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This is a transcript for dialogue with Deacon.


311COMCaitPickUpScenePlayer Default: About time I got out of this place. Let's go.And here she is, the one the only... Caaaait. Is that how they used to do it in the Combat Zone?Dogmeat: (curious sound)A6a
312COMCodsworthPickUpSceneCodsworth: By the way, Concord is nearby, and I've seen people there. I don't know if they can help, but perhaps we should take a look?{enigmatic / Neutral} Codsworth. It's time.Dogmeat: (sad whimper)A2a
313Codsworth: By the way, Concord is nearby, and I've seen people there. I don't know if they can help, but perhaps we should take a look?{Amused} Codsworth. My main robot. How goes the butling? Butlering? You know.Dogmeat: (sad whimper)A7a
314COMCurie_PickUpScenePlayer Default: Then let us get under way.Getting traded out for the tin can? How humiliating. Hey, Curie.Curie: So gracious of you, Monsieur Codsworth. Until we meet again.A8a
315Player Default: Then let us get under way.I like the new look, Curie. And people give me a hard time just for swapping out my face.Curie: So gracious of you, Monsieur Codsworth. Until we meet again.A9a
316COMDansePickUpScenePlayer Default: Roger that.You want to travel with him? OK. Just watch your back.Dogmeat: (curious sound)A6a
1414DogmeatPickupScenePlayer Default: (playful bark){Amused, friendly / Amused} Being benched for the mutt. Ouch.Dogmeat: (sad whimper)A5a
1294COMHancockPickUpScenePlayer Default: Done.{Nervous} You're traveling with Hancock? Uh, are you sure that's safe?Dogmeat: (sad whimper)A9a
1295COMMacCreadyPickUpScenePlayer Default: About time. I was getting bored.Still killing people for caps, MacCready?Dogmeat: (sad whimper)A8a
1296COMNickPickupScenePlayer Default: Well alright.Nick, you old dog, good to see you. With him along, I know you're both going to be fine.Dogmeat: (pained whimper)A9a
1297COMPiperPickupScenePlayer Default: Will do.Oh god. It's Piper. Hi, I'll be going.Dogmeat: (sad whimper)A11a
1298COMPrestonFollowStartScenePreston: Take care, Codsworth.I'll head for home, then. Good luck.A1a
1299Oh boy, it's an honest to goodness Minuteman. And here's me without my autograph book.Preston: Take care, Codsworth.A6a
1334COMX688_PickupScenePlayer Default: Right behind you, sir.{Muttered under breath, stage whisper - nervous} So I'll just be going.X688: He couldn't be in better hands.A9a


317COMDeacon_01a_NeutralToFriendshipI'd still like to talk. If you're interested.Player Default: Now's a good time.A
318We've been traveling for a spell. I was hoping to have some words with you.Player Default: Now's a good time.A
319Player Default: Maybe later.Another time.Deacon: I'm used to flying solo. But I gotta admit, working with you makes me think I've been missing out. Having someone watching your back... is refreshing.B1a
320Player Default: Another time.I'm used to flying solo. But I gotta admit, working with you makes me think I've been missing out. Having someone watching your back... is refreshing.A1a
321Especially since you never know when the Institute is watching.Player Default: The feeling's mutual.A1b
322Player Default: The feeling's mutual.I got to say, you make it look easy. But you have some built in advantages.Deacon: Some people at HQ are jealous. You took the Big Nap and everyone you knew is long gone. Wait, hear me out on the silver lining.A1a
323Player Default: Don't get all mushy on me.Aww. I was just about to open up about my first pet mole rat, Bessie, and the time we had to put her down.Deacon: Some people at HQ are jealous. You took the Big Nap and everyone you knew is long gone. Wait, hear me out on the silver lining.B1a
324Player Default: It's always good to have back up.Exactly.Deacon: Some people at HQ are jealous. You took the Big Nap and everyone you knew is long gone. Wait, hear me out on the silver lining.X1a
325Player Default: You've never had a partner?Not for a long time. Besides, partnering up in the Railroad can leave you vulnerable. One more person who can finger you to the Institute.Deacon: Some people at HQ are jealous. You took the Big Nap and everyone you knew is long gone. Wait, hear me out on the silver lining.Y1a
326Player Default: I got to say, you make it look easy. But you have some built in advantages.Some people at HQ are jealous. You took the Big Nap and everyone you knew is long gone. Wait, hear me out on the silver lining.A1a
327If a human in the Railroad slips up then they expose friends and loved ones to danger. You're safe from that.Player Default: Well, I guess I'm a little lucky then.A1b
328Player Default: Well, I guess I'm a little lucky then.What's done is done, and the up shot is you're in a position where you can act openly. If you go to ground, there's little the Coursers can do about it.Deacon: It doesn't matter much to me. I'm a synth. At least that's what they tell me. So I really don't have anything to lose.A1a
329Player Default: You're saying that losing my boy is a good thing?{Apologetic} Oh, Jesus, I didn't mean that. If the Church gets compromised and the Coursers are on our tail at least you're not putting more people in harm's way. That's all.Deacon: It doesn't matter much to me. I'm a synth. At least that's what they tell me. So I really don't have anything to lose.B1a
330Player Default: I hadn't thought of it that way.{Somber} When the Switchboard went sideways some people lost family as well as comrades. That's got to be tough.Deacon: It doesn't matter much to me. I'm a synth. At least that's what they tell me. So I really don't have anything to lose.X1a
331Player Default: Why would the people they care about be in danger?{Sad} When the Coursers start kicking down doors - they just don't hit Railroad safehouses. Some friends and family have been known to get axed.Y1a
332{Somber} Whether the Institute's motivated by vengeance or faulty intel, it doesn't matter to the people left behind.Deacon: It doesn't matter much to me. I'm a synth. At least that's what they tell me. So I really don't have anything to lose.Y1b
333Player Default: What's done is done, and the up shot is you're in a position where you can act openly. If you go to ground, there's little the Coursers can do about it.{Somber} It doesn't matter much to me. I'm a synth. At least that's what they tell me. So I really don't have anything to lose.A1a
334{Somber} For Glory and me, and the others, it's easier to dedicate ourselves to the cause.Player Default: I had no idea.A1b
335Player Default: I had no idea.I figured you deserved to know. I was one of the first to get the whole cranium reboot and let's just say it was a learning experience for everyone.Deacon: Since we're traveling together I want you to take this. It's my recall code.A1a
336Player Default: You expect me to believe that?{Confident} Why not? I was one of the first to get the good old cranium reboot and it was a learning experience for everyone. Makes me quirky and fun that way.Deacon: Since we're traveling together I want you to take this. It's my recall code.B1a
337Player Default: That's interesting.That's one word for it.Deacon: Since we're traveling together I want you to take this. It's my recall code.X1a
338Player Default: You're a synth? Why didn't you tell me before?I don't like talking about it. I was one of the first synths they did the whole cranium reboot on. So it was a bit of a botch job.Y1a
339Most synths have fun fake memories. A happy home, a family. Me, I got nothing. And that... well, it does something to you.Deacon: Since we're traveling together I want you to take this. It's my recall code.Y1b
340Player Default: I figured you deserved to know. I was one of the first to get the whole cranium reboot and let's just say it was a learning experience for everyone.{Nervous} Since we're traveling together I want you to take this. It's my recall code.A1a
341{Nervous} If you ever need to know something about the Institute, read it to me.Player Default: I appreciate the trust.A1b
342Player Default: I appreciate the trust.{Nervous} Yeah, well, about that.Deacon: Don't use the code unless you absolutely have to. It'll wipe my memories. I'm not sure how much of me will even be left.A1a
343Player Default: If you expect me to believe you, I want proof.{Amused} Alright, you got me. No fooling you, huh? Don't take it personally, I lie to everyone.Deacon: Maybe I'm just another human that has people back home he wants to protect. Then again, maybe not.B1a
344Player Default: If you expect me to believe you, I want proof.{Confident} If you really want proof, you could read that code and find out. Wait a second. Maybe that's not a good idea.Deacon: Don't use the code unless you absolutely have to. It'll wipe my memories. I'm not sure how much of me will even be left.B2a
345Player Default: What's the recall code do?That's the safety net the brain docs put in. An ejector seat to bring back your old synth self.Y1a
346I don't know for certain, but I imagine it's a big old wad of trauma and cupcakes. Except with no cupcakes.Deacon: Don't use the code unless you absolutely have to. It'll wipe my memories. I'm not sure how much of me will even be left.Y1b
347Player Default: Yeah, well, about that.{Nervous} Don't use the code unless you absolutely have to. It'll wipe my memories. I'm not sure how much of me will even be left.A1a
348{Nervous} You know, I'd just feel better if you didn't read it until you need it.A1b
349COMDeacon_01b_NeutralToFriendship{Nervous} You know, I'm having second thoughts on that whole recall code. Wait. You read it, didn't you?Player Default: I read it, all right.A
350Player Default: I read it, all right.{Nervous} Don't tell me what it said. You know, it's probably just safer if we don't talk right now.Deacon: Did I have you going? Don't take it personal. I lie to everyone.A1a
351Player Default: No, I haven't read it yet.{Relieved} Good. Please don't. It'll make it easier to sleep at night.Deacon: Did I have you going? Don't take it personal. I lie to everyone.B1a
352Player Default: "You can't trust everyone."*Convulsions*Deacon: Did I have you going? Don't take it personal. I lie to everyone.X1a
353Player Default: "You can't trust everyone."Another time, then.Deacon: Did I have you going? Don't take it personal. I lie to everyone.X2a
354Player Default: "You can't trust everyone."I'm all ready to go.Deacon: Did I have you going? Don't take it personal. I lie to everyone.X3a
355Player Default: "You can't trust everyone."{Angry} What? God damn it. Don't do that.Deacon: Did I have you going? Don't take it personal. I lie to everyone.X4a
356Player Default: Why shouldn't I read it?Just in case it gets stuck in your head. You know, like if I say 'radroach'. Now don't think of 'radroach'. See you thought of it.Y1a
357{Nervous} And if it's a real simple code then one slip and goodbye Deacon. Anyway, only read it if you have to.Deacon: Did I have you going? Don't take it personal. I lie to everyone.Y1b
358Deacon: Did I have you going? Don't take it personal. I lie to everyone.Maybe I'm just another human that has people back home he wants to protect. Then again, maybe not.Player Default: Well, you're good in my book. Whatever or whoever you are.A1a
359Player Default: Well, you're good in my book. Whatever or whoever you are.{Friendly} I want... If you believe anything, believe this. I'm in your corner. Always have been.Deacon: That code I gave you is a hard truth. You can't trust everyone. Even if someone sounds sincere they could be a synth replacement working for the Institute.A1a
360Player Default: I don't like being lied to.{Apologetic} My relationship with the truth rubs some people the wrong way. But believe this one thing: I'm in your corner. Always have been. Not everyone can say that.Deacon: That code I gave you is a hard truth. You can't trust everyone. Even if someone sounds sincere they could be a synth replacement working for the Institute.B1a
361Player Default: You still could be a synth. Are you?{Amused} I think I'll wait until the betting pool back at HQ gets higher before I answer that one. When I need some beer money.Deacon: That code I gave you is a hard truth. You can't trust everyone. Even if someone sounds sincere they could be a synth replacement working for the Institute.X1a
