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This is a transcript for dialogue with Gorobets.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 I hear you killed Driver Nephi. My team would've liked to get a shot at him... but we're still glad he's dead. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 I'm Lieutenant Gorobets, First Recon. If you're looking to collect a bounty, you should talk to Major Dhatri. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 You came through for us. I have to admit... I wasn't sure you'd make it. 3
Neutral 50 Means a lot, letting my team get payback. Here. We all pitched in some caps for you. Even Sterling, and he's famous for his tight wallet. 4
GREETING Neutral 50 {Moving into position} We'll get ourselves into position. See you at the rock crushing plant. 5
GREETING Neutral 50 {In position} We're all set up. You just lure Nephi close. 6
GREETING Sad 10 {First Recon member died} It's always hard to lose someone under your command. I hate writing the letter to their folks. 7
GREETING Neutral 50 What can I do for you? 8
VFreeformMcCarran31ELieutenantGorobetsTopic000 What can you tell me about Driver Nephi? Neutral 50 Not enough. We've been trying to put a bullet in him for a few weeks. He's strong as a brahmin bull, and he's fast. {player asked how much he knows about a bad guy} 9
Neutral 50 Seems like he usually runs with a gang of Fiends. Uses them for cover. We haven't been able to get a clean shot at him. 10
Neutral 50 Betsy swears she's hit him. Twice. But if she's right, it didn't seem to slow him down. 11
VFreeformMcCarran31ELieutenantGorobetsTopic001 I'm going to need your help. Neutral 50 You've got it. {player asked for his help} 12
VFreeformMcCarran31ELieutenantGorobetsTopic002 How good is your squad? Neutral 50 I've been sniping since I was old enough to walk. Lot of us sharpshooters get recruited off the farms and ranches out west. Comes natural to us. 13
Neutral 50 As for my squad - they're the best we have. My word on that. They're all hand-picked, and I won't work with anybody who isn't up to snuff. 14
Neutral 50 10 of Spades is the greenest of the bunch, but he's a farmboy, like me. Shooting's in his blood. 15
VFreeformMcCarran31ELieutenantGorobetsTopic003 What's wrong with Betsy? Neutral 50 Cook-Cook, one of the fiends, ambushed her and Ten of Spades. They both managed to escape, but not before Cook-Cook raped her. 16
Neutral 50 Betsy's shrugged it off like it was nothing, but her behavior keeps getting worse - always making passes at every woman who wanders by. 17
Neutral 50 It's inappropriate for anyone in First Recon to behave that way. I could discipline her, but I'd rather she get medical help. 18
VFreeformMcCarran31ELieutenantGorobetsTopic004 I need your help to kill him. Neutral 50 What did you have in mind? You thinking of luring him into range of my snipers? 19
VFreeformMcCarran31ELieutenantGorobetsTopic005 Exactly. I'll be the bait. Neutral 50 It's one hell of a risk you'd be taking. But if you're willing... we'll do everything we can to keep you alive. 20
VFreeformMcCarran31ELieutenantGorobetsTopic006 Do you think that will work? Neutral 50 Can we hit him? Damn straight, we can. Question is whether he kills you before we get a clear shot. 21
VFreeformMcCarran31ELieutenantGorobetsTopic007 I'd rather just bring your people with me. Neutral 50 No, I won't risk my team in the open. They're deadly at range, but they've got no advantage hand-to-hand. 22
Neutral 50 But if you can draw him out... get us a clean shot... we can bring him down. No problem. 23
Neutral 50 It's a lot to ask, I know. You'd be taking most of the risk. 24
VFreeformMcCarran31ELieutenantGorobetsTopic008 All right. I'll do it. Neutral 50 Listen. My team has a debt to settle with Nephi. We've seen too many of our boys get brained by that golf club of his. 25
Neutral 50 You lure him out for us, and if we can score some payback... we'll all pitch in caps for a reward. 26
Neutral 50 My team will take up positions around the old rock crushing plant. They'll wait until they see Nephi, and then they'll start shooting. 27
Neutral 50 At that point, just keep your head down, and stay out of range of his golf club. We'll take care of the rest. 28
