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Fallout Wiki

General Barnaky[]


// Speech File for Mission 01 - Chicago.
//Version 1.3
// The format for the speech file is explained in the README.txt file in the
// speech file directory.

// Mission Briefing
// Note: General Barnaky's voice does the briefing and debriefing.


At ease, Initiate. My name is General Barnaky. I will be giving you your orders before every mission. But, before that, I'd like to personally welcome you aboard. Considering that the Brotherhood Basic Training attrition rate is eighty five percent, you should be very proud of yourself. Now, on to business.\n\n

Two nights ago, raiders invaded the resource rich tribal village of Brahmin Wood. Their losses have been heavy and they are now ready to accept the Brotherhood's conditions for protection. We will return their lands and rescue these primitive people in exchange for food and a portion of their older children for new recruits. We must expand our ranks to meet our objectives, which makes every village count.\n\n

I don't know what is driving the raiders this close to our base of operations, but they have been punishing the surrounding area. Brahmin Wood is one of many villages that is now occupied by raiders. The inhabitants that did not escape, have been slain or imprisoned. Make no mistake Initiate, they have killed a fair amount of our Brothers. Do not underestimate them.\n\n

You will take your squad to Brahmin Wood, locate and eliminate the leader of the group of Raiders. Once he is removed, his followers will surely fall into disarray. You will then use the Brotherhood's superior might and intellect to butcher the remaining criminals. This is a standard assault mission so consult the map in your Pipboy for the latest intelligence on the area.\n\n

One more thing, warrior. You must ensure that the village Elder survives; he is the key to our plans for this town. According to the local tribal custom, he alone deals with outsiders. Without him, we can have no agreement with the
rest of the tribe.\n\n

// Mission Debriefing

// Situation 01: Raiders defeated. This is the bulk of the debrief that will appear in all situations.


Mission Complete warrior.\n\n

You have dealt with the raiders without hesitation and without mercy. Well done. Every defeat we hand them lessens their numbers and increases our realm of influence. The primitives you saved will be thankful, and fearful of the Brotherhood in the future. This is important since the village must learn to live by our strict rules and thus... be free.

// Add this if no villagers died


I have to admit it's been a while since an initiate performed so solidly in his first mission. The fact that your actions prevented the loss of a single primitive's life speaks volumes of your ability. To show their respect, they renamed their Brahmin stud after you. The Brotherhood, however, will look favorably on you for your next review.


// Situation 03: Mission complete with villager fatalities..
// Tone/Mood: Deadpan, grim, slightly sad.


You accomplished your mission. However, the loss of so many villagers reflects badly on all of us. As a result we received less initiates than what we require. You need to focus on your future tasks and insure the Brotherhood does not appear fallible.

// Situation 03: Mission complete with BOS squad fatalities.
// Tone/Mood: Deadpan, grim, slightly sad.


What I fail to understand is how you let a fellow Initiate perish. You were given ample men and equipment to complete the job without suffering any Brotherhood fatalities.

But the fault might be mine in putting you in charge of the squad. In either case I will be watching you closely to insure that I made the right decision.

// Situation 03: Last debrief section that is added to end of debrief regardless what happened.
// Tone/Mood: Deadpan, grim, slightly sad.


You are dismissed.

// Mini-map Information

M01_MiniMap_01 = {
Your insertion point. The red circles outline enemy activity. The blue circles indicate additional information.

M01_MiniMap_02 = {
Intelligence reports that this area is lightly patrolled.

M01_MiniMap_03 = {
Raiders have taken over this building and are using it as a guardhouse.

M01_MiniMap_04 = {
This main door bars your entry to the encampment.

M01_MiniMap_05 = {
Scouts report this gatehouse as occupied by enemy forces. It serves as the first line of defense for the Raiders.

M01_MiniMap_06 = {
The kennels will likely be replaced by Raider-trained war-dogs. These war-dogs have been known to be used as an early-warning system.