362Player Default: Is that really why you lied to me?I'm supposed to be showing you the ropes in the Railroad, so let's say this is lesson, well, whatever number we're at.Deacon: That code I gave you is a hard truth. You can't trust everyone. Even if someone sounds sincere they could be a synth replacement working for the Institute.Y1a
363Player Default: I want... If you believe anything, believe this. I'm in your corner. Always have been.{Somber} That code I gave you is a hard truth. You can't trust everyone. Even if someone sounds sincere they could be a synth replacement working for the Institute.A1a
364{Amused} The bitch of the problem is recognizing the 90% of the time someone's on the up and up and the 10% of the time you're being played.A1b
365Player Default: Don't tell me what it said. You know, it's probably just safer if we don't talk right now.{Amused} Did I have you going? Don't take it personal. I lie to everyone.Deacon: Maybe I'm just another human that has people back home he wants to protect. Then again, maybe not.A1a
366COMDeacon_02_FriendshipToAdmirationWe've been making the rounds, doing the job. It's time you learn the Big Secret.Deacon: Everyone thinks that Desdemona is the big boss. She calls the ops, gives the ra-ra speeches. But it's just an act.A
367NPCMDeacon: We've been making the rounds, doing the job. It's time you learn the Big Secret.Everyone thinks that Desdemona is the big boss. She calls the ops, gives the ra-ra speeches. But it's just an act.A1a
368She does what I tell her to because the Railroad's my show. It's been that way since I founded it.Player Default: You really founded it?A1b
369Player Default: You really founded it?{Happy} Sure. Me and Johnny D and Watts. Hell, that was 60? 70 years ago? After awhile you lose count.Deacon: We've come a long way since the beginning. We've done a lot of good. Saved a lot of synths.A1a
370Player Default: Do you really think I'm going to fall for this?{Amused} Fall for what? Haven't you noticed when I say the word Desdemona does a 180. "Hey, there's an intruder". "No, I vouch for him." "Then welcome."B1a
371{Amused} Every time. It works best that way, gives me room to maneuver.Deacon: We've come a long way since the beginning. We've done a lot of good. Saved a lot of synths.B1b
372Player Default: I'm not so sure about that.Like I said. The Big Secret.Deacon: We've come a long way since the beginning. We've done a lot of good. Saved a lot of synths.X1a
373Player Default: You? You founded the Railroad?Sure. Me and Johnny D and Watts. Hell, that was over 60? 70 years ago? After awhile you lose count.Y1a
374I tell everyone I get the occasional face change to stay anonymous. Truth is, it takes a lot of work to keep this mug handsome.Deacon: We've come a long way since the beginning. We've done a lot of good. Saved a lot of synths.Y1b
375Player Default: Sure. Me and Johnny D and Watts. Hell, that was 60? 70 years ago? After awhile you lose count.We've come a long way since the beginning. We've done a lot of good. Saved a lot of synths.A1a
376{Confident} But we're about more than that. We're the last and only line of defense between the Institute and the Commonwealth. Hell, maybe even the world.Player Default: Any perks being close to the big boss?A1b
377Player Default: Any perks being close to the big boss?Now that I don't have to hide, sure. Tinker Tom will set you up. But the best perk is seeing behind the curtain.Deacon: People think our missions are all about synths. But there's more going on. We're building a better, brighter Commonwealth.A1a
378Player Default: You've lied to me at least once. This is just more of the same.{Amused} Yeah, you got me. But you're going to hear the same sort of lies elsewhere.Deacon: There're other organizations out there. And, in time, I'm sure they're going to spoon-feed you their own patented form of bullshit.B1a
379Player Default: You've lied to me at least once. This is just more of the same.{Amused} Am I? Doesn't it make things make a little bit more sense? There's a lot of secrets in the Railroad.Deacon: People think our missions are all about synths. But there's more going on. We're building a better, brighter Commonwealth.B2a
380Player Default: How are we defending anyone?We keep everyone in cells so no one knows just how large our organization actually is. And just how many things we're doing day-to-day.Deacon: People think our missions are all about synths. But there's more going on. We're building a better, brighter Commonwealth.Y1a
381Player Default: Now that I don't have to hide, sure. Tinker Tom will set you up. But the best perk is seeing behind the curtain.{Confident} People think our missions are all about synths. But there's more going on. We're building a better, brighter Commonwealth.A1a
382{Confident} The Railroad really is the best, noblest organization that's ever lived. We're...Deacon: I can't keep up with this bullshit.A1b
383Deacon: The Railroad really is the best, noblest organization that's ever lived. We're...{Amused} I can't keep up with this bullshit.Player Default: Traveling with you is never dull.A1a
384Player Default: Traveling with you is never dull.{Amused} I aim to please. But I had a point here. A lesson, if you will.Deacon: There're other organizations out there. And, in time, I'm sure they're going to spoon-feed you their own patented form of bullshit.A1a
385Player Default: I knew you were lying to me, you bastard.{Somber} Of course you did. But hopefully there's a point here. A lesson, if you will.Deacon: There're other organizations out there. And, in time, I'm sure they're going to spoon-feed you their own patented form of bullshit.B1a
386Player Default: Sometimes I think you're crazy.{Amused} Sometimes I think you're right. But there's a point to this. A lesson, if you will.Deacon: There're other organizations out there. And, in time, I'm sure they're going to spoon-feed you their own patented form of bullshit.X1a
387Player Default: Why the hell are you lying to me? Again?{Amused} Because it's what I do. And, there's a point to this - a lesson, if you will.Deacon: There're other organizations out there. And, in time, I'm sure they're going to spoon-feed you their own patented form of bullshit.Y1a
388Player Default: I aim to please. But I had a point here. A lesson, if you will.There're other organizations out there. And, in time, I'm sure they're going to spoon-feed you their own patented form of bullshit.A1a
389Ignore the verbage and look at what they're doing. What they're asking you to do.A1b
390{Somber} What sort of world they'd have you build and how they're going to pay for it.Player Default: Thanks for the advice.A1c
391Player Default: Thanks for the advice.I don't know if it's your good old fashion Pre-War values or you just won the genetic lottery, but anyone that has you in their corner has an advantage.Deacon: And at the end of the day you'll need to make a choice. Make it the right one.A1a
392Player Default: I don't need any more of your lies.{Amused} Then boy, did you choose the wrong traveling companion. But hey, listen.Deacon: And at the end of the day you'll need to make a choice. Make it the right one.B1a
393Player Default: So what do you think of the other groups out there?Love the job you're doing with the Minutemen. Historically, they've been little better than policemen, though.X1a
394The Brotherhood... well, I met them on an op in Capital Wasteland a few years back. But now with Elder Maxson... Let's just say, not a fan.X1b
395And the Institute. Well, do I really need to answer that? But what I think, doesn't matter. The real question is: what do you think?Deacon: And at the end of the day you'll need to make a choice. Make it the right one.X1c
396Player Default: So what's the Railroad's deal?We're not about saving the world, too big a job for too few. But we're trying to make it a better one. One synth at a time.Y1a
397And care about the little guys. Maybe lend a hand on the side. Not as much as some would like. But hey, it's something.Y1b
398But the real question is: what do you think of us?Deacon: And at the end of the day you'll need to make a choice. Make it the right one.Y1c
399Player Default: I don't know if it's your good old fashion Pre-War values or you just won the genetic lottery, but anyone that has you in their corner has an advantage.And at the end of the day you'll need to make a choice. Make it the right one.A1a
400COMDeacon_04_AdmirationToInfatuationHey. I got something important to say.Deacon: I really appreciate you putting up with my bullshit. Truth is it's been a long time since I've had a... friend.A
401NPCMDeacon: Hey. I got something important to say.{Somber} I really appreciate you putting up with my bullshit. Truth is it's been a long time since I've had a... friend.Deacon: I'm a liar. Everyone knows it. I make no secret of it. Because the truth is: I'm a fraud. To my core.A1a
402Deacon: I really appreciate you putting up with my bullshit. Truth is it's been a long time since I've had a... friend.{Somber} I'm a liar. Everyone knows it. I make no secret of it. Because the truth is: I'm a fraud. To my core.A1a
403{Somber} When I was young, a hell of a long time ago, I was... well, scum. I was a bigot. A very violent bigot.Player Default: We all make mistakes when we're young.A1b
404Player Default: We all make mistakes when we're young.{Depressed} A mistake or two, yeah. But what I did.Deacon: I ran with a gang in University Point. We called ourselves the UP Deathclaws. For kicks we'd terrorize anyone that we thought was a synth.A1a
405Player Default: You trying to sell me another of your lies? Really?{Somber} Just hear me out. Make your judgments then.Deacon: I ran with a gang in University Point. We called ourselves the UP Deathclaws. For kicks we'd terrorize anyone that we thought was a synth.B1a
406Player Default: Were you really that bad?{Depressed} Worse than that.Deacon: I ran with a gang in University Point. We called ourselves the UP Deathclaws. For kicks we'd terrorize anyone that we thought was a synth.Y1a
407Player Default: A mistake or two, yeah. But what I did.{Neutral} I ran with a gang in University Point. We called ourselves the UP Deathclaws. For kicks we'd terrorize anyone that we thought was a synth.A1a
408{Sad} We kept egging each other on. Started with some property damage graduated to some beat downs. Then, inevitably, a lynching.A1b
409{Somber} The Claw's leader was convinced we'd finally found and killed a synth. Looking back, I'm not so sure.Player Default: I'll withhold judgment until you finish.A1c
410Player Default: I'll withhold judgment until you finish.{Somber} Thanks.Deacon: So I turned my back on my "brothers" - broke all contact. Time passed, I became a farmer, if you can believe that. Then one day I found someone.A1a
411Player Default: Why you're telling me this? What game are you playing?{Defiant} It's called a confession. Good for the soul or something.Deacon: So I turned my back on my "brothers" - broke all contact. Time passed, I became a farmer, if you can believe that. Then one day I found someone.B1a
412Player Default: I had no idea.{Neutral} No one does.Deacon: So I turned my back on my "brothers" - broke all contact. Time passed, I became a farmer, if you can believe that. Then one day I found someone.X1a
413Player Default: You killed someone?{Depressed} That one was enough for me. It was his eyes... Those eyes haunt me. Bulging.Deacon: So I turned my back on my "brothers" - broke all contact. Time passed, I became a farmer, if you can believe that. Then one day I found someone.Y1a
414Player Default: Thanks.{Neutral} So I turned my back on my "brothers" - broke all contact. Time passed, I became a farmer, if you can believe that. Then one day I found someone.A1a
415{Thinking} She saw something in me I didn't know was there. Barbara, well, she was... She just was.Player Default: Leaving the Deathclaws took a lot of courage.A1b
416Player Default: Leaving the Deathclaws took a lot of courage.{Neutral} Leaving wasn't free - they took it out on my sad hide. But by the time I met Barbara, they'd moved on.Deacon: We were trying for kids, ekeing out a living. Then one day... It turns out my Barbara... She was a synth.A1a
