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This is a transcript for dialogue with Red Lucy.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 I'd remember if I had seen you here before, I'm sure of it... {pauses as if thinking "anyway, whatever"} What do you want? 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Welcome back, stranger. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 {Welcoming, to one of her own} Greetings, Hunter of The Thorn. 3
GREETING Happy 50 The crowds are waiting for you, stranger. Show us your best. 4
GREETING Anger 30 {Slight irritation} It's time for blood, not talk. Find me after the fight. 5
GREETING Anger 50 {Congratulatory tone, if just a hint} Well done, stranger. Here's your share. 6
GREETING Neutral 50 {Strong emotion veiled by stoic expression} The Thorn does not welcome you, stranger. Leave now or suffer the consequences. 7
GREETING Happy 50 Even the strongest creatures need their rest, {slight pause} and their companionship. I've been looking forward to this. 8
GREETING Neutral 50 {Ambivalent tone, generic} You know where we meet, and that's not here. 9
GREETING Neutral 50 {About to attack player} You've broken the rules of The Thorn. You've dishonored this sacred ground! I don't tolerate such offenses. 10
GREETING Anger 50 {About to attack player} I admire your bravery, but coming down here after what you've done is just foolish. So be it, Legion dog! 11
GREETING Neutral 50 Lay down with me, my hunter. 12
GREETING Neutral 50 Our time was sweet, my hunter. But our passion will have to wait - The Thorn demands attention. 13
GREETING Neutral 50 No more fights today. The Thorn needs time to soak its tribute of blood. 14
VMS38VMS38RedLucyAttacks VMS38VMS38RedLucyAttacks Neutral 50 {About to attack player} You've broken the rules of The Thorn, you've dishonored this sacred ground! I don't tolerate such offenses. 15
VMS38VMS38RedLucyAttacks2 VMS38VMS38RedLucyAttacks2 Neutral 50 {About to attack player} I admire your bravery, but coming down here after what you've done is just foolish. So be it, Legion dog! 16
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic004 What's this place? Neutral 50 {Slight Offense} The clamor of our bloodthirsty crowds reaches every corner of The Wasteland, but I'll pretend that your ignorance doesn't offend me, stranger. 17
Happy 50 {Proud} This is The Thorn! Here's where the strong make a name for themselves and the weak are fed to the jaws of hell. 18
Neutral 50 You can bet on the contenders or, if you have what it takes, be one of the contenders. 19
Anger 50 {Severe} Be warned, The Thorn demands respect. Break the rules, or offend me in any way, and I'll gut you open for all to see. 20
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic007 Goodbye. Neutral 50 So long, stranger. 21
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic008 I've brought the Giant Mantis Eggs. Neutral 50 Good work, stranger. The Thorn will nurture these eggs until their hatchlings are ready to bleed for us. 22
Neutral 50 Here's a compensation for your service. I trust that we're in agreement over it. 23
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic009 I've brought the Night Stalker Eggs. Neutral 50 Good work, stranger. The Thorn will nurture these eggs until their hatchlings are ready to bleed for us. 24
Neutral 50 Here's a compensation for your service. I trust that we're in agreement over it. 25
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic010 I've brought the Deathclaw's Eggs. Neutral 50 {Immpressed, showing emotions almost for the first time} You've, indeed, become the greatest hunter The Thorn has ever seen, the best I've ever seen. 26
Neutral 50 You've earned the honor of being part of this sacred ground. Come to me often and I'll share with you the wealth of The Thorn. 27
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic011 <Questions about The Thorn> Neutral 50 What do you want to know? 28
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic012 <Questions about Westside> Neutral 50 Ask and you might get an answer. 29
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic013 <Questions about Red Lucy> Neutral 50 What's on your mind? 30
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic016 Is Westside part of New Vegas? Neutral 50 New Vegas has many faces, stranger. Despite everything, it shall never be whole. 31
Neutral 50 When the land hunts you, when fighting for survival is the norm, your neighbors become either saviors, or enemies. 32
Neutral 50 Westside is a part of New Vegas, just as much as it's a part of the Wasteland. In the end, stranger, we need them both to continue making our fate. 33
Tell me again about Westside's relationship to New Vegas. Neutral 50 Westside is a part of New Vegas, just as much as it's a part of the Wasteland. In the end, stranger, we need them both to continue making our fate. 34
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic017 I've brought the Radscorpion Eggs. Neutral 50 Good work, stranger. The Thorn will nurture these eggs until their hatchlings are ready to bleed for us. 35
Neutral 50 Here's a compensation for your service. I trust that we're in agreement over it. 36
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic018 What's fighting in the next match? Neutral 50 We've got a pair of Giant Mantises ready to bleed. 37
What's fighting in the next match? Neutral 50 Radscorpions. The crowd loves those. 38
What's fighting in the next match? Neutral 50 We're lucky to have some Cazadores in the next match. 39
What's fighting in the next match? Neutral 50 Giant Radscorpions are about to battle in The Thorn. 40
What's fighting in the next match? Neutral 50 Deadly NightStalkers will now fight for our pleasure. 41
What's fighting in the next match? Neutral 50 The strongest Geckos you'll ever see are ready to fight. 42
What's fighting in the next match? Surprise 30 {Excitedly, yet still solemn} The deadliest beast of all! You've never seen anything like this before. 43
Happy 50 Deathclaws will bleed this sacred ground red! Make your bets, stranger, before it's too late. 44
What's fighting in the next match? Neutral 50 Fiend prisoners will fight for their lives against Night Stalkers. 45
What's fighting in the next match? Neutral 50 Radscorpions against Fiends. 46
What's fighting in the next match? Neutral 50 We've got three fiends ready for our Cazadores. 47
What's fighting in the next match? Neutral 50 A rare fight, Deathclaw against Fire Geckos. 48
What's fighting in the next match? Neutral 50 Giant Radscorpions against two Deathclaws. 49
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic019 How do you train the creatures? Neutral 50 {Remains Stoic, Unperturbed} Even if I trusted you I'd not share my secrets just for your pretty face, stranger. 50
Neutral 50 The Thorn's a sacred ground, a source of awe. Here we truly rule over the forces of nature, for once. 51
Anger 30 {Not a chiding remark, but firm and proud} These beasts are slaves to their instincts and hunger for blood. That's good enough an answer for everyone, and it'll do for you too. 52
How do you train the creatures? Anger 50 {Not a chiding remark, but firm and proud} These beasts are slaves to their instincts and hunger for blood. That's good enough an answer for everyone, and it'll do for you too. 53
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic020 I want to fight in The Thorn. Neutral 50 And I won't stop you, stranger. 54
Neutral 50 {Stoic, "deathwish" for has a transcendental meaning} What's the name of your deathwish? 55
