 20 {A little colder, disgust chilling} ...and he built this whole place for her. Made {emph} her the key to his vault, like a joke, cause of her name. {Draw this out} Her fake Hollywood name. {Bitter.} 203
Anger 20 {Malicious, implying "been" = sex} Except Sinclair didn't know I'd been there first. I could twist her whatever direction I wanted. 204
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic092 Go on. Happy 10 All she had to do was get inside the Sierra Madre for the Gala, then use her voice to open the door. {Smiles} After that... smooth sailing. 205
Happy 10 {Gleeful, slight malicious} Would have been the biggest heist in history. Sinclair left holding the bag. Ruined. 206
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic093 So what happened? Neutral 50 {Quiet, reflective} The Bomb. Vera got sealed in here. {Throwaway} A few hundred years go by, give-or-take. {Emph} Almost the end of the story - then you came along. 207
Happy 10 {Rallying} Now we finish the job. Rob the Sierra Madre, rip out its heart. Last chapter of Frederick Sinclair, close the book. 208
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic094 What was your problem with Sinclair? Surprise 20 {Slight surprise, hasn't given a lot of thought to this in a long time} Problem? All high-and-mighty. Lording it over everyone. Acting so self-righteous, like nothing could touch him. He was the one with the problem. 209
Sad 10 {Colder, losing himself} Never got mad at anything. Nothing seemed to shake him. Even after... his life kept getting dragged through the dirt. 210
Sad 10 {Cold, staring into the distance} Always kept looking for the bright, shining future in everything. So... I decided to take everything from him. 211
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic095 But what did he do to you? Anger 50 Do to me? {Frowns} What, weren't you listening? He thought he was {emph} better than me. Don't believe me? Look around. 212
Anger 25 This big casino, this big colossal monument - think it was for some woman? No, all ego, all self-righteous-in-lights, fit him perfect. 213
Anger 10 Had to take him down a few pegs, bring him down to my level. "Begin again?" Some things you don't get up from... I was going to prove it. 214
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic096 Forget Sinclair. If Vera was the key, she's dead. Disgust 10 {Mocking, he's echoing one of his songs} I only saw her yesterday. Well, a few yesterdays. 215
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic098 So you're going to prove it now? How? Neutral 50 I didn't know at first. Then the old man showed up. You showed up. Then... that woman showed up, covered in scars. 216
So you're going to prove it now? How? Neutral 50 The one who makes all the hand signs, a little tight around the corners of her mouth. 217
Neutral 50 I put her in the Clinic, tuned her like an instrument. If she heals up, it's not going to be her voice speaking any more. 218
Sad 10 That is, if the Sierra Madre didn't get her. If it did... well, there's enough of Vera around for me to spend a few years piecing a book together. 219
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic099 And if she is alive? Neutral 50 Then she can make some beautiful music. I'm not banking on it. 220
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic105 I found one of your stashes. Why did you leave them around the Villa? Neutral 50 Why? Survival. I still needed to leave the Residential Area to scrounge up supplies, and I don't like taking chances. 221
Neutral 50 The Villa's dangerous. So I left weapons and stims in case I got in a tight spot. {Grumbling} Then, of course, {emph} you show up, putting your mitts on everything. 222
Neutral 50 I suppose this qualifies as an emergency, so I'm not complaining. Much. 223
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic106 Scrounge supplies? Like what? Neutral 50 {Defensive} I still need to eat. At least I think I do. The Villa provides... even if it's not as glamorous as the Cantina Madrid. 224
Neutral 50 Once I... well, realized what you could scrounge up around here, I had a lot of time to experiment. Not the best chef, but... 225
Neutral 50 ...well, here's the mix, if you can stomach it. {Rueful} I call it a "Sierra Madre Martini." 226
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic107 I'm not going to let any harm come to you, all right? Neutral 50 {Reluctant} No... you're not the type, but accidents happen, good intentions or no. 227
I'm not going to let any harm come to you, all right? Surprise 20 Really? That wasn't the "we're both bomb-married" talk you gave me when we first met. 228
I'm not going to let any harm come to you, all right? Neutral 50 Look, you could offer me a steel clad contract for a world tour of all major cities with Imperial Records, I still wouldn't stay here. 229
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic108 {THEATER: 1st Time, Likes player}How did you get from the Gala Event to here? Neutral 50 {Sounds like dupe of another line, isn't, this one's friendlier, more confused} I was already was halfway off the rooftop, through the service tunnel and making a break for the gate before the light show started... 230
Neutral 50 ...and before Vera finished her Gala speech... I knew what'd happen with "music" in the streets and lights in the sky... Ghost People. Lots of them. 231
Neutral 50 Also meant the front gate was open, and no way was I missing it after all these years. Then... I walk in... and... 232
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic109 How do you make it? Neutral 50 Scrape some Cloud Residue off the walls, mash it in a Tin Can with some Junk Food from the machines, then hold your nose and down it. 233
Neutral 50 There's Electric Hot Plates around if you can't find a campfire to mix it at. Also, there's other recipes you can do with the Cloud Residue... 234
Neutral 50 ...although it might take a hardier survivalist than me to brew them. I stick to martinis. 235
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic111 <Lie> Dean, I wouldn't leave you here, I swear. Disgust 10 {Disdainful} Sure, nice words, nice promises... not worth a dime out here in the shadow of the Sierra Madre. {Not buying the offer.} 236
Anger 10 You say you wouldn't leave me here, I know better. {Low threat} And you leave me here, this Gala Event isn't going to happen, I can feel it. 237
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic112 What about Christine? Neutral 50 Christine, that her name? Nice name. I mean, you can't see it on posters, but... never mind. 238
Neutral 50 I don't know. She might need to hold some place where speaking isn't important. Like stage tech? Lighting? Got me. 239
What about Christine? Neutral 50 And me? I've had prime billing in Europe, New York... and this gig doesn't feel like that. 240
Neutral 50 Don't get me wrong, I can hold an audience, conduct a score from the rooftops, but I'm guessing I'm the odd man out in this whole heist. 241
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic113 And the woman? The Auto-Doc victim - what about her? Neutral 50 Little Miss Silence...? Maybe she needs to be in some place where she can be seen, but being heard isn't important? 242
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic114 Why... it sure is interesting. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Yeah... maybe the drain in power, that'll cause the security systems to shut down enough to let us in. But... getting back out? 243
Neutral 50 No, the place'll close up tighter than an opening at the Fronds. {To himself} Or Danny Parker's sphincter when he has to tip a doorman. {Fronds = Old World casino, Danny Parker = Old World entertainer that Domino didn't like too much.} 244
Interesting? Interesting how? Neutral 50 [FAILED] Interesting... in the sense that having some light show open the Sierra Madre? Interesting to me, who would have thought? {Whoops, almost revealed too much, backpedaling a bit here before the player finds him out.} 245
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic115 What happens during the Gala Event? Neutral 50 Oh, it'll light up the casino, light up the sky... set the speakers in the Villa to play beautiful, soothing music. {Oh, sure, it'll be all sweetness and roses...} 246
Neutral 50 ...and when I say soothing music, I mean with the speakers being the state they are, things'll be screaming, all right. Think air raid sirens. {...if by roses, you mean Venus flytraps.} 247
Neutral 50 That means it'll wake up everything in town like a hornet's nest. Not sure what a hornet is? Forget it - basically, trouble. 248
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic117 Can you tell me about her? Neutral 50 Vera was a big star, back before the Bomb. Not the best actress, but... well, she had other talents. Nice voice, nice legs. 249
Neutral 50 For some reason, Sinclair... he built this place... she caught his eye. {Shrugs} Once he was hooked, that was it, had to have her. 250
Neutral 50 So made the introductions, and guess what? He builds this place for her, like some kind of Cleopatra obsession. {Beat, looks around} Wasn't always a deathtrap. 251
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic118 Introductions? You knew her before? Neutral 50 Of course. What, some kind of surprise to you that I knew people once? Used to have my name in lights, all right? 252
Neutral 50 Knew a dozen Veras, or whatever her name was. Uh... "Vera Keyes." Figured I could pay Sinclair back, introduce the two... 253
Neutral 50 {To himself} ...guy was a slouch in the dame department, had to pick up the slack somehow. 254
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic120 I found some medical records in the Villa Clinic. You brought her in for treatment, right? Surprise 10 {Slight surprise} The Clinic? {Beat, a little wary} Yeah, I did bring her in. Before the Gala... well, before the first Gala Event. A few lifetimes ago. {Dean's initially worried he's been "caught" at the opening of this thread, then recovers, tries to dismiss it.} 255
Neutral 50 She was a stress case, throat was shot, all nerves. When she wasn't doped up on Med-X or Superstimming her pain away... 256
Neutral 50 ...look, never mind. I don't want to speak bad about her. She was a classy woman, good singer, and if she couldn't act her way out of a box... 257
Neutral 50 ...she was Sinclair's world, and that's all that mattered. He didn't need to know any of that, any of her history. 258
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic121 So the visitors all killed each other? Neutral 50 Sure. First, they figure they can get out, escape. {Beat, slow, emph} Then they start thinking it over, start thinking about how they can have it all. 259
Neutral 50 They start weighing the odds, taking risks... and then taking each other out. Bomb collars or not. 260
Neutral 50 Although... it's odd, the bomb collars weren't linked before like they are now. Guess someone learned what the problem was. 261
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic122 What happened to the people who came to the Villa? Neutral 50 Dead. Either got killed by one of the Villa's attractions, locals, or the beautiful weather. 262
Neutral 50 Can tell you right now - they didn't stick close to each other, and when they did, they let down their guard at the wrong moment. 263
Neutral 50 Some left signposts to others, trying to help them out - just led to them getting killed by someone a little more greedy than they were. 264
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic123 Any advice to getting through this? Neutral 50 Well... considering my life's on the line, too, yeah, a few things. 265
Neutral 50 First off, keep everyone together. Keep checking behind you, make sure your partners are following... {emph} don't let them wander. 266
Neutral 50 Also, don't go running crazy everywhere. Almost every inch of this town is lethal. So if you're not sure, take it real slow. 267
Neutral 50 And speaking of slow, don't go shouting, or attracting attention. Go quiet. The Ghost People find you, it's over. 268
