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This is a transcript for dialogue with Marjorie.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Oh- oh my. How unfortunate! And in front of all these people, too. {fretting - a little flustered} 1
Neutral 50 He always was a bit of a pill, Mortimer. He was so pouty when I decided to ban eating people. And now this. 2
Neutral 50 I should've paid more attention to the warning signs. 3
Neutral 50 Can you imagine what people would've said? Why, it would've been a complete scandal if it weren't for you. 4
GREETING Neutral 50 To think, Mr. Gunderson, a cold-blooded murderer. It's simply chilling. 5
Neutral 50 But his arrest ought to instill faith in our patrons that murderers are not welcome to gamble here. 6
GREETING Neutral 50 What a disaster! An important person dead in my hotel. 7
Neutral 50 {Appalled} Now people will confuse us with Gomorrah. The idea! 8
GREETING Neutral 50 So glad you could be here tonight. I had hoped you would join us. 9
GREETING Neutral 50 Welcome to the Ultra-Luxe. I do hope it exceeds your every expectation. 10
VMS18VMS18MarjorieTopic000 I'm looking for someone who went missing here recently. Neutral 50 This again? I thought all this was settled. I answered every one of that investigator's questions to his satisfaction and gave all the help I could. 11
Neutral 50 I know our reputation hasn't always been spotless, but that's all in the past now. How some people can't get over it is beyond me. 12
Neutral 50 For the last time, the White Glove Society has never and will never consume human flesh for any reason. It's written in the charter. 13
VMS18VMS18MarjorieTopic001 The White Glove Society used to eat human flesh? Neutral 50 Now didn't I already tell you that we don't do that sort of thing? We do not engage in cannibalism here under any circumstances. 14
Neutral 50 Though we haven't always been the White Glove Society. There was another time, a dark time, when we went by a different name. {lightly admitting some guilt} 15
Neutral 50 But that's all changed now! We've... evolved past such base impulses since settling into our new home. I've seen to it that those days are behind us. {proud} 16
VMS18VMS18MarjorieTopic002 Who did you talk to about the disappearance? Neutral 50 There was an investigator who came through here last week. He'd been hired by a young man whose bride-to-be went missing during their stay here. 17
Neutral 50 Well you can already guess what probably happened, can't you? It seems perfectly likely that she got cold feet and ran off. 18
Neutral 50 And that young groom just didn't have a clue, the poor dear. 19
VMS18VMS18MarjorieTopic003 It's okay. I eat people too. You can tell me the truth. Anger 50 You disgust me. How dare you say such a filthy thing in my establishment? I ought to have you arrested. 20
Anger 25 You'll kindly mind your tongue, or we shan't speak any further. 21
VMS18VMS18MarjorieTopic004 <Lie> It's okay. I eat people too. You can tell me the truth. Anger 50 You disgust me. How dare you say such a filthy thing in my establishment? I ought to have you arrested. 22
Anger 25 You'll kindly mind your tongue, or we shan't speak any further. 23
VMS18VMS18MarjorieTopic005 Is there any way I could talk to the investigator? Neutral 50 Why yes, I think so. If he hasn't checked out yet, that is. 24
Neutral 50 I had our maitre d', Mortimer, offer him a complimentary room for as long as it took for him to be satisfied. 25
Neutral 50 You see? The White Glove Society remains the very picture of courtesy, even in the face of such impolite accusations. We have nothing to hide here. 26
VMS18VMS18MarjorieTopic006 I'm investigating someone else. A man. And he just recently went missing. Neutral 50 A man? Well then this... well this can't be. Two disappearances in my hotel? What will people say? 27
Neutral 50 I'm going to have a word with my staff about security on the premises. 28
Neutral 50 Whether these people are found or not, our guests simply must feel safe in their own rooms. 29
VMS18VMS18MarjorieTopic007 Do you work here? Neutral 50 I do, but one can hardly call it work. I think of myself as a caretaker rather than a common laborer. 30
Neutral 50 I suppose it is a labor of love if it can be called labor at all. 31
Neutral 50 We at the White Glove Society are all responsible for maintaining the beauty and class of the Ultra-Luxe. 32
Neutral 50 And as its founder I suppose it falls to me to decide how we go about it. 33
VMS18VMS18MarjorieTopic008 Heck Gunderson said he was here to talk business with you. What business? Neutral 50 What else? Mr. Gunderson and I have been discussing his livestock. 34