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic022 I'll fight Giant Mantises. Neutral 50 Let's test your mettle. 56
Neutral 50 On how many can you take, stranger? 57
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic023 I'll fight Radscorpions. Neutral 50 Let's see what you've got. 58
Neutral 50 On how many can you take, stranger? 59
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic024 I'll fight Cazadores. Neutral 50 {Cautionary, A Situation of Great Magnitude} My deadly Cazadores will test your limits. 60
Neutral 50 On how many can you take, stranger? 61
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic025 I'll fight Geckos. Neutral 50 {Cautionary, but still stoic} Be warned, my Geckos are the toughest you'll ever face. 62
Neutral 50 On how many can you take, stranger? 63
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic026 I'll fight Deathclaws. Neutral 50 {Quite moved, respects players' bravery} Now you're talking! I'll be impressed if you make it out alive, stranger. 64
Neutral 50 Having seen what you're capable of, I think you'd fight a horde of them and not bat an eye. 65
Neutral 50 {Firm} But The Thorn honors balance, not foolish sacrifice. I'll only allow one Deathclaw against you. 66
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic028 I'll bet 20 on Red. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 67
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic029 I'll bet 20 on Blue. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 68
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic031 I've got other questions for you. Neutral 50 I'm listening. 69
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic033 One is good, for now. Neutral 50 You've got yourself a deal. 70
Neutral 50 Get to your cage and ready your arm. 71
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic034 Two are no problem for me. Happy 30 {Approving} Confident, I like that. 72
Neutral 50 Get to your cage and ready your arm. 73
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic035 Three of them, bring it on! Happy 50 {Approving} The crowd loves your bravery. 74
Neutral 50 Get to your cage and ready your arm. 75
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic038 I've brought the Fire Gecko Eggs. Neutral 50 Good work, stranger. The Thorn will nurture these eggs until their hatchlings are ready to bleed for us. 76
Neutral 50 Here's a compensation for your service. I trust that we're in agreement over it. 77
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic039 One is good, for now. Neutral 50 You've got yourself a deal. 78
Neutral 50 Get to your cage and ready your arm. 79
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic040 Two are no problem for me. Happy 30 Confident, I like that. 80
Neutral 50 Get to your cage and ready your arm. 81
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic041 Three of them, bring it on! Happy 50 The crowd loves your bravery. 82
Neutral 50 Get to your cage and ready your arm. 83
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic043 One is good, for now. Neutral 50 You've got yourself a deal. 84
Neutral 50 Get to your cage and ready your arm. 85
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic044 Two are no problem for me. Happy 30 Confident, I like that. 86
Neutral 50 Get to your cage and ready your arm. 87
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic045 Three of them, bring it on! Happy 50 The crowd loves your bravery. 88
Neutral 50 Get to your cage and ready your arm. 89
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic052 What are the rules? Neutral 50 The rules are simple. My creatures fight for our pleasure. You can bet on a contender and earn double if you chose the victor. 90
Neutral 50 But you can get a bigger share if you risk your skin in The Thorn. Win a fight and I'll give you a meaty cut of the earnings. 91
Neutral 50 {Severe} I won't tolerate anyone that interferes with the fights. Offend me, and your blood will be the next to spill. Other than that, anything goes. 92
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic058 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 {Slightly bothered by players' lack of seriousness} Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 93
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic059 I'll bet 20 on Red. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 94
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic060 I'll bet 20 on Blue. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 95
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic065 I'll bet 20 on Red. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 96
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic066 I'll bet 20 on Blue. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 97
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic071 I'll bet 20 on Red. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 98
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic072 I'll bet 20 on Blue. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 99
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic076 I'll bet 20 on Red. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 100
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic077 I'll bet 20 on Blue. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 101
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic083 I'll fight Giant Radscorpions. Neutral 50 {Serious, A Matter of Fact} Giant Radscorpions make deadly opponents. 102
Neutral 50 On how many can you take? 103
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic084 One is good, for now. Neutral 50 You've got yourself a deal. 104
Neutral 50 Get to your cage and ready your arm. 105
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic085 Two are no problem for me. Happy 30 Confident, I like that. 106
Neutral 50 Get to your cage and ready your arm. 107
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic086 Three of them, bring it on! Happy 50 The crowd loves your bravery. 108
Neutral 50 Get to your cage and ready your arm. 109
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic087 I'm ready for greater challenges. Neutral 50 You've proven yourself, stranger. Your blood hungers for glory and I'll placate its thirst. 110
Neutral 50 Name your challenge. 111
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic088 One is good, for now. Neutral 50 You've got yourself a deal. 112
Neutral 50 Get to your cage and ready your arm. 113
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic089 Two are no problem for me. Happy 30 Confident, I like that. 114
Neutral 50 Get to your cage and ready your arm. 115
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic090 Three of them, bring it on! Happy 50 The crowd loves your bravery. 116
Neutral 50 Get to your cage and ready your arm. 117
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic091 I'll fight Night Stalkers. Neutral 50 {Cautionary, A Situation of Magnitude} Prepare yourself, these Night Stalkers are hungry for blood. 118
Neutral 50 On how many can you take, stranger? 119
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic092 One is good, for now. Neutral 50 You've got yourself a deal. 120
Neutral 50 Get to your cage and ready your arm. 121
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic093 Two are no problem for me. Happy 30 Confident, I like that. 122
Neutral 50 Get to your cage and ready your arm. 123
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic094 Three of them, bring it on! Happy 50 The crowd loves your bravery. 124