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic124 The Gala Event's tied into the casino's generators? Anger 10 {Frowns, remembers player doesn't know this} Right, look - so, not everything about the Villa was the pinnacle of bright ideas. 269
Neutral 50 In order to pull off the Gala, old Sinclair had to get creative... the Sierra Madre announcement, for example. Not just for the casino, not at all. 270
Neutral 50 The Gala's tied to the casino, draws on its power. Might cause it to reset itself, open the doors for a bit like it was supposed to. 271
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic127 What do you mean about the Sierra Madre broadcast? Neutral 50 Well, Vera's beautiful voice doesn't run on casino power, exactly. Her broadcast is tied into the emergency broadcast signal for the Sierra Madre. 272
Neutral 50 You know, in case of attack? Well, guess what - the night of the Gala Event, the emergency signal went out all right. 273
Neutral 50 But because the broadcast had been hooked up to the Gala Event, instead of an emergency signal, you get Vera's voice on the radio. Great, huh? 274
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic128 So... it's not an invitation, it's a call for help. Sad 20 Yeah. The Sierra Madre's last song, one only a few people are ever going to hear. A little sad, but what can you do? 275
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic131 I'm not following you. Neutral 50 Odd Man out... dead weight. Someone you need holding the toolbox, the nurse passing the scalpel, the chauffer driving you to the concert. 276
Neutral 50 Any guy with {emph} hands is who he needs up on that rooftop. Guess he thinks I don't rate, looking like I do. {Beat} Poor him. 277
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic132 Wait, what Holograms? What are you talking about? Fear 10 {Uneasy} Look... those ghosts are going to come out of the wings behind you in a second, the security types, {emph} not the "friendly" bald types. 278
Neutral 50 And if you got in here, the door's probably locked tight behind you - so {emph} don't back up or run for the exit, you're not going to make it. 279
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic134 So how do I get you out of there? Neutral 50 Trust me - as soon as you can, run to the door to the {emph} left - use the key you got out of the music rag there, and camp out. 280
Neutral 50 As bad as things are, it's going to get a lot worse if either of us pops - so get backstage... {under his breath} until we get a better plan. 281
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic135 All right, I'll break to my right, head for the locked door. Neutral 50 {DUPE} Good, go, and don't get yourself killed - do that, and we're both done. 282
All right, I'll head for the door on the left. Neutral 50 Good, go, and don't get yourself killed - do that, and we're both done. 283
All right, I'll head for the door on the left. Fear 10 {Nervous} Look... just get rid of them, all right? Tried to slip off stage, then they all started changing color and raising their hands... {emph} not a good sign. {<Dean pleads to be rescued from the Theater's Holograms. He vanishes into the stage's scaffolding/hallways to hide away from them - Holograms are on>} 284
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic136 I need a little more than that to go on if we're going to break out of here. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Uh... right. Uh... let's see... when you get the door open, there'll be an exit door dead ahead. {Emph} Don't take it. 285
Neutral 50 It's most likely filled with toxins from the vents. So hug the wall, make as much space between you and the door... or it's Cloud Nine in a casket. {Or it's curtains for you.} 286
Neutral 50 Past that... {thinking} is my dressing room. Under the table there's a footlocker. It's tucked back a bit, so you might miss it. Inside, a gun, some ammo. 287
Neutral 50 Not much help against the ghosts, still, if you're about to give up, call it quits? {Beat, punchline} Throw it to {emph} me so I can eat a bullet first. 288
Uh... anything else you can tell me that'd help? Anything? Anger 10 [FAILED] Anything else? I've told you all I can think of! Now, come on, get going. 289
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic137 This casino's security system is pissing me off. Fear 10 {Slight nervous} You are preaching to the choir. Sinclair and his security... don't even get me started. Those Holograms... {Being slightly casual in his speech here, even though his life is in danger.} 290
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic138 Dean, the theater speakers are wired to a central sound system, right? Anger 10 [SUCCEEDED] {Slight frustration - what's the player getting at?} Yeah... yeah, so what? We got bigger problems with the Holograms... no, no, wait, you're right. {Reverses his tone, realizes the player's thinking long term, which is smart.} 291
Anger 10 {Frustrated} The Theater piped music and sound backstage, which means those little squealers are in the corridors back there, too. 292
What about the speakers in here? Anger 10 [FAILED] {Urgent} What about them? The speakers won't kill you if you leave them alone, don't worry about them, just get backstage. {Increased urgency at the end, but won't raise his voice.} 293
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic139 Calm down, think. Do you know specifically where? Neutral 50 Uh... let's see. Um, once you break right, watch each turn in the corridor, one'll be on your right past my dressing room - and up. 294
Neutral 50 Oh, my dressing room - may have left the radio on, right by the table... uh, if you could just shut it off instead of blowing it u... uh, never mind. 295
Neutral 50 {Remembering} And there was a speaker in the prop room, too - on the wall between the entrances. And... well, walk slow - there's bound to be more. 296
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic141 Getting backstage is a temporary measure if I can't find the security terminal. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Thinking} Yeah... yeah, right. So... let's see... security's here because the show hasn't started. Guests aren't allowed in, so... 297
Neutral 50 ...guess we need to start the show. Okay... so when they were setting this place up... we had rehearsals... 298
Anger 10 {relaxes a bit} ...and heh... Sinclair even set up hologram recordings of the shows so we could watch and critique our performances before a fake audience. {Beat, slight anger} Whatever. {Slight anger at end, reminding himself he hates Sinclair.} 299
Neutral 50 Thing is, when the recording queued up, a nice, calm, appreciative audience appeared in the Theater - no security with their head-blasting zap rays. 300
Neutral 50 So, find the music, get it to the projector room upstairs, then play it...? Might reset security, worth a shot. 301
Yeah, but if I run, what about the Security Holograms? Neutral 50 [FAILED] One thing at a time - and buying time is what we need, all right? Think in the now, it'll sort itself out. {Beat} I hope. 302
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic142 Good thing you mentioned that before I ran back there, "partner." Anger 10 Look, I'm in danger here, all right, not exactly thinking with a level head, so cut me some slack. {Beat} Please. {Genuinely sorry at the end, realizes player could leave him out to dry.} 303
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic143 That's the radios and speakers - what about a central sound system? Neutral 50 The speakers are all controlled by a central console. {Thinking} It's the farthest from the only door out of here... 304
Neutral 50 ...so you'd need to do a full circuit of the corridor to get to it. Once there, you'll need to shut it down, and I don't have the code. 305
Neutral 50 If you have the code, you can turn off {emph} all the speakers, make them settle down. Getting backstage should buy us time, just take it slow. 306
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic146 All right, makes sense. Where's the music? Neutral 50 The Holotape should be where I left it... no, wait. It's... it's in Vera's dressing room, probably. May... may be a key to her room on my desk. 307
Neutral 50 Anyway... snag the key out of my room, and look around Vera's room, the Holotape has to be there. As for getting it to the projection booth... 308
Neutral 50 Well... sometimes Vera used to watch from the projection booth, so she must have had a master key... look around her room, might be there. 309
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic147 Wait - I need to head to the door to your left or my left? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] What? Oh, my left - your right. So, yeah, run to the door on your right. {Beat} Heh, almost got you killed there. {To himself} Us killed there. 310
So I go to the locked door, right? Neutral 50 [FAILED] Right, the locked door to the left. Watch out, the guards are going to materialize in any second, crouch and take it slow. 311
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic148 What are you doing with a key to her room? Disgust 10 Do I have to spell it out? Come on. Time's wasting, and those Holograms are going to be on us any second. 312
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic149 The key is a song by Vera Keyes. Surprise 20 What? Are you sure? {Beat, realizes} That song... that stupid song of hers... no, that makes perfect sense. 313
Disgust 10 And it was always playing here in the casino... dammit, if I'd only brought a recording inside... so, what, you're trying to recover it? 314
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic150 Fine with me. Come on, let's settle this. Happy 10 Oh, I'm not going to fight you - I'm going to let {emph} security show you out. Didn't see anyone come in? Well... they'll be here soon. 315
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic152 The song still exists in fragments in the Sierra Madre archives on each floor. Neutral 50 Guess Vera echoes down through the ages, then. Sierra Madre hasn't completely forgotten her. 316
Anger 20 {Frowns} So that's why you showed... you wanted what was in the music archives on this floor, hook up the signal. Nice. 317
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic153 And the collars? You sound awfully eager to kill someone whose life is tied to yours. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] No... no... the collars... I know what happened now. Sure, mine activated... but it feels different, the electronic tapdance inside. 318
Neutral 50 I can kill you and still make it out while security is busy frying you to a crisp. Hands are clean, then smooth sailing to the Sierra Madre. 319
What about the collars, huh? Kill me, and... Neutral 50 [FAILED] No... I know how the collars behave now, in here anyway. At least the Sierra Madre gave me {emph} that. 320
Happy 10 I should be thankful, in a second, it'll give me another gift - with any luck, security'll leave enough of your ashes for an urn on my mantle. 321
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic154 <Lie> I'm not sure how to do it yet. You said you had a recording outside? Neutral 50 Well, yeah in the Villa. {More to himself} But I have one inside, too. 322
Neutral 50 We can talk about that later, though, it's not important right now... you came for me, any sign of the others? {A little cagier here, is trying to figure out if Christine is alive.} 323
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic155 The one who put these collars on us wanted me to deal with everyone first. Disgust 10 Figures... wish he'd show himself, although I'm betting he's not doing that until we've cracked the vault. 324
Neutral 50 {Thinking} That means we'll still need a copy of the song to get into the vault... and after all I went through to smuggle a copy inside. 325
Surprise 10 Wait... you said this guy wanted you to deal with all of us first? What, is everyone else here? {Realizes what the player just said.} 326
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic156 Wait - you said you have one inside? Where's the song recording you have? Neutral 50 It's safe. I hope. Right now, let's focus on getting everyone {emph} else to safety, all right? Everybody else all right? 327