417Player Default: If you're telling the truth, you didn't deserve her.{Sad} I know. I still know. But I married Barbara all the same.Deacon: We were trying for kids, ekeing out a living. Then one day... It turns out my Barbara... She was a synth.B1a
418Player Default: She sounds special.{Somber} Being with her made me feel like the whole world had a chance. That one day we could climb out of this wreckage. She could do that to people.Deacon: We were trying for kids, ekeing out a living. Then one day... It turns out my Barbara... She was a synth.X1a
419Player Default: What was she like?{Sad} She had a smile like on those old magazine covers. Her eyes...Deacon: We were trying for kids, ekeing out a living. Then one day... It turns out my Barbara... She was a synth.Y1a
420Player Default: Leaving wasn't free - they took it out on my sad hide. But by the time I met Barbara, they'd moved on.{Sad} We were trying for kids, ekeing out a living. Then one day... It turns out my Barbara... She was a synth.A1a
421{Depressed} She didn't know that. I certainly didn't. I don't know how the Deathclaws found out. But... there was blood.Player Default: Shit, I'm sorry.A1b
422Player Default: Sounds like karma sucker punched you.{Sad} That she most certainly did.Deacon: I don't remember much clearly after that. I know I killed most of the Claws. I must've made a big impression.B1a
423Player Default: So they killed her?Yes.Deacon: I don't remember much clearly after that. I know I killed most of the Claws. I must've made a big impression.Y1a
424Player Default: That she most certainly did.{Neutral} I don't remember much clearly after that. I know I killed most of the Claws. I must've made a big impression.A1a
425{Somber} The Railroad contacted me, figuring I'd be sympathetic. Seeing that I lost my wife. And, well, what I did afterwards.Player Default: After what happened to my family. I can understand.A1b
426Player Default: After what happened to my family. I can understand.{Apologetic} I thought you might.Deacon: I don't even know why I lie any more. But I can't tell the truth. Everyone - Tom, Dez, you, even that asshole Carrington - they deserve to be in the Railroad.A1a
427Player Default: Is this the part where you admit it's a lie? And try teaching some stupid lesson?{InPain} I deserve that. But no. That's the end of the story.Deacon: I don't even know why I lie any more. But I can't tell the truth. Everyone - Tom, Dez, you, even that asshole Carrington - they deserve to be in the Railroad.B1a
428Player Default: That's a hell of a story.{Sarcastic} It was no picnic to live through, either.Deacon: I don't even know why I lie any more. But I can't tell the truth. Everyone - Tom, Dez, you, even that asshole Carrington - they deserve to be in the Railroad.X1a
429Player Default: The Railroad let you in? Even though you once were in the Deathclaws?{Somber} So many years had passed that I don't think anyone, well except the Claws, knew that. All they knew is someone fought back.Deacon: I don't even know why I lie any more. But I can't tell the truth. Everyone - Tom, Dez, you, even that asshole Carrington - they deserve to be in the Railroad.Y1a
430Player Default: I thought you might.{Depressed} I don't even know why I lie any more. But I can't tell the truth. Everyone - Tom, Dez, you, even that asshole Carrington - they deserve to be in the Railroad.A1a
431{Angry} I don't. I'm everything wrong with this whole fucking Commonwealth. You're the only friend I got. I don't deserve you being OK with this.A1b
432{Somber} Hell, I'm not even asking for it. But I figured you should know.Player Default: Everyone's got a past. The important thing is you're trying to make up for it. I'm still on your side.A1c
433Player Default: Everyone's got a past. The important thing is you're trying to make up for it. I'm still on your side.{Relieved} I'm not the hugging type. So, yeah. Good talk.A1a
434Player Default: So you're a liar, hypocrite, murderer, and am I missing anything? Damn right you don't belong in the Railroad.{Angry} And that's why I don't tell anyone this. I should've fucking known. You know what, it's all a big lie. Good talk.B1a
435Player Default: That's a lot to process.{Defiant} I can imagine. Listen, you must be wondering, "Hey, is Deacon messing with my head? Again?" But even if you don't believe anything else.X1a
436{Defiant} Know that you're my friend. Maybe my only one. So. Good talk.X1b
437Player Default: I don't buy your whole story.{Defiant} Very understandable. But believe this. You are my friend. Maybe my only one. When shit goes down, I'm with you to the end.Y1a
438{Sad} So, yeah. Good talk.Y1b
439COMDeacon_05_NeutralToDisdain{Somber} Hold up. We need to have some words.Player Default: I'll make some time for you.A
440Player Default: Not now.All right. But we need to talk. Soon.Deacon: The Railroad isn't exactly loved out there. A lot of people look at synths as murderous machines.B1a
441Player Default: All right. But we need to talk. Soon.The Railroad isn't exactly loved out there. A lot of people look at synths as murderous machines.A1a
442So you can imagine how popular that makes us. Others could give a shit. They just want to farm, trade, thieve, or whatever.A1b
443Their beef with us is collateral damage.Player Default: But we're the good guys.A1c
444Player Default: But we're the good guys.{Somber} You know that. I do, too. But it's kind hard to do PR when we're hiding in a hole in the ground.Deacon: My point in this is sometimes you're adding more reasons for them to distrust and even hate us. And that makes our job harder down the line.A1a
445Player Default: Why do we care what they think?{Somber} An angry mob can ruin our day just as easily as a Courser attack.Deacon: My point in this is sometimes you're adding more reasons for them to distrust and even hate us. And that makes our job harder down the line.B1a
446Player Default: Do people really think that badly of us?{Confident} Certainly not everyone. But a lot of people put the blame for our firefights with the Institute on us.Y1a
447{Somber} And for a grieving parent telling them that their kid ate a Courser's bullet in the struggle for synth freedom... That doesn't hold much water.Deacon: My point in this is sometimes you're adding more reasons for them to distrust and even hate us. And that makes our job harder down the line.Y1b
448Player Default: You know that. I do, too. But it's kind hard to do PR when we're hiding in a hole in the ground.{Somber} My point in this is sometimes you're adding more reasons for them to distrust and even hate us. And that makes our job harder down the line.A1a
449{Confident} We need to win over John Q Public and that's a tough proposition at the best of times.Player Default: I'll take it to heart.A1b
450Player Default: I'll take it to heart.Traveling with you I've gained a lot of respect for you.Deacon: In this business sometimes you need to be tough, and I'm all for that.A1a
451Player Default: I don't need a lecture.{Confident} All of us enrolled in the school of hard knocks need an occasional refresher course. And this one comes from a place of respect, all right?Deacon: In this business sometimes you need to be tough, and I'm all for that.B1a
452Player Default: If you say so.I do.Deacon: In this business sometimes you need to be tough, and I'm all for that.X1a
453Player Default: What reasons am I giving them?When there's needless blood on our hands, that raises a stink. When you screw over someone, guess what, sometimes the rumor gets out.Deacon: In this business sometimes you need to be tough, and I'm all for that.Y1a
454Player Default: Traveling with you I've gained a lot of respect for you.{Somber} In this business sometimes you need to be tough, and I'm all for that.A1a
455{Somber} But if you go too far then you're just following in Glory's footsteps. And that's a path I won't take. There. I've said my piece.A1b
456COMDeacon_06_DisdainToHatred{Angry} I can't believe that at one point I wanted to travel with you.A1a
457{Angry} I've hit my limit. Listen, we've had a good run but I need to fly solo again.Player Default: But I thought we had a good thing.A
458Player Default: But I thought we had a good thing.{Confident} Sometimes I think you're the best agent we've ever had. And other times...Deacon: I told you position on innocents and you ignored it. So we're done traveling together.A1a
459Player Default: Where the hell is this coming from?{Angry} It seems like your solution to everything is violence. And the way you treat people...Deacon: I told you position on innocents and you ignored it. So we're done traveling together.B1a
460Player Default: What are you talking about?{Angry} I'm talking about the people you've trampled on. The bodies that keep piling up.Deacon: I told you position on innocents and you ignored it. So we're done traveling together.Y1a
461Player Default: Sometimes I think you're the best agent we've ever had. And other times...{Stern} The Railroad needs people like you and Glory. So it's good to have you both on our team. But your style and mine are completely opposite.Player Default: Can't we talk about it? I want to keep traveling with you.A1a
462Player Default: Can't we talk about it? I want to keep traveling with you.{Stern} Not going to happen. Sorry.Deacon: We'll be seeing each other a lot and I'm not one to hold grudges.A1a
463Player Default: Good riddance.{Confident} I'm not looking for a fight.Deacon: We'll be seeing each other a lot and I'm not one to hold grudges.B1a
464Player Default: If that's how you feel, then.Sadly, it is.Deacon: We'll be seeing each other a lot and I'm not one to hold grudges.X1a
465Player Default: Is there anything I can do?{Somber} We already covered this once. I was hoping... It didn't pan out. That's OK. The Railroad is a colorful bunch of people.Y1a
466Us all getting along isn't what's important. The mission is.Deacon: We'll be seeing each other a lot and I'm not one to hold grudges.Y1b
467Player Default: Not going to happen. Sorry.{Confident} We'll be seeing each other a lot and I'm not one to hold grudges.A1a
468{Pleading} Just remember, we're trying to help people not make the garbage dump stink even more.A1b
469Player Default: Sometimes I think you're the best agent we've ever had. And other times...{Angry} I told you position on innocents and you ignored it. So we're done traveling together.Deacon: We'll be seeing each other a lot and I'm not one to hold grudges.A1a
470COMDeacon_07_RepeatInfatuationToAdmiration{Worried} This is going to be fun. Have time to talk?Player Default: Of course I do. What's on your mind?A
471Player Default: Maybe later?It'll hold.Deacon: One of the reasons I opened up to you is that... Oh boy, this is going to sound corny.B1a
472Player Default: That doesn't sound good. What is it?{Worried} Something's been really bothering me.Deacon: One of the reasons I opened up to you is that... Oh boy, this is going to sound corny.Y1a
473Player Default: It'll hold.One of the reasons I opened up to you is that... Oh boy, this is going to sound corny.A1a
474{Awed} You've got some real nobility. If honor was common back in your day, I'm sure you realize it's rare as hell now.A1b
475{Worried} It's been really bothering me to see you stoop down to our level.Player Default: I appreciate you telling me.A1c
476Player Default: I appreciate you telling me.{Relieved} Thanks for taking it so well. And, our friendship...Deacon: Don't get me wrong, I'm pleased as punch we're traveling together. So if you get back to the brotherhood of man thing again we'll be the best of pals.A1a
477Player Default: Sometimes I need to make hard choices. I don't need second-guessing.{Worried} I know. But somehow before you managed to thread that needle. And now...Deacon: Don't get me wrong, I'm pleased as punch we're traveling together. So if you get back to the brotherhood of man thing again we'll be the best of pals.B1a
478Player Default: What do you mean, exactly?{Somber} I try my best to limit the blow back on my ops. No mess, no fuss. Some of the things you've been doing...Y1a
