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This is a transcript for dialogue with Sol.

W05 DialogueWaywardRC DuchessSol OldNeighborhood[]

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
2 0042B0E5 0042B10B Didn't say.
4 0042B0E7 0042B116 Not that he gave, but it seemed like he knew you. He said to tell you he was "from the old neighborhood." A little nervous as you tell the story. You're worried someone is coming for your boss.
5 That he'd... be in touch. A little nervous as you tell the story. You're worried someone is coming for your boss.
7 0042B0EA 0042B120 A man was asking after you the other night. Stage whisper. You're sharing a possible secret.
8 0042B0EC 0042B123 Excuse me, Duchess? Stage whisper. You're sharing a possible secret.

W05 MQ 003P Muscle[]

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
11 0041A3B7 0041A463 Nope. We'll just have to wait for them to give us the news. A signal just started coming in on a radio you're watching. Everyone's asking you what it might mean.
45 0041A3DB 0041A48B And make sure the body's pristine. No damage, no reprogramming. Factory defaults only. I don't want anything going wrong in the transfer. REDO. More light headed, dizzy. You just tried to stand up and you're still more wounded than you thought.
46 0058F28D And here. You'll need this to get into the place. Just leave it unlocked so we can come get the body later. Light headed. You just tried to stand up and you're still more wounded than you thought.
47 And make sure it's pristine. No damage, no reprogramming. F-factory defaults only. I don't want anything going wrong in the transfer. Light headed. You just tried to stand up and you're still more wounded than you thought.
50 0041A3DD 0041A49E The-the owners boarded it up, but it's possible to get back there if you know where to push. REDO. More light headed. You just tried to stand up and you're still more wounded than you thought.
55 0041A3E4 0041A4CC Y-yeah, yeah. There's this old robotics dealer over in Summersville, Duncan & Duncan. REDO. More light headed. You just tried to stand up and you're still more wounded than you thought.
63 0041A3ED 0041A45C It's all right. I-I can fix this. There's a robotics shop over in Summersville that-- You're trying to stand up, but when you get on your feet, you suddenly feel very dizzy and stop yourself. RERECORD. Hurting a bit more.
74 0041A3F6 0041A483 Did you find Polly? A bit worried. You think your friend might be missing ... or worse.
75 00556D3F She didn't get lost, did she? A bit worried. You think your friend might be missing ... or worse.
124 0041A40D 0041A46C It's ... look, when you get Polly back, I'll walk you through every little detail of how I became best friends with a machine. Still in quite a bit of pain.
125 But first I need you to save her. You think you can do that for me? Still in quite a bit of pain. Getting a little stern with someone.
126 0041A40F 0041A4D2 Woah! Woah! I'm a gunshot victim, not a chew toy! Still in quite a bit of pain. You're gently talking someone down who thinks you might be dangerous.
127 Only thing you need to worry about right now is getting Polly back alive. Still in quite a bit of pain.
128 0041A411 0041A474 Yeah. I can make it back to The Wayward. But I don't know how much time she's got left. So you'll go after her? Still in quite a bit of pain.
129 0041A413 0041A446 Cold one, aren't ya? I'm sure Duchess is good for it. Now, you ought to get going. Still in quite a bit of pain.
130 And, please, tell Polly... tell her I'm sorry I couldn't be the one to save her. Still in pain, but this hurts to say. You feel like you're betraying a friend.
131 0041A415 0041A480 Thank you. Thank you. Once you've got her, just bring her back to The Wayward. I'll be there. Still in quite a bit of pain.
132 And tell her... tell her I'm sorry I couldn't be the one to save her. You're ashamed of this fact.
133 0041A417 0041A44F Look, you've got to find Polly. I can't be the reason she ... look, just find her. Please. Still in quite a bit of pain. Pleading at the end here. You're feeling a lot of guilt.
134 0041A418 0041A48A I heard some fighting but then ... nothing. I think she's hurt. Still in quite a bit of pain.