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic157 Christine is alive. Dog... well... Neutral 50 Forget that walking stomach, not interested in being his lunch... just glad the girl's all right. Where is she? Is she here? 328
Neutral 50 Wait... no, if the Sierra Madre assigned people to floors, she's got to have been sent to Vera's room, right? That's irony for you. 329
Neutral 50 Perfect, couldn't have worked out better. 330
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic158 Christine is dead. Dog... well... Anger 20 {Frustrated} Dead? For the love of... this whole heist was a gamble anyway. So much for back-up plans. 331
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic159 <Lie> If by "recording inside" you meant Christine, she's dead. Anger 20 {DUPE: Frustrated} Dead? For the love of... Chopping up her voice box was a gamble anyway. So much for back-up plans. 332
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic160 If by "recording inside," you meant Christine, she's dead. Neutral 50 Figured that out, huh? Clever. 333
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic161 The one who put these collars on us wanted me to deal with everyone first. Neutral 50 Figures... wish he'd show himself, although I'm betting he's not doing that until we've cracked the vault. 334
Neutral 50 {Thinking} That means we'll still need a copy of the song to get into the vault... and after all I went through to smuggle a copy inside. 335
Neutral 50 Wait... you said this guy wanted you to deal with all of us first? What, is everyone else here? {Realizes what the player just said.} 336
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic162 No - believe it or not, I wasn't going to leave you to die. Neutral 50 You know... people can still surprise me. All right, I believe you. You got spine. {Raises an eyebrow} Guess the bombs left a little human goodwill behind. 337
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic163 If it means I can get out of this alive, yes, that's why I'm here. Neutral 50 At least you're honest, can't blame you. I'd have done the same if there was a trigger to my head... or a collar on my neck. 338
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic164 Yes, that's the next step. You going to be all right? Neutral 50 {Brushoff, needs player to leave} I'll be fine, don't worry about me. Go on ahead, I'm going to try and unwind. 339
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic165 Now that I've got the signal established to this floor, yes. Neutral 50 All right - well, thanks for bailing me out. 340
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic167 <Do Not Translate: Additional Storage Nodes> Neutral 50 So - what, you're heading to the main terminal now that you've got this floor unlocked? 341
<Do Not Translate: Additional Storage Nodes> Anger 10 {Frowns} Hnh. You got a point. {Frowns, warning} You better not let me down. Try and get into the Sierra Madre without me? You'll wish you hadn't. {< Weighing the player's offer, makes sense. >} 342
<Do Not Translate: Additional Storage Nodes> Neutral 50 {Slight hesitation} All right... look, if the Holograms are here to keep me company, then... I don't mind staying here for a while. 343
<Do Not Translate: Additional Storage Nodes> Disgust 10 But listen... {Frowns, warning} when this thing goes off, try and get into the Sierra Madre without me? You'll wish you hadn't. {< Weighing the player's offer, makes sense. >} 344
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic168 Wait, you were trying to smuggle one inside? Where is it? Neutral 50 It's safe. I hope. Right now, let's focus on getting everyone {emph} else to safety, all right? Everybody else all right? 345
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic169 If you were using Christine's voice box to smuggle Vera's voice in, she's dead. Neutral 50 And here I thought I was being clever. {To himself} Teach me to hold my cards a little closer to the chest... whole heist was a gamble anyway. 346
Neutral 50 Still... there's a way to recover the song from the Sierra Madre archives, right? Just set up links to each floor, then use the lobby terminal? 347
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic170 <Lie> If Christine's throat surgery was your plan, too late, she's dead. Surprise 50 [SUCCEEDED] Dead? After all I went through... after all that hauling her body through the streets? 348
<Lie> If Christine's throat surgery was your plan, too late, she's dead. Disgust 20 [FAILED] Really... "partner." Now, now... you can't pull one over on Dean... but you tried, didn't you? 349
Anger 10 So you don't want to share... keep her from me, huh? All we have to do is make her sing, and it's all ours. 350
Neutral 50 Although... why lie to me? I'm hurt. I mean, we don't even {emph} need her if you get the terminals live, and the music kicking. 351
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic171 Christine is alive. Dog... well... Neutral 50 Forget that walking stomach, not interested in being his lunch... just glad the girl's all right. Where is she? Is she here? 352
Neutral 50 Wait... no, if the Sierra Madre assigned people to floors, she's got to have been sent to Vera's room, right? That's irony for you. 353
Neutral 50 Perfect, couldn't have worked out better. So - what, you're heading to the main terminal now that you've got this floor unlocked? 354
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic172 Christine is dead. Dog... well... Disgust 20 {Frustrated} Dead? For the love of... chopping up her voice box was a gamble anyway. So much for back-up plans. 355
Neutral 50 Still... there's a way to recover the song from the Sierra Madre archives, right? Just set up links to each floor, then use the lobby terminal? 356
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic173 Still trying to find out. Not sure. Neutral 50 All right... even if they all end up dead, though, you say there's a way to recover the song from the Sierra Madre archives. 357
Neutral 50 Just set up links to each floor, then use the lobby terminal to tie it all together? Easy. Just a little legwork. 358
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic175 I found this Holotape in your safe. Anger 10 Yeah? Little bit of two-reel memories... we're here to steal from the Sierra Madre, not from each other. {Player found a blackmail tape Dean used for heist.} 359
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic176 Were you blackmailing Vera Keyes to break into the Sierra Madre? Neutral 50 Blackmail is such a strong word. I asked her, she said yes, then... she started to get cold feet. 360
Neutral 50 I blame Sinclair... he was such a victim, that maybe she felt it would be too easy... it doesn't matter. 361
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic177 What did you want her to do? Neutral 50 Sinclair built this whole town to accommodate her. Same with the casino's voice lock. He wanted to make sure she had access to everything. 362
Neutral 50 And since I already had access to Vera... well, that meant I had access to the vault, too. 363
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic178 What were you blackmailing her with? Neutral 50 What {emph} wasn't I blackmailing her with. {Flippant} Chem use, indiscretions, more chem use... the usual Hollywood tune. 364
Neutral 50 Like Sinclair, people are the architects of their own misfortunes. Leave themselves wide open for someone to waltz right in and take what they want. 365
Neutral 50 As long as they take a single step into the trap. Get a few pictures, get a little dirt, and that person's your piano. 366
Disgust 10 Vera? Med-X was her thing, even Superstimmed herself for the after-rush. Sick. {Superstimmed is a chem, supposed to heal chronic damage and suppress pain. Causes a damaging numbing affer-effect.} 367
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic180 Really? What makes you think you can slip out? Happy 10 {Smug, dismissive} Way I figure it, you'll try and run for the exit, and only I know where the key is - and where the safest place in the whole theater is: backstage. 368
Neutral 50 You, you're trapped down there, and you couldn't shut off the speakers, unlock the doors, or cancel security if you tried. 369
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic181 I guess I should have figured you'd have an escape plan. Clever. Happy 10 {Smug} I'm not a betting man, I've come too far to leave it to chance. 370
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic184 So as long as I make sure I don't run for the exit... Fear 10 {Uneasy} What... what now? Try and come back {emph} here? 371
Fear 10 {Uneasy} No, you belong out in the audience... I mean, not like... uh... you could get backstage. That key you snagged, it won't work. 372
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic186 Really? You're a terrible liar. See you soon, Dean. Anger 20 {Frustrated} Of all the... where the hell are those stupid Holograms already? {Beat} Even if you get back here, you won't live long, trust me. 373
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic190 If I clear out all the Ghost People in the area, will you change your mind? Neutral 50 No, you want to know why? Because there's more beneath the streets, in the buildings, and oh - everywhere else. 374
Neutral 50 They hear anything out of the ordinary, especially "music" screaming through the speakers when I close the connection? They'll be here, fast. 375
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic191 All right. What's it going to take? Disgust 20 Take? It's not going to take anything because you couldn't {emph} offer me anything to stay here. 376
Neutral 50 The Ghost People'll come out of the woodwork when the Gala Event starts blaring, and when they see me trapped up here? It's curtains for Dean. 377
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic192 The Villa has Holograms everywhere. If I switch on some to cover the area... Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Well... yeah. If the Hologram systems still work, that'd do the trick. 378
Neutral 50 Okay... all right, you call up some of those Old World stiffs, that'd be an audience I wouldn't mind having below. 379
What if I can guarantee they won't come into the courtyard below? Fear 20 [FAILED] Yeah, and how can you guarantee that? I'm not waiting here alone, trust me. 380
Neutral 50 I mean, if I had a few of those Holograms... or a few hundred... surrounding me, maybe. I'd settle for two, enough to cover a quick exit. 381
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic193 I could just throw you off the roof. What about that? Fear 10 You're full of it - you kill me, we both die. You wouldn't dare. 382
Neutral 50 So you leaving me here? No dice, not going to happen, and nothing you can say will change my mind. 383
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic194 Let me hunt around, maybe there's something I can do to protect the area. Anger 10 {Frowns} You can look all you want... I still feel safer with a pair of Hologram escorts to make it through the area. 384
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic195 I switched on two Holograms to cover the courtyard, those should protect you. Neutral 50 {Thinking} You powered the Holograms up? {Beat} Well... yeah, that's pretty good protection. {To himself} Sure worked at the fountain, Vera kept the Ghost People away. 385
Fear 10 {Uneasy} But, uh... how do I know the power won't suddenly go out? And... I don't know, this still sounds risky to me. {Emph} For me. 386
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic196 Okay, let me see if I can reactivate the Holograms. Neutral 50 If I remember correctly, there should be two Holograms you can switch on in the area... just don't remember how. 387
Neutral 50 Do that, and I'll consider waiting on the rooftop. Maybe. 388
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic197 I don't need to kill you, you know. Surprise 10 {Slight surprise, confused} What? What are you talking about? 389