Neutral 50 Get to your cage and ready your arm. 125
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic097 I want to set up a mixed fight. Neutral 50 You are paying for it. What'll bleed today in The Thorn, stranger? 126
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic099 Do you set up custom fights? Neutral 50 My creatures are expensive to find, expensive to raise, and expensive to maintain. 127
Neutral 50 If your pleasure is to see them bleed at your will, I'll oblige only after my costs are covered, stranger. 128
Neutral 50 Those costs will change depending on your choice of fighters. Also, I'll only allow fair fights in The Thorn. 129
Neutral 50 I'll help you set up good matches. You pay, you bet, and I bring you the most delightful spectacle on this world. Are we clear? 130
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic105 I'll bet 20 on Red. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 131
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic106 I'll bet 20 on Blue. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 132
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic111 Cazador on Red. Neutral 50 how many? 133
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic112 Nightstalker on Red. Neutral 50 How many? 134
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic113 Giant Mantis on Red. Neutral 50 How many? 135
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic114 Giant Radscorpion on Red. Neutral 50 How many? 136
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic115 Radscorpion on Red. Neutral 50 How many? 137
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic116 Fire Gecko on Red. Neutral 50 How many? 138
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic117 Deathclaw on Red. Neutral 50 How many? 139
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic118 One. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 140
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic119 Two. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 141
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic120 Three. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 142
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic121 Giant Mantis on Blue. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 143
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic122 Giant Mantis on Blue. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 144
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic123 Two Giant Rats on Blue. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 145
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic124 Three Giant Rats on Blue. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 146
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic125 Two Giant Mantises on Blue. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 147
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic126 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 148
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic127 Two Fiends on Blue. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 149
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic128 Two Fiends on Blue. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 150
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic129 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 151
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic130 Giant Rat on Blue. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 152
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic131 Fiend on Blue. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 153
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic132 Here's 30 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 154
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic133 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 155
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic137 Here's 40 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 156
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic138 Here's 50 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 157
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic139 Here's 60 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 158
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic140 Here's 80 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 159
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic141 Here's 70 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 160
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic142 Here's 90 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 161
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic143 Here's a 100 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 162
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic144 Here's 120 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 163
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic145 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 164
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic146 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 165
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic147 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 166
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic148 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 167
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic149 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 168
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic150 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 169
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic151 One. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 170
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic152 Two. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 171
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic153 Three. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 172
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic154 Two Giant Rats on Blue. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 173
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic155 One Fiend on Blue. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 174
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic156 One Radscorpion on Blue. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 175
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic157 Three Giant Rats on Blue. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 176
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic158 Two Fiends on Blue. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 177
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic159 Two Radscorpions on Blue. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 178
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic160 Three Fiends on Blue. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 179
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic161 Three Radscorpions on Blue. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 180
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic162 One Giant Radscorpion on Blue. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 181
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic163 Here's 50 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 182
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic164 Here's 50 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 183