Neutral 50 It's put us in rather a delicate position, you see, his coming here. Not that we aren't grateful for his generous offer. 35
Neutral 50 But our executive chef Philippe has transformed brahmin steak into a delicacy. He really is a genius. Everyone wants it. 36
Neutral 50 But a delicacy is just that - delicate. If everyone can get it, it ceases to be a delicacy. It becomes a perfectly ordinary staple. {turning up her nose at 'staple'} 37
Neutral 50 And if the Gourmand served staples, it would no longer draw the caliber of people it deserves. It'd be a diner or a... a family restaurant. {nauseated by the thought of a family restaurant} 38
Neutral 50 So as much as we'd all love for there to be enough steak for everyone, I'm afraid there are more important things to consider. 39
VMS18VMS18MarjorieTopic009 I want to join the White Glove Society. I was told I'd need a sponsor. Neutral 50 Why yes, of course. The White Glove Society is the most exclusive club in all of New Vegas. Perhaps the entire world. 40
Neutral 50 It's only natural that you'd need a sponsor from within the club who can vouch for your good name. 41
Neutral 50 Originally we didn't allow anyone else in, you see. Founding members only. We thought exclusivity would make us the envy of everyone who's anyone. 42
Neutral 50 And it has. But then I had the idea to allow honorary members. Lower in status, naturally, but it just makes people want to be us even more. {emph. "has."} 43
Neutral 50 And the right people could certainly do wonders for our image. Celebrities, philanthropists. We want only the very best. 44
I want to join the White Glove Society. I was told I'd need a sponsor. Neutral 50 I'm afraid you are a relative unknown. Certainly not the caliber of person we would consider for such an honor. Not yet, anyway. 45
Neutral 50 If you had more notoriety or clout here on the Strip, things would be different. People need to have heard of you, and you must be well thought of. 46
I want to join the White Glove Society. I was told I'd need a sponsor. Neutral 50 And you most definitely fit the bill. Given your deeds on the Strip alone, I can safely say that you would be a prized addition to our honorary ranks. 47
VMS18VMS18MarjorieTopic010 Would you be willing to sponsor me as an honorary member now? Neutral 50 The answer is still no, I fear. You need to be the talk of the town, really. Think big! Your name should be on everyone's lips. 48
Neutral 50 Come back then, and we shall welcome you with open arms. 49
Would you be willing to sponsor me as an honorary member now? Neutral 50 Most definitely! You have become quite an impressive person in my estimation, and you are very well regarded here among those in the know. 50
Would you be willing to sponsor me as an honorary member now? Neutral 50 You have my full support, and you are welcome to join us at our nightly banquets in our special section of the Gourmand. 51
Neutral 50 I hope to see you there. 52
VMS18VMS18MarjorieTopic011 Caesar wishes to extend your society an offer of alliance with his Legion. Neutral 50 Tell your ruler we have no interest in such ties. Caesar's Legion is a collection of unclean barbarians. 53
Neutral 50 Any time the White Glove Society is mentioned in the same breath, it sullies our good name. 54
Neutral 50 As much as Mortimer and some of the other members have tried to convince me otherwise, I will not have us seen as savages. 55
Caesar wishes to extend your society an offer of alliance with his Legion. Neutral 50 I don't care for their incivility or the hodgepodge of sporting equipment that passes for fashion with them. 56
Neutral 50 Nevertheless, I have heard Caesar has a stately dignity about him. And I understand his policies will agree with our new menu. 57
Neutral 50 I prefer Mr. House, of course, but he may not be around forever. And the NCR will surely set back our cuisine. Tell your Mr. Caesar we are with him. 58
VMS18VMS18MarjorieTopic012 How is your new cuisine faring? Neutral 50 Why it's splendid. Simply to die for. 59
Neutral 50 {affably} Mortimer told me about you, you know. What a pair of mischief makers you two are! 60
Neutral 50 But the new entrees are fresh and bold and I have the two of you to thank for it. 61


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 Ta-ta. 62
HELLO Hello Neutral 50 How do you do? 63


RNVNewsStory2 RNVNewsStoryLine2 Neutral 50 {Marjorie:} Mr. Gunderson is no longer a welcome guest at the Ultra-Luxe. 64
RNVNewsStory3 RNVNewsStoryLine3 Neutral 50 {Marjorie:} Nor is he allowed to sample the world-class cuisine of the Gourmand, New Vegas' only 5-star restaurant. 65