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This is a transcript for dialogue with The Pack.


1-{sincere question (they were weaponizing nuka-cola here before the war) / Somber} Who knew soda could kill you?
2{in wild west world / Happy} Guns, hats, and whores. My kind of place!
3{<growl like a dog> you hate that maze! / Irritated} Someone's gotta to take a shovel to that fucking maze! <Growls>
4{Amused} That tree house is a good place to spot trouble. Or get high. Ha! Get it?!
5{ in galactic world / Flirting} That Nuka-Girl's hot. Got a couple of her posters in my nest. Me-ooow.
6{confused, in kiddie kingdom / Puzzled} So, people dragged children here to fatten up before eating them?
7{congratulating player on fixing up Nuka-World / Neutral} This place is looking good now. Like me.
8{congratulating player on fixing up Nuka-World / Neutral} Really cleaned out the nest, boss. This place is hot now.
9{congratulating player on fixing up Nuka-World / Neutral} Ain't no one can miss this place now.
10{hissing (like an animal) - showing anger/displeasure - similar lines should be different variations / Angry} <Hissing>
11{angry growling (like an animal) - showing anger/displeasure - similar lines should be different variations / Angry} <Growling>
12{grunt (like an animal) - a neutral "you're okay but don't try anything" - similar lines should be different variations / Stern} <Grunt>
13{grunt (like an animal) - a neutral "you're okay but don't try anything" - similar lines should be different variations / Stern} <Grunt>
14{howl (like an animal) - a happy "yay!" - similar lines should be different variations / Stern} <Howl>
15{part expressing gratitude, part bragging - talking to the player who increased the fortunes of your gang. "Alpha" = highest status, best, coolest / Happy} The whole Pack is alpha now.
16{part expressing gratitude, part bragging - talking to the player who increased the fortunes of your gang. - "preen" to show off / Happy} Hard not to preen when you're the best, aint it?
17{part expressing gratitude, part bragging - talking to the player who increased the fortunes of your gang. / Happy} You sure showed the breeders who the alphas are.
18{part expressing gratitude, part bragging - talking to the player who increased the fortunes of your gang. "Zoo" all the responsibilities of the gang / Happy} The zoo's bigger than ever, but we can manage our shit.
19{part expressing gratitude, part bragging - talking to the player who increased the fortunes of your gang. / Happy} Thought we'd have to put you in your place. But you earned it.
20{half threat, half sales pitch - talking to the player, the new overboss. Want him to know your gang should be treated with the respect it deserves / Irritated} Nuka-World's a shit hole.
21{half threat, half sales pitch - talking to the player, the new over-boss. Want him to know your gang should be treated with the respect it deserves / Flirting} Those Disciples don't want to show their face? We ain't hiding anything. We're t
22{half threat, half sales pitch - talking to the player, the new over-boss. Want him to know your gang should be treated with the respect it deserves / Confident} Run with us, boss. We keep our own and bury our shit.
23{half threat, half sales pitch - talking to the player, the new over-boss. Want him to know your gang should be treated with the respect it deserves / Conspiratorial} Don't listen to the bleats of those Operator sheep.
24{half threat, half sales pitch - talking to the player, the new over-boss. Want him to know your gang should be treated with the respect it deserves / Confident} Take a good look around. You'll see we belong at the top of the food chain.
25{openly threatening - to the player, who is over boss but has been disrespecting your gang. / Stern} Ain't too smart to come around after pissing in our watering hole.
26{openly threatening - to the player, who is over boss but has been disrespecting your gang. / Angry} You like your face the way it is? Then get out of mine.
27{openly threatening - to the player, who is over boss but has been disrespecting your gang. / Angry} Scamper off, buck.
28{openly threatening - to the player, who is over boss but has been disrespecting your gang. / Angry} Scamper off, cow.
29{openly threatening - to the player, who is over boss but has been disrespecting your gang. / Disbelief} You ain't nothing but prey. Watch your neck.
30{openly threatening - to the player, who is over boss but has been disrespecting your gang. / Angry} The Pack don't tuck tail. You'll get what's coming to you.
31{aphorism / Happy} Life's too short for bullshit. Gotta party like it's your last day. Every day.
32{aphorism / Conspiratorial} Gotta chase what you wanna catch.