M01_MiniMap_07 = {
Reconnaissance reported this building as a tool shed.

M01_MiniMap_08 = {
Intelligence reports that this building was another guard post. It is almost certain to be manned by the Raiders.

M01_MiniMap_09 = {
There is a well-defended bunker here. The number of Raiders inside is unknown.

M01_MiniMap_10 = {
This area is patrolled, but further information is vague because of the dense ruins impeding the scouting effort.

M01_MiniMap_11 = {
This is the newly established headquarters of the Raiders. The leader is most likely to be found here. Expect any guards to be alert and resistance to be heavy.

M01_MiniMap_12 = {
Proceed to the extraction point upon completion of mission objectives.

// Objective Breakdowns:
M01_OBJ_01 = { Eliminate the Raider Leader. }
M01_OBJ_02 = { Ensure that the Tribal Father survives. }

M01_FAILUREA = { Your last breath is a pathetic attempt to clear your blood filled lungs. If only you had another chance.}


M01_FAILUREB = {You have allowed the Village Elder to perish. You must be strong and try again.}

M01_SUCCESSA = {You have completed the objectives for this mission. \n\nProceed to the exit grid to leave this mission.}




// Name: Hawkeye.
// Role: Shaman of Brahmin Wood.
// Background: Hawkeye is in his early thirties. He was given his name because
// of his stern and unwavering glare. He carries bags under his eyes due to
// lack of sleep caused by excessive use of his peace-pipe. The peacepipe is
// Hawkeye's doorway into the spirit world. Hawkeye is only vaguely interested
// in the affairs of the village. He holds the secrets to the spiritworld for
// the village and that alone is enough for him.

// Situation A00: Hawkeye introduces himself.
M01_Hawkeye_A00_W = {
Greetings hero, I have foreseen your coming since the first Eve of Troubles.\n\n

I am Hawkeye, Spiritwalker and Soothsayer for my people. I guard the passage to the Spirit World for the living. However, the Waking World has turned against my people and they have been scattered to the sands.\n\n

You must speak with Charon, our Elder. He speaks for our people in the waking world. I guard the secrets of the Sunless Lands. I cannot help you further.\n\n
// Situation Z00: Floating text that will pop up after the player has initially spoken to him before the //raiders are crushed.
M01_Hawkeye_Z00 = { May you meet the Brahman God of Sex in the afterlife.}
M01_Hawkeye_Z01 = { You are mighty to help the meek.}
M01_Hawkeye_Z02 = { Do you want to see my peace pipe?}

// Situation B: This is Hawkeye's random text before he speaks with the player.
// Hawkeye is preparing for his journey into the spirit world. He mutters about
// bringing his people back, twilight being the doorway to dreams, and so on.
M01_Hawkeye_B00 = { Hmmm. My peace pipe is clogged again. }
M01_Hawkeye_B01 = { The spirits channel their power through my ever smoking pipe. }
M01_Hawkeye_B02 = { I hear the call of the Spirit World. }
M01_Hawkeye_B03 = { Twilight is the doorway. }
M01_Hawkeye_B04 = { I must find my lost people. }
M01_Hawkeye_B05 = { Oh spirits...my people suffer. }

// Situation D00: After the Raiders are defeated, Hawkeye will return from his
// trace. If this is the first time the player has spoken to him, his speech
// will be slightly different from the speech for situation D01. He will
// introduce himself and thank the player for cleansing his village. He will
// also offer them some healing powder to show his gratitude.
M01_Hawkeye_D00_W = {
My name is Hawkeye, Dreamwalker and Spirit Watcher for my people. I have watched your deeds from the Spirit World. I understand that you have done our people a service. For that I thank you. The spirits have told me where to find some small magic, that may be of use to you in your journeys.\n\n

I have retrieved the healing powder, that it may be yours. But remember, the healing comes at a price, as your perception will suffer. Here, take it and go with my blessings.

