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The Angel's Boneyard Medical University is a mentioned-only location in Fallout: New Vegas.


Created post-War in its namesake, the Angel's Boneyard in New California, the medical school is administrated by academic members of the Followers of the Apocalypse and has graduated skilled physicians such as Doctor Usanagi, who took her medical training with her when she accompanied the Followers to the Mojave Wasteland and set up an outreach clinic on the outskirts of New Vegas.

According to Usanagi, while university faculty members seemingly consist largely or entirely of Followers, membership in their group is not a requirement to be enrolled.[1]


The Angel's Boneyard Medical University is mentioned only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. The Courier: "Are you one of the Followers of the Apocalypse?"
    Usanagi: "Yes, I am. I received my medical training at the Angel's Boneyard Medical University back in the NCR. It's not a requirement to be a Follower to enter the university, but I believe in what they do, so I joined them."
    (Usanagi's dialogue)