479Well, it's not pretty.Deacon: Don't get me wrong, I'm pleased as punch we're traveling together. So if you get back to the brotherhood of man thing again we'll be the best of pals.Y1b
480Player Default: Thanks for taking it so well. And, our friendship...{Friendly} Don't get me wrong, I'm pleased as punch we're traveling together. So if you get back to the brotherhood of man thing again we'll be the best of pals.A1a
481COMDeacon_08_RepeatAdmirationToNeutralGot a moment?Deacon: I know I can be a hard read, but I've really enjoyed traveling with you. No bullshit.A
482NPCMDeacon: Got a moment?{Friendly} I know I can be a hard read, but I've really enjoyed traveling with you. No bullshit.A1a
483{Worried} But recently... well, some of the calls you've been making have been bugging me.Player Default: I'm sorry to hear that.A1b
484Player Default: I'm sorry to hear that.{Worried} Some of the things we've been doing recently. They're sloppy. People getting hurt that don't need to be.A1a
485{Somber} Not everyone in the Railroad would agree with this, but my view is that we're really in it to help everyone. Humans, synths, and everything in between.A1b
486{Friendly} So if you can start doing that again, I'll rest a whole lot easier.A1c
487COMDeacon_09_RepeatNeutralToDisdain{Stern} I need a word. Now.Player Default: I'm always happy to talk with you.A
488Player Default: I'm always happy to talk with you.{Stern} Whatever.Deacon: We've had some strong words not too far back, well strong for me, at least. I thought we came to an understanding.A1a
489Player Default: I don't have time for this.Fine. But we're talking soon.Deacon: We've had some strong words not too far back, well strong for me, at least. I thought we came to an understanding.B1a
490Player Default: Whatever.{Angry} We've had some strong words not too far back, well strong for me, at least. I thought we came to an understanding.A1a
491{Angry} But you keep leaving a trail of misery behind you. To be clear: I'm not going to stand for it.Player Default: I hear you. Let's try to keep this civil.A1b
492Player Default: I hear you. Let's try to keep this civil.{Somber} I can do that.Deacon: Other people in the Railroad, hell, they're worse than you. But I want to run clean ops.A1a
493Player Default: All you do is complain. You ever stop to think that you may be the problem here?{Angry} Me? On the missions I run there're fewer body bags. And sometimes the civvies even say, "Thank you."Deacon: Other people in the Railroad, hell, they're worse than you. But I want to run clean ops.B1a
494Player Default: Trail of misery? What?{Angry} You keep screwing people over. People that we may need to ask a favor from down the line.Y1a
495{Stern} Or worse yet, they wind up dead.Deacon: Other people in the Railroad, hell, they're worse than you. But I want to run clean ops.Y1b
496Player Default: I can do that.{Somber} Other people in the Railroad, hell, they're worse than you. But I want to run clean ops.A1a
497{Angry} Limit the casualties and maybe, god forbid, help people now and then. If you can't do that, I'm gone.A1b
498COMDeacon_11_RepeatAdmirationToInfatuationNPCMDeacon: You know that time when I said something about nobility, stooping to our level, and Fancy Lads.{Amused at his own joke / Amused} Well, forget I said all that. Well, except for the Fancy Lads.Player Default: I'm glad we're good again.A1a
499Player Default: I'm glad we're good again.{Very friendly / Grateful} You and me both.Deacon: Clearly, I was jumping at shadows. You're the best person I know.A1a
500Player Default: I'm tired of all your bitching.{Eats his pride - serious / Somber} I'll own that. I was out of line.Deacon: Clearly, I was jumping at shadows. You're the best person I know.B1a
501Player Default: Those Fancy Lads better still be on the table.{Banter / Amused} Don't look at me, I have an alibi.Deacon: Clearly, I was jumping at shadows. You're the best person I know.X1a
502Player Default: What are you talking about?{Explaining} Well, I thought you were compromising some of your good old world ideals. Getting a little too grimy with the here and now.Deacon: Clearly, I was jumping at shadows. You're the best person I know.Y1a
503Player Default: You and me both.{I am sorry should be clear in tone / Apologetic} Clearly, I was jumping at shadows. You're the best person I know.Deacon: Talks over, amigo.A1a
504Deacon: Clearly, I was jumping at shadows. You're the best person I know.{Getting a little too real, doesn't want to get too sentimental / Friendly} Talks over, amigo.A1a
505Deacon: Clearly, I was jumping at shadows. You're the best person I know.{Getting a little too real, doesn't want to get too sentimental / Friendly} Talks over, amiga.A2a
506{Cheery - this is good news} You know that time when I said something about nobility, stooping to our level, and Fancy Lads.Deacon: Well, forget I said all that. Well, except for the Fancy Lads.A
507COMDeacon_DismissSceneTime for me to move on?Player Default: Sad to say it is.A1a
508Player Default: I take it back. We're good.Glad to hear it.B1a
509Player Default: Are you OK with that?I guess.Y1a
510COMDeacon_MurderScene{Angry} That's it. We're talking.Deacon: What the hell was that?A
511NPCMDeacon: That's it. We're talking.{Angry} What the hell was that?Player Default: Calm down.A1a
512Player Default: Calm down.{Angry} Like hell I will. I'm an easy going guy, but there's a line.Deacon: We don't kill innocents. Sometimes these Institute bastards catch us in a cross-fire or there's friendly fire.A1a
513Player Default: You don't want to lay into me.{Angry} Like hell I don't. I'm an easy-going guy, but there's a god-damned line.Deacon: We don't kill innocents. Sometimes these Institute bastards catch us in a cross-fire or there's friendly fire.B1a
514Player Default: Tell me what this is about.{Angry} You open up on the civvies and that's all you got to say?Deacon: We don't kill innocents. Sometimes these Institute bastards catch us in a cross-fire or there's friendly fire.X1a
515Player Default: What are you talking about?{Angry} You opening up on the civvies is what I'm talking about.Deacon: We don't kill innocents. Sometimes these Institute bastards catch us in a cross-fire or there's friendly fire.Y1a
516Player Default: Like hell I will. I'm an easy going guy, but there's a line.{Stern} We don't kill innocents. Sometimes these Institute bastards catch us in a cross-fire or there's friendly fire.A1a
517{Angry} Those I can deal with because it's an occupational hazard. But that. That was murder. You do that again and we're parting ways.A1b
518COMDeacon_PickUpScenePlayer Default: I'm all ready to go.{Friendly and reassuring. / Friendly} Always am, Codsworth. That's one thing you can count on.A1a
519Player Default: I'm all ready to go.Me? Get into trouble? I am the very definition of innocence. We're just going to spend all day playing canasta. Promise.A2a
520Player Default: I'm all ready to go.Waiting for you, beautiful.A3a
521Player Default: I'm all ready to go.Appreciate that, MacCready. You do the same.A4a
522Player Default: I'm all ready to go.Well, good thing I have nothing to hide then.A5a
523Player Default: I'm all ready to go.Good things come in small packages.A6a
524But then you know all about small packages don't you, Strong?A6b
525Player Default: I'm all ready to go.{You know exactly what he's talking about. / Friendly} Nick. I haven't the faintest what you're talking about.A7a
526Player Default: I'm all ready to go.{Amused} What's there to worry about? How much trouble could two people really get into?A8a
527Player Default: I'm all ready to go.{Concerned} Funeral? I don't think I packed a disguise for that.A9a
528Player Default: I'm all ready to go.{Nervous / Concerned} Me? Oh, I'm nobody. But hey, don't you worry about a thing!A10a
529Deacon: Speaking of which, if you don't mind a side-kick let's keep a good thing going and travel together some more.No pressure, I can see you got company. If now's not good, maybe later?Player Default: Let's go, then.A1a
530Welcome to the family.Deacon: We're a colorful and arguably insane bunch, but you're stuck with us now.A
531Want me back on deck, huh? I got to admit things have been pretty quiet without you.Player Default: Let's go, then.A
532Player Default: Not right now.Well, if you change your mind...currentCompanion: And so it goes. Do be mindful out there, Mister Deacon.B1a
533Player Default: Can we trade a few things?You doing a withdrawal or deposit?currentCompanion: And so it goes. Do be mindful out there, Mister Deacon.X1a
534Player Default: Don't they need you here?My job's mainly intel. So the more places I go the better I'm doing it.Y1a
535And you're just one big beautiful distraction. Plenty of opportunities to learn secrets moving around in your shadow.Player Default: Let's go, then.Y1b
536Player Default: Don't they need you here?I'd prefer to leave the latest gossip and fashion tips for the others. Tom's quiz on "How To Find Your Ideal Mate" I especially recommend.Player Default: Let's go, then.Y2a
537NPCMDeacon: Welcome to the family.We're a colorful and arguably insane bunch, but you're stuck with us now.A1a
538Speaking of which, if you don't mind a side-kick let's keep a good thing going and travel together some more.Player Default: Let's go, then.A1b
539COMDeacon_RR302_EndingFirst thing first, I picked up some Brotherhood goodies for you. Merry Christmas.Deacon: More importantly, though, Tinker's ready for us on the bird. Let's go.A
540NPCMDeacon: First thing first, I picked up some Brotherhood goodies for you. Merry Christmas.More importantly, though, Tinker's ready for us on the bird. Let's go.A1a
541COMDeacon_RRVictoryNPCMDeacon: So, yeah, we did that.{Friendly} Institute's gone, synths saved, and we're both alive.Deacon: So what's the encore, Fixer?A1a
542Deacon: Institute's gone, synths saved, and we're both alive.{Amused} So what's the encore, Fixer?Player Default: The synths are still going to need help.A1a
543Deacon: Institute's gone, synths saved, and we're both alive.{Amused} So what's the encore, Professor?Player Default: The synths are still going to need help.A2a
544Deacon: Institute's gone, synths saved, and we're both alive.{Amused} So what's the encore, Charmer?Player Default: The synths are still going to need help.A3a
545Deacon: Institute's gone, synths saved, and we're both alive.{Amused} So what's the encore, Whisper?Player Default: The synths are still going to need help.A4a
546Deacon: Institute's gone, synths saved, and we're both alive.{Amused} So what's the encore, Bullseye?Player Default: The synths are still going to need help.A5a
547Deacon: Institute's gone, synths saved, and we're both alive.{Amused} So what's the encore, Wanderer?Player Default: The synths are still going to need help.A6a
548Player Default: The synths are still going to need help.{Amused the player is such a workaholic / Amused} Of course, once more into the breach.Deacon: Some dusty old philosopher thought people were made of metals, that defined their character.A1a
549Player Default: I need a long break.{Sincere, but joking / Amused} You've earned a vacation. Heck, a life time of vacations.Deacon: Some dusty old philosopher thought people were made of metals, that defined their character.B1a
550Player Default: I hadn't really thought of what I'd do after all that.{Friendly banter / Amused} I have a feeling something will come along. Without you, I'm pretty sure the Commonwealth would fall apart.Deacon: Some dusty old philosopher thought people were made of metals, that defined their character.X1a
551Player Default: Have any ideas?{Tongue in cheek / Amused} We start our own band. "Saviors of the Commonwealth." I always wanted groupies. *chuckle*Deacon: Some dusty old philosopher thought people were made of metals, that defined their character.Y1a
552Player Default: Of course, once more into the breach.{Grateful} Some dusty old philosopher thought people were made of metals, that defined their character.A1a
553{Amused} And you, my friend, are solid gold. Now let's go kick some ass.A1b
554{Cat that ate the canary} So, yeah, we did that.Deacon: Institute's gone, synths saved, and we're both alive.A
555-{Joking, but queasy} There goes my appetite.