135 0041A419 0041A457 But a couple of them got the drop on us before Polly chased them off deeper into the mine. Still in quite a bit of pain.
136 0041A41A 0041A49D Me and my bot-sis Polly got the bright idea to track down their nest and clear 'em out. Still in quite a bit of pain.
137 0041A41B 0041A45E See these ... Scorched things have been harrying the bar. Still in quite a bit of pain.
138 0041A41C 0041A4A7 Mutants? Wha.. ah. No, I ... it's a figure of speech. Come on. Still in quite a bit of pain.
139 Look, as much as I'd love to discuss the size and shape of my various body parts, my friend needs help. Still in quite a bit of pain.
140 0041A41E 0041A464 Oh, you're a riot, Santa. Listen up, Saint Nick. There's someone else who needs some coal in their stocking. Still in quite a bit of pain.
141 0041A420 0041A4BE You're barking up the wrong tree, friend. Duchess is the money in our little crew. And I'm sure she'll be real grateful to have us both back. Still in quite a bit of pain.
142 0041A422 0041A46B Much as I appreciate it, I'm not the one who needs helping right now. Still in a lot of pain.
143 0041A424 0041A4CB So, you the cavalry then? Duchess send you to save our tails? You're on your feet now, but still in quite a bit of pain.
145 0041A42F 0041A471 Freeloader? Man, I bet you're a blast at parties. Irritated because this person just blew you off. Still in a significant amount of pain.
146 0041A486 Hey. Wait. What're you trying to pull? Come on, you don't have anything? Still in pain and a little angry. This person offered you something, but doesn't have it.
147 0041A487 This is exactly what I needed. Now just gotta wait for it to kick in... Still in pain but grateful. The end of your pain is in spitting distance.
148 0041A4AF Oh thank god. Thank you. Good to know there's still some heart out there. Still in pain, but thankful for item you were looking for.
149 0041A4B0 It's ... it's all right, I guess. In quite a bit of pain.
159 0041A432 0041A4A3 Tell me you got a Stimpak. I'm hurting here. Trying to be polite while fighting through the pain.
160 0041A433 0041A48C You've got to find Polly. Please. You're in a bunch of pain.
166 0054F197 Getting out of here would be a lot easier with a Stim or some Med-X. You're in a bunch of pain.
167 0054F198 Can't believe you're still alive, Polly. You're in a bunch of pain, but your friend, who is a robot, has been decapitated.
168 0054F199 Holy hell, Polly. You're in a bunch of pain, but your friend, who is a robot, has been decapitated. Not a question. More shock.
169 0054F19A So, Duchess send you to save our tails or what? You're in a bunch of pain.
170 0054F19B Hey, hey, hey, hey. Trying to get someone's attention. Said very quickly. You're in a bunch of pain.
179 0058DDF2 Oh god. They're back. Please. Take care of those-- Polly? Polly! Please! You guys have to get rid of them! You're in pain and heard a bunch of enemies coming at you. You're afraid but your friend's come back to help you.
180 0058EA9C Oh god. They're back. Please. Take care of those things. I can't help you like this. You're in pain and heard a bunch of enemies coming at you. You're afraid.
188 0041A434 0041A4D6 Hey! You going to help me out or not? Whispered shouting in a lot of pain.
189 0041A4D7 You, you want to help a guy out here? Whispered shouting in a lot of pain.
190 0041A4D8 Could really use some help here, pal! Whispered shouting in a lot of pain.
191 0041A4D9 Could really use some help here, lady! Whispered shouting in a lot of pain.
192 0041A4DA C-can you not see me or something? D-did I die? ... shit. Whispered shouting in a lot of pain. This one's to yourself, but should still be said loud enough to be heard.
193 0041A435 0041A476 Hey! Ah-- over here! Don't shoot! I'm people! Wincing in pain, then getting excited that someone's nearby while trying to keep your voice down (but still in pain).
