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This is a transcript for dialogue with Keith McKinney.


1DLC03_V118_Quest_IntroMurderSceneWhat the hell do you think you're doing? This is a crime scene!Santiago: Do you not see it? The glory of the thing? The artistry?A1a
2Santiago: Do you not see it? The glory of the thing? The artistry?What the hell is wrong with you?Receptionist: Excuse me...A1a
3Santiago: I'm just saying that at least he had the decency to make a spectacle of it. There's nothing worse than a boring death.That's what this is to you? You're sick...Receptionist: If I could just have your attention!A1a
4Santiago: Ezra, you've outdone yourself. Oh, this is your finest work! There is more emotion in his death than most have in their entire lives!Our friend is dead Mr. Avida! Have you no respect?Santiago: I'm just saying that at least he had the decency to make a spectacle of it. There's nothing worse than a boring death.A1a
5DLC03_V118_QuestIntroGildaKeithExitKForget it, I can't do this right now.A1a
6DLC03_V118_QuestIntroGildaKeithWaitGilda: The line is, "Then we'll make our stand here. Two lovers, together, with a bullet for each of them."God. Why can't I ever get that line.Keith: Forget it, I can't do this right now.A1a
7Gilda: Why'd you do it? Huh? He deserved better than that.You think I'm stupid? I saw the way he looked at you. You gonna tell me that's nothin'?Gilda: It wasn't like that, we were friends. He helped me out of a tight spot or two is all.A1a
8Gilda: It wasn't like that, we were friends. He helped me out of a tight spot or two is all.I couldn't stand by like some pasty faced Percy while he put the moves on my best girl.Gilda: But now the law is on our tail, what are we going to do?A1a
9Gilda: But now the law is on our tail, what are we going to do?Come away with me. Let's leave this dark hole of a city behind. We can be in Buenos Aires by tomorrow.Gilda: Oh, I want to believe you, I do but... they'll never let us go.A1a
10Gilda: Oh, I want to believe you, I do but... they'll never let us go.{Unsure about the line, you actually flubbed it} Then we'll make our stand here. I- I've got a gun for each of us.Gilda: No, no, no, no, no!A1a
11DLC03_V118_QuestKeithMainHello Detective. How can I help? Did you have questions about the case?Player Default: I think you're the murderer. The brain enclosure was smashed in and your bat was at the scene of the crime.A
12Did you decide to actually investigate this crime instead of railroading me?Player Default: I think you're the murderer. The brain enclosure was smashed in and your bat was at the scene of the crime.A
13Player Default: You thought Gilda was cheating on you with Ezra.That's ridiculous, I don't care who Gilda sees. You aren't going to pin this on me!Keith: You're not the law, you're a dead man!A1a
14Player Default: I don't know yet, but I'll find the motive.No, you won't Detective, because there isn't one.Keith: You're not the law, you're a dead man!A2a
15Player Default: Never mind.Maybe try actually investigating before you go throwing around accusations, Detective.Keith: You're not the law, you're a dead man!B1a
16Player Default: The motive doesn't matter. All the clues point to you.This is bullshit, you can't just convict me with out motive!Keith: You're not the law, you're a dead man!X1a
17Player Default: Maybe you can give me a reason it couldn't be you.I- I don't have to justify myself to you. There's no motive and you know it.Player Default: You thought Gilda was cheating on you with Ezra.Y1a
18Player Default: Maybe you can give me a reason it couldn't be you.I- I would never harm Ezra, Detective. I was... in love with him.Player Default: I think you're the murderer. The brain enclosure was smashed in and your bat was at the scene of the crime.Y2a
19Player Default: That's ridiculous, I don't care who Gilda sees. You aren't going to pin this on me!You're not the law, you're a dead man!A1a
20Player Default: I think you're the murderer. The brain enclosure was smashed in and your bat was at the scene of the crime.What? That makes no sense at all, what motive would I possibly have to kill Ezra?Player Default: You thought Gilda was cheating on you with Ezra.A1a
21Player Default: I think you're the murderer. The brain enclosure was smashed in and your bat was at the scene of the crime.We went over this before, Detective. There's no motive.Player Default: You thought Gilda was cheating on you with Ezra.A2a
22Player Default: Tell me about yourself.Well, as you probably know, I'm an actor. I don't like to brag about it, but my last picture, The Fighting Furies, did top the box office.Player Default: You thought Gilda was cheating on you with Ezra.A3a
23Player Default: Never mind.Okay, just let me know how I can help.Player Default: You thought Gilda was cheating on you with Ezra.B1a
24Player Default: Never mind.{Angry but holding back.} Fine.Player Default: You thought Gilda was cheating on you with Ezra.B2a
25Player Default: It looks like the baseball bat from your movie is missing.{Seem nervous. you aren't the killer, but this certainly looks bad.} That's odd. I don't really know where that could have gone.Player Default: You thought Gilda was cheating on you with Ezra.X1a
26Player Default: I found your baseball bat at the crime scene. Care to explain how it got there?{Nervous and a bit exasperated} Someone is clearly trying to frame me for the murder. It's probably Santiago, you saw him skulking around the crime scene.Player Default: You thought Gilda was cheating on you with Ezra.X2a
27Player Default: I found a love letter to Ezra in your room. Know anything about it?Well, I- I don't know Detective. Maybe it's Gilda's...Player Default: You thought Gilda was cheating on you with Ezra.X3a
28Player Default: I found a love letter to Ezra in your room. Know anything about it?I- I should never have written it. I just couldn't take it any longer...Player Default: You thought Gilda was cheating on you with Ezra.X4a
29Player Default: Tell me about you and Ezra.Oh god, I don't know. When we first met him he was just so mysterious and exciting. It seemed like he had been everywhere and done everything.X5a
30I convinced Gilda that we should invest in the hotel so I could stay close to him, but he never seemed to realize how I felt.X5b
31I mean we spent time together. Going hunting, having drinks, talking about his plans for the hotel.X5c
32He must have known, but he never said anything. Do you have any idea what it's like to pine for someone for 200 years, Detective?Player Default: You thought Gilda was cheating on you with Ezra.X5d
33Player Default: It sounds like Gilda has had affairs with other people. That doesn't bother you?{A little bit of tension. You are in love with someone else, but never actually acted on it. But you can't really fault her even if it does bother you} It doesn't matter if it bothers me, Detective. Gilda is her own woman, and she is going tPlayer Default: You thought Gilda was cheating on you with Ezra.X6a
34Player Default: What were you and Gilda talking about when I walked in?Hm? Oh, we were just rehearsing a scene. Nothing to worry about.Player Default: You thought Gilda was cheating on you with Ezra.X7a
35Player Default: Did you have any thoughts about the murder?It's obviously Santiago. He keeps going back to look at the crime scene.Player Default: You thought Gilda was cheating on you with Ezra.Y1a
36-Of course. Anything to help.
37{restrained anger} Fine. Ask your questions.


38-Is everyone alright?A
39God, this is terrible.A
40Why is the door open? Did you catch the killer yet?A