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic199 {THEATER: 1st Time, Hates player}How did you get from the Gala Event to here? Anger 20 {Sounds like dupe of another line, isn't, this one's angrier, smug} Me? I was halfway off the rooftop, through the service tunnel and bee-lining for the gate before the light show started... 390
Neutral 50 ...and before Vera finished her Gala speech... I knew what'd happen with "music" in the streets and lights in the sky... Ghost People. Lots of them. 391
Surprise 10 But that was your problem. {Beat} Anyway, front gate was open, no way I was letting {emph} you get in first. {Slight confusion} I walk in... there's a flash... and I'm here. 392
Neutral 50 Must have been Sinclair's security... he always had a thing about letting any threats into the casino. Security system's twitchy that way. 393
Happy 10 {Smug} Me, though, I'm a guest here, so I guess I got the royal treatment after all. 394
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic200 I could break both your legs, leave you here on the roof. Disgust 10 {Wary} You wouldn't. You need me to strike up the sparking chords there. Breaking my legs isn't any way to get {emph} me to dance. 395
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic202 No, it only means I wouldn't come back for you. Ever. Anger 10 You wouldn't... {frowns} no, yeah, you would. I would. If I thought you screaming wouldn't attract more of the locals. 396
Anger 50 All right, I'll stay here. For now. But you leave me high and dry, make a run for the Sierra Madre? You'll pay for it, I promise you. {Suspicious, warning.} 397
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic206 If you don't do this, I'll go shut off the Holograms now. Surprise 20 What? You wouldn't. I mean... no, wait, you would. You don't bluff, ever since you first showed up in the Villa and we chatted. 398
If you don't do this, I'll go shut off the Holograms now. Neutral 50 No... you wouldn't. You're not the type. Even when you first showed up in the Villa, you didn't threaten me. 399
Neutral 50 You just let me talk, not even letting on that our collars were linked, when all you had to do was tell me that to get me to come along. 400
Neutral 50 So... no, I don't think you'll shut them off. You don't threaten people, not your way. 401
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic207 Dean... a man with cold feet isn't someone I'd share a bed with. Disgust 10 Wait, hold on. I didn't say I was scared. {Snorts} Heh, heh. Cold feet? Don't be ridiculous. I've played to worse crowds than this, I can hold the fort here. 402
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic208 I'm not about to trade your life for mine, got it? Remember the collars. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {DUPE: Reluctant, convincing} Well... yeah. You got a point. 403
Look, what do you want to do this? Neutral 50 [FAILED] What do I want? I want a little more insurance than some Old World Villa construction to guard me, all right? 404
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic209 Don't trust me? Then trust our collars. I die, you die. Got it? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {DUPE: Reluctant, convincing} Well... yeah. You got a point. 405
Just trust me, all right? Neutral 50 [FAILED] Trust you? Right. You're not the one who has to sit up here and wait for the Ghost People to show. 406
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic210 Vera's stayed powered up since the bombs fell... those Holograms will, too. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Reluctant, convincing} Well... yeah. You got a point. 407
I think you can count on the Holograms, okay? Neutral 50 [FAILED] {Skeptical} Really? You're not the one standing up here waiting for the Ghost People to show, all right? 408
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic211 You must know me enough by now to know I'm not going to put you in danger. Anger 10 Oh, right, after all the "we'll both blow up if you don't do as I say" talk we first had. Not put me in danger? Right. 409
You must know me enough by now to know I'm not going to put you in danger. Neutral 50 Yeah... yeah, you're right. You didn't have to switch on those Holograms, and you did. 410
Neutral 50 Even when you first showed up in the Villa, you didn't threaten me, were just willing to cooperate to get through this. Hnh. 411
NVDLC01DeanDialogueNVDLC01DeanTopic212 There's a Hologram guarding the courtyard below, you're covered. Fear 10 Unless he's got a friend, no dice. Nobody relies on a single escape route unless they want to get caught. 412
There's a Hologram guarding the courtyard below, you're covered. Fear 10 {DUPE} Unless he's got a friend, no dice. Nobody relies on a single escape route unless they want to get caught. 413
NVDLC01DeanDialogueShortcut NVDLC01DeanDialogueShortcut Neutral 50 Don't have to take the long way back - there's a shortcut across the way, you see. {Dean has just joined the party, they're striking up a conversation.} 414
Neutral 50 It's through the Cloud - but if I'm with you, I can help you through it. {To himself, the player better not have} If you didn't already force the lock to the gate, that is. 415
NVDLC01DeanDialogueSitInvite NVDLC01DeanDialogueSitInvite Neutral 50 Have a seat - came all this way, least I can do is let you rest your feet for a second. 416
NVDLC01DeanDialogueSitInvite Neutral 50 Just sit there on my little casting couch - more a chair, really, but I prefer up-and-comers to relax when I interview them. 417
NVDLC01DeanDialogueSitInvite Disgust 10 You're my guest. If you're going to be rude, you can show yourself out. {little quieter} Probably won't tap-dance no more when you leave, but that's on you. 418
NVDLC01DeanDialogueSitInvite Neutral 50 You standing there is making me nervous. Sit down, will you? 419
NVDLC01DeanDialogueSitInvite Neutral 50 Have a seat. 420
NVDLC01DeanHolotapeBlackmail NVDLC01DeanHolotapeBlackmail Happy 50 {Dean walking in on Vera as she's getting ready} Pretty as a picture. {<AUDIO: Holotape Filter for whole topic. No ghoul filter for Dean.>A recording of Dean walking into Vera's dressing room, predatory, blackmail.} 421
NVDLC01DeanHolotapeBlackmail Happy 20 I'm not wearing my dancing shoes, so I walk a little softly now. {Mock menacing} What, you think I was a Chinaman, come to cut your American throat? {Holotape recording, tense, Dean's here to insure Vera's cooperation in the heist.} 422
NVDLC01DeanHolotapeBlackmail Surprise 10 {Slightly predatory} What... no hug? Come here. {Holotape recording, tense, Dean's here to insure Vera's cooperation in the heist.} 423
NVDLC01DeanHolotapeBlackmail Neutral 50 You sing like a bird, pop the safe, and we're as through as through can be. {Holotape recording, tense, Dean's here to insure Vera's cooperation in the heist.} 424
NVDLC01DeanHolotapeBlackmail Anger 10 {Vera's starting to get cold feet, Dean doesn't like this} You don't know? I ask one simple favor of you, and you tell me "no?" {Holotape recording, tense, Dean's here to insure Vera's cooperation in the heist.} 425
NVDLC01DeanHolotapeBlackmail Anger 20 You're right, you don't think. {Cold, angry. Holotape recording, getting tenser. Dean's about to tell Vera she's going to do the job, no matter what.} 426
NVDLC01DeanHolotapeBlackmail Anger 20 I don't need you - I'll send you back to the farm, worse off than you were, because you'll have seen the Sierra Madre, and had to let it {emph} all go. {Holotape recording, getting tenser. Dean's about to tell Vera she's going to do the job, no matter what.} 427
NVDLC01DeanHolotapeBlackmail Anger 10 I could have gotten any leggy dame out of Hollywood to get out here and play Sinclair's heart strings. {Holotape recording, getting tenser. Dean's about to tell Vera she's going to do the job, no matter what. "Holowood" intentional.} 428
NVDLC01DeanHolotapeBlackmail Disgust 10 You just happened to be the one I caught, and it was really your own fault, a little too much into the chems and meds, and... {Holotape recording, getting tenser. Dean's about to tell Vera she's going to do the job, no matter what.} 429
NVDLC01DeanHolotapeBlackmail Neutral 50 {Placating, but still leaving the hooks in} Aw, shhh, don't cry. Look, I'm not trying to hurt {emph} you. Just one last little job, a little less dirty, a little less messy. He trusts you, Vera. {Holotape recording, now Dean's softening her up, realizes he doesn't need her as an emotional wreck... now.} 430
NVDLC01DeanHolotapeBlackmail Neutral 50 {Placating, but cold} And so do I. After this, I promise you, all those other Holotapes, they'll go away. {Holotape recording, final doomed note here. Dean's lying, he'll never stop using her or the blackmail.} 431
NVDLC01DeanTheaterOpenConvoPlayerHatedBark NVDLC01DeanTheaterOpenConvoPlayerHatedBark Anger 20 {Gloating a bit} Hey... guess who finally showed. {Malicious} You weren't on the guest list. Guess I'll need to call security, have them show you the door. {Dean warns PC they made a deadly mistake coming to get him at Theater. Invites player to become acquainted with (Holograms).} 432
NVDLC01DeanTheaterOpenConvoPlayerLikedBark NVDLC01DeanTheaterOpenConvoPlayerLikedBark Fear 10 {Relieved to see a familiar face} You... partner, are you a sight for sore eyes. Unfriendly crowd tonight, in a lethal way - if you could calm the house down, I'd be grateful. {Dean's anxious, hemmed in by lethal holograms set to kill, glad to see player, hoping the PC can bail him out.} 433
NVDLC01DeanTheaterPlayerHatedBarkTopic01 NVDLC01DeanTheaterPlayerHatedBarkTopic01 Anger 10 {Slightly irritated, still superior} Now, now... that's {emph} my room. You want your own dressing room, you have to work for it. {Dean admonishes, cynically, player when he/she goes into Dean's old dressing room in the backstage of the Theater} 434
NVDLC01DeanTheaterPlayerHatedBarkTopic02 NVDLC01DeanTheaterPlayerHatedBarkTopic02 Surprise 20 {Terminal blows up} What the blazes... piece of junk! {Beat, cold, gets it} You rigged that terminal, didn't you. Didn't want security showing you out, eh? We'll see. {Dean curses, insulting the old Stage Manager's computer terminal (in the closed area of the backstage), after it blows up when he tried to use it.} 435
NVDLC01DeanTheaterPlayerHatedBarkTopic03 NVDLC01DeanTheaterPlayerHatedBarkTopic03 Anger 20 {Cold} So... can't leave well enough alone, have to enter Vera's room. Some things are better left in the past, "partner." {Player enters another dressing room backstage of a long-dead starlet Dean used to know.} 436
NVDLC01DeanTheaterPlayerHatedBarkTopic04 NVDLC01DeanTheaterPlayerHatedBarkTopic04 Fear 5 {Slightly unnerved, player's about to break his last line of defense} Don't do it. Leave that projector alone - I'm warning you. {Dean threatens PC to stop triggering the event that will disable his last line of defense against the player.} 437
NVDLC01DeanTheaterPlayerHatedBarkTopic05 NVDLC01DeanTheaterPlayerHatedBarkTopic05 Anger 10 {Slow, then challenging, bravado} So... you think you have what it takes to beat {emph} me, on {emph} my stage, in {emph} my town? Come on down, we'll see. {Dean challenges, in an act of desperation, the player to come down and hunt him.} 438
NVDLC01DeanTheaterPlayerLikedBarkTopic01 NVDLC01DeanTheaterPlayerLikedBarkTopic01 Happy 10 {Happy, excusing, then defensive} Hey, you found my old room. I mean, it's a little small... and hey, watch the hands in there, I remember where I left {emph} everything, got it? 439
NVDLC01DeanTheaterPlayerLikedBarkTopic02 NVDLC01DeanTheaterPlayerLikedBarkTopic02 Surprise 10 {Working on a computer, trying to shut it down} Hnh. Maybe I can shut down these ghosts using the Stage Manager's old termin... {blows up} dammit! {Beat, frowns} Well, so much for that idea. {Dean curses, insulting old Stage Manager's computer (backstage), after blows up when tried to disable Holograms. PC's only chance to escape alive.} 440
NVDLC01DeanTheaterPlayerLikedBarkTopic03 NVDLC01DeanTheaterPlayerLikedBarkTopic03 Happy 10 {Encouraged} Hey, you're making real progress, good. {Realizes the player's close to uncovering dirty laundry, so masks it behind "show some respect"} Uh, look that's... Vera's room, so careful what you touch in there, be respectful. {Dean excited the player is making headway, even if hesitant to share his old life's links when player discovers Vera's dressing room backstage.} 441