195 0054B4BA 0054B4D7 I think I can make it. You guys just go on ahead. This might take a while. Psyching yourself up to take a long walk back to your home bar.
196 0054B4C6 0054B4D6 I... I think so. But a Stimpak would make the walk back a hell of a lot easier.
202 0054FFC3 0054FFD0 ... woah. You suddenly feel very dizzy and stop yourself.
206 0054FFC7 0054FFD5 Uh... uh huh. REDO. More light headed. You just tried to stand up and you're still more wounded than you thought.
226 005537F0 00553808 Including the 25 I've got on me? Twenty-five. You're giving away the last of your caps.
235 0055665B 00556677 You got one! Signal's coming through loud and clear! Excited and feeling better.
236 0055665C 00556669 Hey! Excited and feeling better.
255 0055665E 00556690 You... you are going to find out about this Crane guy, right? You're at the bar, still feeling kind of rough, but you're getting there.
256 00556691 Pal, if you hadn't walked in our door... You're at the bar, still feeling kind of rough, but you're getting there.
257 00556692 Lady, if you hadn't walked in our door... You're at the bar, still feeling kind of rough, but you're getting there.
258 00556693 I swear, you caught us at a real bad time. We usually at least vaguely have our acts together. You're at the bar, still feeling kind of rough, but you're getting there.
259 00556694 You going to tell our girl what you got her? You're at the bar, still feeling kind of rough, but you're getting there.
260 00556696 Make sure you get a good body. Little problems lead to big ones. REDO. Light headed. You just tried to stand up and you're still more wounded than you thought.
261 00556697 I never made it inside the shop itself. Hopefully it won't be too hard to tag the body we want. REDO. Light headed. You just tried to stand up and you're still more wounded than you thought.
262 00556698 I-I should be the one doing this... so, thank you. REDO. Light headed. You just tried to stand up and you're still more wounded than you thought.
263 00556699 That's all the caps I've got. Put them to good use. You're at the bar, still feeling kind of rough after over exerting yourself.
264 0055669C I can't believe you found her. You're still banged up, but this person's returned with your friend. You're very grateful.
265 0055669E You can just set her down. She should be fine in there for a bit. You're still banged up, but this person's returned with your friend. You're very grateful.
266 0055669F We're going to have to find her a whole new frame. Could've sworn I saw a place that had 'em... You're still banged up, but this person's returned with your friend. This is mostly to yourself.
267 005566A1 Look, I can't be the reason Polly gets decommed. Help her. You're sitting back at the bar, still hurting, and now with time to worry.
268 005566A2 You're, you're not giving up on finding Polly, are you? You're sitting back at the bar, still hurting, and now with time to worry.
269 005566A3 Polly. Please be okay. You're sitting back at the bar, still hurting, and now with time to worry. To yourself.
270 005566A6 Look, I'll meet you back at The Wayward, okay? You're slowly dragging yourself back to the Wayward. You're trying to be polite, but it's hard.
271 005566A7 I'll pay you back for the chems. Scout's honor. You're slowly dragging yourself back to the Wayward. You're trying to be polite, but it's hard.
272 005566A8 Okay, Solomon. Just have to make it back to the bar in one piece. To yourself. You're slowly dragging yourself back to the Wayward.
273 005566A9 Polly charged in there to protect me... god, she better be all right. To yourself. You're slowly dragging yourself back to the Wayward.
280 0058EA7C Hey! You found her! You guys keep going! I'll meet you back at the bar! This person is carrying your robotic friend's head in their hands. You're in a lot of pain, but real glad to see her.
282 0058F28C I can grab that new body... soon. Probably. You're at the bar, still feeling kind of rough, but you're getting there.
283 0058F4C6 I'm... I'm okay. Just a little dizzy still. Light headed. You just tried to stand up and you're still more wounded than you thought.
