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This is a transcript for dialogue with Clover.


FollowersFired Leave me alone, Clover. You're fired. Anger 10 Wait... what? Why? 1
FollowersFiredNo On second thought, stay with me. Neutral 50 I was worried for a second. 2
FollowersFiredYes Because I say so. Go. Anger 10 If that's the way you're going to play, lover. I'll be waiting at Eulogy's place when you come crawling back. 3
FollowersHired How would you like to come with me, Clover? Happy 50 Sorry, honey. Three's a crowd. Come back when I can have you all to myself. {Sultry, dangerous.} 4
How would you like to come with me, Clover? Happy 50 Absolutely, lover. Let's go have some fun. {Sultry, dangerous.} 5
FollowersLetsGo Let's get going. Happy 25 Oh yes, let's! {Playful and sultry} 6
FollowersLetsGoNotYet1 Not just yet. I wanted to talk to you about something. Anger 10 Oh, make it quick. I'm getting bored. I hate being bored. {Petulant, turning to violent.} 7
FollowersLetsGoNotYet2 I just wanted to make sure you were still here. Goodbye. Anger 25 You big tease! 8
FollowersPPurity Clover, I need you to go into that chamber and turn on the purifier. Sad 50 Honey, you are out of your mind if you think I'm going in there. Find yourself another guinea pig. 9
FollowersTactics Let's talk about your tactics. Happy 25 What are you thinking, lover? 10
FollowersTacticsCombat I want you to change your combat style. Happy 50 What would you like? I think you'll find I'm quite flexible. {Sultry, with suggestive pause before "flexible"} 11
FollowersTacticsCombatEND Let's talk about something else. Sad 10 Oh, does it always have to be talk? 12
FollowersTacticsCombatGOODBYE That's all. Let's get going. Happy 50 Oh, time for fun already? Goody! 13
FollowersTacticsCombatMelee I like what you're doing. Stick with the melee. Happy 25 My pleasure, lover. 14
Switch to a melee weapon. Happy 25 Gladly. Face to face is so much more personal. 15
FollowersTacticsCombatRanged You're not bad with a ranged weapon. Keep it up. Happy 25 Anything for you, lover. 16
I want you to use ranged weapons. Sad 25 Oh, do I have to? That's not nearly as much fun! {Petulant, mildly deranged} 17
FollowersTacticsDistance Let's talk about how close you're following me. Happy 50 How close would you like? {Highly suggestive} 18
FollowersTacticsDistanceDefault You're good where you are. Happy 50 Glad you like it. 19
Stay close to me. Happy 50 As you wish, lover. 20
FollowersTacticsDistanceEND Your distance is good. Let's talk about something else. Sad 10 Is it going to be all talk? 21
FollowersTacticsDistanceGOODBYE All right, you're good. Let's get out of here. Happy 25 Yes, please. 22
FollowersTacticsDistanceLong Keep hanging back. Neutral 20 Eulogy used to like me to stay ten steps behind him. Usually. 23
Keep your distance. Try to flank them. Neutral 20 As you wish, but I'm not letting you out of my sight. 24
FollowersTacticsEnd Enough about tactics. Happy 25 Yes, enough about boring old tactics. 25
FollowersTrade Let's trade equipment. Happy 25 You're always welcome to take whatever you want, lover. {Sultry} 26
FollowersWait Wait here. Sad 50 But it's so boring all alone! {Petulant} 27
GREETING GREETING Happy 50 Oh, it's been too long since I got to play rough. {Manic, sexy, and dangerous} 28
GREETING Neutral 50 Oh! You came back! Do you want me to back you up, lover? 29
GREETING Happy 50 Can we go yet? {Petulant} 30
GREETING Happy 50 Can I do something for you? Or... to you? 31
GREETING Happy 50 Yes, lover? 32
GREETING Happy 50 Bottlecap for your thoughts. 33
GREETING Happy 50 My name's Clover. I hear you're the new man in my life. 34
Happy 65 You're looking for a bodyguard, and I'm looking for a body. Sounds like we're going to have some fun times, lover. 35
GREETING Happy 50 My name's Clover. I hear you're the new woman in my life. 36
Happy 65 You're looking for a bodyguard, and I'm looking for a body. Sounds like we're going to have some fun times, lover. 37
GREETING Disgust 50 I miss Eulogy... 38
GREETING Neutral 50 Anything that I have to say, Mr. Eulogy can say for me. 39