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic165 Here's 50 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 184
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic166 Here's 90 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 185
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic167 Here's a 100 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 186
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic168 Here's a 100 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 187
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic169 Here's 150 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 188
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic170 Here's 150 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 189
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic171 Here's 150 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 190
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic172 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 191
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic173 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 192
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic174 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 193
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic175 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 194
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic176 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 195
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic177 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 196
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic178 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 197
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic179 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 198
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic180 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 199
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic181 One. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 200
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic182 Two. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 201
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic183 Three. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 202
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic184 Three Fiends. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 203
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic185 Two Giant Mantises. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 204
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic186 One Fire Gecko. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 205
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic187 Three Giant Mantises. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 206
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic188 Two Fire Geckos. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 207
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic189 Two Night Stalkers. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 208
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic190 Three Fire Geckos. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 209
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic191 Two Cazadores. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 210
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic192 Three Night Stalkers. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 211
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic193 Here's 120 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 212
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic194 Here's 120 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 213
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic195 Here's 120 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 214
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic196 Here's 210 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 215
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic197 Here's 240 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 216
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic198 Here's 280 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 217
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic199 Here's 360 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 218
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic200 Here's 420 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 219
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic201 Here's 420 caps. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 220
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic202 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 221
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic203 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 222
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic204 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 223
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic205 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 224
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic206 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 225
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic207 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 226
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic208 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 227
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic209 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 228
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic210 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 229
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic214 At least, tell me how you find these creatures. Neutral 50 Our creatures come from the farthest reaches of the Wasteland. The Thorn takes care of them until the time to spill their blood comes. 230
Neutral 50 We constantly replenish our stock to keep this holy ground soaked red. Only a few brave ones{slight emphasis in "ever"} ever earn the honor of serving The Thorn. 231
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic216 How could I help The Thorn? Neutral 50 Think you have what it takes?{Pensive pause} Hmm, all right. Prove your worth and I'll reward your service. 232
Neutral 50 The Thorn needs newborn specimens that will one day grow to honor us with their blood. 233
Neutral 50 Bring me a dozen Giant Mantis' eggs. If you accomplish this, I might gift you with greater tasks in the future. 234
How could I help The Thorn? Neutral 50 Bring me a dozen Giant Mantis' eggs. If you accomplish this, I might gift you with greater tasks in the future. 235
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic217 Where can I find Giant Mantis' eggs? Neutral 50 You'll find egg-carrying Mantises in The Wasteland. But a wise hunter would search at a Mantis' breeding ground, like the nearby ruins of Vault 22. 236
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic219 I'll find Giant Mantis' eggs for you. Neutral 50 You've got yourself a deal. 237
Neutral 50 So long, stranger. 238
I'll find Giant Mantis' eggs for you. Neutral 50 So long, stranger. 239
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic222 How do you find these creatures? Neutral 50 We constantly replenish our stock to keep this holy ground soaked red. Only a few brave ones ever{slight emphasis in "ever"} earn the honor of servicing The Thorn. 240
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic226 I'm still looking for the Giant Mantis Eggs. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 241