284 0058F4C7 Just gonna sit here for a bit longer... Light headed. You just tried to stand up and you're still more wounded than you thought.
285 00556660 0055666A She is? That's... weird. But good, I guess? Look, we should head on back to The Wayward, then. Immediately. I'll meet you there. Still in a lot of pain, but real excited.
286 00556661 00556664 I... I understand. Just, you're going to help us, right? This person has told you they can't help you right now.
288 0058DDDF 0058DDF0 Oh, Polly. This is all my fault. It hurts you to see your friend like this.
289 0058DDE1 0058DDEF Oh god... Polly? You're afraid you friend is broken permanently.
294 0058EA38 0058EA6A Go... go in there? I... no, not like this. And The Wayward's been left alone for too long. You--I know you can do it. You just have to find Polly. You're really afraid right now at the suggestion you might have to head deeper into the mine.

W05 MQ 004P Crane[]

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
9 004247AE 00424808 And who knows how long that'll take. We just wait around for this thing to get loose in the hopes that someone out there finds it? No. Explaining why this monster needs to be killed.
10 I'm sorry, but Crane's gone. The only decision to make here is are you doing it or am I? Explaining why this monster needs to be killed.
11 004247B0 0042482D Okay. Someone else just agreed to mercy kill someone for you. A little exhale would be appropriate.
12 004247B2 0042480D All right. Psyching yourself up a little. You're agreeing to mercy kill someone.
13 004247B5 00424811 Thank you, Duchess. I'll make it quick ... unless ... Somberly asking the player if they want to kill this monster.
14 004247B7 00424815 Of course ... unless ... Somberly asking the player if they want to kill this monster.
15 004247B8 004247FA Then so is the person inside. Respectful, but stern. You're trying to convince someone to let you kill a monster they've been caring for.
16 004247B9 0042481A Duchess, please. Let us fix this. None of us here are safe while that thing's alive. Somber and respectful. You're trying to convince someone to let you kill a monster they've been caring for.
17 004247BA 004247FD Okay. Fine. But that person is fucking dangerous. And those things... they nearly killed Polly and I once. I can't let that happen to the rest of you. Sternly but respectfully asking to put this monster out of its misery. Emphasis on "person"
18 I promise. I'll do it with dignity, but I'm killing this thing if no one else is going to. Sternly but respectfully asking to put this monster out of its misery.
19 004247BB 0042481F Put it out of its misery! Those things are killers, Duchess. Polly and I have the scars to prove it. You're shocked and a bit scared. There's a monster in your house and you didn't know it.
20 004247BC 00424801 That things been up here this whole time?! You're shocked and a bit scared. There's a monster in your house and you didn't know it.
21 004247BD 00424825 Jesus, Duchess! You're shocked and a bit scared. There's a monster in your house and you didn't know it.
22 004247BE 00424824 Hey. You're boss just made a loving joke at your expense.
37 004247CB 0042480C Sorry. You said something dumb. Now you're apologizing sheepishly.
41 004247CD 00424807 ... suppose we don't need to feel so bad anymore. Give a little pause before beginning. You're trying oh-so-hard to not gloat here, but it's not quite working.
42 0055AD94 ... you sure you still want to let him go? You're a little pissed.
45 004247CF 0042480B Gauley Mine? That's where Polly and I tracked the Scorched. Starting to line up some pieces of this mystery.
51 004247D5 004247F8 Course not, Duchess. Someone was just mercifully executed. You're being somber and supportive.
54 004247DA 004247FF Sorry, pal. Honestly sorry.
55 004247DB 00424806 ... you want to take care of it? Asking someone else if they'd rather do some mercy killing.
59 0055AD97 Duchess, she's right here. If that thing had gotten out... Polly and I saw how brutal they can be. This was brash, but it wasn't wrong. Trying to calm a fight between your boss and your rescuer.