556{Joking, but queasy} Yeah, sure, dig in, pal.
557{Joking but queasy} You aren't seriously...? Yes, yes, you are.
558{Punch up the like} I like it.
559Hah. Good going.
560Huh. What do you know?
561{I don't like that} That doesn't sit right.
562That's the opposite of smart, there.
563{Impressed} Now that's getting it done.
564{To the player, annoyed} Did you really have to do that?
565{Pleased, sincere} Classy move there, boss.
566{Holding back some anger} Do that one more time...
570I'm all over it.
573I won't do that.
574{Giving the PC something - a present} Incoming, boss.
575For you. Enjoy.
577Thanks for that.
578On it.
579Will do.
580I'll take care of it.
581Consider it done.
582No problemo.
583No can do.
584How would I even get there?
585Can't reach that, boss.
586Whoever lived here, ain't here now.
587I hope whoever was here didn't know something we don't.
588I don't think they left too long ago.
589I'm telling you it's all about sunglasses. Best 10 cap investment you'll ever make.
590I'm noticing the profound lack of darkness here.
591Sure is bright.
592Someone has too much time on their hands. This place is spotless.
593To whoever is cleaning here, thanks for making the rest of us look bad.
594Was the Old World this clean? I really can't imagine it.
595Didn't I see this set in a horror film once?
596This is not the time to tell ghost stories.
597This is downright creepy.
598Can you see anything?
599I like shadows. But this is taking it a little too far.
600Did you make that noise? Sorry. A little jumpy.
601No one's been in here for ages.
602Where does all this dust even come from? The dust faeries?
603It takes a long time for this much dirt to gather.
604Right now, where we are, totally a sniper's dream. I should know.
605Big open spaces. *shudder*
606If I were a sniper I'd be... there... or there. Or even there. Isn't this fun?
607Somebody had security issues.
608If someone builds defenses like that, they're building it for a damned good reason.
609I wonder who or what they're protecting against?
610This is some particularly high-calibre disgusting shit here.
611I used to run a steam cleaner store before the bombs fell. So I see this and I think dollar signs.
612Have you no pride, wastelanders? Yuck.
613That... *gag* I didn't need to see that.
614I don't have a weak stomache. But... Damn.
615Suddenly I regret eating that mole rat meatloaf.
616Look at all the gizmos. That's my term for them. Patent pending.
617I can positively feel the science oozing around here.
618If you ever need to feel sleepy, ask Tinker Tom what they were doing here.
619Can you hear me?
620I want earphones. Damn it!
621God, I'm getting a headache.
622What a mess. And for me to say that, you know it means something.
623It takes a real slob to achieve this level of filth. It's almost impressive.
624When I retire, I am totally going to set up a maid service. Talk about demand.
625Sometimes when we're knee deep in the fight... You can forget places like this exist.
626I miss the Old World.
627She would've liked this.
628Anyone up for some meditation?
629I wonder what the acoustics are like here.
630I like it here.
631Never let your guard completely down. Even in a place like this.
632The safer I'm supposed to feel, the more paranoid I get.
633It *might* be safe. Just maybe.
634Thanks, nose. I really need this feedback.
635Whew. That's an odor.
636This place reeks.
637Nine times out of ten, water means radiation poisoning.
638Is now a good time to mention I don't know how to swim? I kid.
639I miss Capital Wasteland. You can actually drink the water there.
640There you are.
641Got 'em.
642We're back in business.
643You almost got away.
644Really? So close.
645Lost 'em.
646Hopefully they'll stay gone.
647Sneaking off is supposed to be my thing.
648Standing down, I guess.
649Aww, how are we going to kill 'em now?
650They were just here, dammit.
651Where'd they go?
652Hey, that's my trick.
653Lost 'em. So that's how it feels.
654You won't get far.
655We live to fight another day. And night. And day. Et cetera.
656Well, that got the blood pumping.
657We sure do a lot of that. Winning, that is.
658Let's see if they left anything useful for us.
659Traveling with you ain't dull, I'll say that.
660You know, you're really good at this. Too good.
661Back before I met you I'd go whole days without massacring a bunch of things. Honest.
662So, new business model. We team up with a mortuary. You see where I'm going with this, right?
663We made that look easy.
664We win. Again.
665Tell your friends, you dead bastard. We'll be here all week.
666Well, howdy there.
667You almost got away with that.
668The trick to being hidden is not letting this happen.
669Aww, too bad for you.
670We got a live one.
671They're probably long gone now.
672Yeah, keep running, pal.
673We were fighting just a moment ago, right? We should tell them that.
674You check your pockets? Enemies are always the last place you look.
675I got bored of fighting, anyway.
676Don't mean to make you nervous. But I don't think we're alone.
677Seems we have a tail.
678Don't look, but I think we're being watched.
679I heard something.
680We got fun time incoming.
681It's fighting time.
682Fighting again. Great.
683I should have a battle cry.
684Wrong move, pal.
685You know ammo isn't cheap. Can we just pay you to play dead?
686You're going down. Grrr. That's menacing, right?
687Insert something Shakespearian involving death and your inevitable doom here.
688I'm ready for 'em.
689You know I do like long, lazy, dull days, right?
690Time to earn our paychecks. I'm getting paid, right?
691Assaultron. Not good.
692God damned, robots. Tough sons-of-bitches.
693Do we waste bullets on these guys, or not?
694I don't like bugs. But these guys... Kinda cute, right?
695God damned blood bugs. Keep him off me.
696Yeah, because you won't haunt my nightmares, you giant mosquito asshole.
697Ahh. Deathclaw.
698Don't let it get close. Pop a Stealth Boy if you got one.
699We got ferals.
700Anyone got some holy water? I always wanted to try that on them.
701Time to terminate you. Jolly good and all that.
702The butler's going down.
703Time for crab cakes.
704Great. How many clips is it going to take to kill those things?
705Oh no, it's a big one.
706Just once I want radiation to turn something into a giant fluffy bunny instead of the Grand Poobah of all Mirelurks. Hail.
707Do we have to kill these guys?
708Burrow deep and run away, little buddies.
709A Protectron. They're not so bad.
710Time to slag another bot.
711This will be our finest hour. Tales shall be told of our fight versus the rad roaches.
712Rad Roaches. Oh, scary.
713These guys have a hell of a sting.
714Do not let the Radscorps close on you.
715Big game hunting Commonwealth-style.
716Don't underestimate these guys. These ain't your Old World bucks.
717Sentrybot. Be on your toes.
718EMP 'em if you got 'em. Sentrybots are dangerous.
719Flittery little bastards.
720You know this would go a hell of a lot better if you just stood still.
721Oh. Boy.
722Because Super Mutants needed a giant bigger brother.
723Time for a Super Mutant show down.
724Let's see how many head shots you take, mutie.
725Killing these old synths always... Well, if we gotta do it.
726Glory's going to lecture me when I get home. Sorry, pal.
727God damned, turrets.
728Hey you! How do you taunt a turret? Your mother was a pea shooter? See, I got nothing.
729Keep the dogs off me.
730Time to put the bitch down. Get it? Because, it's a dog.
731You're going down... Yow Gee? You Guys? Whatever you are, you're going down.
732These bastards are vicious.
733Now that's just annoying.
734Go ahead, run. I need a break, anyway.
735Aww, we were having such a good firefight.
736You won't stay hidden for long.
737That wasn't in the script.
738Then, lead on.
739Don't worry, I got your back.
740Just don't go wandering off any cliffs.
741Absolutely. And my eagerness is totally unrelated to wanting a smoke break.
742Come grab me when you need me.
743Sure, I'll hang out here.
744Can do.
745Sure thing.
746Your wish is my strong recommendation.
747On it.
748I'll get her done.
749Is that it?
750TTFN, then.
751Done already?
752Another time, then.
753Whatever you say.
754I thought about it, and no.
755There's things I'll do and things I won't. This is in the latter category.
756You really think I'm going to do that?
757Not happening, pal.
758That would be a negatory. That is a word, right?
759Would if I could.
761Not happening, sorry.
762No, sorry.
763No can do.
765Whatcha need?
767What is it?
768You called?
769What's the word?
770Sure, I can help you out.
771Tell me what you want.
772Now, insert slot A into tab B, right?
773I so prefer a gun.
774Directions: apply repetitively until dead.
775This is a little close for comfort.
776Company incoming.
777Look out.
779I'm drifting... Feeling a little... Is that a white light?
780I, uh, need a little... yeah.
781Vision's going a little... Keep it together, Deacon.
782Bastard got my arm.
783I'm winged, dammit.
784Arm's out of commission, boss.
785Son of a bitch. Leg's hit.
786Goddamit. If we're running, you're doing it without me.
787My leg. Ow.
788Shit. Got blood in my eyes.
789*groan* Headshot. Receiving end.
790Oww. Hit my noggin', boss.
791Oof. Need... a minute... catch breath.
792Took one... to the chest.
793I... oof... Chest.
794Ahh... hell...
796Son of a bitch.
797Got me.
806The trick to this is don't die.
807I was hoping they'd be all dead by now.
808You know, running away is always an option. I won't shoot. Promise.
809This is the part where you're supposed to die.
810Fighting is so 2077.
811Now, this, this is a workout.
812And here I was wanting to spend the day reading Proust. And then you have to ruin it.
813Everyone stop. I got a splinter.
814This is only going to end one way.
815Yeah, so this is happening.
816Present for you.
817Care package for you.
818{Nervous - thinks this is crazy} This is going to be one hell of a ride.
819{Nervous - thinks this is crazy} Am I the only one that thinks this is all insane?
820Maybe we should just try asking the Brotherhood to leave. Nicely.
821{grim} Different players, but it's Switchboard all over again.
822{grim} Dammit, I told Dez too much traffic.
823{grim} Just need to make it out of here, Deacon.
824I'm so over traveling with you.
825You ever worry about karma? Well, you should.
826I'd rather be anywhere but here. With you.
827Let's get this over with.
828{Dripping sarcasm} You're a real class act, you know?
829Taking out the Institute, easy. Now for our encore.