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic227 Who else can bring you so many intact eggs? I deserve a bigger reward. Neutral 50 {Recognizing players' deeds} You speak the truth, stranger, and The Thorn lives by the justice that honor and strength dispense. Here's a more fitting sum. 242
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic228 I don't agree with it because... because it was very dangerous and I deserve more caps. Neutral 50 {Slightly bothered that players even dare ask more from The Thorn} Those are the risks of a hunter's life. I've delivered as promised, but perhaps I should better search for someone with greater resolve and honor? 243
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic229 <Questions about VMS38 quest> Neutral 50 Bring me a dozen Radscorpion eggs. I'll see to it that you're rewarded fairly. 244
<Questions about VMS38 quest> Neutral 50 Bring me a dozen Fire Gecko eggs. This great challenge will earn you a matching reward. 245
<Questions about VMS38 quest> Neutral 50 The Thorn's calling its elite hunters to collect one of its deadliest creatures. Find Night Stalker eggs and your bravery will be greatly rewarded. 246
<Questions about VMS38 quest> Neutral 50 I'm asking our top hunters to gather Cazador eggs.{Sincere affirmation, weighed by the task at hand} I'd be impressed by whoever returns with such a prize. 247
<Questions about VMS38 quest> Happy 40 {Words charged with solemn excitement, a moment of great relevance} This is it, hunter. I've decided to grant{slight emphasis in "you"} you the opportunity to earn the greatest honor The Thorn could ever expect. 248
Neutral 50 Deathclaws are our most precious and our most feared contenders. I want you to be the one to deliver the sacred eggs to me, personally. 249
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic231 200 caps are sufficient. Take the eggs. Neutral 50 I thank you, stranger. The Thorn thanks you. 250
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic232 I don't need anything in return. Take the eggs. Neutral 50 {Slightly suspicious of players' motives} Don't think your servile gesture earns my respect, stranger. But if that's how you want it, so it'll be. 251
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic234 Where can I find Radscorpion eggs? Neutral 50 The eggs I seek are not easy to find, stranger. Your best chances are in the mountains north of Goodsprings, and west from Quarry Junction. 252
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic237 I'll find the Radscorpion eggs for you. Neutral 50 You've got yourself a deal. 253
Neutral 50 So long, stranger. 254
I'll find the Radscorpion eggs for you. Neutral 50 So long, stranger. 255
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic242 Perhaps, I'll keep the eggs for now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 256
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic244 I was planing on helping you get even deadlier creatures, but not without a raise. Neutral 50 You're proving your worth to The Thorn. I hope these extra caps are sufficient to demonstrate my fairness. 257
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic245 I'm risking my life for you at every turn. Pay up or find another hunter. Neutral 50 Those are the risks of a hunter's life. I've delivered as promised, but perhaps I should better search for someone with greater resolve and honor? 258
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic246 300 caps are enough. Take the eggs. Neutral 50 Thank you, stranger. The Thorn thanks you. 259
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic247 I don't need anything in return. Take the eggs. Neutral 50 Don't think your servile gesture earns my respect, stranger. But if that's how you want it, so it'll be. 260
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic251 Where can I find Fire Gecko eggs? Neutral 50 Fire Geckos are among The Wasteland's most dangerous creatures. Near the Ireteba Peaks lies a nest where you may find their eggs. 261
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic252 I'll find the Fire Gecko eggs for you. Happy 30 Confident, I like that. 262
Neutral 50 So long, stranger. 263
I'll find the Fire Gecko eggs for you. Neutral 50 So long, stranger. 264
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic253 I'm still looking for the Radscorpion Eggs. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 265
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic254 I've shown you my worth. Doesn't your best hunter deserve the best rewards? Neutral 50 You are a match to my elite, but don't congratulate yourself so profusely just yet. Still, your valor deserves recognition and I shall honor it. 266
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic255 Those Fire Geckos are not easy... not easy at all. I deserve more caps. Neutral 50 Those are the risks of a hunter's life. I've delivered as promised, but perhaps I should better search for someone with greater resolve and honor? 267
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic259 Where can I find Night Stalker Eggs? Neutral 50 Night Stalkers are amongst the most fearsome beasts you'll ever face. They're also hard to find, but I know of a nest at a cave near Bittersprings. 268
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic260 I'll find the Night Stalker Eggs for you. Happy 40 Confident, I like that. 269
Neutral 50 So long, stranger. 270
I'll find the Night Stalker Eggs for you. Neutral 50 So long, stranger. 271
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic261 500 caps sound good. Take the eggs. Neutral 50 Thank you, stranger. The Thorn thanks you. 272
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic262 I don't need anything in return. Take the eggs. Neutral 50 Don't think your servile gesture earns my respect, stranger. But if that's how you want it, so it'll be. 273
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic263 I'm still looking for the Fire Gecko eggs. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 274
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic264 <Placeholder Node for Successful Quest Returns> Neutral 50 Do you have good news for The Thorn? 275
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic265 I've braved packs of Night Stalkers to get these eggs. My reward should match this effort. Neutral 50 You speak the truth, stranger, and The Thorn lives by the justice that honor and strength dispense. Here's a more fitting sum. 276
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic269 I'm getting tired of running around all over The Wasteland for a handful of caps. I want more. Neutral 50 Those are the risks of a hunter's life. I've delivered as promised, but perhaps I should better search for someone with greater resolve and honor? 277
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic270 700 caps will do. Take the eggs. Neutral 50 Thank you, stranger. The Thorn thanks you. 278
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic271 I don't need anything in return. Take the eggs. Neutral 50 {Brief pause, surprised that players succeeded} That actually manages to surprise me, stranger. I'm starting to believe that there's something special about you. 279
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic272 Where can I find Cazador Eggs? Neutral 50 Cazadores are extremely deadly, but they are also reclusive. Try looking near the Red Rock's canyons. 280