60 0055AD98 Duchess, he's right here. If that thing had gotten out... Polly and I saw how brutal they can be. This was brash, but it wasn't wrong. Trying to calm a fight between your boss and your rescuer.
61 0055AD99 Hey! Everyone calm down! Duchess, listen, as much of an ass as this one's being, she's right. They don't sleep, don't eat. They kill. You cannot control them. Trying to disarm a fight between your boss and an employee who you agree with (but is being a jerk)
101 00425CC8 0055CC68 I... hmm. You just shot someone. You're not in the talking mood. The "hmm" should be almost a grumble.
110 0055AC91 0055AD2D Woah. You need to take this seriously. Because this is serious. That thing could escape. That thing could kill us all... just like they nearly did to Polly and I. This person just said something pretty insensitive in a very sensative situation.
111 I'll take care of it, but you need to let me do this, Duchess.
113 0055AC94 0055AD35 Exactly, Duchess. Kind. Your friend just came to a hard realization.
143 0055ACB9 0055AD38 Murder? No, you... you're right, I guess. What about-- we'll let him go. He's out of our hair and gets a fighting chance at a life.
144 Who knows. Maybe he'll last long enough for someone to find a cure. All right?
148 0055ACBF 0055AD4E Holy hell. Someone just shot Crane. This should be a little quiet, as you were hoping for this outcome.
160 0055ACD5 0055AD58 This... this one's all you. RERECORD. A lot more somber. Someone was just executed.
174 0055ACE7 0055AD29 Excuse me? You just heard some really surprising news.
175 0055ACE8 0055AD62 Seriously, Duchess? You just heard some really surprising news.
217 0055AD1C 0055AD5E I can make it happen, Duchess. Still hurting a bit, but accepting a time sensitive order.
232 0055CC56 0055CC7C Hey. You're back and in one piece. Hope you found something good. Starting to lighten up.
234 0055CC7E Duchess was asking after you. Should check in with her. Starting to lighten up.
235 0055CC80 Assholes got the drop on us. Thanks for not egging them on. A little shaken. You were just held up at gunpoint.
236 0055CC81 Thanks for being reasonable back there. Would've been real messy otherwise. A little shaken. You were just held up at gunpoint.
237 0055CC82 Jesus. We're all lucky to still be breathing. A little shaken. You were just held up at gunpoint.
238 0055CC83 Kinda wish you hadn't made a deal with those jerks. A little shaken. You were just held up at gunpoint.
239 0055CC84 At least these nimrods could be reasoned with. A little shaken. You were just held up at gunpoint. Emphasis on "these"
240 0055CC86 Try not to get yourself killed. You were just involved in a mercy killing. You're not feeling great.
241 0055CC87 It was the right thing. Putting down Crane. You were just involved in a mercy killing. You're not feeling great.
242 0055CC88 Hope this treasure's worth it. You were just involved in a mercy killing. You're not feeling great.
243 0055CC89 You should do what Duchess says. You were just involved in a mercy killing. You're not feeling great.
244 0055CC8B Keeping that thing up here. I don't know what Duchess was thinking. Disappointed in your boss' judgement.
245 0055CC8C I-I can't believe you just... did that. This person just out and out killed someone you considered an enemy. You're onboard, but shocked by their brashness.
246 0055CC8D Look, you're in the right here... but that's about the worst way you could've handled this. This person just out and out killed someone you considered an enemy. You're onboard, but shocked by their brashness.
247 0055CC8F I'm not a murderer. I'll give Crane a fair shot. A bit stern. This person just accused you of being a murderer.
248 0055CC90 Let's hope it's smart enough to stay away for good. You've been convince to let this monster go. You're not thrilled.
249 0055CC91 You don't need to worry. I'm not going to hurt it. You've been convince to let this monster go. You're not thrilled.
250 0055CC93 You should... you should get it over with. Talking to someone who has agreed to mercy kill an enemy.