33{zoo meaning all the responsibilities of the gang / Grateful} It aint easy keeping the zoo. We all do our part.
34{aphorism / Sarcastic} If you can take something, it's yours.
35{Confident} The Pack let's it all hang out.
36{howl (like an animal) - a happy "yay!" - similar lines should be different variations / Stern} <Howl>
37{noticing the corpse of a fellow gang member / Somber} Shit. I'll get whoever did this, buddy.
38{noticing the corpse of a fellow gang member / Surprised} What the... who did this?
39{noticing the corpse of a fellow gang member / Disgust} Weak. That ain't gonna happen to me.
40{Searching an area. You thought you saw something. / Angry} Huh. Ain't nothing. But what is it?
41{Searching an area. You thought you saw something. / Angry} I can smell something.
42{Searching for someone. You think you saw someone. / Angry} I'll sniff you out.
43{Searching for someone. You think you saw someone. / Concerned} You don't know who you're messing with.
44{Entering combat after having found someone you were searching for. / Angry} Time to die!
45{Entering combat after having found someone you were searching for. / Angry} Gonna put you down!
46{(holwing like a wolf) Entering combat after having found someone you were searching for. / Angry} <Howling>
47{Found an opponent you were searching for and attacking them. / Angry} Ha! You suck at sneaking!
48{You thought you heard something. You're now reassuring yourself that it was actually nothing. / Neutral} It's nothing. Calm yourself down.
49{You lost track of an opponent you were fighting. You haven't been able to find them and presume they've run off. / Irritated} Fine. I was done with you anyway.
50{Thought you saw a foe. "fuuuun" / Confident} Oooh. This is gonna be fun.
51{In the heat of combat, you just lost one of your compatriots. / Angry} No! Lost one!
52{In the heat of combat, you just lost one of your compatriots. / Angry} He was weak. But not me! You're dead!
53{In the heat of combat, striking someone. / Angry} Submit or die!
54{In the heat of combat, striking someone. / Angry} Die. Die. Die!
55{In the heat of battle, avoiding a threat (grenade, rocket, etc.). / Concerned} Look out!
56{In the heat of battle, avoiding a threat (grenade, rocket, etc.). / Concerned} Fucking duck!
57{In the heat of battle, avoiding a threat (grenade, rocket, etc.). / Concerned} Heads up!
58{Calling for covering fire in the heat of battler. / Angry} Hey assholes, could use a little help here!
59{Calling for covering fire in the heat of battler. / Angry} If you ain't too busy, throw some bullets that way!
60{Your arm was just severely damaged in the heat of battle. / InPain} My arm. My damn arm!
61{Your arm was just severely damaged in the heat of battle. / InPain} Shit! Hand's gone numb!
62{Your leg was just broken in the middle of combat. / InPain} Uhn... I think I can see my leg bone!
63{Your lungs just collapsed. / InPain} *gasping* can't... breathe...
64{Your lungs just collapsed. / InPain} Wha... ho.. hoooo. It hurts...
65{You just took severe damage to your head. / InPain} No! I'm blind!
66{You were just wounded in the heat of battle. Through clenched teeth. / InPain} Ha! Didn't even feel it!
67{You were just wounded in the heat of battle. Through clenched teeth. / InPain} Gonna have to do better than that!
68{Closing in on an enemy in the heat of combat. / Stern} Move up!
69{Closing in on an enemy in the heat of combat. / Stern} Don't just stand there! Go!
70{Shouting for your compatriots to get into cover in the heat of battle. / Angry} Find some cover you idiot!
71{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} My grandma fights better than you. And she's dead!
72{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} I'm gonna rip your throat out!
73{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} Submit or die!
74{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} I'm going to feed you to the dogs!
75{You thought you heard something. You're now reassuring yourself that it was actually nothing. / Neutral} Huh. Too much dirt in the ears?
76{You thought you heard something. You're now reassuring yourself that it was actually nothing. "On edge" is referring to yourself. / Neutral} Getting cagey. Need a drink.
77{Calling out into the darkness. You were in combat with someone but they ran off. / Neutral} I'm not done with you!
78{Calling out into the darkness. You were in combat with someone but they ran off. / Neutral} I'll be here when you want to come out and play again.
79{Just defeated the last enemy in combat. / Disgust} Weak.