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic273 I'll find the Cazador Eggs for you. Neutral 50 The crowd loves your bravery. 281
Neutral 50 So long, stranger. 282
I'll find the Cazador Eggs for you. Neutral 50 So long, stranger. 283
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic274 I've brought the Cazador Eggs. Neutral 50 Good work, stranger. The Thorn will nurture these eggs until their hatchlings are ready to bleed for us. 284
Neutral 50 Here's a compensation for your service. I trust that we're in agreement over it. 285
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic275 There's almost nothing worse than Cazadores in The Wasteland. Great deeds deserve great rewards. Neutral 50 You are a match to my elite, but don't congratulate yourself so profusely just yet. Still, your valor deserves recognition and I shall honor it. 286
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic276 Those Cazadores almost killed me. Pay me more or... just pay me more, alright? Neutral 50 Those are the risks of a hunter's life. I've delivered as promised, but perhaps I should better search for someone with greater resolve and honor? 287
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic280 A 1000 caps will do. Take the eggs. Neutral 50 Thank you, stranger. The Thorn thanks you. 288
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic281 I don't need anything in return. Take the eggs. Neutral 50 {Brief pause, surprised that players succeeded} That actually manages to surprise me, stranger. I'm starting to believe that there's something special about you. 289
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic282 Where can I find Deathclaw Eggs? Neutral 50 Quarry Junction is overrun with Deathclaws, but you may stand a better chance at a nest near the Repconn Test Site. 290
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic283 I'll find this great prize for you. Happy 50 {A hint of sincere emotion shows through her otherwise stoic mask} I've come to expect nothing less from you, brave stranger. 291
I'll find this great prize for you. Happy 50 {A hint of sincere emotion shows through her otherwise stoic mask} I've come to expect nothing less from you, brave stranger. 292
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic284 Is there anything else I can do to help The Thorn? Neutral 50 You've done enough to last many lifetimes, stranger. But{slight pause, hesitant to speak so unfamiliar words} ... I'd like you to come see me, again. 293
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic287 I will, Lucy. Neutral 50 Thank you, my brave hunter. 294
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic288 I'm still looking for the Night Stalker Eggs. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 295
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic289 I'm still looking for the Cazador Eggs. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 296
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic290 I'm still looking for the Deathclaw Eggs. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 297
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic291 How do people here manage to survive? Neutral 50 Westside attracts all sorts of travelers, including merchants and farmers. They come here to exchange their goods, or to seek protection. 298
Neutral 50 Our community provides enough food, clothes, weapons and medicine to encourage trade, and to arm our defenses. 299
Neutral 50 {Proud} The Thorn demonstrates, beyond anything else, that we're self-sufficient. Our desert-blood has overcome even the strongest beasts of the Wasteland. 300
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic303 How did you become the master of The Thorn? Neutral 50 {Not chiding, but stating it as a fact of belief} The Thorn is my master, not the other way around. I live to make our kin able to transcend their limitations. 301
Neutral 50 {Not a lament, but a matter of fact, of human condition} Our land is harsh, and hostile. Our lives are cheap, and fragile. Death is our assured fate, striking when least we expect it. 302
Neutral 50 The Thorn awakens us to the truth. Here we escape from our bonds, and choose the moment of death against the will of destiny. 303
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic304 What's your take on the state of affairs of the Mojave Wasteland? Neutral 50 The land does not care about petty squabbles among lesser men. I don't care about that either. 304
Neutral 50 In the end, the people of New Vegas will continue to live and die here. It matters not who their{A hint of Mockery} self-appointed "master" is. 305
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic307 My mind's thinking about what I could do with you, in private. Neutral 50 {Enjoys the over compliment, but retains composure} Bold, as it pleases The Thorn, and me. But it does take more than that to earn my admiration. 306
Neutral 50 You speak like a hunter, yet only actions prove one's worth. The Thorn requires a tribute of blood, and so do I. 307
My mind's thinking about what I could do with you, in private. Neutral 50 You show great promise. I look forward to the time when I can call you{weighing the words "My Hunter" as something special} "My Hunter," but that time has not yet arrived. 308
My mind's thinking about what I could do with you, in private. Happy 30 {Softer, gentler, if still confident, voice} Your bravery surpasses that of any other, and I've come to admire your actions. 309
Happy 50 Before death takes us, I would know you deeper. Come with me...{slight pause to savor the words} My Hunter. 310
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic327 I'll bet 20 on Red. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 311
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic328 I'll bet 20 on Blue. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 312
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic329 I'll bet 20 on Red, Night Stalkers. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 313
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic330 I'll bet 20 on Blue, Fiends. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 314
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic331 I'll bet 20 on Red, Radscorpions. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 315
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic332 I'll bet 20 on Blue, Fiends. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 316
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic333 I'll bet 20 on Red, Cazadores. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 317
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic334 I'll bet 20 on Blue, Fiends. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 318
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic335 I'll bet 20 on Red, Deathclaw. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 319
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic336 I'll bet 20 on Blue, Fire Geckos. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 320
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic337 I'll bet 20 on Red, Deathclaws. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 321
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic338 I'll bet 20 on Blue, Giant Radscorpions. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 322
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic363 One. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 323
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic364 One. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 324
