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This page lists all conversations between NPCs in Tenpenny Tower. The majority of these conversations are dynamically occurring and may also have randomized lines, all of which are internally contained in the DialogueTenpenny quest. There are also a few scripted, one-time conversations which are organized separately. Conversations are organized by the character who initiates them, and each dynamic conversation has been given an arbitrary number for reference and navigation purposes.

Allistair Tenpenny[]

Speaker Conversation
1 Allistair Tenpenny You know, you make a very good sandwich.
Margaret Primrose Thank you for saying so, sir. It's always my great pleasure. If you'd ever like to try another dish, I have an extensive menu of delicacies.
Allistair Tenpenny Yes well. I'm a visionary, that's true. But I'm also a creature of habit. I like my Iguana Bits sandwich just the way I always get it. Thank you.
2 Allistair Tenpenny Oh. Hello there Susan. It's always a pleasure to see you. Um... you're getting along alright are you, dear?
Susan Lancaster Why thank you Allistair love. Er, I mean: MISTER Tenpenny!
Allistair Tenpenny Well... I'm glad to know you are getting along. I'll, umm... expect a visit at the usual time. Run along dear. And do be careful.


# Notes, conditions, context
Only occurs 75% of times when Allistair greets this target. On the other 25% of times, he responds with the floating line "Nice to see In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammaryou. Carry on." Both conversations occur only once per day.

Anthony Ling[]

Speaker Conversation
3 Anthony Ling Hello Chief Gustavo. You are looking positively fabulous today.
Chief Gustavo I'm sorry? What?!
Anthony Ling Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I bet I could help you end up on the right side! Haha! HaveIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar good day, dear.
Chief Gustavo You're wasting your time. I don't want to have to tell you again. This gun is loaded. I'd hate for it to accidentally go off in your direction.
4 Anthony Ling Hello there, Chief. You're packing a lot of heat, aren't you?
Chief Gustavo That's right. And the safety's off. Back off.
5 Anthony Ling Doctor Banfield! I haven't seen you in New Urban Apparel for quite some time. Aren't you afraid you've gone out of style in the meantime?
Doctor Banfield I'm afraid the lab coat never goes out of style for me. But I appreciate your concern.
Anthony Ling Fine. Keep wearing those rags. But when you're ready for fabulous, you come see me; I've got just the thing!
6 Anthony Ling An outfit a day keeps the frumpy away, eh doctor? Come visit me soon.
Doctor Banfield Right. Sure thing, Anthony.
7 Anthony Ling How are you, Mr. Cheng?
Irving Cheng Oh, I don't know. Not so good I guess... Women. Can't live with them. Can't live without them. Know what I mean, Comrade?
Anthony Ling No. Can't say that I do.
8 Anthony Ling How is Mrs. Cheng these days?
Irving Cheng I wouldn't know. She's avoiding me lately.
9 Anthony Ling Ah Lydia, darling. How's that old antique shop of yours doing these days?
Lydia Montenegro Antique shop? Really, Anthony, you need some new material! And I'm not just talking about your jokes either, darling. Those threads are atrocious!
Anthony Ling Why, you old hag! You're just jealous. My fabulousity pains you, doesn't it? You can't help feel smaller standing before my greatness, can you dear?
Lydia Montenegro At least I'm not some dried up tart, prancing around like the queen of America, carelessly spouting grotesque phrases. "Fabulousity?" Really now!
10 Anthony Ling Lydia, darling. What's wrong? You're looking rather frumpy today!
Lydia Montenegro Who you calling frumpy?! At least my ass isn't shaped like a pear.
Anthony Ling Ouch! You wound me!
11 Anthony Ling So, tell me. How are things?
Margaret Primrose Things are alright, I guess. I'm thinking I should stop by sometime and get some new clothes. I just can't seem to find the time.
Anthony Ling You need to MAKE time, dear! You'll never be fabulous just moping around a kitchen all day. You need to relax, go out, get done up, have some fun!
12 Anthony Ling You haven't stopped by the Urban Apparel in a while.
Margaret Primrose Yeah. I know. It's just... Well, I've been busy.
13 Anthony Ling So, are you still hiding from that husband of yours?
Tiffany Cheng Why? You haven't seen him have you?!
Anthony Ling And I thought I hated MY life!
14 Anthony Ling Mrs. Cheng! Wouldn't you like a brand new outfit from Urban Outfitters? With a fabulous make-over, perhaps Mr. Cheng wouldn't recognize you!
Tiffany Cheng What? Are you kidding me?! Mind your own damn business. I don't go turning lights on in your closet, do I? Jeez!
15 Anthony Ling I bet you exercise a lot, huh?
Hi there! That's quite some ordnance you're packing, isn't it!
If you're tired of sleeping in those barracks, let me know.
Security guard What the hell are you talking about?!
Come on man. Quit it already! I'm not interested!
You're not very subtle, you know.


# Notes, conditions, context
Both conversations occur once per day.
5 May only occur once per day.
7 May only occur once per day.
9 May only occur once per day.
10 Bugged Anthony's last line will not play, because Lydia's line is flagged to end the conversation.
11 May only occur once per day.
13 May only occur once per day.

