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The Camp Forlorn Hope supply shipment is a quest item in Fallout: New Vegas for the quest Restoring Hope.


The supply shipment is a crate of supplies that needs to be retrieved. It is located next to the corpses of three NCR troopers, including Harry and Quincy, who were transporting it when they were ambushed by legionaries. Upon retrieving it, the Courier is likewise attacked by at least two recruit legionaries.


The crate is located east of Highway 95 between HELIOS One and Camp Forlorn Hope, just north of the Southern Nevada wind farm.

Related quest[]


  • The crate's location is not dependent on having started Restoring Hope; in other words, it can be found before the quest is started. The quest can then be started and progressed as normal by talking to Major Polatli, and the Courier can deliver the supplies to Quartermaster Mayes right away.
  • The Courier will be attacked by the legionaries regardless of their reputation with Caesar's Legion.