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic365 One. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 325
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic366 One. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 326
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic367 Two. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 327
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic368 Three. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 328
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic369 Two. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 329
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic370 Three. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 330
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic371 Two. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 331
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic372 Three. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 332
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic373 Two. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 333
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic374 Three. Neutral 50 What'll fight on Blue? 334
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic375 Three Fiends. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 335
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic376 Two Radscorpions. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 336
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic377 A Giant Radscorpion. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 337
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic378 Three Night Stalkers. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 338
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic379 One Cazador and one Night Stalker. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 339
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic380 Two Giant Radscorpions. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 340
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic381 One Deathclaw. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 341
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic382 One Cazador and two Radscorpions. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 342
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic383 Three Giant Radscorpions. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 343
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic384 Three Fiends. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 344
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic385 Three Radscorpions. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 345
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic386 Two Radscorpions. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 346
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic387 A Giant Radscorpion. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 347
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic388 A Giant Radscorpion and a regular Radscorpion. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 348
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic389 A Cazador. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 349
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic390 A Giant Radscorpion and two regular Radscorpions. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 350
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic391 Two Fire Geckos. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 351
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic392 A Deathclaw. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 352
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic393 Three Fiends. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 353
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic394 Two Night Stalkers. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 354
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic395 A Fire Gecko. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 355
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic396 Three Giant Radscorpions. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 356
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic397 Two Fire Geckos. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 357
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic398 One Deathclaw. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 358
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic399 Two Fire Geckos and a Giant Radscorpion. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 359
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic400 Two Night Stalkers and a Fire Gecko. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 360
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic401 One Deathclaw and a Night Stalker. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 361
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic402 Three Giant Radscorpions. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 362
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic403 Three Fire Geckos. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 363
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic404 Two Cazadores. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 364
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic405 This baddie. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 365
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic406 This baddie. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 366
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic407 This baddie. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 367
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic408 This baddie. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 368
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic409 This baddie. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 369
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic410 This baddie. Neutral 50 The Thorn's thirsty for blood. Pay my costs and the fight will begin in earnest. 370
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic411 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 371
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic412 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 372
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic413 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 373
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic414 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 374
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic415 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 375
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic416 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 376
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic417 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 377
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic418 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 378
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic419 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 379
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic420 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 380
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic421 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 381
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic422 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 382