Chief Gustavo[]

Speaker Conversation
15 Chief Gustavo You got anything to report, Ling?
Anthony Ling Everything's just fabulous!
16 Chief Gustavo Doctor. I trust everything's okay?
Doctor Banfield EverythingsIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar fine, Chief. Thanks for keeping us safe.
17 Chief Gustavo Wellington. You and your wife getting along alright?
Edgar Wellington II Fine, thank you. You and your men patrolling makes everyone feel safe here. Thanks again.
18 Chief Gustavo Dashwood. You're staying out of trouble, I hope?
Herbert "Daring" Dashwood Haha! Nothing you can pin on me, Chief! But shouldn't you be out killing things in the Wasteland In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammarinstead of pestering old harmless fogies like me?
19 Chief Gustavo Cheng. Sorry I keep missing your Neighborhood Watch committee meetings. Keep up the good work, though.
Irving Cheng No worries, Comrade. In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammarEveryone else has trouble making the meetings, too. When I get my computer working, I'll get you a copy of the minutes.
20 Chief Gustavo Ms. Montenegro. How are things? Any suspicious activity you'd like to report?
Lydia Montenegro We all feel safe knowing you and your men have this place locked up tight. Thank you!
21 Chief Gustavo Ms. Primrose. The next shipment of food stuffs might be delayed. I was chatting with the caravan guard. Seems the Raiders have gotten rather bold.
Margaret Primrose Raiders? Again? Well, I'll have to make do. Thank you for the heads up, Chief. And thank your men for us. We are all grateful of your presence here.
22 Chief Gustavo Hawthorne. We've gotten a few complaints. Having trouble sleeping recently?
Michael Hawthorne Oh that? It was nothing. A one time indiscretion, I assure you. Won't happen again, ol' chap. Scouts honor and all that. Care for a drink?
23 Chief Gustavo Mrs. Wellington.
Millicent Wellington Thank you for looking into that situation for me. I'm embarrassed it turned out to be nothing. Well, one can never be too careful.
24 Chief Gustavo Ms. Lancaster. How is the tower's favorite resident?
Susan Lancaster Why thank you, dear! How charming of you to say so. Perhaps you and I should start spending some time together? Eh? Ahahah.
25 Chief Gustavo Ms. Cheng. How are you today?
Tiffany Cheng I'm just great, if you don't count the fact that I'm married to the biggest idiot on the planet!

Doctor Julius Banfield[]

Speaker Conversation
26 Doctor Banfield I got a spot of blood on my labcoat recently. Any chance you've got something that'll take that out in the wash?
Anthony Ling Ewwww! Labcoats are so last century. I have a better idea, Doc. Why don't you come to New Urban Apparel, and I'll give you a complete make-over!
Doctor Banfield Well, that's more than I had in mind. Maybe I'll just order a new labcoat instead.
27 Doctor Banfield You feeling alright these days Anthony? It's time we do a regular check up soon; it's been a while.
Anthony Ling What's the point? Besides, I hate all that cold metal touching my skin. It gives me the willies! So, I'll just stick with visiting when I get sick.
28 Doctor Banfield Chief. There's something we should discuss. There's been an increase in 'accidents' among your crew. I'm afraid someone's going to get really hurt.
Chief Gustavo Thank you for your concern, Doctor. But things've been tense is all, and my men are just blowing off steam. Don't worry. They'll be fine.
Doctor Banfield Alright. They're your men. I just don't want to have to sew anything back on because one of your guys got a little carried away.
29 Doctor Banfield Chief. How're things out there in the Wasteland?
Chief Gustavo Same old shit. See something big and ugly moving in the distance. Shoot the hell out of it. Go an' check to make sure it's dead. Rinse and repeat.
30 Doctor Banfield Hello Lydia. How are you faring these days? Did those pills finally help you start to relax?
Lydia Montenegro Yeah, I pop a couple, then have a Martini. Does wonders. Thanks Doc.
Doctor Banfield That's good to hear... only, you should stick to the suggested dosage, and avoid alcohol for at least two hours after taking it. Come see me soon.
31 Doctor Banfield Lydia. Don't suppose you can scrounge up a few more holodisks for me?
Lydia Montenegro I don't scrounge for anything. I run a high class Boutique, doctor, as you know. However, I can check with my supplier about holodisks for you.
32 Doctor Banfield Margaret, you work too hard. I might have to prescribe a vacation for you.
Margaret Primrose Nonsense. I'm fine. I enjoy making food and keeping the residents happy. A vacation from this would only make me anxious.
Doctor Banfield Fine. For now. I got my eye on you. If you seem to be getting exhausted, I'm prescribing that vacation!
33 Doctor Banfield Don't work too hard!
Margaret Primrose Shoo! Away with you. Leave me alone!
34 Doctor Banfield Susan, I haven't seen you in a while. Shouldn't you be coming in for a regular "check up" soon?
Susan Lancaster Doctor Banfield! Have you lost your appointment book? I thought we've made a regular appointment. A "house call" I do believe!
Doctor Banfield Ah! I remember now. Yes of course. I'll be sure to bring my medicine bag with me.
35 Doctor Banfield How are you feeling today my dear?
Susan Lancaster It hasn't been that long since my last "check up." So you know EXACTLY how I'm feeling, doctor.
36 Doctor Banfield Ms. Cheng. I'm worried about you. You're always seem so high strung. Stress is bad for the heart, you know.[Note 1]
Tiffany Cheng Ha! Well, doc. If you got a pill that will make my husband disappear, I'll gladly take it.
Doctor Banfield No. I'm afraid you'll need to take care of that one on your own. But I might have something that'll help you cope. Come see me for a prescription.
37 Doctor Banfield You finding some time to relax, Ms. Cheng?[Note 1]
Tiffany Cheng If you mean day dreaming about killing Mr. Cheng and knocking a few back in the lounge, then yeah, I'm able to relax once in a while.


# Notes, conditions, context
26 May only occur once per day.
28 May only occur once per day.
30 May only occur once per day.
32 May only occur once per day.
34 May only occur once per day.
36 May only occur once per day.