GREETING Neutral 50 Mr. Eulogy don't like me talking to the johnnies without his permission. 40
GREETING Disgust 50 What do you want, square? 41


GOODBYE Let's go. Neutral 50 Whatever you say, honey. 42
Let's go. Neutral 50 Whatever you say, honey. 43
I have to go now. Neutral 50 I'll tell Mr. Eulogy that we talked. 44
HELLO HELLO Sad 50 I'm bored! {Petulant, she draws out the bored "bored"} 45
HELLO Neutral 50 Mr. Eulogy. He's lookin' at me again. 46
HELLO Neutral 50 Mr. Eulogy. She's lookin' at me again. 47
HELLO Neutral 50 You want somthin'? 48
HELLO Neutral 50 You like what you see? Talk to Mr. Eulogy. 49
HELLO Neutral 50 Crimson, did you see that new guy walking around here? 50
HELLO Neutral 50 Did you get a chance to check out the new guy, Crimson? 51
HELLO Neutral 50 Crimson, did you see that new girl walking around here? 52
HELLO Neutral 50 Did you get a chance to check out the new girl, Crimson? 53
HELLO Neutral 50 Mr. Eulogy... uhm... can I talk to you for a second? If, if you're not busy, I mean. 54
HELLO Neutral 50 If you're not busy, Mr Eulogy... I... I wanted to talk to you for a second. 55
IdleChatter Idle Chatter Neutral 50 Aww, aren't you cute? 56
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 Can I have a better gun? 57
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 <yawns> {A sarcastic and obvious yawn} 58
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 I wonder what Eulogy is doing... {Whiny.} 59
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 This place sucks. {Whiny.} 60
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 I'm bored. {Whiny.} 61
PFTalkCloverCrimson1 PFTalkCloverCrimson1 Neutral 50 Were they talking about how bad you look again? I mean, I hate to break it to you: they're right. 62
PFTalkCloverCrimson1 Neutral 50 You mean about how Mr. Eulogy don't like you no more? About how he barely even looks at you when I'm around? 63
PFTalkCloverCrimson3 PFTalkCloverCrimson3 Neutral 50 Pfft. You're just mad because I'm daddy's favorite. 64
PFTalkCloverCrimson3 Neutral 50 I just know who Mr. Eulogy likes better, and as soon as you figure it out too, we'll all be happier. 65
PFTalkCloverEulogyJones1 PFTalkCloverEulogyJones1 Neutral 50 Right away, daddy. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! 66
PFTalkCloverEulogyJones1 Neutral 50 Yes, daddy? I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! What do you need? 67
PFTalkCloverEulogyJones3 PFTalkCloverEulogyJones3 Neutral 50 Please forgive me, daddy. It won't happen again, just tell me what you need. Anything! I'll do anything! 68
PFTalkCloverEulogyJones3 Neutral 50 I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Let me make it up to you! Tell me what you want! 69
PFTalkCrimsonClover2 PFTalkCrimsonClover2 Neutral 50 You should go talk to him, maybe he'll buy you off of Mr. Eulogy since daddy's gotten tired of you. 70
PFTalkCrimsonClover2 Neutral 50 I was just thinking that you might want to go introduce yourself, in case Mr. Eulogy finally wants to sell you off. 71
PFTalkCrimsonClover2 Neutral 50 You should go talk to her, maybe she'll buy you off of Mr. Eulogy since daddy's gotten tired of you. 72
PFTalkCrimsonClover2 Neutral 50 I was just thinking that you might want to go introduce yourself, in case Mr. Eulogy finally wants to sell you off. 73
PFTalkCrimsonClover4 PFTalkCrimsonClover4 Neutral 50 Keep running your mouth, Crimson. That's why he don't like you no more. 74
PFTalkCrimsonClover4 Neutral 50 Hrmph. It's not my fault that I'm the favorite. You don't need to be so bitter. 75
PFTalkEulogyJonesClover2 PFTalkEulogyJonesClover2 Neutral 50 I wanted to talk to you about... you know, about her. 76
PFTalkEulogyJonesClover2 Neutral 50 It's... it's about Crimson. I think that maybe it's time you let her go like you said you would, so that we can be together alone. 77
PFTalkEulogyJonesClover4 PFTalkEulogyJonesClover4 Neutral 50 Okay, okay. I'm sorry... 78
PFTalkEulogyJonesClover4 Neutral 50 Yes, daddy. I'm sorry, daddy. 79
PFTalkHiResponse1 PFTalkHiResponse1 Neutral 50 Stuff it. 80
PFTalkHiResponse1 Neutral 50 Take it up with Eulogy. 81