NVDLC01DeanTheaterPlayerLikedBarkTopic04 NVDLC01DeanTheaterPlayerLikedBarkTopic04 Fear 10 {Urgent} All right, now calm the audience down and let's go home. {Beat, under his breath} And when my part plays, no cracking jokes - that was the hairstyle back then, all right? {Dean urges the player to hurry up in disabling the Theater's Hologram security, cracks joke about seeing old self perform in holograms.} 442
NVDLC01DeanTheaterPlayerLikedBarkTopic05 NVDLC01DeanTheaterPlayerLikedBarkTopic05 Happy 10 Oh, man... nice job. Good thing {emph} I was distracting them while you flicked them off. {Puffing up} We're a good team - I run the show while you run the box office. {Dean's jubilant when the Holograms vanish. He congratulates the player, although trying to make himself appear as having been stronger than he was i} 443
NVDLC01DeanTheaterRandomPleadTopic01 NVDLC01DeanTheaterRandomPleadTopic01 Fear 10 Hurry, would you? Get me out of this mess. {Beat} Got to sue my agent for this. {Dean, noticeably scared, urges the player to get him out of the Hologram mess.} 444
NVDLC01DeanTheaterRandomPleadTopic02 NVDLC01DeanTheaterRandomPleadTopic02 Fear 10 Get me out of here, they've got me trapped! {Dean, panicking, pleads to the player to save his life.} 445
NVDLC01DeanTheaterRandomPleadTopic03 NVDLC01DeanTheaterRandomPleadTopic03 Fear 10 {To himself} Hold it together, Dean, you've been in worse jams. Like Madrid. {Reflecting} Christ - Madrid. {Tries to calm himself down in the middle of being pinned down.} 446
NVDLC01DeanTheaterRandomTauntTopic01 NVDLC01DeanTheaterRandomTauntTopic01 Disgust 10 {Taunt} How long you think you can keep dancing around out there? Song's going to end soon, you along with it. {Dean, a flicker of doubt in his voice, curses at the player for not having died yet.} 447
NVDLC01DeanTheaterRandomTauntTopic02 NVDLC01DeanTheaterRandomTauntTopic02 Disgust 20 {Taunt} You won't get out of here alive. Even if you reach me, you don't have the guts to fight. {Dean, irritated that the player is still alive, taunts his/her resolve.} 448
NVDLC01DeanTheaterRandomTauntTopic03 NVDLC01DeanTheaterRandomTauntTopic03 Disgust 20 I'm calling the tune here - this is my theater, my show, I've waited my life to get back here. You? Not even worth the time it'd take to kill you. {Dean, pretends to have the upper hand against the player, defying him/her to hurry up and die.} 449
NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfOverTopic01 NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfOverTopic01 Neutral 50 I am out of here... well, not to the Villa, just out of the damn theater first chance I get. 450
NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfOverTopic02 NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfOverTopic02 Neutral 50 Got to say this for Sinclair, he sure knew how to keep things locked down, the tight-assed prick. 451
NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfOverTopic03 NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfOverTopic03 Disgust 10 {Under his breath, after battle in the theater} Not going to be performing here again, that's for sure. 452
NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerHatedTopic01 NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerHatedTopic01 Anger 20 {Looking around} Hnh. Theater's almost the same as it was. 453
NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerHatedTopic02 NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerHatedTopic02 Anger 20 {Looking around} This place... hasn't changed at all. 454
NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerHatedTopic03 NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerHatedTopic03 Anger 50 Wonder what happened to the suckers. {Frowns} Might have gotten taken away, like I did? 455
NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerHatedTopic04 NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerHatedTopic04 Fear 10 That audience... better lay low, get a feel for the crowd. 456
NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerHatedTopic05 NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerHatedTopic05 Neutral 50 Good thing, someone walks in here, they're toast. 457
NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerLikedTopic01 NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerLikedTopic01 Disgust 50 {Frustrated} First time on stage in a hundred years, and it has to be this? 458
NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerLikedTopic02 NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerLikedTopic02 Neutral 50 {Looking around} Hnh. Theater's almost the same as it was. 459
NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerLikedTopic03 NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerLikedTopic03 Surprise 50 Where the hell did everyone else go? 460
NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerLikedTopic04 NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerLikedTopic04 Fear 50 Need some help here... and that audience is {emph} not looking friendly. 461
NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerLikedTopic05 NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerLikedTopic05 Neutral 50 Hope my partner fared better than I did... better not have left me high and dry, get-even's not going to be pretty. 462
NVDLC01DeanToChristineTopic01 NVDLC01DeanToChristineTopic01 Happy 50 So... what's your story, beautiful? 463
NVDLC01DeanToChristineTopic01 Neutral 50 Don't... uh... don't talk much, do you? 464
NVDLC01DeanToChristineTopic01 Anger 10 {Sighs, irritated at being rebuffed} All right, then. I'll just wallflower it over here. 465
NVDLC01DeanToChristineTopic02 NVDLC01DeanToChristineTopic02 Fear 10 {Gently bringing it up, worried she remembers him} Eh... those scars? What happened, somebody... something carve you up, or...? 466
NVDLC01DeanToChristineTopic02 Neutral 50 {Testing the waters} Damn shame, hate to think if someone put you in there. Who bailed you out again, the new guy? Interesting. 467
NVDLC01DeanToChristineTopic03 NVDLC01DeanToChristineTopic03 Neutral 50 Look, you obviously {emph} hear good - even if you aren't much of a talker. 468
NVDLC01DeanToChristineTopic03 Surprise 10 Don't get me wrong, that's a plus in my book. 469
NVDLC01DeanToChristineTopic03 Neutral 50 Still, are you getting any shred of your voice healed up, or...? Like anything? 470
NVDLC01DeanToChristineTopic03 Neutral 50 Look, you obviously {emph} hear good - even if you aren't much of a talker. 471
NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic01 NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic01 Surprise 20 Where the hell did you get this one. "Dog?" What, so you don't forget your name? 472
NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic01 Neutral 50 A little slow, huh? Uh... Dean. Dean Domino. I... live here. 473
NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic01 Anger 10 All right, pal, you stay in your corner, I'll stay in mine. {Beat} Do not leave me alone with this thing. 474
NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic02 NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic02 Anger 50 Why are you so carved up - {frowns, a little incredulous} that a {emph} bear trap on your arm? 475
NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic02 Disgust 10 Eh... wait, so you're not just slow, you're screwy, too? {Rolls eyes} Some crew we are... we are never getting into the Sierra Madre. 476
NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic02 Anger 50 Don't like the way this guy is looking at me. You better be his leash. 477
NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic03 NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic03 Anger 50 {Getting angry} Stop looking at me, you idiot. I can hear your stomach growling from here, I don't like it. 478
NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic03 Anger 50 That a bet you want to take? Cause I'll see that and raise you a few bullets to the skull. 479
NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic03 Anger 20 I hope you've got this one under control, because he's giving me a nasty itch on my trigger finger. 480
NVDLC01DeanVaultHelpTopic01 NVDLC01DeanVaultHelpTopic01 Surprise 10 {Uncertain of controls} Is... is this thing on? You hear me down there? {Beat, studying dials} Trying to help you out here... disable the speakers, play a little music... {<AUDIO: Dean speaks through player's radio-collar.><Dean tells the player that he's trying to disable the Vault's security speakers.>} 481
Happy 10 {snaps fingers as music kicks in, ohhh yeah} ...and that's more like it, got a beat you can swing to. {Beat} And they won't set off your collar any more - {lower, tougher} just hit that guy where it hurts. {<AUDIO: Radio collar. Dean succeeds in disabling the Vault's security speakers.>} 482
NVDLC01DeanVaultHelpTopic02 NVDLC01DeanVaultHelpTopic02 Happy 10 {snaps fingers as music kicks in, ohhh yeah} ...and that's more like it, got a beat you can swing to. {Beat} And they won't set off your collar any more - {lower, tougher} just hit that guy where it hurts. {<AUDIO: Radio collar. Dean succeeds in disabling the Vault's security speakers.>} 483
NVDLC01ETDeanBellTowerBark NVDLC01ETDeanBellTowerBark Neutral 50 I'm not one for church, but there's a bell tower to the north that has a nice view of the Sierra Madre. {To himself, remembering the Cloud} Well, did, anyway. {<Dean tells the player that he's seen a bell tower to the north that should have an excellent view of the casino>} 484
NVDLC01ETDeanGasBark NVDLC01ETDeanGasBark Neutral 50 {Sniffing air} You smell gas? I smell gas. {Beat} Might be a valve nearby, we can use it to torch any locals that come near us. {<Dean smells gas, wonders if there is a useful gas valve nearby>} 485
NVDLC01ETDeanHouseBark NVDLC01ETDeanHouseBark Disgust 10 Surprised these homes weren't robbed blind, folks leaving the key out like that. {Beat, grumbles} If only the Sierra Madre'd done the same. {<Snarky comment about the house key being left outside of the locked door>} 486
NVDLC01ETDeanSierraMadre NVDLC01ETDeanSierraMadre Neutral 50 {Whistles softly, appreciating} Now, {emph} there's a view. {To casino} Hello, beautiful. {<Stepping out onto the roof with the view of the Sierra Madre, Dean makes a comment about the view>} 487
NVDLC01EndingDean NVDLC01EndingDean Neutral 50 {Dean Dead: Narration, a little wistful at the memory} Dean Domino, entertainer, singer... thief... had his last show on the Sierra Madre stage. {Dean is dead, narrating what happened to him at the end of the game when the end credits play.} 488
Neutral 50 {Narration} The heist he spent over two hundred years planning fell apart, just as the first, by underestimating his partner's strength. 489
Neutral 50 {Narration} Not long after the Courier left the Villa, the lights in the theater shut off, one by one. 490
Neutral 50 {Narration} Only Dean's Hologram remained on stage, singing silently to an empty room. 491
Neutral 50 {Narration, sad shaking of head, end on a downnote} Still... as consumed as he had been with its riches and ruin, the Sierra Madre had held him captive long ago. {Slow, a little sad as if shaking your head, draw this to a close.} 492
NVDLC01EndingDean Neutral 50 {Dean Alive: Narration, slightly upbeat} Dean Domino, entertainer, singer... thief... explored the Sierra Madre not long after he was rescued by the Courier. {Dean's alive during this "end credits" narration.} 493
Neutral 50 {Narration} Once he left the theater, the Sierra Madre recognized him as a guest, and many doors opened to him. He had to admit, it had been built to last. {2nd part of this, slightly impressed.} 494
Neutral 50 {Narration} During his search, he came across the final records of Vera and Sinclair, and realized what happened the night the bombs fell. 495
Neutral 50 {Narration} He felt strangely sad for a moment, and he had no idea why. {Slightly confused. Never really got that Vera finally found love. And why that would bother him.} 496