Edgar Wellington II[]

Speaker Conversation
38 Edgar Wellington II Still keeping the Wasteland at bay, Chief?
Chief Gustavo I can assure you, Mr. Wellington, we're not just sunning ourselves out there all day. That's for damn sure!
39 Edgar Wellington II Ms. Primrose. How are you today?
Margaret Primrose Oh, I'm alright, I suppose. Though, apparently raiders have been attacking the caravans again. Missed a shipment. I'll just have to be be creative!
Edgar Wellington II Yes, well. You'll think of something I'm sure. Good luck.
40 Edgar Wellington II Millicent, have you ever thought of making friends with the other ladies in the Tower? Not that I mind your constant company, or anything.
Millicent Wellington EDGAR! I do believe you are trying to shake me off! The fire has finally died away, has it, Edgar? You fancy someone else these days, do you?
Edgar Wellington II No, no. Of course not you silly woman. It's just that I... well... I think spending time with the other ladies in the Tower might do you some good.
Millicent Wellington You know the other ladies and I don't get along famously. They're quite jealous of me, naturally.
Edgar Wellington II Very well. If you insist on remaining a social hermit, by all means continue to follow me around all day.
41 Edgar Wellington II Are you SURE you don't want to make friends with the other ladies? You know, crochet, or gossip, or whatever it is ladies like to do together?
Millicent Wellington Don't be silly. I know enough about them to make being friendly... awkward at best. Besides, I much prefer spending all my time with you!
42 Edgar Wellington II Are you happy, dear?
You've something on your mind, dear?
Millicent Wellington Have you seen the way Mrs. Cheng avoids her husband all the time? Poor Mr. Cheng drew the short straw when he married her, didn't he?
That Susan Lancaster is a real snob. And the way she flirts with all the men! The woman's got no sense of shame! No sense at all, if you ask me.
I think Mr. Ling is asking for trouble by teasing all the male guards the way he does. What he needs to do is find a nice woman and settle down.
Have you seen the way Mr. Dashwood skulks about when no one is looking. He's up to something, I'm sure! But what on earth could he be doing?
Ms. Primrose works too hard, poor girl. How is she ever supposed to land a good husband if she's stuck in her kitchen all day?
Have you ever wondered why the only house call Doctor Banfield makes is to that Susan Lancaster's room? How positively shameful!
Why does Mr. Cheng insist on calling everyone 'Comrade?' It's 'Comrade this.' And 'Comrade that.' Do you suppose he was dropped often as a child?
Mr. Hawthorne sure has pickled himself, hasn't he? That man exists in a constant state of inebriation. I wonder what drives him to the bottle so.
One has to wonder about Mr. Tenpenny, doesn't one? I mean, we're all grateful for the Tower. But... the man is a recluse. I wonder what he's hiding.
That Mr. Burke is a shady character, isn't he? I've heard some positively awful things about him. But Tenpenny trusts him. So he can't be all bad.
Ms. Montenegro's quite full of herself, isn't she? Puffed up like a souffle, she is! Ha! That was a good one, wasn't it? I'm quite funny today!
Edgar Wellington II Yes, dear.
Oh, I don't know about all that.
Is that so?
I hadn't noticed.
Millicent Wellington Are you even listening to me?!
Earth to Edgar! Mr. Wellington, are you there?
You're just humoring me, aren't you? You haven't heard a word I've said, have you?
Sometimes I get the feeling you're off in your own little world.
Edgar! I'm talking to you.
Are you even listening?
Edgar Wellington II What?
Yes dear.
Uh huh.
Sorry dear... must have dozed off there for a moment.
Millicent Wellington I swear Edgar. It's in one ear and out the other with you! Grrr.
Useless man!
Edgar! Pay attention when I'm talking to you!
Sometimes I get the feeling I'm talking to myself.
43 Edgar Wellington II Oh. Hello there Susan - er, I mean, Ms. Lancaster. I hope all is well.
Susan Lancaster Yes Edgar dear, I'm quite fine. Thanks for asking! Maybe I'll "see you" around In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammarlater, then? When you get out for an "evening stroll," perhaps?
Edgar Wellington II Um... Yes. Right. Of course. Okay then. See you around Ms. Lancaster.
44 Edgar Wellington II Um... hello Susan. Er.. Ms. Lancaster, rather. Pardon my momentary lapse of manners.
Susan Lancaster Nonsense Edgar! I always find your manners to be quite "up to the task." if you know what I mean! He he he he. See you later, MISTER Wellington.


# Notes, conditions, context
39 May only occur once per day.
  • May only occur once per day.
  • Bugged The last line in this conversation is not linked correctly and so will not play.
41 May only occur once per day.
42 Millicent can also start this conversation, using a set of alternate prompts to replace Edgar's first line, listed here.
43 May only occur once per day.

Herbert "Daring" Dashwood[]