// Situation D01: After the Raiders are defeated, Hawkeye will return from his
// trace. If spoken to, he will thank the player for cleansing his village.
// He will also offer them some healing powder to show his gratitude.
M01_Hawkeye_D01_W = {
My friends, I understand that you have done our people a service. For that I thank you. One of the spirits has told me where to find some small magic that may be of use to you in your journeys.\n\n

I have retrieved the healing powder, that it may be yours. But remember, the healing comes at a price, as your perception will suffer. Here, take it and go with my blessings.
// Situation E00: The player returns to the village after the Elder is kidnapped but before the Elder is rescued.
M01_Hawkeye_E01 = { The loss of the village elder forecasts only one thing ...invasion.}
M01_Hawkeye_E02 = { The magic stones insist you save the Elder. }
M01_Hawkeye_E03 = { Without the Elder we are lost. }
M01_Hawkeye_E04 = { The Elder was the soul of this village. }

// Situation F00: The player returns to the village after the Elder is rescued.
M01_Hawkeye_F01 = { I will thank the gods by covering myself in Brahman dung and dancing till dawn.}
M01_Hawkeye_F02 = { The Elder is safe from harm thanks to you. }
M01_Hawkeye_F03 = { I will torment the souls of the bandits to honor the Brotherhood }
M01_Hawkeye_F04 = { Please, join me in smoking my pipe.}



// Name: Charon.
// Role: Tribal Father, Elder of Brahmin Wood.
// Background: Charon is a well-tanned man of about forty years of age. He is
// well-muscled and lean for a man of his age. He understands that he has
// chosen the lesser of the two evils - Raiders versus Brotherhood control.
// He is skeptical to the benevolence of the Brotherhood's intentions.

// Situation A00: The player has not spoken to Charon yet; the Raiders have not
// yet been defeated. Charon gives an introductory speech. He explains that
// in addition to having taken over the village, the Raiders have several
// villagers hostage. He asks the player to free his captured villagers.
// Note: 'Cutting Brahmin From Your Own Herd' is a local saying, which means,
// 'to harm your own interests.'
M01_Charon_A00_W = {
Greetings to the Brotherhood of Steel. You are speaking with Charon, Elder and tribal Father to Brahmin Wood.\n\n

You have arrived none too soon. Our village has fallen to raiders who rode out of the darkness. Some of my people escaped death or bondage by fleeing into the wasteland, but without tools and shelter....\n\n

This must be the doing of the Brahmin God of Fate. With the bandits we trade away our present, in the Brotherhood we trade away our future. *Sigh*... very well Initiate, I fully agree to your terms, but I fear this decision will haunt me till I reach the Eternal Grazing Field in the heavens.\n\n

Our villagers are being held prisoner in the camp. Save them, and you will have more people to aid your cause. Lose them, and you will be cutting Brahmin from your own herd.\n\n

// Situation Z00: The player has spoken to Charon once..Note: make these random floating text please
M01_Charon_Z01 = { Let the Brotherhood show their worth. }
M01_Charon_Z02 = { Let the rivers run red with bandit blood.}
M01_Charon_Z03 = { I hope I made the right choice.}//I'VE MADE THESE "Z" SO THEY DON'T THROW ALL OF THE FOLLOWING SITUATIONS OUT.

// Situation B: Before speaking with the player, Charon grumbles about what has
// happened to his village and people. The following lines are his random lines
// as he waits for the player to talk to him.
M01_Charon_B00 = { ... to choose between the lesser of two evils ... }
M01_Charon_B01 = { How many of my villagers still live? }
M01_Charon_B02 = { The Raiders must pay for this. }
M01_Charon_B03 = { We were unprepared for this. }
M01_Charon_B04 = { Are the scouts back yet? }
M01_Charon_B05 = { Can I trust the Brotherhood? }
// Situation D02: If no villagers are killed
M01_Charon_D02_W = {
Hah hah hah. Your grace in battle is wondrous to behold Initiate. The death screams of the bandits reminded me of angels singing. They will think twice before attacking this village again.\n\n

Initiate, you defended my people as fiercely as a Deathclaw protects her cubs. Please accept this ancient gift from us. You are now considered family in my humble village.\n\n

And, of course, all the recruits will be delivered to your base as agreed. Well done.\n\n

You have our thanks.