Neutral 50 {Narration} Shrugging it off, his mind turned instead to where the Courier had come from. Vegas still survived, out there in the Mojave. {Direction: Whatever, throw the line away, then make it eager-new-horizons in second half.} 497
Neutral 50 {Narration} Its sights, sounds... and casinos, ripe for the taking. {Slightly eager/predatory.} 498
Neutral 50 {Narration, slightly upbeat} So giving the Sierra Madre one last nod and a wink, he set off beyond the Cloud to begin again. {Slow, draw this to a close.} 499
NVDLC01GalaEventActivate NVDLC01GalaEventActivate Disgust 10 {Not happy, but sees an opportunity} What are you waiting for? Rubbing it in? {Slight disgust/eager} Strike up the band already. {AUDIO: From a speaker.} 500
Neutral 50 {Warning} Careful when you do... you think the Villa's bad now, you haven't seen anything yet. {AUDIO: Coming from a speaker.} 501
NVDLC01GalaEventActivate Disgust 10 {Sees an opportunity, quiet, whispering} Come on, partner. So close now, stage is set, strike up the band. {AUDIO: From a speaker.} 502
Neutral 50 {Slightly worried} Just get ready to run when you do... I sure will. {To himself} Think the Villa's bad now... you haven't seen half the hell this town can raise. 503
NVDLC01GodToDeanTopic01 NVDLC01GodToDeanTopic01 Neutral 50 I used to know a ventriloquist with more skill than you. At least he had the sense to know his own name, without carving it into his chest. 504
NVDLC01GodToDeanTopic01 Neutral 50 The truth, buddy, is this: you and me, we're now family as long as we got these bowties on. So watch your mouth, you don't scare me. 505
NVDLC01GodToDeanTopic02 NVDLC01GodToDeanTopic02 Neutral 50 Sierra Madre's mine, my heart's right where it belongs. 506
NVDLC01GodToDeanTopic02 Neutral 50 Sounds like you need your hearing checked. Sierra Madre, it's meant for me. 507
NVDLC01WTDeanEnterBark NVDLC01WTDeanEnterBark Fear 10 {Quiet, slightly nervous} Let's head through the hole in the wall there - if we go backstage, we avoid the locals. {<The player enters west town for the first time and Dean suggest the player head through the hole in the wall to avoid the ghost people.>} 508
NVDLC01WTDeanGalaBark NVDLC01WTDeanGalaBark Neutral 50 If your marker's right, think the roost we're looking for is to the southeast. {<Tells the player that the roof with the marker is to the south east>} 509
NVDLC01WTDeanSneakBark NVDLC01WTDeanSneakBark Fear 20 {Quiet} I am all about keeping low in this section of town... so let's see about creeping by the locals, all right? {<Dean suggests finding a way to sneak around the ghost people rather than fight them>} 510
NVDLC01WTDeanTreeBark NVDLC01WTDeanTreeBark Disgust 20 {To himself, sarcastic} Ah, aren't the trees lovely this time of year, all blooming and green... {<Sarcastic comment on how lovely the dead trees are this time of year>} 511
NVDLC01WTDeanUmbrellasBark NVDLC01WTDeanUmbrellasBark Neutral 50 {Walked into a nice patio, appreciative} Nice spot for sunning. {Beat, to himself} Well, if the sun ever touched here. {<Comment about the small courtyard set up with the lawn chairs and the umbrellas>} 512
PLAYERINIRONSITES PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 Don't be ridiculous - point that somewhere else, will you? 513
PLAYERLAYMINE PLAYER LAY MINE Neutral 50 {Slightly wistful, quiet} A little party favor before the grand finale. 514
PLAYERTHROWGRENADE PLAYER THROW GRENADE Neutral 50 Watch where you're chucking those things! 515


That's enough for now. Neutral 50 {Shrugs, dismissive} I'd shed a tear, but I'm sure we'll be chatting again. 516
That's enough for now. Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Shrugs, dismissive} I'd shed a tear, but I'm sure we'll be chatting again. 517
NVDLC01DeanDialogueAloneIdleAct1 NVDLC01DeanDialogueAloneIdleAct1 Disgust 20 {Irritated} You'd think it was Spring the way tourists keep rolling in. {Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 518
NVDLC01DeanDialogueAloneIdleAct1 Disgust 10 {Impressed} That one's got a head on their shoulders. {Beat} For now. {Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 519
NVDLC01DeanDialogueAloneIdleAct1 Anger 10 {Frowns, to himself} Hope that tourist is hurrying, haven't got all day. {Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 520
NVDLC01DeanDialogueAloneIdleAct1 Anger 10 {Frowns} At least this one seems like a straight shooter. {Beat} Or sucker. {Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 521
NVDLC01DeanDialogueAloneIdleAct1 Anger 10 {Frowns} That tourist crosses me, they'll regret it. {Beat, shrugs} Even if they don't, they still might. {Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 522
NVDLC01DeanDialogueAloneIdleAct1 Sad 10 {Shakes head, disappointed in self} Should never have set that radio signal on repeat. {Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 523
NVDLC01DeanDialogueAutoDocBark NVDLC01DeanDialogueAutoDocBark Neutral 50 {Looking around} Sinclair's little surgery carts. {To himself} Kept them around for his lady friend. 524
NVDLC01DeanDialogueClinicBark NVDLC01DeanDialogueClinicBark Disgust 20 {Pretending to find the scene distasteful} There's a picture, a bunch of headless saps all waiting for the pearly gates. Whoever did this... messed up. {<Dean is looking at medical stretchers with headless corpses on them. He put them there to examine, doesn't want player to know.>} 525
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGala02BrokenCatwalk NVDLC01DeanDialogueGala02BrokenCatwalk Neutral 50 {To himself, broken catwalk ahead} Guess we're going the long way around. 526
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGala02PostCloud NVDLC01DeanDialogueGala02PostCloud Pained 20 {Coughs} See? That... {coughs again} wasn't so bad, was it? 527
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGala02ToxicCloud NVDLC01DeanDialogueGala02ToxicCloud Disgust 10 {Commenting about the toxic Cloud} Looks like we'll have to go through this pea soup. I can get you across. 528
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Surprise 10 {1st Time Police Station} What are we doing in here? Planning to toss me in a cell? 529
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {1st Time Residential} Going to be sad to leave the Residential District. {Beat} Well... not really. 530
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {2nd Time Residential} Sure left a lot of traps around. Sometimes I forget where they are. 531
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {1st Time Salida, North} As worse as the other places are? This section of town is the most dangerous. 532
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Fear 20 {2nd Time Salida, North} We need to get out of here - come alone if you want, don't drag me here. 533
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {3rd Time, Salida, North} Hear there's a belltower and church to the North... filled with Ghost People. 534
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Surprise 10 {1st Time Ruined Cafe} The cafe survived? {Beat} How about that. Had great coffee - and one of the waitresses? Rhonda? Piece. Of. Work. 535
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Anger 20 {1st Time Salida/Puesta} Do {emph} not leave me here. 536
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Disgust 10 {2nd Time Police Station} Never liked the Chief here, real stickler for "policy." 537
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {3rd Time Police Station} Made off with a lot of mines, shotguns, and explosives from here... wasn't easy with the Ghost People around. 538
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Disgust 20 {1st Time Switching Station: Mumbling to himself} Got a worse grease smell down here than Danny Parker's hair on Opening Night. 539
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Fear 10 {1st Time Clinic} What are we doing here for? This place is... well, it's haunted. 540
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Fear 20 {2nd Time, Clinic} Seriously, we should get out of here. The Security Holograms... shoot on sight, and you can't even hurt them. 541
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Sad 10 {Salida} Salida del Sol - "Sunrise." {Beat} Not much to look at now. 542
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Disgust 5 {Testing the player, insinuating} You sure came a long way to rob this place. Guess greed is in the blood. {These are idles that Dean says while he's a companion.} 543
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {In any interior} Breath of fresh air in here... literally. {Beat} If you need to take a breather from the Cloud, this is a good spot. 544
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Happy 10 {Sizing place up, liking it} Might be a nice place to hole up for a while. 545
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {Salida/Puesta} Check the fountains, might have some wishes... er, chips we can snag. 546
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {Salida/Puesta} Watch the ground for bear traps and {emph} any openings for tripwires. 547
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Disgust 50 {Salida/Puesta} {To himself, irritated} Ghost People. 548
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {Salida/Puesta} If I ever had to come here, I stuck to the overhangs and roofs - like sidewalks up there. 549
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Disgust 50 {Switching Station} Like a toxic ashtray down here. 550
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {Switching Station} {Thinking} Find a way to get this place hopping again... would clean all the toxic gas out of Puesta del Sol. 551
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Disgust 20 {Switching Station} Stinks down here. {To himself} And I can barely smell anything. 552
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Disgust 5 {Sarcastic} Sure glad one of us knows what you're doing. {These are idles that Dean says while he's a companion.} 553
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 5 You know, this used to be a nice town. {Beat} Well, nice enough. {These are idles that Dean says while he's a companion.} 554
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Fear 5 When in doubt, step quiet - and watch {emph} where you step. {These are idles that Dean says while he's a companion.} 555
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Fear 5 Where there's a bear trap, Ghost People aren't far behind. {These are idles that Dean says while he's a companion.} 556
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 5 Watch out if you see a prize lying around - the Ghost People leave "supplies" as traps. {These are idles that Dean says while he's a companion.} 557
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Disgust 5 Getting real tired of tourist season - no offense, but you guys are lowering the bar. {These are idles that Dean says while he's a companion.} 558
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 5 {Random comment} Cloud wasn't always here. Grew over the years, even without cars or factories. {These are idles that Dean says while he's a companion.} 559
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 5 Sierra Madre may wait. Not me. {These are idles that Dean says while he's a companion.} 560
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 5 {Slight impatience} Sierra Madre's not getting any younger. {These are idles that Dean says while he's a companion.} 561
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 5 What's next? {These are idles that Dean says while he's a companion.} 562
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGhostBark NVDLC01DeanDialogueGhostBark Fear 10 {Little nervous} We're not heading to the police station, are we? Ghost People hunt there. 563
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGhostDeadBark NVDLC01DeanDialogueGhostDeadBark Anger 20 He's not dead... it's a trick. {Beat} Get an axe. 564
NVDLC01DeanDialogueGhostDeadBark Neutral 50 Better make sure he's dead. {Quiet, more to himself} Poke him with a stick or something. 565