Speaker Conversation
45 Herbert "Daring" Dashwood Still pushing back the borders of the Wasteland, Chief? A never ending task, that. Ah. But some days I do miss a good adventure. You're lucky sir!
Chief Gustavo And I envy your retirement, Dashwood. Though it's true. There's something satisfying about bagging a Rad-ScorpianIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar at 100 yards with a single shot.
Herbert "Daring" Dashwood I once killed a Yao Guai with my bare hands! Almost lost an arm. But I got the bastard in the end. Ah... Those were the days.
46 Herbert "Daring" Dashwood Good Chief Gustavo! Anything interesting happening out there in the Wasteland?
Chief Gustavo Hah! I'm fine with the same old shit all the time. The day something "interesting" happens in the Wasteland, it's time to retire!
47 Herbert "Daring" Dashwood How's that manifesto of yours coming along, Comrade?
Irving Cheng Well, Comrade. My computer keeps breaking, and I have to start over each day. Not to worry though. I've got it practically memorized by now!
Herbert "Daring" Dashwood Hehe. I'm sorry to hear that, Irving. Maybe I should take a look at your computer sometime. Heheh.
48 Herbert "Daring" Dashwood Still having issues with your computer, Comrade?
Irving Cheng <Sigh.> I don't know what to do, Comrade. Every day I fix it, but it always breaks again.
49 Herbert "Daring" Dashwood How's the cafe holding up these days? I must say, your new menu is superb. You are a fine chef!
Margaret Primrose Thank you for saying so! It's always been my dream to own my own restaurant. Supplies have been running low, but it just makes me more creative!
Herbert "Daring" Dashwood That's the spirit, girl! Every seeming setback is actually just a chance for your genius to shine!
50 Herbert "Daring" Dashwood Hello Margaret. You holding up, child? You slave in that kitchen all day for us lazy retired folk. Ever thought of taking a little break?
Margaret Primrose It's okay, really. I prefer to stay busy.
51 Herbert "Daring" Dashwood Hawthorne! You going to come up for air soon? You're going to drown yourself if you're not careful!
Michael Hawthorne What? Oh right. Hah! That's a good one, Daring. I'm fine really. I've been drinking since I was a toddler. I can hold my liquor. What's new with you?
Herbert "Daring" Dashwood Just trying to keep busy, I guess. I'm not sure I'm really cut out for the whole retirement thing. Just can't seem to sit still.
52 Herbert "Daring" Dashwood I've heard Margaret's cafe is running low on pickles. You better not let her catch you, Hawthorne. You might wind up in someone's sandwich!
Michael Hawthorne What? Very funny old man! Well, I hear she's also running low on dried up old raisins, you cheeky bastard! Leave a gent to his drink already!
53 Herbert "Daring" Dashwood Hey girl. How are you doing? You need to slow down and pace yourself, or you'll be old before your time. Like me!
Susan Lancaster Whatever. I know your type, Daring. You want me all to yourself. Well, I'm not some trophy animal you can just bag and hang on your wall!
Herbert "Daring" Dashwood We'll just have to see about that! You watch out! I can be a very stealthy hunter!
54 Herbert "Daring" Dashwood Marry me, Susan?
Susan Lancaster Eww! Banish the thought, old man! Seriously though, if you're still around in a decade or two, I might take you up on the offer.
55 Herbert "Daring" Dashwood You manage to shake your husband again? Good show! If you'd like, I can show you some stealth tricks I picked up in my adventures.
Tiffany Cheng Yeah. He's so stupid! I don't actually need to sneak out. I just tell him to piss off, and then I leave. If he was smart, he'd try to stop me. Men!
Herbert "Daring" Dashwood Some men just don't have the hunting instinct, dear. You should try talking to him about your needs.
Tiffany Cheng Whatever. He loves those damn meetings, and that stupid "Community Manifesto" of his more than me. He hardly knows I exist!
56 Herbert "Daring" Dashwood I hear Irving's having a bit of trouble with his computer?
Tiffany Cheng It breaks all the time! Does he take that as a sign to spend time with me? No. Stupid man! He spends hours retyping everything. He's such a loser!


# Notes, conditions, context
45 May only occur once per day.
47 May only occur once per day.
49 May only occur once per day.
51 May only occur once per day.
53 May only occur once per day.
55 May only occur once per day.

Irving Cheng[]

Speaker Conversation
57 Irving Cheng Comrade. Do you have something that will make me, you know, look attractive?
Anthony Ling Yes! But the key to being fabulous, is that it comes from within. What you wear is only half the equation. BELIEVE you ARE already fabulous!
Irving Cheng Right, comrade! I see. The fabulous comes from the inside out. I will have to remember that. Thank you!
58 Irving Cheng Comrade, how are you doing?
Anthony Ling Fabulous! Can I sell you a pair of sport shoes? Maybe they'd help you catch your wife when she runs away from you!
59 Irving Cheng "Comrade Gustavo! How are things?
Chief Gustavo Cheng. Damn it. Call me "Chief." Chief Gustavo! All that "comrade" nonsense is really getting on my nerves.
Irving Cheng Oh. I'm sorry Comraaa - err, CHIEF Gustavo!
60 Irving Cheng Comrade Gustavo!
Chief Gustavo N/A
61 Irving Cheng Comrade Dashwood. Do you know much about computers? My computer is not cooperating with me lately.
Herbert "Daring" Dashwood I know a little bit about technology. I've picked up a few tricks in my adventures. Why, what seems to be the problem?
Irving Cheng Every day it erases everything. Each day I have to start over again. But it's not the end of the world. I have everything memorized. Never mind.
62 Irving Cheng I've been thinking about taking up adventuring as a profession. What would I need to know before I do that, comrade?
Herbert "Daring" Dashwood My dear boy. You've got all the adventure you need, right here in these four walls. For starters, you can figure out how to make your wife happy.
Irving Cheng Ohhh. Well, comrade. I don't think I'll ever be able to do that.
63 Irving Cheng Comrade Lydia, do you have something in your shop that my wife would like?
Lydia Montenegro Mr. Cheng. Shouldn't YOU know what your wife would like? Why don't you go find out what she wants, and I'll see about ordering it for you.
Irving Cheng Yes, you are right, comrade. But I'm afraid I've done something to upset her, and now she isn't talking to me. Never mind. I'll figure something out.
64 Irving Cheng You have a nice shop, comrade Lydia.
Lydia Montenegro Thank you!
65 Irving Cheng You make the BEST sandwiches ever, comrade Margaret!
Margaret Primrose Thank you. It's always my pleasure to serve you Mr. Cheng. If you'd like, I could prepare a special candle light dinner for you and Mrs. Cheng.
Irving Cheng That's an excellent idea, comrade! I have to get her to stop and listen to me for a moment to even ask her if she'd like that. But thank you though.
66 Irving Cheng I think sometime soon I'll try that Iguana Bits sandwich Mr. Tenpenny is always ordering.
Margaret Primrose Really? He orders that every day. I prefer making more creative dishes. Choose something else, I beg you!
67 Irving Cheng Comrade Hawthorne. You seem to get along okay with the ladies. What's your secret?
Michael Hawthorne My secret to what? Oh right. The ladies. Always start off with a few drinks to loosen up, then move onto the hard liquor to get the party rolling!
Irving Cheng Oh, I see. Well, maybe you're right. Mrs. Cheng spends a lot of time drinking in the lounge, doesn't she.
68 Irving Cheng Cheers!
Michael Hawthorne Indeed! I'll drink to that!
69 Irving Cheng Ummm. Errrr. Ahh...
Susan Lancaster Don't be scared Irving, dear! I won't bite. Well, not unless you ask me to! Hahahaha!
Irving Cheng Oh... oh. Alright Susan. I'll see you later then?
70 Irving Cheng Su-su-susan! Hello! I uh... well. You know.
Susan Lancaster Why do I intimidate you so? You weren't intimatedIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar the other night! Aha! See you around, Don Juan.
71 Irving Cheng Tiffany. Why are you always off doing your own thing?
Tiffany Cheng Oh no! I'm not going to make it that easy for you. If you can't figure it out, then I'm not going to help you. Why are you so stupid?!
Irving Cheng I don't know why I'm so stupid. Never mind. I'll go work on my projects.
Tiffany Cheng Ha! See?! That's what I'm talking about! Stupid. Stupid man!
72 Irving Cheng Tiffany?
Tiffany Cheng What?!