80{Just defeated the last enemy in combat. / Happy} And that's the food chain for ya.
81{Just defeated the last enemy in combat. / Irritated} Just when I was starting to have some fun.
82{Calling out into the darkness. You were fighting someone and they've now run off. / SinisterSmile} Come on. Let's play!
83{Calling out into the darkness. You were fighting someone and they've now run off. / Stern} Scared? That's probably smart.
84{Calling out into the darkness. You were fighting someone and they've now run off. / SinisterSmile} I like games. Especially hide and seek.
85{Calling out into the darkness. You were fighting someone and they've now run off. / SinisterSmile} Come on. I won't hurt you... no, wait. I'm lying. I'm definitely going to hurt you!
86{Entering combat. / Angry} You're either very brave, or very stupid.
87{Entering combat. / Sarcastic} Good. I was getting bored.
88{Angry howling, like a wolf / Angry} <Howling>
89{Player has snuck up and is right behind you. You're attacking him. / Surprised} Where'd you come from?!
90{Player has snuck up and is right behind you. You're attacking him. / Surprised} What the-!
91{Just found an opponent you'd been searching for. / Sarcastic} Oh good. I thought you left.
92{You lost track of an opponent you were fighting. You haven't been able to find them and presume they've run off. / Irritated} Scampered off for good.
93{Thought you saw someone that might be an enemy / Concerned} Okay now. Here we go.
94{Caught offguard by an opponent who immediately disappeared. / Surprised} What was that?!
95{Caught offguard by an opponent who immediately disappeared. / Surprised} Oh shit! Did you see that?
96{In the heat of combat, you just lost one of your compatriots. / Angry} Might need some help here!
97{Someone is in the process of grappling you during combat. / Angry} Get. Off!
98{Someone is in the process of grappling you during combat. / Angry} Grrrah! Let go!
99{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. Your opponent is wearing power armor. / Angry} Like opening a can of cram!
100{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} Was hoping for more of a fight.
101{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} You like bleeding? I do!
102{Whistling a tune as if you don't have a care in the world. Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / SinisterSmile} <Whistling>
103{howling like a wolf. Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} <Howling>
104{sincere, but also jokey - talking about the river of nuka quantum (it's a real river of soda) / Surprised} How long you think it's gonna take us to drink that whole river of Quantum?
105{in wild west world / Puzzled} So what was a horse, anyway? Some kind of big dog you could ride on?
106{talking about using them to store animals and slaves / SinisterSmile} All these cages are going to come in handy.
107{(shrugging) in galactic world / Puzzled} I thought the moon was made of cheese.
108{in kiddie kingdom / Question} You should try climbing on top of those spinning things and getting high.
109{congratulating player on fixing up Nuka-World / Neutral} Colter must be pissing himself in his grave.
110{congratulating player on fixing up Nuka-World / Neutral} You really turned this place around.
111{<howl like a wolf> congratulating player on fixing up Nuka-World / Neutral} Nuka-World is looking good, boss. <Howl>
112{hissing (like an animal) - showing anger/displeasure - similar lines should be different variations / Angry} <Hissing>
113{hissing (like an animal) - showing anger/displeasure - similar lines should be different variations / Angry} <Hissing>
114{angry growling (like an animal) - showing anger/displeasure - similar lines should be different variations / Angry} <Growling>
115{angry growling (like an animal) - showing anger/displeasure - similar lines should be different variations / Angry} <Growling>
116{grunt (like an animal) - a neutral "you're okay but don't try anything" - similar lines should be different variations / Stern} <Grunt>
117{howl (like an animal) - a happy "yay!" - similar lines should be different variations / Stern} <Howl>
118{part expressing gratitude, part bragging - talking to the player who increased the fortunes of your gang. / Happy} The Pack dominates!
119{part expressing gratitude, part bragging - talking to the player who increased the fortunes of your gang. / Happy} Don't let running things get in the way of partying. Life's too short, boss.
120{part expressing gratitude, part bragging - talking to the player who increased the fortunes of your gang. / Happy} Even cubs and pups are showing their colors these days.
121{part expressing gratitude, part bragging - talking to the player who increased the fortunes of your gang. / Happy} On top of the food chain. Where we belong.
122{part expressing gratitude, part bragging - talking to the player who increased the fortunes of your gang. / Happy} Don't think all this meat has domesticated us.