// Situation Y02: Floating text, if no villagers are killed

M01_Charon_Y00 = { Not a single villager died today.}
M01_Charon_Y01 = { You have the bearing of a born leader. }
M01_Charon_Y02 = { Your hand is steady and your aim is true.}
M01_Charon_Y03 = { This is a day of celebration. }
M01_Charon_Y04 = { The Brotherhood is a valiant protector.}


// Situation D03: This is Charon's next line if the villagers were killed. If
// any villagers were killed, Charon will not be too happy but he will accept
// it.
M01_Charon_D03_W = {
The raiders have been dealt a heavy blow. They will need weeks to fill their ranks. While our losses are smaller, they are infinitely graver. Only much time and "hiding the spear" will replenish our ranks. You will get only half the agreed recruits.\n\n

You have our ... thanks.

// Situation X00: Floating text

M01_Charon_X00 = { The Brotherhood speaks in half-truths.}
M01_Charon_X01 = { One day Brahmin Wood will live without fear. }
M01_Charon_X02 = { We live.... for now. }
M01_Charon_X03 = { We did not bargain for this.}


// Situation E00: The Elder has returned to the village after being rescued from the raider camp by the //player
M01_Charon_E00_W = {
This old man owes you a debt of gratitude, Initiate. Your actions are as fearless as the Brahmin God of Moonshine. Your contribution to this village will not be forgotten.\n\n

I wish there was some way to repay you. *Hmm* Here. Take this magazine. Maybe you can use its pages to wipe your backside. It's better then just using your hand since you look like you bite your nails.\n\n

Fare thee well, Hero!

// Situation W00: Floating text.

M01_Charon_W00 = { The village thanks the Brotherhood of Steel.}
M01_Charon_W01 = { One day Brahmin Wood will live without fear. }
M01_Charon_W02 = { I believe you will do great things. }
M01_Charon_W03 = { You are one to change history.}




// Name: Horus.
// Role: Leader of the Raiders.
// Background: Horus is a large, well-muscled man with bad hair, a foul breath,
// and an even worse temper. He has taken over the village and is annoyed that
// the Brotherhood should decide to attack him simply because they want to test
// the abilities of one of their initiates.

// Situation A00: This the monologue Horus delivers to the player when he
// spots them. He gives them a piece of his mind, and the battle begins.
M01_Horus_A00_W = {
Well looky here! I don't recall giving out invites to Brotherhood of Steel dogs.\n\n

I bet my boss will give me all the promotion and props I need after I bring him some Brotherhood slaves. Let's see what you trained monkeys can show little old Horus.

// Situation A01: This is the monologue Horus delivers to the player when his
// health drops below a certain level. This is his dying speech and soon after
// he says it, he dies. As he speaks, he is out of breath and wheezing. He may
// cough as well. The tone is venomous hatred. The theme is 'I am going to
// die but think on this: Is your cause all that just?'
M01_Horus_A01_W = {
I, I ... may have underestimated your abilities.\n\n

Wipe that grin off your face! Your Brotherhood is no different from us. We both take what we want from these savages. If you think your cause is any more selfless than ours, you're sadly mistaken.

(Not) captured villagers[]


// The Captured Villagers:
// These fellows have some lines to indicate their mood and their thoughts.
// They have one-liners if the player tries to talk to them. All of their
// lines are in floating text.