# Notes, conditions, context
57 May only occur once per day.
59 May only occur once per day.
60 Bugged There is intended to be a response from Chief Gustavo, but he does not have any response assigned to this prompt.
61 May only occur once per day.
63 May only occur once per day.
65 May only occur once per day.
67 May only occur once per day.
69 May only occur once per day.
  • May only occur once per day.
  • Bugged Tiffany's last line will not play in-game because Irving's preceding line is set to end the conversation.

Lydia Montenegro[]

Speaker Conversation
73 Lydia Montenegro Anthony, darling, you're looking rather bloated today.
Anthony Ling Whatever, you old hag. I'm just swelling with fabulous.
Lydia Montenegro Do you realize how often you use that word? You be careful, darling, or you'll wear it out like you've worn out your sense of style.
74 Lydia Montenegro I've got some ointment in the Boutique that should help with those bags under your eyes, love.
Anthony Ling And I've got a little number in my shop that should help push up those sagging girls of yours, darling.
75 Lydia Montenegro There's nothing to worry about I presume, Chief?
Chief Gustavo Everything is under control, Ms. Montenegro.
76 Lydia Montenegro I trust everyone in the tower is healthy? No plagues to worry about, are there Doctor?
Doctor Banfield Yes, of course. There's nothing to worry about. Though, it's been awhile since I've seen you. We should schedule a checkup soon.
Lydia Montenegro Right. Until next time, then.
77 Lydia Montenegro Have you ever considered performing, what do they call it? Plastic surgery? You know, where you make people look young again?
Doctor Banfield Surgery of any kind is always extremely dangerous. The risk of infection is great. A doctor should never cut open a patient unless it's necessary.
78 Lydia Montenegro I've noticed some new items on the menu.
Margaret Primrose Yes, well. There've been shortages of certain things, so I've had to get creative. I hope everything is to your liking Ms. Montenegro.
Lydia Montenegro Yes, of course, child! Your dishes are always superb!
79 Lydia Montenegro One day, you'll have to teach me to cook. I've always wanted to learn, but never had the time.
Margaret Primrose A sophisticated lady like you slaving over the stove? Don't trouble yourself with that, dear. You kick back and enjoy. I'm here to cook for you.
80 Lydia Montenegro Ahhh. There's nothing like a nice glass of wine at the end of a long day, eh Michael?
Michael Hawthorne Indeed! And at the beginning of a long day! Though, I prefer the stiffer stuff myself. So how're you holding up these days? How's that shop of yours?
Lydia Montenegro That shop is my pride and joy. I like to be surrounded by fine things - a little beauty in all this ugliness.
81 Lydia Montenegro Here's to being rich, eh Michael?
Michael Hawthorne Amen. I'll drink to that sister. Cheers!
Lydia Montenegro Ha! You'll drink to ANYTHING! Cheers!
82 Lydia Montenegro Not to pry, dear. But what is exactly the problem between you and your husband?
Tiffany Cheng You mean other than the fact that he is an idiot? Or that he's always busy with stupid meetings, or writing stupid books, that NO ONE cares about?
Lydia Montenegro Have you tried distracting him, dear? You know, get his "attention" every now and then? Some men are just clueless when it comes to a woman's needs.
Tiffany Cheng Ha! He's so stupid, he wouldn't know what do to even if I did manage to get his attention!
83 Lydia Montenegro Tiffany. A toast! Here's to stupid men and the women who love them!
Tiffany Cheng Cheers.


# Notes, conditions, context
73 May only occur once per day.
76 May only occur once per day.
78 May only occur once per day.
80 May only occur once per day.
81 Bugged Lydia's last line will not play, as Michael's line is flagged to end the conversation.
82 May only occur once per day.

Margaret Primrose[]

