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This is a transcript for dialogue with Miranda Song.


1-{Player isn't responding / Irritated} Nothing to say for yourself?
2{Player isn't responding / Irritated} Sure, just pretend I'm not here.
3{Player isn't responding / Irritated} Something wrong with you?


4Vault81MirandaGreet{Suspicious, with attitude. Doesn't like outsiders. Emphasis on "you" / Suspicious} Another outsider? What'd they let you in for?Player Default: Just taking a look around.A
5Player Default: I'm a fellow Vault dweller.{Rude. / Irritated} I don't care where you're from. It's not here.A1a
6Player Default: Back off, lady.{Rude / Irritated} Yeah? That attitude's exactly why you don't belong here.B1a
7Player Default: Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine?{Rude. / Irritated} You think you're funny? That's exactly why outsiders don't belong here.X1a
8Player Default: What do you have against outsiders?{Rude / Irritated} All outsiders do is take advantage of you. You're nothing but selfish animals.Player Default: I'm a fellow Vault dweller.Y1a
9Player Default: What do you have against outsiders?{Angrily recounting her love story of betrayal. First of a series of 4 lines. / Irritated} Yeah, you could say that. I met a girl, from the outside. Said she was going to take me away from all this.Y2a
10{Angrily recounting her love story of betrayal. 2nd of a series of 4 lines. Previous line: Said she was going to take me away from all this. / Irritated} I gave her all my money so she could find us a place to live out there.Y2b
11{Angrily recounting her love story of betrayal. 3rd of a series of 4. Previous: I gave her all my money so she could find us a place to live out there / Irritated} I don't hear from her in months, till a passing trader mentions she saw her wY2c
12{Calm anger. Last of a series of 4 lines. Previous line: ...till a passing trader mentions she saw her with some man in Diamond City. / Irritated} You outsiders are nothing but liars, only looking out for yourselves.Y2d
13Player Default: What do you have against outsiders?{Rude / Irritated} Let's just say I learned my lesson the hard way.Y3a
14Player Default: Just taking a look around.{Rude, condescending toward the player / Friendly} Heh, is the Overseer just letting anyone in these days?Player Default: I'm a fellow Vault dweller.A1a
15Player Default: None of your concern.{Rude. Emphasis on "my concern" and "OUTside". Doesn't like the player. / Irritated} Hey, I live here. Of course it's my concern. And you're a prime example of why outsiders should be kept outside.Player Default: I'm a fellow Vault dweller.B1a
16Player Default: Here to do a little trading.{Rude. Dislikes outsiders (the player). / Irritated} Well, make it quick. We don't need your kind lingering around here.Player Default: I'm a fellow Vault dweller.X1a
17Player Default: What's with the attitude?{Rude. First of a series of 2 lines. / Irritated} I don't trust outsiders. We didn't need your help before, we don't need it now.Y1a
18{Rude. "Overseer" with sneering disrespect. Doesn't approve of Overseer or player. Last of a series of 2 lines. "We don't need your help." / Irritated} The Overseer never should have opened up the Vault to your kind.Player Default: I'm a fellow Vault dweller.Y1b
19-{A bit rude. Doesn't like outsiders (the player). / Irritated} Leave me alone. I've got work to do.
20{A bit rude. Doesn't like outsiders (the player). / Irritated} I got nothing to say to you.
21{A bit rude. Doesn't like outsiders (the player). / Irritated} If you're looking for friendly conversation, you won't find it here.
22{A bit rude. Doesn't like outsiders (the player). / Irritated} Don't you have someone else you can bother?
23{A bit rude. Doesn't like outsiders (the player). / Irritated} Seriously? I don't want to talk.
24{Very rude. Hates the player even more now for letting a child die. / Disgust} Typical outsider. Letting a child die like that. I can't believe you can even show your face here.
25{Apologetic and grateful. Was mean to the player before. / Grateful} I heard about what you did for Austin. And... yeah... thanks.
26{Apologetic and grateful. Was mean to the player before. / Apologetic} Look, I'm sorry for being so harsh before. I'm not beyond admitting when I'm wrong.
27{Relieved. / Neutral} It's good to see that kid back on his feet.
28{Reflective. More to herself than the player. Unsure if things will change for the better or worse. / Neutral} Things sure are going to change around here.
29{Reflective and distrubed. / Neutral} Finding a whole new section to the Vault? It's so... disturbing.


30V81_Conv_Entry_01_SceneCitizenMale: Nothing I can't handle.{Friendly. / Friendly} Nice to know it wasn't another migraine kicking in.CitizenMale: Tell me about it. Cal, would bust my ass if I called out again, too.A1a
31{Conversational question / Question} How's your head feeling today?CitizenMale: Still a little pounding, but getting better.A1a
32V81_Conv_Entry_02_SceneCitizenMale: How's it looking?{Bored / Neutral} Eh, same old, same old.A1a
33{Tired / Neutral} Another day, another double shift.CitizenMale: I hear ya. Maybe you could see about working in Doctor Penske's lab again?A1b
34CitizenMale: I hear ya. Maybe you could see about working in Doctor Penske's lab again?{Friendly} Yeah, maybe, but no way I'm sampling anymore of her creations.A1a