// Situation A for captive villagers: The following lines are randomly spoken
// by the captured villagers before they are rescued. To rescue them, the
// player simply has to kill off the guards. All of the lines are floating
// text.
M01_Captive01_A00 = { Sweet Brahmin, somebody help us! }
M01_Captive01_A01 = { Will help come? }
M01_Captive01_A02 = { Who can help us? }
M01_Captive02_A00 = { Save us! }
M01_Captive02_A01 = { Help! }
M01_Captive02_A02 = { Release us! }
M01_Captive03_A00 = { Let us out! }
M01_Captive03_A01 = { Please don't hurt us. }
M01_Captive03_A02 = { Don't hurt us. }
M01_Captive04_A00 = { I'm hungry. }
M01_Captive04_A01 = { I'm thirsty. }
M01_Captive04_A02 = { I'm scared. }
M01_Captive05_A00 = { Shhh! They'll hear us. }
M01_Captive05_A01 = { The guards are coming back. }
M01_Captive05_A02 = { Shhh! Be quiet. }
M01_Captive06_A00 = { Don't say anything. }
M01_Captive06_A01 = { We'll never talk about the Brahmin. }
M01_Captive06_A02 = { We know nothing. }
M01_Captive07_A00 = { You can't leave us here. }
M01_Captive07_A01 = { We'll die without food and water. }
M01_Captive07_A02 = { Please let us out. }

// Situation B for captive villagers: The following lines are spoken by the
// captured villagers if the player tries to talk to them before they are
// rescued. All of the lines are floating text, and they cycle from 00 to 01 to
// 02 and back to 00 again.
M01_Captive01_B00 = { Save us. }
M01_Captive01_B01 = { Have you come to save us? }
M01_Captive01_B02 = { Please save us. }
M01_Captive02_B00 = { Kill the guards. }
M01_Captive02_B01 = { Please, that's the only way. }
M01_Captive02_B02 = { Kill all the guards. }
M01_Captive03_B00 = { Let us out! }
M01_Captive03_B01 = { Please don't hurt us. }
M01_Captive03_B02 = { Don't hurt us. }
M01_Captive04_B00 = { Any Brahmin strips on you? }
M01_Captive04_B01 = { Any Brahmin milk with you? }
M01_Captive04_B02 = { Are you going to hurt us too? }
M01_Captive05_B00 = { Kill the guards... quickly. }
M01_Captive05_B01 = { There may be more guards. }
M01_Captive05_B02 = { Be careful. }
M01_Captive06_B00 = { Free us. }
M01_Captive06_B01 = { Set us free. }
M01_Captive06_B02 = { We're innocent. The Holy Brahmin knows. }
M01_Captive07_B00 = { Don't leave us. }
M01_Captive07_B01 = { We'll die without your help. }
M01_Captive07_B02 = { I don't want to be a slave. }

// Situation C for captive villagers: The following lines are randomly spoken
// by the captured villagers after they are rescued (both floating and if clicked on). To rescue them, the
// player simply has to kill off the guards. All of the lines are floating
// text.
M01_Captive01_C00 = { Thank the Brahmin. }
M01_Captive01_C01 = { Praise the Brotherhood! }
M01_Captive01_C02 = { Thank you. }
M01_Captive02_C00 = { Thank you so much. }
M01_Captive02_C01 = { At last. }
M01_Captive02_C02 = { Finally. }
M01_Captive03_C00 = { That was close. }
M01_Captive03_C01 = { I was so scared. }
M01_Captive03_C02 = { Thank the Brotherhood! }
M01_Captive04_C00 = { I'm hungry. }
M01_Captive04_C01 = { I'm thirsty. }
M01_Captive04_C02 = { I'm not scared anymore. }
M01_Captive05_C00 = { We can talk again. }
M01_Captive05_C01 = { Will the raiders be coming back? }
M01_Captive05_C02 = { What if the raiders return? }
M01_Captive06_C00 = { You fought like a Brahmin bull. }
M01_Captive06_C01 = { I wasn't scared. }
M01_Captive06_C02 = { Hey, you're cute.}
M01_Captive07_C00 = { Thank you, friends. }
M01_Captive07_C01 = { My tribe and family owes you thanks. }
M01_Captive07_C02 = { Thank the Brahmin, we're all safe. }
// The Not Captured Villagers:
// These fellows have some lines to indicate their mood and their thoughts.
// They have one-liners if the player tries to talk to them. All of their
// lines are in floating text.