Speaker Conversation
84 Margaret Primrose What will you be having for lunch, Mister Tenpenny?
Allistair Tenpenny The usual, dear. And please, be sure to remember to measure the salt precisely. We don't a repeat of last weeksIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar debacle.
Margaret Primrose Of course Mister Tenpenny.
85 Margaret Primrose I'll need another order of hairnets, Anthony.
Anthony Ling Those things are so tacky. How about you swing by New Urban Apparel, and I fit you into a cute Sunday dress? You need to spruce up your look dear.
Margaret Primrose Thank you, but I'm always so busy serving everyone. Maybe you can just pick something out for me and send it along with the hairnets.
86 Margaret Primrose You know, if they'd like to, your men could dine in the cafe. They don't always have to eat in the barracks.
Chief Gustavo That's kind of you, Ms. Primrose. But it's better if they don't cozy up with the residents. Helps retain discipline and remind them why they're here.
Margaret Primrose Right, of course. Well, maybe I'll send a special desert over there today, to let them know we appreciate their keeping us safe and sound.
87 Margaret Primrose I'll send over something tasty for the men later. A special treat of some kind to let them know we care.
Chief Gustavo They don't deserve it. But... oh, what the hell. Go ahead Ms. Primrose. If it'll make you happy, send them whatever you like.
88 Margaret Primrose Doctor, I've been meaning to ask you. Do you think it's safe to serve raw Mirelurk meat? It can be quite delicious.
Doctor Banfield Absolutely not. All Wasteland meat MUST be thoroughly cooked. Disease and parasites are killed by the heat. I'm surprised I have to tell you this.
Margaret Primrose I found this old cook book for something called "sushi." Um... well, you might want to check up on a few residents I already served it to. Whoopsie.
89 Margaret Primrose Have you noticed the newer, healthier additions to the menu, Doc?
Doctor Banfield Yes. They are a fine addition. Now, if we can only get the residents to start eating them!
90 Margaret Primrose Here you are, hon.
Bon appetit!
Here you are. Sorry that took so long.
Here you go. I hope you enjoy your meal!
I made it just like you like it. Enjoy!
Target Thank you!
Wonderful. Thank you, dear.


# Notes, conditions, context
84 May only occur once per day.
85 May only occur once per day.
86 May only occur once per day.
88 May only occur once per day.
90 The targets are any members of the NPCTenpennyTowerResidentLIST group, which consists of all human residents of Tenpenny Tower, including the generic guards. Mister Burke is included in the list, but because of his AI routine he will never interact with Margaret.

Michael Hawthorne[]

Speaker Conversation
91 Michael Hawthorne Hey! I know you! Care to share a drink?
Chief Gustavo I'm on duty. You alright Hawthorne? Don't want a repeat of that little stunt you pulled.
Michael Hawthorne Indeed! I'll drink to that! Cheers!
92 Michael Hawthorne Gustavo, pal. You need to lighten up a bit. Relax. Have some fun, right? Right. Life's too short for all that grumpiness.
Chief Gustavo You're pressing your luck, Hawthorne.
93 Michael Hawthorne Daring... why do they call you that? Why not "Dash" or "Wood," or "Herb" for godsakes. I mean, that'd make more sense, wouldn't it?
Herbert "Daring" Dashwood Hawthorne. Go easy on those remaining brain cells, alright?
Michael Hawthorne Nah! Drown the buggars!
94 Michael Hawthorne Daring. I've been meaning to ask. Was it hard to do all those adventures with the radio crew tagging along? I mean, it must have been distracting.
Herbert "Daring" Dashwood It's a radio play, not a documentary.
95 Michael Hawthorne Hey... Cheng. Why the hell do you call everyone "Comrade" all the time?
Irving Cheng Because, while it's true, some of us are better suited to lead the community, by calling you all comrades, I'm helping you not feel envy or sadness.
Michael Hawthorne Huh... sure. I'll drink to that Comrade!
96 Michael Hawthorne Comrade. Come share a drink.
Irving Cheng I shouldn't. A good leader, leads by example. But thank you anyway.
97 Michael Hawthorne Lydia! I've missed you! Come share a wee drinky with me. How was your day dear?
Lydia Montenegro Let's just say it's high time for a glass of wine. Putting on a happy face for all my customers all the time can be a bit tiresome.
Michael Hawthorne I always have my happy face on! I mean, just look at it! Are you looking? See how happy it is! The key, you see, is not to give a damn about anythingIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar
98 Michael Hawthorne I'm glad you're here. You're the only one that understands me. The rest, I think they are secretly laughing at me all the time. But not you.
Lydia Montenegro Don't worry about them. Just be yourself dear. You've had a hard life. You deserve some happiness. Hell, we all do.
99 Michael Hawthorne Susan. Why are you always so kind to me?
Susan Lancaster Don't be silly, Michael. It's because you pay me to be nice to you!
Michael Hawthorne Oh, I see.
100 Michael Hawthorne I like spending time with you Susan.
Susan Lancaster Don't they all, dear? Don't they all!
101 Michael Hawthorne Mrs. Cheng. Take a load off, enjoy a glass of wine. Relax. You're so high strung, woman!
Tiffany Cheng No amount of drink is going to make my husband less stupid. But, it'll certainly help me forget about him, won't it.
Michael Hawthorne That's the spirit!
102 Michael Hawthorne Nothing like a fine glass of bubbly to make all things right with the world, eh Mrs. Cheng?
Tiffany Cheng I hate that stupid man.


# Notes, conditions, context
91 May only occur once per day.
93 May only occur once per day.
95 May only occur once per day.
97 May only occur once per day.
99 May only occur once per day.
101 May only occur once per day.

Millicent Wellington[]

Speaker Conversation
103 Millicent Wellington Did you find any of the information I collected at all useful, Chief?
Chief Gustavo It was very... thorough, Mrs. Wellington. Do the other residents know you have catalogued all their habits and daily routines like that?
Millicent Wellington I just thought it might be helpful for the security team to know where everyone is and what they are doing. You know, in case of emergency.
104 Millicent Wellington Chief. I'm concerned some of your men have been sleeping on the job. Well not literally, I just mean, they don't seem that alert.
Chief Gustavo I'll be sure to discuss it with them Mrs. Wellington.
105 Millicent Wellington Edgar, dear...


# Notes, conditions, context
103 May only occur once per day.
105 These are a set of alternate prompts for Millicent, instead of Edgar, to start conversation 42.


This conversation occurs during the quest Tenpenny Tower if Millicent is given proof that her husband has been cheating on her with Susan Lancaster. Millicent will start this conversation with Edgar just before she kills him.

Speaker Conversation
Millicent Wellington You broke your sacred promise.
Edgar Wellington II What are you talking about dear? Is everything alright?
Millicent Wellington Let me remind you... 'Till death do us part.