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic423 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 383
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic424 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 384
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic425 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 385
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic426 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 386
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic427 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 387
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic428 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 388
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic429 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 389
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic430 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 390
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic431 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 391
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic432 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 392
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic433 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 393
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic434 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 394
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic435 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 395
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic436 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 396
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic437 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 397
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic438 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 398
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic439 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 399
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic440 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 400
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic441 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 401
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic442 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 402
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic443 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 403
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic444 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 404
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic445 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 405
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic446 Here's the money. Neutral 50 You got it. Best of luck and enjoy the carnage. 406
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic447 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 407
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic448 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 408
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic449 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 409
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic450 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 410
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic451 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 411
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic452 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 412
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic453 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 413
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic454 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 414
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic455 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 415
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic456 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 416
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic457 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 417
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic458 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 418
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic459 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 419
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic460 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 420
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic461 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 421
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic462 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 422
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic463 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 423
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic464 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 424
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic465 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 425
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic466 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 426
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic467 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 427
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic468 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 428
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic469 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 429
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic470 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 430
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic471 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 431
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic472 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 432
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic473 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 433
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic474 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 434
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic475 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 435
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic476 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 436
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic477 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 437
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic478 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 438
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic479 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 439
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic480 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 440
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic481 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 441
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic482 I don't have enough caps right now. Neutral 50 Your loss. Come back to me when you have something to offer. 442
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic483 I'll defeat as many as you've got. Neutral 50 {Pauses to judge players' words, quite taken} I can see your resolve, determined like the nature of a beast. So be it. 443
Neutral 50 Get to your cage and ready your arm. 444
VMS38VMS38RedLucyTopic484 Okay, bring it on! Happy 50 {A hint of sincere emotion shows through her otherwise stoic mask} I've come to expect nothing less from you, brave stranger. 445
Neutral 50 Get to your cage and ready your arm. 446