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePoliceBark NVDLC01DeanDialoguePoliceBark Fear 10 {A little quiet} The police station... Ghost People love this place, no idea why. Might be the Holograms nearby. 566
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePostGala NVDLC01DeanDialoguePostGala Happy 50 Holy Mary, Mother, and Joe - now {emph} there's a show. {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 567
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePostGala Neutral 50 {himself} Not much time to get to the gates before they shut the door and turn folks away. {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 568
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePostGala Fear 10 {Urgent, worried he's going to get attacked by zombies} All right, now - I'm out of here. {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 569
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePostGala Fear 20 {Urgent, worried he's going to get attacked by zombies} If the Ghost People didn't know we were here before, they know now. {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 570
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePostGala Disgust 10 Someone struck up the band. {To himself, grumbling} A band of tortured cats. {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 571
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePostGala Anger 20 What kind of casino has two Grand Openings? {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 572
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePostGala Anger 10 {Cold, to himself} This is your last hurrah, Sinclair, I promise you. {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 573
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePostGala Neutral 50 Just my luck. {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 574
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePostGala Neutral 50 Luck's finally shining down on me. {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 575
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePostGala Happy 20 You wait, beautiful. Keep that gate open for me, Dean'll be there soon. {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 576
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePostGala Happy 50 Sierra Madre, sweetheart, Dean's coming home. {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 577
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePreGalaBad NVDLC01DeanDialoguePreGalaBad Anger 20 {Angry} We'll see who's holding the cards in the end... {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, irritated about it (and worried). Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 578
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePreGalaBad Disgust 20 {Mutters} Didn't come all this way to get conned by some tourist. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, irritated about it (and worried). Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 579
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePreGalaBad Happy 10 The joke's on you, "partners." You aren't getting to the prize without me. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, irritated about it (and worried). Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 580
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePreGalaBad Neutral 50 {Sighs} This is a fine how do you do. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, irritated about it (and worried). Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 581
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePreGalaBad Anger 50 {Grumbles} Should have blown up that seat cushion right when they sat down, would've been a better end than this. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, irritated about it (and worried). Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 582
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePreGalaBad Neutral 50 {To himself} Just finish the last job, Dean. It's all you've wanted, just hang in there. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, irritated about it (and worried). Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 583
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePreGalaBad Neutral 50 {Himself} Keep your head down, Dean, don't let the locals see you. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, irritated about it (and worried). Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 584
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePreGalaBad Neutral 50 {Mutters} Town's going to be filled with Ghosts when the sky lights up. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, irritated about it (and worried). Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 585
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePreGalaGood NVDLC01DeanDialoguePreGalaGood Disgust 50 Sinclair, you better appreciate all I do to screw you over. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, but confident in the player. Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 586
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePreGalaGood Neutral 50 That tourist is better than most. Eh... probably won't matter. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, but confident in the player. Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 587
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePreGalaGood Neutral 50 The linked collars is a new trick. Can't say I like it much. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, but confident in the player. Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 588
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePreGalaGood Neutral 50 Waiting for the fireworks. {Beat} Just like last time. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, but confident in the player. Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 589
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePreGalaGood Neutral 50 Can't wait to see their faces when they find out what the lock is. Just gotta wait 'em out. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, but confident in the player. Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 590
NVDLC01DeanDialoguePreGalaGood Neutral 50 Place is going to be swarming with the masks when the sky lights up. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, but confident in the player. Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 591
NVDLC01DeanDialogueStashBark NVDLC01DeanDialogueStashBark Anger 10 {First Time} Hey, those are my emergency supplies! {Beat, backpedaling, knows how it sounds} Uh... I-I mean... I know we're in a bad spot here... just, uh, leave me something, all right? {Line plays when player finds one of Dean's caches in the Villa he squirreled away for emergencies. It's an emergency.} 592
NVDLC01DeanDialogueStashBark Anger 10 {Grumbles, slight frustration} Yeah, go on... help yourself. Why not? {This line plays when the player finds one of Dean's caches in the Villa that he squirreled away for emergencies.} 593
NVDLC01DeanDialogueStashBark Anger 50 Leave me {emph} something, will you? {This line plays when the player finds one of Dean's caches in the Villa that he squirreled away for emergencies.} 594
NVDLC01DeanDialogueStashBark Anger 10 {Grumbles} Never should have left those stupid handprints. Dead giveaway. {Looting one of Dean's stashes. He's referring to the "handprint" symbol he left for himself as clues to where he placed them.} 595
NVDLC01DeanDialogueVendingBark NVDLC01DeanDialogueVendingBark Happy 10 {Nods} Those machines... Sinclair's little gifts, {to himself} lasted longer than he did. {Normal tone} If you need food, stims... {slightly condescending} put in a chip, hold out your hand. {Dean doesn't like these machines. Recognizes their worth, just hates their tie to Sinclair (casino founder), feels it made people beg like dogs.} 596


AcceptYield AcceptYield Anger 10 Fine, fine - don't want us both blowing up anyway. 597
ArmorIneffective ArmorIneffective Neutral 50 They're cutting through this like paper! 598
Assault Assault Neutral 50 What're you doing that for? {Beat, angry, vicious} Fine, let's settle this. 599
Attack Attack Neutral 50 Time to cash this one out. 600
Attack Anger 10 {Frustrated, under his breath} Godammit. 601
Attack Anger 10 {Frustrated, under his breath} Batting a thousand, that's us. 602
Attack Anger 10 {Frustrated, under his breath} Used to open in Paris. Paris. Now this. 603
Attack Anger 10 {Frustrated, under his breath} Can't believe I left the apartment for this. 604
AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Surprise 20 {Just found a bomb in his pocket} Whoa! Whoa, whoa, {emph} whoa! 605
Crippled Crippled Disgust 20 {Under his breath} Can finally park in handicapped spaces now. 606
Death Death Sad 10 {To himself} Vera, sweetheart... see you soon. 607
Death Neutral 50 {To himself} Guess a fat lady's singing somewhere. 608
Death Sad 10 {To himself} You win, Sinclair. 609
Death Neutral 50 {To himself} So much for the Sierra Madre. 610
FireExplosive FireExplosive Happy 10 {Mixing an explosive, slightly eager} Let me whip up a special cocktail... 611
Flee Flee Neutral 50 Valor, you're up - discretion and me, we're outta here. 612
Frenzy Frenzy Anger 20 Let's bring down the house! 613
HealthHalf HealthHalf Neutral 50 Uh... could use a little boost here. 614
HealthHalf Disgust 20 Great, spilling my guts out to everybody. {Bleeding, at half-health, being sarcastic - not too worried yet, but irritated.} 615
HealthQuarter HealthQuarter Pained 20 {Frustrated, in pain} I'm bleeding green here, any ideas? 616
Hit Hit Neutral 50 {As if stung} Ah! 617
KOed KOed Neutral 50 Unff! 618
KnockedBack KnockedBack Neutral 50 Nnnf! 619
NoAmmo NoAmmo Neutral 50 Bullets all cashed out here! 620
OnFire OnFire Fear 20 Ah! Get a rug, put me out, something! 621
Poisoned Poison Neutral 50 {Warning} I can help you in the Cloud, not for long, though. {<Watching the player enter a poisonous cloud, warning.>} 622
Poison Neutral 50 {Warning} Don't dive in for too long, only so much I can do to help. {<Watching the player enter a poisonous cloud, warning.>} 623
PowerAttack PowerAttack Neutral 50 {TEMP: Not sure needed. Power attack.} 624
Regenerating Regenerating Happy 10 Feeling the music. 625
Regenerating Happy 10 Spring's back in my step. 626
Steal Steal Disgust 10 {Sarcastic} If you find a place to pawn that, go right ahead. 627
Steal Disgust 10 {Cold, knowing} Greed took the others - go on, keep it. {Low, threatening} I'll get it back eventually. 628
UsedDoctorBag UsedDoctorBag Happy 10 Yeah... that's the sweet stuff. 629
Wake Wake Neutral 50 {Getting up after being knocked unconscious} Don't want to repeat that number. 630
Wake Neutral 50 {Getting up after being knocked unconscious} Feels like someone played my head like a trombone. 631
WeaponIneffective WeaponIneffective Neutral 50 Song and dance might work better than what I've got. 632


AlertIdle AlertIdle Fear 10 {Quiet} Still out there. 633
AlertIdle Fear 10 I can hear you moving, whoever you are. 634
AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Neutral 50 Jackpot! 635
AlertToCombat Happy 5 Just couldn't mind your own business... 636
AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Disgust 10 {Shakes head, thought he saw something} Sierra Madre's playing tricks with me now. 637
AlertToNormal Neutral 50 Forget this, let's focus on getting into the casino. 638
CombatToLost CombatToLost Neutral 50 Lost, but not forgotten. 639
CombatToLost Disgust 20 Now where did you go? 640
CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Neutral 50 Nice finish. 641
CombatToNormal Happy 10 Leave 'em wanting more. 642
LostIdle LostIdle Neutral 50 Still looking... although I'm all for following suit and leaving. 643
LostIdle Neutral 50 {Under his breath} Vanished like a Maxis act. 644
LostToCombat LostToCombat Disgust 10 {Shakes head} Back like a bad habit. 645
LostToCombat Disgust 10 Thought they'd bailed. 646
LostToNormal LostToNormal Anger 10 Madre's playing tricks on me. Whoever it is, they're gone. 647
LostToNormal Disgust 10 Guess they skedaddled. {To himself} Sounds good to me. 648
NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Anger 10 Sounds like we got a tourist. 649