830So what do you do when the bogeyman's dead?
831Don't know about you, but I'm ready for the next chapter.
832The only problem with being a secret organizations is no one knows where to send the dump trucks full of caps.
833We did right by Glory.
834Ah, my favorite meat shield. Heh.
835You in the spotlight, me in the shadows. Look out world.
836Do you ever just feel sorry for the poor bastards that fight us? They don't stand a chance.
837Since we had the Big Talk. Well, it's been easier looking in the mirror.
838What shennanigans are we up to today?
839I must say, this whole partner thing, maybe it wasn't overrated.
840Maybe I really am a synth. Maybe you are, too. How would anyone know?
841We do good work, you know?
842Glad you joined the Railroad. To think, Desdemona almost chased you away. Sheesh.
843It's nice to get out of the Church. You can really get stir crazy down there.
844If all our agents were like you, the Institute would be screwed.
845Up top you got to be careful. Never know when you're being watched.
846Some of the people you meet will be Institute replacements. Synth duplicates. So be careful what you say.
847You got what it takes to go far with us. I can tell.
848Sometimes the direct approach isn't the best to take.
849I'm feeling overdue for some reconstructive surgery. Maybe I'll go blonde next time. I could use some fun.
850Let's stick to the mission, all right.
851The world would be better if there were a lot fewer body bags. Just saying.
852If you got things under control, let me know. I got things I could do.
853You do know the enemy's the Institute, right? Not everyone else.
854I miss traveling alone.
855What is it?
856Need something?
857What's up?
858I'm getting tired of waiting.
859{Very serious} Whatever you do - do not help get Liberty Prime online.
860{Very serious warning} Desdemona - hell *I* - won't take kindly to giving those power armored bigots a super weapon.
861Ah, the Brotherhood. Elitism, Power Armor, xenophobia, and racial purging. What's not to like?
862Well, it looks like a lowly mortal took out one of the Brotherhood. I'm waiting for that bolt of lightning to hit us now.
863That bastard Maxson really screwed them up. The Brotherhood used to be the good guys. Well, goodish.
864Those Brotherhood assholes are tough.
865I wonder if the name "Brotherhood of Bigots" was already taken?
866What I'd give for an industrial sized tub of Bug Be Gone.
867Whatever egghead came up with giant bugs should've been nuked.
868You know if the little bug bastards just stood still, it wouldn't be that big a deal.
869Bugs, bugs, and more bugs.
870I hate those little blood suckers.
871All the comforts of a cult without leaving your irradiated crater. Join the Children of Atom.
872Why would anyone ever join the Children? That's what I want to know.
873Capital Wasteland. Exports: purified water, some decent tech, oh, and an insane suicidal cult that worships radiation. Thanks, guys.
874I always feel unclean killing those Atom guys. That's probably just the radiation poisoning talking, though.
875Great more Children of Atom.
876Brr... Deathclaws.
877I do not like 'Claws. Those fast, car flipping, ahh... They just get to me.
878If we're hunting Deathclaws, care to tag in Glory? Please?
879Another Deathclaw down, and another of my 9 lives burned. Yay.
880Deathclaws, love them or leave them, they'll still tear your face off.
881I avoid ferals if I can help it.
882Glory came up with the bright idea of putting ferals in the catacombs. Not a fan.
883More ferals. Great.
884Some jackasses call ferals "ghouls". Like ghouls don't have enough problems.
885Bet you crapped your pants the first time you saw a feral. I know I did.
886Gunners are one step above raiders in my book.
887Don't underestimate the Gunners.
888Who's pulling the Gunners' strings? No one knows.
889Gunners give mercs a bad name. And that's saying something.
890Gunner's have had bounties on me. Well, me under different names and faces. I want to see how many slots I can fill on their most wanted list.
891I would've paid 50 caps to be with you the first time you saw one of the crabs. Must've thought you'd walked into a B movie.
892I hate 'lurks. Piercing their shell is a bitch, let me tell you.
893Hit the 'lurks in their soft spot, if you can. Then grab butter. Yum.
894Can we just steer clear of the Mirelurks next time? They chew through my ammo.
895Because, you know, the world wasn't screwed enough. So sure, bring on the giant nearly indestructible crabs. That'll be good.
896You know, I've always wanted a pet mole rat. I'd call him, "Ziggy."
897I always feel a little bad shooting mole rats. Not bad enough not to eat them, though.
898Mole rat. The other white meat.
899One mole rat is kinda cute. A swarm of them, though, that's trouble.
900When I retire I want to be a mole rat farmer. That'd be the life.
901God damned raiders.
902If there's one thing the Minutemen did that I was OK with, it's curbing the damned raiders.
903The lowest level of Hell is reserved for Raiders. And liars. Uh oh.
904Any time you want to take on more Raiders, I'm in.
905Raiders, raiders, and yet more damned raiders.
906I know those raider can seem like idiots, but you should see their handiwork. We've done some good clearing them out.
907Thanks for all those wacky Old World robots, pal. Just, thanks.
908You can make some decent caps salvaging robots.
909It takes a lot of clips to waste tin cans.
910Boston had a thriving tech industry. Which means we get a double helping of robots.
911You should see what Tinker Tom can do with a robot. It's pretty amazing.
912I think of Super Mutants as toddlers on steroids.
913The FEV Virus. Helping demolish walls and kill civvies since 2077.
914Super Mutants hit like a mac truck.
915Sometimes it's best to just sidestep the 'Muties. They don't have the best eyesight.
916Head shots work best against Super Mutants. A lot a lot of head shots.
917I understand why Glory hates wasting Gen 1s and 2s. A very fuzzy line.
918I'm alright if we have to take out the Gen 1s and 2s. Barely, but alright.
919Tinker records every place we find the early gen synths. He says it'll reveal the Institute's "Master Plan". Yeah, right.
920More synths. Great.
921EMP works well against synths. Well, the early models.
922So let me get this straight. You used to propel big metal birds in the sky and fly in them for thousands of miles? You're braver than I thought.
923Why did they make these airports so big? You could have a whole city in one of them.
924Good salvage in airports.
925One day I'm going to find myself an unlooted brewery and go on one hell of a bender.
926If you find any bottles, let me know. It's party time.
927When you're covered in Super Mutant blood, coming off the Jet DTs, and you're one step ahead of the Institute - it's Beantown Brown time!
928If you got the Institute on your ass a nice cave can be your friend.
929Nice and dark in here. I like it.
930The one thing you can count on in a nice comfy cave is company. It's prime real estate.
931I prefer cave fighting to a shoot out up top. Fewer attack vectors.
932Practically every cave in the Commonwealth has been used by the Railroad at one point or another.
933A nice comfy campsite. You bring the marshmellows?
934How inviting.
935I don't usually make camp in the wild. Attracts all the wrong sort of attention.
936I wonder what they left us.
937Ahh, the smell of industry.
938I saw a vid once of a RobCo factory back in the day. And this is what's left of that world. Sad, really.
939Factories give me the creeps. Never know when some robot's going to say, "hello."
940Imagine what this place was like back then.
941Probably some good salvage in here.
942{Trying to crack wise, but he's seriously unsettled} Remind me why we're crawling around this god-forsaken place?
943{bantery but he's seriously unsettled} I can't believe I followed you here.
944{Trying to crack wise, but he's seriously unsettled} If I keep tromping around here, guess there won't be any little Deacons scurrying around in the future.
945Scalpel. T Clamp. Chainsaw. I totally should've been a surgeon.
946Paging Dr. Feelgood. Your car's parked under an A-Bomb.
947You can usually find a few stimpacks in a place like this.
948If you're not careful Carrington will send you to places like this. Looking for aceda-whozit-whatzit.
949Tinker Tom would have a field day here.
950Who knows what atrocities they dreamed up here.
951It's time for science. Yay.
952There's got to be some lab somewhere that was working to, you know, help people. I haven't found it yet.
953Train stations make good hidey holes.
954Back in the day, places like this would've been completely packed. Hard to imagine so many people.
955All aboard. Rad roach station.
956Trains. Everyone likes trains, right?
957Choo choo. That's what they sounded like, right?
958Military bases can be dangerous but well worth the risk.
959All the fighting, all the training, and did any of it matter?
960I was a soldier once. Way back west. I'll tell you about it some day.
961A whole country. Unified. Fighting together. Crazy stuff.
962Heads up. Military sites almost always got baddies.
963Can't you just feel the history? Feels sandy to me.
964Another monument. Neat.
965All these monuments around. Boston must've been real important. Or thought it was, at least.
966What did people do here? PAM once tried telling me and I still have no idea.
967What the hell's a TPS report anyway?
968Desperation, petty politics, and watercoolers. Joy.
969So people seriously spent 9-10 hours a day in places like this?
970Offices usually are kind of lacking on salvage. Every now and then you get lucky, though.
971Now we just need a picnic basket.
972Open space. Fun.
973Maybe we should get some mirelurk steaks, Nuka-Cola, Fancy Lads, and have a cookout.
974Must've been nice to hang out here without worrying about being sniped.
975Do we have to enter the big open spaces? Should I just wear my Bullseye jacket to make it easier for them?
976Look at all that rock.
977Is now a good time to mention I don't like heights. Getting near the edge around here. Ahh.
978Maybe we should stay away from the ledges here? That'd be good.
979This is my element. Civilization.
980If we find people just act like you belong. Works for me.
981So many little towns all over the place. There must've been thousands of people that lived in the Commonwealth back then.
982We come across anyone, remember, you do the talking. I can be your mute friend "Dingo."
983I was raised just over there. True story. Lots of fond memories over there by that... uh, thing. Yeah.
984This is more like it. Limited site lines, debris. Easy to lose yourself here.
985One day we'll take back this city.
986Maybe I should change my outfit. I want to be wearing my Sunday best if we meet people, after all.
987Plenty of good places to go around here. The city's full of people.
988You know, I happen to be in possession of the deed to a bridge around here. I'll make you a great deal for it.
989So much junk. So many possibilities.
990It's a scavvers paradise here.
991Remember, fill your pockets with all the goodies. Then we can slowly crawl out. Good times.
992So, what did we learn in school today, Timmy? "Nuclear war sucks."
993So teachers, all they did was teach, right? They didn't farm or run shops or run guns on the side? Wow.
994I've read a few textbooks. Did everyone seriously learn calculus back then? Were you guys planning for an invasion of math-letes?
995Ah, another kiddie prison. 13 year sentences for everyone.
996Yo ho, ho, right?
997Mirelurks and raiders favor hunks of junk like this.
998After we beat the Institute and free all the synths, we need to take to the seas in an epic adventure. You can have the cool hat.
999So people used to take tubs like this into the ocean? Crazy.
1000Oh, hello itty bitty world. I feel sick.
1001You know, the ground's a pretty sensible place to be. Right?
1002Why'd they make this place so tall?
1003And people lived up here? Were they nuts?
1004Let's see his selection.
1005I call dibs on any hats. I love a good hat.
1006We have a few "friends" that own shops. Good luck getting a discount, though.