Mister Burke[]

Mister Burke does not participate in any special random conversations. He starts one scripted, one-time conversation (dialogue topic MS11NukeView) as part of the quest The Power of the Atom; this conversation occurs on the balcony of Tenpenny Tower after helping Mister Burke blow up Megaton. It has one alternate line depending on the player character's gender.

Speaker Conversation
Mister Burke Now that, my friend, is beautiful.
Allistair Tenpenny Well done, Mister Burke! What a grand display of fireworks! I almost wish there was another nuke we could detonate. You don't see that very often.
Mister Burke I'm glad you're pleased. I had help, of course.
Allistair Tenpenny Quite right. And you are to offer him the reward we discussed. Now... all this bright light and wind has given me quite a thirst. Where's my scotch?
Quite right. And you are to offer her the reward we discussed. Now... all this bright light and wind has given me quite a thirst. Where's my scotch?
Mister Burke I'll send someone up as soon as I've completed business with our friend here.
Allistair Tenpenny Righto. And be quick about it! I haven't been dry in years. I'd hate to start now.

Roy Phillips[]

Roy does not have dynamic conversations under the DialogueTenpenny quest, unlike all other characters listed here. However, he has two scripted one-time conversations related to Tenpenny Tower characters, listed below.


This conversation, stored in the DialogueTenpennyIntercom quest, occurs at the gate to Tenpenny Tower when approaching the location for the first time.

Speaker Conversation
Roy Phillips You can tell Tenpenny he can kiss my ass! We got plenty of bottlecaps! Let me in, goddamnit!
Chief Gustavo How many times do we have to go through this? You're not getting in!
Roy Phillips I can stand here all day yelling at you through this damn speaker if I have to!
Chief Gustavo I've already told you Tenpenny won't allow zombies to live here!
Roy Phillips Who the hell are you calling a zombie?
Chief Gustavo You're definitely not human, that's for damn sure. For the last time: NO ZOMBIES ALLOWED!
Roy Phillips Can't tell the difference between me and a feral? Fine. I'll show you the goddamn difference! Just you wait! You'll get yours. All of you![Note 2]


This conversation occurs on the top floor of Tenpenny Tower during The Power of the Atom near the end of Mister Burke's path if the quest Tenpenny Tower was completed with the ghouls taking over the tower, as an alternative to this conversation.

Speaker Conversation
Roy Phillips Look, Burke. I... I don't care how you got past the others. I could... I could have you torn apart in an instant, with a snap of my fingers!
Mister Burke Is that so? Do it then, Phillips. Set you feral pets upon me. I could use a bit of sport. After I've dealt with them, I'll turn my attention to you. After all, you've destroyed my home, murdered my employer. I've something of a score to settle, wouldn't you say?[Note 3]
Roy Phillips Hey, now, come on... The old man got what he had coming... Look, maybe we can work something out. You said you just have some... business to conclude?
Mister Burke Correct. You and your friends may have killed Tenpenny, but the man gave me a task, and I intend to complete it. There's a detonator on the balcony. When that switch is activated, the bomb at the center of Megaton goes... boom. THAT will conclude my business.
Roy Phillips Holy shit, you're gonna blow up Megaton? No lie? Look Burke... if you're about to burn down that smoothskin shithole, I ain't gonna stop ya. In fact, I... Well, I think it's fair to say you'd be quite welcome around here. So what do you say? You do your thing and we let bygones by bygones.
Mister Burke All right. Water under the bridge, then. Truth be told, I'm a firm believer in natural selection. What you people did here was... inspired.
Roy Phillips All right then, Burke... er... Mister Burke. I'll let you get to it. And, um, thanks for your... understanding.

Susan Lancaster[]

Speaker Conversation
106 Susan Lancaster I trust you are still feeling satisfied from our last... "conversation?"
Allistair Tenpenny Umm... er... why yes, Ms. Lancaster. You are quite the "conversationalist." I await with anticipation our next opportunity for chit chat. Indeed!
Susan Lancaster Hehe. Of course, love. Until then. Be In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammargood boy now! Hahaha.
107 Susan Lancaster Why, hello there!
Chief Gustavo Ms. Lancaster.
Susan Lancaster Call me Susan. And if you like, we can be on even more "familiar" terms! Hahah!
108 Susan Lancaster Hello Chief.
Chief Gustavo Hello Ms. Lancaster.
109 Susan Lancaster I'm not feeling well, Doctor.
Doctor Banfield Ahem. Yes. It has been too long since you've been properly examined.
Susan Lancaster A house call, perhaps? I'll be waiting! Hahah!
110 Susan Lancaster Doctor Banfield...
Doctor Banfield Susan...
111 Susan Lancaster Why Edgar, darling. You're looking quite handsome today!
Edgar Wellington II Oh... well... umm... Thank you Susan... er, I mean, Ms. Lancaster. A pleasant day to you.
Susan Lancaster Hehehehehe. Oh, Edgar.
112 Susan Lancaster Do I make you nervous, Edgar?
Edgar Wellington II Do you make me nervous? Uh... No, not at all. Of course not.
113 Susan Lancaster Daring, I'm positively bored here! You know, I used to have quite a different life before Tenpenny Tower. Sometimes I long for a little excitement.
Herbert "Daring" Dashwood You should count yourself very lucky. I do. Most people die a horrible death out there in the Wastes. Excitement and danger often go hand in hand.
Susan Lancaster Trust me. I know all about it... You're right, of course. Being bored out of your mind and surrounded by morons ain't all that bad. Even still...
114 Susan Lancaster Let's run away together, and have a real adventure!
Herbert "Daring" Dashwood Let's you and I stick to finding trouble to get into here, before we rush out in the Wasteland again; I'll take Gustavo over a Behemoth any day.
115 Susan Lancaster Irving.
Irving Cheng Um. Hi.
Susan Lancaster That wife of yours has you terrified, doesn't she? Don't worry. I can help you relax.
116 Susan Lancaster You must learn how to relax, Irving!
Irving Cheng Right, Susan. Whatever you say.
117 Susan Lancaster You're always so busy. Why don't you take a day off once in a while?
Margaret Primrose Don't worry about me. I'm fine. Besides, if I didn't cook for all of you, you'd starve to death! Heaven knows none of you can fend for yourselves!
Susan Lancaster Haha. Perhap'sIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar you're right, dear. But you could always set out a few meals in advance and take a nap once in a while.
118 Susan Lancaster Where'd you learn to cook? Everything you make is so delicious. I'd just set the place on fire if I ever tried what you do.
Margaret Primrose Something I picked up from my mom. She wasn't always the best mother... but she always showed her love for us in her cooking. I miss her sometimes.
119 Susan Lancaster Michael... do you think I'm pretty?
Michael Hawthorne I wouldn't pay you so much to hang out with me if I thought you were ugly! I'm just kidding. Stop fishing for compliments. You know you're beautiful.
Susan Lancaster I'm not sure whether to be hurt or flattered by all that.
120 Susan Lancaster Do you ever find it stifling in this tower? Like the walls are keeping us in, rather than keeping the Wasteland out?
Michael Hawthorne Why do you think I spend so much time getting smashed in the lounge?