123{half threat, half sales pitch - talking to the player, the new over-boss. Want him to know your gang should be treated with the respect it deserves / SinisterSmile} Mason bit the hand off a Yao Guai. So, watch what you try to feed him, unle
124{half threat, half sales pitch - talking to the player, the new over-boss. Want him to know your gang should be treated with the respect it deserves / Neutral} Watch yourself. The Pack sticks together.
125{half threat, half sales pitch - talking to the player, the new over-boss. Want him to know your gang should be treated with the respect it deserves / Neutral} Ignore the peacocking the other gangs are doing. We'll domesticate 'em soon enoug
126{half threat, half sales pitch - talking to the player, the new over-boss. Want him to know your gang should be treated with the respect it deserves / Neutral} Everyone earns their place, or get's put in it. You remember that... "Boss.&
127{half threat, half sales pitch - talking to the player, the new over-boss. Want him to know your gang should be treated with the respect it deserves / Neutral} Mason earned his place at the top. Don't forget that.
128{openly threatening - to the player, who is over boss but has been disrespecting your gang. / SinisterSmile} Life is short, "Boss." You better get your partying in now.
129{openly threatening - to the player, who is over boss but has been disrespecting your gang. / SinisterSmile} So the pup thinks he can run with the big dogs?
130{openly threatening - to the player, who is over boss but has been disrespecting your gang. / Stern} Rooting around where you don't belong is a good way to start a fight.
131{openly threatening - to the player, who is over boss but has been disrespecting your gang. / Stern} <sniffs> Smells like dead meat.
132{openly threatening - to the player, who is over boss is favoring another gang. (you are the wolves) "Baaaaa!" the sound a sheep makes / SinisterSmile} Baaaa! You pick sheeps in suits over wolves with blood on their lips?
133{openly threatening - to the player, who is over boss is favoring another gang. / Stern} Sheep with bags on their heads? You were wrong to pick them over us. Dead wrong.
134{not exactly a threat, not exactly friendly / Conspiratorial} Ain't no one sad about Colter. Just don't screw this up.
135{a heads up / Conspiratorial} Mason tarred and feathered the last Alphas. Ain't been seen since. And it ain't smart to go asking about it.
136{aphorism / Happy} If you ain't standing out you ain't worth looking at.
137{prodding / Question} You a sheep or a wolf? 'Cause the Pack only runs with wolves.
138{aphorism / Neutral} If you're wearing a collar, it's because you asked for it. Ain't no one's a slave that don't want to be.
139{noticing the corpse of a fellow gang member / Somber} Well... that's one less mouth to feed I guess.
140{noticing the corpse of a fellow gang member / Stern} Oh fuck... I'll gut whoever did this.
141{Searching an area. You thought you saw something. Somewhat irritated. / Irritated} If this is just another damn prank, I'm gonna be pissed.
142{Searching. You think you saw someone. Calling out to them. / Concerned} You scared? You should be.
143{Searching. You think you saw someone. Calling out to them. / Concerned} This ain't gonna end well for you!
144{(holwing like a wolf) Entering combat after having found someone you were searching for. / Angry} <Howling>
145{Entering combat after having found someone you were searching for. / Angry} Shouldn't a messed with the Pack.
146{Entering combat after having found someone you were searching for. / Angry} Did you think you were gonna get away?
147{(sing songy) Found an opponent you were searching for and attacking them. / Angry} Found you, now I'm gonna kill you!
148{Found an opponent you were searching for and attacking them. / Angry} Heh. Was hoping I'd find you.
149{Just found an opponent you'd been searching for. / SinisterSmile} Here we go again!
150{You lost track of an opponent you were fighting. You haven't been able to find them and presume they've run off. / Irritated} Mason's gonna skin me for losing you.
151{You lost track of an opponent you were fighting. You haven't been able to find them and presume they've run off. / Neutral} You're weak!
152{Caught offguard by an opponent who immediately disappeared. / Concerned} Got a live one boys! ... Somewhere...
153{angry growl like a wild animal - In the heat of combat, striking someone. / Angry} <Growl>
154{In the heat of combat, striking someone. / Angry} Boom!
155{In the heat of battle, avoiding a threat (grenade, rocket, etc.). / Concerned} We're about to go boom!