// Situation A for not-captured villagers: Before player kills bandits in town. The following lines are //randomly spoken.

M01_Tribal_A00 = { We tribals no like raiders. They bad people.}
M01_Tribal_A01 = { Junkie smell worse than sick Brahmin.}
M01_Tribal_A02 = { They killed my whole family.}
M01_Tribal_A03 = { We're a peaceful tribe. }

// Situation B for not-captured villagers: After player kills raiders in the town without villager fatalities. //The following lines are randomly spoken.

M01_Tribal_B00 = { I want my children to learn how to fight like you.}
M01_Tribal_B01 = { I will stretch their dead hide over my tent.}
M01_Tribal_B02 = { You warriors are powerful.}
M01_Tribal_B03 = { You have much skill. }

// Situation C for not-captured villagers: After player kills raiders in the town with villager fatalities. The //following lines are randomly spoken.

M01_Tribal_C00 = { The Brahmin God of Death is here.}
M01_Tribal_C01 = { Damn those bandits!}
M01_Tribal_C02 = { Why should we give them our children?}
M01_Tribal_C03 = { You do not fight well. Not well at all.}

// Situation D for not-captured villagers: After elder is kidnapped. The following lines are randomly spoken. Note: This will also be used for captured tribals characters since they are now free.

M01_Tribal_D00 = { We are doomed without our Elder.}
M01_Tribal_D01 = { Where was the Brotherhood? }
M01_Tribal_D02 = { They stop at nothing. }
M01_Tribal_D03 = { I feel the horns of the Brahmin God of Despair.}

// Situation E for not-captured villagers: After elder is rescued from being kidnapped. The following lines //are randomly spoken. Note: This will also be used for captured tribals characters since they are now //free.

M01_Tribal_E00 = { You friend of Brahmin Wood.}
M01_Tribal_E01 = { You are very attractive.}
M01_Tribal_E02 = { The Elder sired most of the town's young.}
M01_Tribal_E03 = { My son will be a recruit.}

Tribal junkies[]


// Tribal Junkies:
// These are youths who hang around the shaman hoping to a chance to use his
// drugs.

// Situation A for the Junkies: Before the player kills raiders in town.
M01_Junkie_A00 = { If you give me some dope I'll polish your javelin. What do you say?}
M01_Junkie_A01 = { I haven't eaten anything since my first hit. }
M01_Junkie_A02 = { Got some spare script?}
M01_Junkie_A03 = { Whoa! I'm a junkie but I ain't no bandit.}
M01_Junkie_A04 = { Look out! I'm gonna puke! }
M01_Junkie_A05 = { I'll do anything for drugs... anything.}

// Situation B for the Junkies: If player saves village with no villager fatalities
M01_Junkie_B00 = { Look, I just care about getting high. }
M01_Junkie_B01 = { Was there a fight or am I tripping. }
M01_Junkie_B02 = { I'll help fight for some drugs.}
M01_Junkie_B03 = { Don't look at me. It ain't my problem. }
M01_Junkie_B04 = { Did you see anyone pissing on me before?}
M01_Junkie_B05 = { I see dead people.}


// Situation C for the Junkies: If player saves village but with villager fatalities.
M01_Junkie_C00 = { Ha! You sure YOU didn't smoke anything?.}
M01_Junkie_C01 = { I'm high and I could've done better. }
M01_Junkie_C02 = { I going to grab the dead villager's stuff. }
M01_Junkie_C03 = { That was exciting! Did you loot the bodies yet?}
M01_Junkie_C04 = { I smell dead people! }


// Situation D for the Junkies: When Elder is kidnapped.
M01_Junkie_D00 = { What did the Elder do for me?}
M01_Junkie_D01 = { Elder's gone? Anyone in his tent? }
M01_Junkie_D02 = { Holy Brahmin! It's so beautiful. }
M01_Junkie_D03 = { Damn. That Elder was kind to me. }
M01_Junkie_D04 = { It's so cold. }