1007Ooh, sale.
1008See anything cool?
1009Deep underground, far away from the Watcher's, uh, watching eyes.
1010Every base we've had has been deep underground. PAM says its safer that way.
1011Another fabulous warehouse. Exciting.
1012In a pinch, you can crash in a warehouse for a night.
1013Not a bad place for a rendezvous.
1014Boxes, boxes, everywhere.
1015So much junk.
1016This is nice. True, the water's irradiated and there's probably 'lurks everywhere. But still nice.
1017You got a surf board?
1018At one time, Tinker hatched a plan to ship synths overseas. For some reason, we went with plan B.
1019This must've been a hell of a place to vacation back in the day.
1020Watch out for Mirelurks in the water. They can sneak up on you.
1021You came from one of these, right?
1022I grew up in a Vault. I was a morale officer. How am I doing, boss?
1023Rumor is Vault-Tec was running experiments on their residents. That'll get you some customer satisfaction.
1024Alright, Vault's are now my new favorite place.
1025It's hard not to feel safe here. Thick door, buried forever. The Institute, who?
1026You ever wonder if, right now, we're living in our glory days.
1027What do friends do together these days, anyway? Poker? Camp fires? Mani petis?
1028A stealth boy, my best pal, and a world full of danger... This is the good life.
1029Can you ever truly escape your past? God, I hope so.
1030I'm new to this "friends" thing. There's perks right? Like, can I take out a loan? Say, 100,000 caps. I'll get it back to you. Promise.
1031Shaun is out there. And together we'll find him. That's a promise.
1032Did I have you going about being a synth? You'd be amazed at how many people fall for that.
1033Since we're a team, you think we could use a code name? Red Orchard? Or... Code Violet? Or... the Death Bunnies. That'll confuse them.
1034Hey, I could be a synth. I could be the best damn synth that ever synthed.
1035The open road isn't as bad with a buddy.
1036You should've seen the Railroad before the Switchboard. We had triple the agents we have now. We'll get there again.
1037So, obviously I'm not going to risk my life for a... radio. But a Gen 1? Or Gen 2? Where to draw the line, huh?
1038I'm used to running my ops solo. But this isn't too bad.
1039I like the way you look out for your fellow man. A lot of people would take the easy way out.
1040Don't ever let your guard down. When you do, inevitably that's when everything goes to hell.
1041Instinct is a powerful tool in our business. Rely on it, train it up. It'll save your life. Promise.
1042I've had this mug for too long. Might be time for a new face.
1043Please, you do the talking. If I pick anything up, I'll let you know afterwards.
1044The Commonwealth can be the enemy just as much as the Institute. We've lost plenty of synths to hate mongers.
1045I never really much cared for the Minutemen. The idea sounds great. But you give small men big power and sometimes you'll pay for it.
1046Keep your eye out for Rail Signs. Besides the goodie bags tourists and agents have left valuable intel.
1047A lot of our people help us once, maybe twice a month. If that. You've jumped right into the deep end.
1048This partnering up. It's weird. Sometimes I just want to pop a Stealth Boy and bug out. Not really an option now.
1049I wish Dez would green light the occasional mission to help out humans. Sometimes just a little bit of help goes a long way.
1050You know, sometimes you really get on my nerves.
1051Maybe you should take someone else out next time. I think Glory would like traveling with you.
1052Some of these missions would be a lot easier by myself.
1053Every time an innocent gets caught in a crossfire, the Railroad's job gets that much tougher.
1054You know, if you helped people more you'd be a potent force for good out there.
1055You Pre-War types really did a number on the place. Hats off.
1056Ever wish you just hit the snooze button instead of thawing out to this?
1057There's too few good men left. The Commonwealth just chews them up and spits them out.
1058{Mumbling to himself} Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease.
1059{Controlling anger} My initial estimation of you was off. Way off.
1060The Railroad accepts all types. Even people like you.
1061The company I keep sometimes.
1062You don't really need me, right? I'd love to go solo.
1063I didn't think anyone would get on my nerves more than Glory.
1064You're just feeding our enemies ammunition in their PR campaign against us.
1065You ever hear of the Golden Rule? Didn't think so.
1066So many mistakes...
1067C'mon, sun. You can't stay up forever.
1068Ah, the cover of night. My dear friend.
1069Night time is the only time I feel I can breathe easy.
1070Keep an eye to the sky. Never know when the Watchers are around.
1071All this sunlight. I just feel exposed.
1072The sun's coming. Keep an eye out for the Watchers. Party time's over.
1073You know what, rain gets a bad rap. It's not so bad. Now, mud on the otherhand...
1074Did I ever tell you about the time I was in Capital Wasteland? Now there's a tale.
1075I'm thinking next time I go to town I'll dress up as a Mr. Handy. If I pull that off I'll be a legend.
1076If we take out the Institute someday, I wonder what we'd do. Hell, synths got it bad enough even without them. It'd keep us busy.
1077I'm in the mood for... some Blamco Mac n' Cheese. Or maybe mirelurk steaks with salsa. Mmmm.
1078The Brotherhood. In Capital Wasteland, they really weren't bad. But now.
1079I really want to know how the Big One started. What idiot fired first? Why? What the hell did they think they'd gain?
1080The big three for predicting people: caps, beliefs, and ego. Get a handle on what's driving someone and you know where you stand.
1081I'm convincing the next raw recruit I'm actually President Eden. Think I can pull it off?
1082You really like to wander, don't you? I've seen more of the 'Wealth with you than I have in the rest of my years combined.
1083The way you just walk right out in the open. It's a wonder you're head hasn't been blown off by a sniper. Just saying.
1084You getting the hang of the Railroad yet? We're one big dysfunctional family. With guns.
1085Sometimes it's hard to take Dez seriously. I remember her when she was a green recruit.
1086I'm a sucker for those Old World books. It must've been something living back then.
1087One time, I got a face change and was a girl for a few months. You should've seen the looks back at HQ.
1088One day the Railroad's number will be up. I thought that day had come at the Switchboard. I can't shake the feeling we're living on borrowed time.
1089With you overloaded and all, let me take this chance to read my unabridged copy of "War and Peace" at you.
1090How can you even walk like that?
1091I could, I guess, carry some of that for you.
1092Are you trying to impress someone? C'mon, drop some of that.
1093I'm surprised you can even walk with all that.
1094You might want to cover up. Or not.
1095Your fashion choice there, that takes some chutzpah.
1096Seriously, you're not cold?
1097What we building today?
1098Can you build me a mansion? Casa del Deacon.
1099You've got a real knack for construction.
1100That right there is what we in the business call a land mine. Ouch.
1101It generally works better if you avoid those.
1102Who doesn't like mines, right?
1103C'mon in, the water's glowing.
1104Yay. Slime.
1105Let's get the dog paddling over with.
1106Nice moves there.
1107Find anything interesting?
1108As long as you don't get caught, game on, my friend.
1109I've been known to peek in a few pockets. From time to time.
1110Whatcha find?
1111Don't get too greedy or you'll get caught.
1112Hey, take what the market'll bear, right?
1113You think they'd pay more?
1114I'd call it there. I'm not sure if we're going to get more.
1115Take them for all they're worth.
1116Ask for a pony, too. That would be cool.
1117So the next beer's on you, right?
1118Keep racking up your bank account and I might need to teach you a little game I call "poker."
1119Not a bad payout.
1120It's refreshing getting paid. The stoic attaboys from Dez, really not as much fun.
1122You ever want to fill a bathtub with caps?
1123I'm a fan of Grognak myself. What will that wacky barbarian do next?
1124Any good?
1125That issue's one of my favorites.
1126It's Rad Away time.
1127Check in with Carrington. The bastard will charge you for it, but he can decontaminate you.
1128Rad sickness. That's a good look.
1129You know that staticky sound. It means we should get the hell out of here.
1130Ahh, radiation, you unbelievable bastard.
1131That's not a good sound. Let's move it.
1132We're sucking up rads here.
1133Unless you want me to stick you on top of the Railroad's christmas tree, let's go.
1134Great. I didn't need to have more children.
1135Oh. Can you move?
1136Oh, that doesn't look good.
1137Did it hit an artery?
1138Shit. You OK in there?
1139Woah. I thought I lost you there.
1140Goddamned headshots.
1141Oh, that's got to hurt.
1142Your arm OK?
1143Eww... That's got to sting.
1144Now things are getting interesting.
1145You're pretty handy with that bobby pin.
1146With skills like that, remind me to show you a couple places.
1147That is some precision picking there.
1148Take that, lock.
1149Now I'm feeling all sorts of uncomfortable about my locker back at HQ.
1150No lock will stand before us.
1151You didn't just do that? Are you insane?
1152Is there something wrong with you?
1153Those people weren't hurting anyone.
1154You can do that? You got to tinker with my guns next.
1155That was some fine work there. It even looks deadlier.
1156I could spend hours fiddling with my gun like that. It could save your life.
1157That'll add some extra oomph to your armor.
1158Hey, the more firepower you can absorb the better.
1159Fixing up your armor's always a wise investment.
1160I love Old World widgets. Worth a fair amount, too.
1161I don't know if even a scavver would take that.
1162You might want to focus on the valuable salvage. You'll break your back carrying worthless scrap.
1163That's not even worth picking up, boss.
1164Whew. Now that's impressive.
1165Ahh, the time honored tradition of looting.
1166You might want to wipe off the blood on anything you find there.
1167We could always use some more ammo.
1168You're really thorough, you know that?
1169Anything interesting on 'em?
1170Whenever you're done corpse squatting, I'm good to go.
1171I can't believe you survived that jump. You got thrill issues.
1172Aww, who's a good doggy?
1173Glad you're taking care of the mutt.
1174Nothing sadder than a hurt dog. Thanks, pal.
1175That... feels... better. Thanks, pal.
1176That'll fix me right up.
1177Better living through chemistry.
1178That looks technical.
1179I never had the patience to much around with terminals.
1180You done with that yet?
1181Try "1234." That's hacking gold, there.
1182You and Tinker Tom should compare notes.
1183Ahh, terminals. It's like the Old World flipping us off all over again.
1184Yeah. Heights. This'll be "fun."
1185You know, there's a lot to be said about good old terra firma, right? Right?
1186This thing is safe, right?
1187Now there's a fashion statement.
1188I guess subtlety just went out the window.
1189My, how armored you look.
1190Hey, boss, you mean to drop that?
1191Pass it my way, I happen to like caps.
1192You know that's worth something, right?
1193Everything looks better at the bottom of a glass, right?
1194I've been known to partake of that, myself.
1195That'll take the edge off.
1196You know you can write that off as a tax deduction?
1197Nice thought. Hope we don't wind up needing it, though.
1198Ahem. If you're giving stuff away, you know, there's a few things I'd like. A jumbo jet, a solid gold machinegun, my own talk radio station.
1199Hey, puppy's not looking good.
1200Help the mutt.
1201Hang in there, Dogmeat.
1202Easy, tiger. Not everything needs to be shot up.
1203How Wild West of you.