# Notes, conditions, context
106 May only occur once per day.
107 May only occur once per day.
109 May only occur once per day.
111 May only occur once per day.
113 May only occur once per day.
115 May only occur once per day.
117 May only occur once per day.
119 May only occur once per day.

Tiffany Cheng[]

Speaker Conversation
121 Tiffany Cheng Hey Anthony. I think I need a new dress. Something with a little color, if you got any thing like that.
Anthony Ling Of course! Shopping is wonderful therapy, isn't it? Better than any old pill Doc Banfield prescribes.
Tiffany Cheng I suppose it is.
122 Tiffany Cheng You ever been married before?
Anthony Ling What?! Are you kidding? I'm too fabulous to settle down.
123 Tiffany Cheng What's the chance you or one of your men would trip and accidentally shoot my husband in the head?
Chief Gustavo I'd have to say that would be extremely unlikely, Mrs. Cheng.
Tiffany Cheng I was afraid you'd say that.
124 Tiffany Cheng Hello there, Chief. I don't suppose there's any way you could, I don't know, SHOOT MY HUSBAND?! Make it look like an accident or something?
Chief Gustavo I'm afraid not, Ms. Cheng.
125 Tiffany Cheng Hey Doc. You got any poison pills in your hospital?
Doctor Banfield Why? Has someone been poisoned?!
Tiffany Cheng Not yet.
126 Tiffany Cheng Is it hard to tell if someone has been murdered, or just died in his sleep?
Doctor Banfield I'm worried about you, Mrs. Cheng. Come by the Wellness Center, I might have a pill or two that'll help you relax and cope with things.
127 Tiffany Cheng You ever kill a man, Daring?
Herbert "Daring" Dashwood I've had too kill far toIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar many men... listen, Mrs. Cheng... have you tried talking to your husband about things? I think he really cares about you.
Tiffany Cheng I shouldn't have to talk to him. Why make it easy for him? He doesn't make it easy for me! If he can't see the problem, then he's just stupid.
128 Tiffany Cheng Irving's always on that damn computer, typing away at his stupid projects. I wish I knew about computers. I'd erase that damn thing!
Herbert "Daring" Dashwood Now there's an interesting idea, Mrs. Cheng!
129 Tiffany Cheng I'm leaving. Bye!
Irving Cheng Oh. Okay, dear. Goodbye.
130 Tiffany Cheng Lydia, have you ever been in love?
Lydia Montenegro Yes, Mrs. Cheng. It's not easy though, is it?
Tiffany Cheng That's because men are stupid.
Lydia Montenegro Yes they are dear, quite!
131 Tiffany Cheng Do you think it's possible to love someone too much?
Lydia Montenegro What a question! I don't know. I supposed it is. But, it can't always be helped. We can't help who we fall in love with, can we?
132 Tiffany Cheng Are you happy with your life, Ms. Primrose?
Margaret Primrose Why, yes. I believe so. Fairly happy, anyway. I really enjoy what I do. Cooking and preparing meals for the residents makes me happy.
Tiffany Cheng I guess maybe I should figure out what I want to do with MY life.
133 Tiffany Cheng Is cooking fun? Maybe I should help you out sometime. You know, just to have something interesting to do?
Margaret Primrose Sure! I could always use another pair of hands in the kitchen.
134 Tiffany Cheng You're in here even more than I am. And I thought my life sucked.
Michael Hawthorne Just goes to show you: It's always darker on the other side of the fence.
Tiffany Cheng I guess so.
135 Tiffany Cheng Nothing like a little ale to wash away the day, eh?
Michael Hawthorne Indeed, Mrs. Cheng. Indeed! Sometimes it helps wash away a lot more than just one day.


# Notes, conditions, context
121 May only occur once per day.
123 May only occur once per day.
125 May only occur once per day.
127 May only occur once per day.
  • May only occur once per day.
  • Bugged Irving's response will not play in-game because the prompt links to the wrong dialogue topic.
  • May only occur once per day.
  • Bugged Lydia's last line will never play in-game because Tiffany's last line is flagged to end the conversation.
132 May only occur once per day.
134 May only occur once per day.

Subtitle discrepancies[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 In the voiceline, Doctor Banfield correctly addresses Tiffany Cheng as Mrs. Cheng, unlike in the subtitle.
  2. The subtitles exclude a word; in the voiceline, Roy's first sentence is "Can't you tell the difference between me and a feral?"
  3. The subtitle is missing a word. In the voiceline, the last sentence is "I've got something of a score to settle, wouldn't you say?"