156{In the heat of battle, avoiding a threat (grenade, rocket, etc.). / Concerned} Shit. Move it!
157{Calling for covering fire in the heat of battler. / Angry} Shoot damn it!!!
158{Calling for covering fire in the heat of battler. / Angry} Cover me damn it!
159{Your arm was just severely damaged in the heat of battle. / InPain} Agh. My arm!
160{Your leg was just broken in the middle of combat. Comforting yourself through gritted teeth. / InPain} My leg! GAAAH!
161{Your leg was just broken in the middle of combat. Comforting yourself through gritted teeth. / InPain} Took out my leg!
162{Your lungs just collapsed. / InPain} *terrified gasping* think... i'm... gonna... die...
163{You just took severe damage to your head. / InPain} Uhn... My head's swimming....
164{You just took severe damage to your head. / InPain} Drain bamage!
165{You were just wounded in the heat of battle. Trying to hide the pain you're in. / InPain} Tha-t's nothin' compare-d to what I'm gonna do to... you!
166{You were just wounded in the heat of battle. Trying to hide the pain you're in. Second part is too yourself. / InPain} Okay. That hurt.
167{You were just wounded in the heat of battle. Trying to hide the pain you're in. / InPain} Do that again. I dare you!
168{Closing in on an enemy in the heat of combat. / Stern} Quickly now!
169{You thought you heard something. You're now reassuring yourself that it was actually nothing. / Neutral} Damn radroaches.
170{You thought you heard something. You're now reassuring yourself that it was actually nothing. / Neutral} Man, I was looking for a fight. Guess it'll have to wait.
171{calling out into the darkness. You were in combat with someone but they ran off. / Neutral} Coward!
172{Calling out into the darkness. You were in combat with someone but they ran off. / Neutral} Fine. Scamper off and lick your wounds.
173{You were in combat with someone but they ran off. This is more to yourself. / Neutral} Come back and I'll rip your throat out.
174{Just defeated the last enemy in combat. / SinisterSmile} Dogs are gonna eat good tonight!
175{Just defeated the last enemy in combat. / Defiant} Don't mess with the Pack!
176{You were fighting someone and they've now run off. Mostly to yourself. / Happy} I love playing cat and mouse.
177{You were fighting someone and they've now run off. Mostly to yourself. / Neutral} I'll find you soon enough.
178{Calling out to the darkness. You were fighting someone and they've now run off. You're making a joke here. You plan to kill. / Sarcastic} Was it something I said?
179{Calling out to the darkness. You were fighting someone and they've now run off. / Amused} The longer you drag this out, the longer I'm going to take to gut you.
180{Entering combat. / Surprised} Things just got interesting!
181{Entering combat. / Happy} All right now! It's fightin' time!
182{Entering combat. Angry howling, like a wolf / Angry} <Howling>
183{Player has snuck up and is right behind you. You're attacking him. / Surprised} The hell!
184{Just found an opponent you'd been searching for. / Happy} Game on!
185{Thought you saw a foe. / Concerned} Think there's someone that needs a spanking.
186{Caught offguard by an opponent who immediately disappeared. / Confident} Neat trick. Do it again!
187{Caught offguard by an opponent who immediately disappeared. / Angry} Whoa! Where'd you go?!
188{In the heat of combat, you just lost one of your compatriots. A little fear in your voice. / Angry} Fight harder!
189{Howling like a wolf, In the heat of combat, you just lost one of your compatriots. / Defiant} <Howling>
190{In the heat of combat, you just lost one of your compatriots. / Angry} She was weak. But not me. You're dead!
191{Shouting for your compatriots to get into cover in the heat of battle. / Angry} Duck behind something hard!
192{Shouting for your compatriots to get into cover in the heat of battle. / Angry} Gah! We're sitting ducks out here.
193{Someone is in the process of grappling you during combat. / Angry} Nnnngh. Knock it off already!
194{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} You are weak!
195{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} Ain't nothing personal. Just the food chain, man.
196{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Happy} Hahaha! I'm having fun. Are you?
197{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} When're you gonna start bringing it?!
198{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} I won't tell anyone if you run away!
199{howling like a wolf. Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} <Howling>
200{howling like a wolf. Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} <Howling>
201{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} You're getting your blood over everything. Just thought you should know.
202{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} Weak!