1204And we're shooting at what exactly?
1205You may want to go easy on that.
1206Didn't they have those PSAs back in the day? About drugs and the wacky awesome lifestyle they promote?
1207Now, isn't that just fun to watch. Feeling peppy now?
1208Been partying a little hard, have we? Might want to lay off.
1209There was a time I was on a first name basis with chems. It's better to kiss them goodbye, trust me.
1210I hope your little habit doesn't interfere with things. Right?
1211Shocker. Another fight. Didn't see that coming.
1212Hello, hammer, you know there's another solution to those pesky nails, right?
1213And time for people to bleed. Great.
1214Door A: certain bloody death. Door B: everyone still breathes. You'd think door B would win every now and then.
1215Well, you tried. Can't blame you for that.
1216And here I thought I was getting out of one more bloodbath. Surprise.
1217Well, I'll be. We're not going to leave a trail of corpses. Great.
1218And here I was wearing my ass-kicking boots. Oh well.
1219Situation resolved and no one's lying in a pool of blood. Don't tell Glory.
1220Now doesn't that just give me the warm fuzzies.
1221Going for the whole "hearts and minds" bit?
1222That's so sweet it hurts.
1223People got a long memory for being wronged. Just saying.
1224So, it's big stick time?
1225Might makes right, you think?
1226Let's see what I got in my pockets.
1227Loading up or loading off?
1228What's mine is yours, pal.
1229So here we are. Just soaking in the moment. Nice.
1230Awkward silence or quality time? You be the judge.
1231Formulate that response. Lives are depending on it. Well, not really.
1232So... you watch the game last night?
1233I know I'm not that boring. Right? Don't leave me hanging.
1234Now let's practice our 1000 yard stares.
1235I like to fill long silences like this with my poetic musings.
1236Maybe being on ice that long knocked a few of your marbles around? No offense.
1237This meditation break brought to you by Hubris Comics.


1238COMDeaconTalk_Relationship{Banter with Deacon's best friend / Happy} We're great. We're fricking fantastic. Songs will be written about our sheer awesome-osity.A2a
1239{Banter with Deacon's best friend, acts suspicious at the beginning / Happy} Why do you ask? You know something I don't? *chuckle* Naw, we're golden.A3a
1240{Banter with Deacon's best friend / Happy} The load always seems a little lighter, the steps a little quicker, when you're with your friend. We're good.A4a
1241{Banter with Deacon's best friend / Amused} You don't ever have to ask. We're thick as thieves, my friend.A5a
1242{Banter with Deacon's best friend / Happy} Always happy to spend some time with my friend. Even when the grenades and bullets are flying. Which happens an awful lot.A6a
1243{You're talking to a good friend. / Amused} Not used to traveling with a partner. But, I'm definitely liking it. Hope you are, too.A2a
1244{You're talking to a good friend. / Friendly} Happy as hell. Sincerely glad you joined the Railroad. We can do a lot of good together.A3a
1245{You're talking to a good friend. / Friendly} If I knew partnering up was so much fun I would've done this ages ago.A4a
1246{You're talking to a good friend. / Amused} Last partner I had wound up going... well, a little insane. I think it was all my show tune medleys.A5a
1247So as long as you don't go clawing your eyes out, I think we're good.A5b
1248{You're talking to a good friend. / Amused} You and me are just fine. Not many people are in my good book. Well, it's more like a pamphlet, really.A6a
1249{You're talking to someone you have lukewarm feelings about. / Neutral} Just happy to get out and about. Gives me plenty of opportunities to do what I do.A2a
1250{You're talking to someone you have lukewarm feelings about. / Neutral} We're fine. Kind of wish there was a little less violence around. But hey, that's the Commonwealth for you.A3a
1251{You're talking to someone you have lukewarm feelings about. / Neutral} It's not boring traveling with you, I'll say that much.A4a
1252{You're talking to someone you have lukewarm feelings about. / Neutral} So far, so good, right? I'm sure we'll have loads of fun soon.A5a
1253{You're talking to someone you have lukewarm feelings about. / Neutral} I'm used to flying solo. With an actual partner, there's a load of trouble we can get into.A6a
1254{You're talking to someone you're not a fan of. / Irritated} Let's just keep focused on the job, OK?A2a
1255{You're talking to someone you're not a fan of. / Irritated} I don't really want to get into how I feel about you.A3a
1256{You're talking to someone you're not a fan of. / Irritated} I kind of wish we helped a little more. People have got it bad enough.A4a
1257{You're talking to someone you're not a fan of. / Irritated} Let's just keep this professional, OK?A5a
1258{You're talking to someone you're not a fan of. / Irritated} You want to know how we are? *sigh* Let's just keep moving.A6a
1259{You're speaking to someone you hate. / Angry} Really? You wonder how we are? I don't know, why don't you take a guess?A2a
1260{You're speaking to someone you hate. / Angry} I don't want to get into it right now. So just shut up.A3a
1261{You're speaking to someone you hate. / Angry} Leave me alone. I've got enough problems without you.A4a
1262{You're speaking to someone you hate. Deep irony. / Angry} Yeah, we're just great. Fantastic. That make you happy?A5a
1263{You're speaking to someone you hate. / Angry} With "friends" like you, the Railroad doesn't need enemies.A6a
1264COMDeaconTalk_TalkPlayer Default: We should go our separate ways.Well, all good things must end. But as soon as you take care of whatever you're taking care of, come grab me.X2a
1265Hearing about things on the sideline isn't my style.X2b
1266Player Default: We should go our separate ways.I hate to break up a winning combination. Ah well, come grab me if you need me.X3a
1267Player Default: We should go our separate ways.Been nice traveling with you. I'm sure I'll see you again. I'm like a bad penny, I'll keep turning up.X4a
1268Player Default: We should go our separate ways.Probably just as well. I got a lot on my plate. If you really need me, well, come find me.X5a
1269{Hates the player} Yeah, yeah. What is it?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1270{Hates the player - trying to disguise it} Keep it quick, OK?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1271{Hates the player - trying to disguise it} You called?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1272{Hates the player - trying to disguise it} Say what you got to say.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1273{Hates the player - trying to disguise it} What is it?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1274{Dislikes the player - concealing it a little, ironic} I do so love these little chats.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1275{Dislikes the player - concealing it a little} What now?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1276{Dislikes the player - concealing it a little} Do you need something?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1277{Dislikes the player - concealing it a little} What's up?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1278{Dislikes the player - concealing it a little} Great. What is it?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1279{Mildly friendly} That's me. What's up?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1280{Mildly friendly} What's on your mind?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1281{Mildly friendly} What you want to talk about?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1282{Mildly friendly, player just said your name} In the flesh.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1283{Mildly friendly} What's going on?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1284{Friendly, joking} That's my name. Don't wear it out.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1285{Friendly} What can I do you for?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1286{Friendly} Happy to talk. What's up?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1287{Friendly} Yeah, boss, what is it?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1288{Friendly} How can I help?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1289{Best friend} Yeah, buddy, what is up?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1290{Best friend} If it isn't the Railroad's secret weapon. Whatcha need?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1291{Best friend} Anything for you, pal.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1292{Best friend, amused with himself} Ready and willing to converse.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1293{Best friend} What's going on?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A


1300-{Solemn / Amused} Valentine's not a bad guy to owe you a favor. Hopefully we can cash it in to find your boy.
1301{Intense - this is a big deal to Deacon / Happy} If the dog can find him, we'll get what we need from Kellogg. Promise.
1302{Vindictive / Confident} We always knew someone was coordinating the Institute's efforts to find the Railroad. Glad we ended the bastard.
1303{Nervous, "i got a bad feeling about this" / Impressed} Back in Capital Wasteland the Brotherhood was a force to be reckoned with. But them plus a giant airship...
1304{A little unsteady, concerned / Concerned} You OK, boss? You're still you, right? You never know, Amari can really do a number on people's noggins.
1305{Tongue-in-cheek, with some real wonder / Impressed} An actual Institute scientist. Albeit, a huge ugly green one. Beggars can't be choosers, I guess.
1306{Urgent / Concerned} Desdemona would kill to have that chip, boss. We need to get it to the Railroad.
1307{A little nervous, masking it with a joke / Impressed} You'll be fine, boss. Tinker Tom's devices usually work. If not, uh, can I have your stuff?
1308{Genuinely relieved / Relieved} Yes! You made it to the Institute and back in one living, breathing peace. And I'm 100 caps richer. Drummer Boy's going to be so pissed.
1309{A little stunned} I can't believe the Brotherhood found us. Thank god you warned everyone in time.
1310{Disbelief, trying to be comical at the end} This is actually happening. Us, we're attacking the Institute? Are we nuts?
1311{Cautionary} Danse seems like a stand up guy. But trust me, not all of the Brotherhood's people you want to meet.
1312{I've got a bad feeling about this} I hope we just didn't do a very bad thing. The Brotherhood's history isn't always pretty.
1313{Cautionary} I hope you know what you're doing, boss. Some of our friends might have some strong... thoughts about the Brotherhood.
1314{Approving} No matter who you're working for, ops like this are good all around.
1315{Very serious} I think we've helped the Brotherhood enough, boss. If they get Liberty Prime operational...
1316{Contempt} See? This is what the Brotherhood's really about.
1317{Bone weary cynicism} Another good man killed because of blind prejudice. Will we ever learn.
1318{Bitter} I think Danse is better off without these assholes.
1319{Firm ultimatum} Point of no return, boss. You get the Brotherhood that part and there will be serious, unavoidable consequences.
1320{All sorts of irony, muttery} So I get to reclaim myself a synth. Desdemona's going to be thrilled with this. But, hey, we got to sell our cover, right?
1321{Wry, muttered to player} Isn't infiltration fun? Think too hard and it'll make your head spin.
1322{Vindictive} I've been looking forward to kicking the Brotherhood's teeth in. I owe them.
1323{Full of irony} Sure, work with the Institute. It'll be great. There's no way that could go wrong.
1324{Banter} Liked your PSA about the great and powerful Institute. You should be a DJ.
1325{Heebie-jeebies} *shudder* Deathclaws. That could've gone very, very badly.
1326{Sarcastic, not sure if he means it} All right, I admit it. Kind of getting the chills here. Taking back Castle for the Minutemen would be pretty cool.
1327{Bravado} Those mirelurks didn't stand a chance. Whose ready for an epic clam bake?
1328{Just fought Godzilla, seriously coming off the adrenaline} Did you see that? With the claws? And the... size? I'm definitely going to need a change of clothes.
1329{Skeptical} It's been a lot of years. Who knows if there's anything in the armory any more.
1330{Gossip} Well, Shaw was right. Who knew the Minutemen had such fun toys?
1331{Impressed} All right, the Railroad's got to get some of that. I'd love to rain down some destruction on the Institute.
1332{Introspective, awe-struck / Thinking} Not many people get to be here. Living history as its written. For the first time possibly ever the Commonwealth's got a blank page to write.
1333{Solemn} Thanks to you.