VFreeformMcCarran31ELieutenantGorobetsTopic010 Forget it. I don't like the odds. Neutral 50 Your call. Even if you were one of my troopers, I wouldn't force you to take a risk like that. 29
Neutral 50 But the offer stands. Give me the word, and I'll put my snipers in position. Otherwise, they'll stay inside the fence. 30
VFreeformMcCarran31ELieutenantGorobetsTopic011 Goodbye. Neutral 50 {military dismissal, said out of habit} Carry on. 31
VFreeformMcCarran31ELieutenantGorobetsTopic012 Major Dhatri said I should talk to you about taking down Driver Nephi. Neutral 50 Whatever you need, we'll make sure it gets done. 32
Major Dhatri said I should talk to you about taking down Driver Nephi. Neutral 50 If you need help from my team, just give the word. Driver Nephi's earned himself a few bullets in the gut. 33
VFreeformMcCarran31ELieutenantGorobetsTopic013 Never mind. Neutral 50 We're at your service, if you need us. Until Driver Nephi is dead. Major's orders. 34
VFreeformMcCarran31ELieutenantGorobetsTopic014 What happened to Sterling? Neutral 50 Corporal Sterling was an NCR ranger until he was captured by the Legion. They tortured him pretty badly. 35
Neutral 50 He wasn't able to be a ranger after that, but his eyes are still sharp so I had him transferred to First Recon. 36
VFreeformMcCarran31ELieutenantGorobetsTopic015 I can talk to Betsy about getting medical help for her trauma, if you want. Neutral 50 I'd appreciate it. As her {see-OH, commanding officer} CO, I could order her to get help, but I'd have her agree with the idea. 37
I can talk to Betsy about getting medical help for her trauma, if you want. Neutral 50 {hesitating because player isn't very smart} Yes. Talk to Betsy and try to convince her to get medical help for her trauma. {muttering to himself} I sure hope you understand what I'm asking. 38
VFreeformMcCarran31ELieutenantGorobetsTopic016 Tell me about First Recon. Neutral 50 We're the finest sniper outfit in the whole NCR. If you need a bullet put into a target's eye from 800 yards away, you call us. 39
Neutral 50 Some of my team aren't without their share of scars, though, like Betsy and Sterling. 40
Tell me about First Recon. Neutral 50 We're the finest sniper outfit in the whole NCR. If you need a bullet put into a target's eye from 800 yards away, you call us. 41
VFreeformMcCarran31ELieutenantGorobetsTopic017 Does the NCR usually offer bounties on people? Neutral 50 If they've proven hard to kill, yes. Whatever it takes to get the job done, even if means hiring help from outside the military. 42
VFreeformMcCarran31ELieutenantGorobetsTopic018 I convinced Corporal Betsy to get help from Doctor Usanagi. Neutral 50 Yes, the others in the squad said you'd come to them about her. It's a start, but let's hope she sticks with her treatment as long as it's necessary. 43
Neutral 50 I'm afraid she'll ditch Usanagi early if she feels its taking too long - she won't want to look bad in the eyes of the rest of First Recon. 44
I convinced Corporal Betsy to get help from Doctor Usanagi. Neutral 50 I caught the tail end of what you said to her. {grinning} Betsy looked like she'd been slapped right back into {basic training} basic for a few seconds there. 45
Neutral 50 Let's hope that Betsy sticks with the treatment. Knowing her, she won't keep seeing Usanagi if she feels things are taking too long. 46
I convinced Corporal Betsy to get help from Doctor Usanagi. Neutral 50 I wish someone with your medical training had come along sooner. I think she'll actually stick with her treatment because of what you said. 47
Neutral 50 I was afraid that Betsy wouldn't go for long-term treatment because she didn't want to look bad in front of the rest of the squad. You settled that. 48
I convinced Corporal Betsy to get help from Doctor Usanagi. Neutral 50 Do me a favor and let Usanagi know Corporal Betsy is coming. I'd like to make sure the medical clinic has time for her. 49


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 {out of habit - military dismissal} Carry on. 50
GorobetsGetIntoPosition GorobetsGetIntoPosition Neutral 50 We're here. First Recon, get into your positions and wait for the target. 51
GorobetsMoveOut GorobetsMoveOut Neutral 50 Get your rifles and move out, First Recon. We've got a Fiend to kill. 52