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Fallout Wiki

Crusoe is a dead investigator found in one of the Ultra-Luxe hotel rooms in 2281.


Hired by an unnamed groom to investigate the disappearance of his bride at the Ultra-Luxe[1], private detective Crusoe had rented a room by the White Glove Society member Mortimer, to stay in while performing the investigation. His contact arranged for him to meet an informant in the steam room at 4:00 PM, to receive information regarding the White Gloves' potential return to cannibalism and ties to recent kidnappings.

Unaware that Mortimer has hired an assassin to silence any he suspects knows of or is plotting against his movement to return his organization back to their old ways, Crusoe failed to report for the meeting. He is found dead in his hotel room, the victim of a brutal attack.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


Beyond the Beef: A matchbook found on Crusoe's body, which was given to him by his client, informs the detective to meet a contact in the Ultra-Luxe steam room at 4:00 PM.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Grimy pre-War businesswear


Without the Wild Wasteland trait, he is replaced by Jay Barnes.


Crusoe appears only in Fallout: New Vegas, with the Wild Wasteland trait.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Jay Barnes is used as a template for Crusoe in the G.E.C.K.; everything about the two non-player characters is identical aside from their names and clothing.
  • His name is a reference to David Caruso, the actor who portrays crime scene investigator Horatio Caine on the TV show CSI: Miami.
    • His name may also be a reference to Robinson Crusoe, the protagonist from the Daniel Defoe novel of the same name, who encounters cannibals on the island he becomes stranded on.



  1. Courier:"Who did you talk to about the disappearance?"
    Marjorie:"There was an investigator who came through here last week. He'd been hired by a young man whose bride-to-be went missing during their stay here."
    (Marjorie's dialogue)