// Situation E for the Junkies: When Elder is rescued from being kidnapped.
M01_Junkie_E00 = { What did the Elder do for me?}
M01_Junkie_E01 = { You can celebrate by being generous.}
M01_Junkie_E02 = { Good job. Who did you save again?}
M01_Junkie_E03 = { I'm burning up.}
M01_Junkie_E04 = { It's so fucking hot. }




// Raiders:
// The Raiders are divided into their main roles in the mission. These are
// the various situations that the raiders may be encountered in. Typically
// they have one state: Before seeing the player. After seeing the player, the
// combat AI takes over and combat taunts are used.
// All raider lines are floating text.

// Raider Situation A: These raiders are on patrol with their dogs. All their
// lines are floating text.
M01_Raider_A00 = { I think my dog is gay. }
M01_Raider_A01 = { These tribals sure are a bunch of pussies. }
M01_Raider_A02 = {You hear something?}
M01_Raider_A03 = { Ssshhh! Hear that? }
M01_Raider_A04 = { *Yawn* }
M01_Raider_A05 = { ...believe me. Those tribals ain't coming back.}

// Raider Situation B: These raiders are on guard duty. That is, they guard
// the prisoners.
M01_Raider_B00 = { I like the tribal in the corner. }
M01_Raider_B01 = { I hate guard duty. }
M01_Raider_B02 = { Those prisoners better be quiet! }
M01_Raider_B03 = { Damn prisoners. }
M01_Raider_B04 = { ...better than farming. }
M01_Raider_B05 = { Why does it always have to be me? }

// Raider Situation C: These raiders are on sentry duty. That is, they stand
// about looking for trouble.
M01_Raider_C00 = { *Yawn* }
M01_Raider_C01 = { I can barely keep my eyes open. }
M01_Raider_C02 = { It's so quiet. }
M01_Raider_C03 = { Only a few hours left to go. }
M01_Raider_C04 = { ...feels like I've been on watch forever. }
M01_Raider_C05 = { War, war never changes ... }

Brotherhood sentries[]


// Brotherhood Sentries:
// After the mission is completed and revisted, there will be Brotherhood
// soldiers acting at protectors of the village. They will not have much to
// to say.

// Situation A: If player returns to village (after raiders are killed) and after elder is kidnapped/before //rescue. (These aren't sentry specific. They can be random.)
M01_Sentry01_A00 = { Go home Initiate. We'll try to straighten out your mess. }
M01_Sentry01_A01 = { We'll guard the village. }
M01_Sentry01_A02 = { Don't worry about what we're doing.... Initiate. }
M01_Sentry02_A00 = { Shouldn't you be doing something?}
M01_Sentry02_A01 = { I'm getting real tired of these bandits. }
M01_Sentry02_A02 = { I don't like guard duty one bit. }
M01_Sentry03_A00 = { At ease, we're guarding the village. }
M01_Sentry03_A01 = { Yeah. Tough break on Elder Charon being kidnapped before we got here. }
M01_Sentry03_A02 = { Go home Initiate. We'll try to straighten out your mess.}

// Situation B: These are random lines spoken by the Brotherhood sentries when Elder Charon is returned //from being kidnapped . (These aren't sentry specific. They can be random.)
M01_Sentry01_B00 = { You stopped the bandits and rescued the elder? Well done!}
M01_Sentry01_B01 = { You guys remind me of Dagger Squad. }
M01_Sentry01_B02 = { Not bad, Initiate, not bad. }
M01_Sentry02_B00 = { Yeah, you saved him but don't get cocky. }
M01_Sentry02_B01 = { Must have been better than guard duty. }
M01_Sentry02_B02 = { Take care. }

// Mission Specific Tags

name_M01_guardsKey = { Master Key }
desc_M01_guardsKey = { A master key to many locks within the camp. }