NormalToAlert Fear 10 What was that? 650
NormalToCombat StartCombat Disgust 10 {Irritated} Of {emph} course, it was getting too quiet. 651
StartCombat Disgust 10 {Irritated} Going to need a hand here, "partner." 652
StartCombatResponse StartCombatResponse Anger 10 {Irritated} Just wanted a little peace and quiet. 653
StartCombatResponse Anger 10 {Under his breath} Time to make some music. 654
StartCombatResponse Anger 10 {Under his breath} Strike up the band. 655
StartCombatResponse Disgust 10 {Irritated} Great. 656
StartCombatResponse Anger 10 [Christine's eyes narrow, stance changes.] 657


NVDLC01RadioChristineAct1 NVDLC01RadioChristineAct1 Neutral 50 Don't... eh... don't talk much, do you? 658
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct1 Neutral 50 {Sighs, irritated at being rebuffed} All right, then. I'll just wallflower it over here. 659
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct1 Neutral 50 {Testing the waters} Damn shame, hate to think if someone put you in there. Who bailed you out again, the new guy? Interesting. 660
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct1 Neutral 50 So... what's your story, beautiful? 661
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct1 Neutral 50 {Gently bringing it up, worried she remembers him} Eh... those scars? What happened, somebody... something carve you up, or...? 662
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct1 NVDLC01RadioDeanAct1 Neutral 50 A little slow, huh? Uh... Dean. Dean Domino. I... live here. 663
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct1 Neutral 50 All right, pal, you stay in your corner, I'll stay in mine. {Beat} Do not leave me alone with this thing. 664
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct1 Neutral 50 Wait, so you're not just slow, you're screwy, too? {Rolls eyes} Some crew we are... we are never getting into the Sierra Madre. 665
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct1 Neutral 50 Don't like the way this guy is looking at me. You better be his leash. 666
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct1 Neutral 50 Where the hell did you get this one. "Dog?" What, so you don't forget your name? 667
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct1 Neutral 50 Why are you so carved up - {frowns, a little incredulous} that a {emph} bear trap on your arm? 668
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct1 Neutral 50 {Irritated} You'd think it was Spring the way tourists keep rolling in. {Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 669
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct1 Neutral 50 {Impressed} That one's got a head on their shoulders. {Beat} For now. {Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 670
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct1 Neutral 50 {Frowns, to himself} Hope that tourist is hurrying, haven't got all day. {Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 671
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct1 Neutral 50 {Frowns} At least this one seems like a straight shooter. {Beat} Or sucker. {Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 672
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct1 Neutral 50 {Frowns} That tourist crosses me, they'll regret it. {Beat, shrugs} Even if they don't, they still might. {Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 673
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct1 Neutral 50 {Shakes head, disappointed in self} Should never have set that radio signal on repeat. {Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 674
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 That a bet you want to take? Cause I'll see that and raise you a few bullets to the skull. 675
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 Hope you've got this one under control because he's giving me a nasty itch on my trigger finger. 676
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 {Mutters} Didn't come all this way to get conned by some tourist. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, irritated about it (and worried). Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 677
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 {Angry} We'll see who's holding the cards in the end... {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, irritated about it (and worried). Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 678
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 The joke's on you, "partners." You aren't getting to the prize without me. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, irritated about it (and worried). Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 679
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 {Sighs} This is a fine how do you do. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, irritated about it (and worried). Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 680
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 {Grumbles} Should have blown up that seat cushion right when they sat down, would've been a better end than this. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, irritated about it (and worried). Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 681
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 {To himself} Just finish the last job, Dean. It's all you've wanted, just hang in there. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, irritated about it (and worried). Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 682
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 {Himself} Keep your head down, Dean, don't let the locals see you. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, irritated about it (and worried). Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 683
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 Sinclair, you better appreciate all I do to screw you over. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, but confident in the player. Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 684
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 That tourist is better than most. Probably won't matter. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, but confident in the player. Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 685
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 {Mutters} Town's going to be filled with Ghosts when the sky lights up. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, irritated about it (and worried). Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 686
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 The linked collars is a new trick. Can't say I like it much. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, but confident in the player. Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 687
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 Waiting for the fireworks. {Beat} Just like last time. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, but confident in the player. Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 688
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 Can't wait to see their faces when they find out what the lock is. Just gotta wait 'em out. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, but confident in the player. Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 689
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 Place is going to be swarming with the masks when the sky lights up. {Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, but confident in the player. Dean is talking to himself in these lines.} 690
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 {himself} Not much time to get to the gates before they shut the door and turn folks away. {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 691
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 Holy Mary, Mother, and Joe - now {emph} there's a show. {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 692
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 {Urgent, worried he's going to get attacked by zombies} All right, now - I'm out of here. {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 693
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 {Urgent, worried he's going to get attacked by zombies} If the Ghost People didn't know we were here before, they know now. {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 694
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 Someone struck up the band. {To himself, grumbling} A band of tortured cats. {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 695
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 What kind of casino has two Grand Openings? {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 696
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 {Cold, to himself} This is your last hurrah, Sinclair, I promise you. {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 697
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 Just my luck. {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 698
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 Luck's finally shining down on me. {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 699
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 You wait, beautiful. Keep that gate open for me, Dean'll be there soon. {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 700
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 Sierra Madre, sweetheart, Dean's coming home. {Dean is commenting on fireworks display in the sky, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Mixed feelings about it.} 701
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 {Getting angry} Stop looking at me, you idiot. I can hear your stomach growling from here, I don't like it. 702
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct3 NVDLC01RadioDeanAct3 Neutral 50 Got to say this for Sinclair, he sure knew how to keep things locked down, the tight-assed prick. 703
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct3 Neutral 50 Where the hell did everyone else go? 704
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct3 Neutral 50 Wonder what happened to the suckers. {Frowns} Might have gotten taken away, like I did? Hnh. 705
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct3 Neutral 50 {Looking around} Hnh. Theater's almost the same as it was. 706
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct3 Neutral 50 {Under his breath, after battle in the theater} Not going to be performing here again, that's for sure. 707
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct3 Neutral 50 {Frustrated} First time on stage in a hundred years, and it has to be this? 708
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct3 Neutral 50 Need some help here... and that audience is {emph} not looking friendly. 709
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct3 Neutral 50 Hope my partner fared better than I did... better not have left me high and dry, get-even's not going to be pretty. 710
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct3 Neutral 50 That audience... better lay low, get a feel for the crowd. 711
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct3 Neutral 50 Good thing, someone walks in here, they're toast. 712
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct3 Neutral 50 I am out of here... well, not to the Villa, just out of the damn theater first chance I get. 713
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct3 Neutral 50 {Looking around} This place... hasn't changed at all. 714
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 Used to know a ventriloquist with more skill than you, at least he had the sense to know his own name without carving it into his chest. 715
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 The truth, buddy, is this: you and me, we're now family as long as we got these bowties on. So watch your mouth, you don't scare me. 716
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Sierra Madre's mine, my heart's right where it belongs. 717
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Sounds like you need your hearing checked. Sierra Madre, it's meant for me. 718