251 0055CC94 Cold feet? Don't. You're doing the right thing. Talking to someone who has agreed to mercy kill an enemy.
252 0055CC95 None of us are safe till that thing's dead. Talking to someone who has agreed to mercy kill an enemy.
253 0055CC97 When Duchess says follow, you probably should.
254 0055CC98 Crane's treasure is - you get to rearrange the stockroom! Cracking a joke.
255 0055CC99 She's known where the treasure is this whole time? Then what're we doing here?
284 0059023A Look... I just... wanted to hear what was going on. You were just caught snooping on Duchess and the player.
285 0059023B Just, uh, cleaning the top of the steps. Yeah, that's it. You were just caught snooping on Duchess and the player.
286 0059023C Don't-don't mind me. You were just caught snooping on Duchess and the player.
316 005A2853 0055AD90 Hey! Everyone calm down! Duchess, listen, as much of an ass as this one's being, he's right. They don't sleep, don't eat. They kill. You cannot control them.

W05 DialogueTheWayward Interior[]

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
3 0040F5C5 0042A23F Hey hey hey. Back again. What's up?
12 0042C522 Oh, hey. What's going on?
13 0042C523 Back to refill? Or is there something you need from me?
14 0042C524 So, they weren't lying after all. There is a treasure in Appalachia. Wonder what that'll mean for us. Anyway... what's up? Impressed.
55 00585396 Hey there stranger. Look, I can't say this with enough emphasis. Greeting someone who saved your life.
203 0042C4DC 0042C511 Just that she headed east over the mountains. Mentioned a town at some point. Sutton, maybe? Is that a place? I'd say check there.
204 0042C4DE 0042C503 Man, you and Duchess. I didn't put down Crane. I killed a Scorched. Those thing killed Crane. Not me. I gave him justice. A little irritated, but cooling down towards the end. This is what you tell yourself to feel better about what you did.
205 0042C4E0 0042C515 Not much to tell. Scorched just overwhelmed us.
206 It's weird. They seem rock dumb. But sometimes... sometimes it just seems like they like know things that they shouldn't.
207 Like they're talking to each other somehow. Just without words.
208 We were holding our own just fine till I got shot. Gets a whole lot harder to aim when you can only balance on one leg.
209 Once I went down, Polly went ballistic. Heh. Could say she lost her head over it.
210 0042C4E2 0042C506 We look out for each other. Not sure how long you've been out of the Vault, but if you want to make it out here, you need someone watching your back.
211 Preferably multiple someone's. Polly's been that person for me for a while now.
212 See, Duchess and Polly, they didn't work great together. Duchess treated her like a Protectron - a servant to be bossed around.
213 But she's a lot more than that. I don't know if all Assaultrons are like her or it was something to do with her reprogramming, but she's... like a real lady.
214 Once I got Duchess to see that, well, it was smooth sailing. Or as smooth as this group gets.
215 0042C4E4 0042C518 Lot better now I'm out of that pit. But Duchess spotted me a couple Stims, so I'm not too worried.
216 I've had worse, bounced back just fine. Just takes time, you know, which is the one thing I've got plenty of.
217 0042C4E6 0042C50A So, there something I can do for you?
218 0042C4E7 0042C51C Seriously. All the gratitude I've got doesn't amount to what you deserve.
219 0042C4E8 0042C50D Polly and I would be pushing up daisies if you hadn't shown up when you did. You saved us.
220 0056015E You handled that thing with Roper real well. That had "bloodbath" written all over it.
322 0042ECDC 0042ED3B You really this dumb? Yelling at someone in the heat of battle.
323 0042ED3C What? Not going to run? Suit yourself. Yelling at someone in the heat of battle.
324 0042ED3D Come on! We don't want to kill you. Yelling at someone in the heat of battle.
334 0042ECDD 0042ED5B Ow! Shit! You were just hit in battle.
335 0042ED5C Oh ho ho. That was a good one. Angry. You were just hit in battle.
336 0042ED5D Rargh! Angry. You were just hit in battle.
346 0055CC59 0042ED4B Oh no you don't! Entering combat.
347 0042ED4C I'm going to make you regret this. Entering combat.
348 0042ED4D You're toast. Entering combat.
357 00560157 0056015A Here. I want you to have this. I'd been saving it for a rainy day. But you earned it.
358 00560158 0056015F Talk to you later. Player's walking away.
433 0059004F 0059010E And that's the last of it. player cleared you out. you're a little sad you can't keep making money from trading, but impressed the player is so rich


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0042A945 0042A954 Okay. I'll keep an eye out. Matter of fact.
2 0042A946 0042A95B Seems to be what he was getting at.
4 0042A948 0042A959 He says he needs it for Bessie. Something about making sure she keeps thinking she's a cow.
6 0042A94A 0042A956 Jide was asking - next time you're out wandering, can you keep an eye out for a military circuit board? "Jee-day."
7 0042A94C 0042A951 Hey Mort.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
5 0042A940 0042A952 Apparently. Seems like she dressed the wound well enough. I don't think she was yanking my chain.
7 0042A942 0042A95A Getting there. Won't be winning any foot races for a while. But Duchess took a look at it. Said she used to be a nurse back in the day.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0042B0FE 0042B137 Of course. Of course, Duchess. Realizing you did something stupid and a but sheepish about it.
3 0042B100 0042B107 Oh god. No one was hurt, were they? Realizing you did something stupid and a but sheepish about it.
5 0042B102 0042B10A Uh oh. What'd I do wrong? Talking to your boss.
7 0042B104 0042B12A Yeah, Duchess? Talking to your boss.
8 0042B106 0042B114 Solomon, come here. Ordering an employee around.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
3 0042B0F0 0042B112 ... four-hundred and eighty-five? Very sheepish.
5 0042B0F2 0042B115 Uh... yeah. It's finally setting in for you that your boss thinks this is a terrible idea.
7 0042B0F4 0042B118 That's right. Starting to get a bit giddy. You think this is an awesome opportunity.
9 0042B0F6 0042B11F Yeah, yeah. So we got to talking and he said he could tell me where I could find a suit of Power Armor. Think how useful that would be. Just 500 caps. Starting to get a bit giddy. You think this is an awesome opportunity.
11 0042B0F8 0042B111 So, there was this merchant who rolled through a couple days ago. Big ugly guy. Getting a little excited.
13 0042B0FA 0042B122 What's your policy on pay advances? A little sheepish.
15 0042B0FC 0042B12B Hey Duchess. Getting your boss' attention.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0042C4F3 0042C526 More for me, then. The verbal equivalent of a shrug.
2 0042C4F4 0042C512 Oh god. Solomon. You need to burn that immediately. Disgusted.
3 0042C4F5 0042C504 Gotta eat... you want to try? The verbal equivalent of a shrug.
6 0042C4F8 0042C519 Hmm. Great question. I think it was... bread?


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
2 0042C4EA 0042C505 You would've done the same thing. Casually shooting the shit with your best friend.
4 0042C4EC 0042C509 Whatever helps you recharge at night. Casually shooting the shit with your best friend.
5 0042C4ED 0042C51B Honest to god. Two purple eyes, floating in the distance out on the other side of the ridge. Casually shooting the shit with your best friend.
9 0042C4F1 0042C51E What do you think I did? I ran like hell back over the ridge. Casually shooting the shit with your best friend.
10 0042C4F2 0042C50F Saw a Flatwoods the other night. Casually shooting the shit with your best friend.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
2 0042C4FC 0042C50E Heh. It wasn't exactly a great look for you. A friend is trying to cheer you up.
4 0042C4FE 0042C510 Look, I'm sorry about the new body. Sheepishly addressing a friend.
6 0042C500 0042C514 Hey. Sheepishly addressing a friend.