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This is a transcript for dialogue with Pierce.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 005B67D5 005B6863 So you're having doubts, then? I... wouldn't usually do this. But I have a feeling about you. What would it take to convince you?
2 005B67D6 005B685D Nice try, but I'm gonna need a bigger commitment than that.
3 005B67D7 005B685F She's more than a rung in a hierarchy. Sheena plans our operations. She's got a head for strategy.
4 Said she used to play Blast Radius on repeat as a kid, until she could beat everyone she knew, including the adults.
5 Imagine that. World's gone to shit and people still find solace in games.
6 At that age, I was... well, still in school, studying for a future that never came to be.
7 005B67DB 005B6868 We have plenty of support. Not everyone wants to be directly involved, but those who do are ready to risk life and limb.
8 There's also your fair share of mercenary Craterites just looking for caps.
9 But considering the Brotherhood could probably pay better, I suspect those mercs have an ounce of loyalty they're not willing to admit to.
10 005B67DC 005B6862 What could be bigger than your sense of self? The body you walk through every other problem in?
11 005B67DD 005B685C You know something? I don't either. Not fully, anyways.
12 005B67DE 005B6865 Talk to me again when you're on our side.
13 005B67E2 005B6869 We all have a public perception in this world. Sometimes it doesn't match what we feel inside. And sometimes there's nothing we can do about that.
14 But other times, there is. And I don't need to understand everything Burke is feeling to want to see a smile on their face.
15 005B67E4 005B6867 Burke's our muscle, and the most hardworking person we've got.
16 They don't talk much. Action is more their language. I wouldn't have it any other way.
17 005B67E7 005B6866 Because it suits them better. When I first met Burke... they were different. Secluded. Like they didn't want anyone to see them.
18 Burke flinched when others talked about them. People expected things based on how they looked. They had these... titles. The Silent Man. Albino Dog.
19 One day I asked if something else would feel better. It took some trial and error, but we eventually settled on the neutral "they".
20 They're a much happier person now, for the insignificant price of a word.
21 005B67E8 005B6861 Why not get to know them yourself? I'm sure you'll find there's more than meets the eye.
22 005B67EB 005B6864 Me too.
23 005B67EC 005B685E Go right ahead.
24 005B67EE 005B6860 Meg has enough on her plate without the Brotherhood to deal with.
25 I came to her one day with an army of Raiders, rarin' to fight.
26 She looked at me and said, "What are you waiting for? This ain't no democracy. Just don't get Crater in trouble and we're good."
27 So here we are. The War Party.
28 005B67EF 005B6819 What's "to defeat" in Latin? I bet we could use that to demoralize them... Since the Brotherhood's motto is "to victory" in Latin (Ad Victoriam)
29 005C3D4E I can't believe they're always tromping around in that Power Armor. It must be all cramped and sweaty in there.
30 005C3D4F I could put up posters, but... Nah, Raiders want to see blood. I'll hand out skulls instead.
31 005C3D50 There's this really inspiring phrase. It's on the tip of my tongue... I must have read it somewhere. Damn.
32 005C3D51 Now where did I put that pesky piece of paper?
33 005C3D52 Anyone who messes with my family has another thing coming for them.
34 005C3D53 Next thing we know, those bucket-heads will be asking for permits just to enter Morgantown.
35 005C3D54 A robot uprising would be better than the Brotherhood. At least they'd have an excuse to be following their programming.
36 005C3D55 I won't let anything happen to the Crater. I swear my life on it.
37 005C3D56 They could make a move at any moment. I've gotta be ready.
53 005B67F0 005B681C I'd advise you to watch your step around here.
54 005C3D44 If you're not with us, you're against us.
55 005C3D45 I hope you're here for a reason.
56 005C3D46 This isn't exactly a visitor area.
57 005C3D47 I won't bite, but I can't speak for my associates.
58 005C3D49 Down with the man!
59 005C3D4A Welcome back, my fellow malcontent.
60 005C3D4B Cleaning up one tin can at a time.
61 005C3D4C Glad to see you're still in one piece.
62 005C3D4D Don't let the Brotherhood get you down.
81 005B67F1 005B6829 I just wanna say, I appreciate having you on our side.
82 005B682A If you've got a head for it, we could always use new strategies. But, uh, talk to Sheena about those.
83 005B682B With you on our side, the Brotherhood won't know what hit them. Am I right?
84 005B682C You ready to put up a fight today? I sure am.
85 005B682D So, how's it feel being a part of the War Party?
111 00605A48 Hey, thanks for getting my family back here in one piece.
112 00605A49 Well if it isn't the rustbucket who tried to leave my family for dead?
113 I would leave if I were you. Unless you want Burke to rearrange your face. I'm sure they'd be happy to do so.
114 005B67F2 005B6814 Brainwashed already, huh? That's a shame. I was hoping you had a little more sense than the rest of them.
115 005B67F4 005B6821 There's no blood spilled in the war room. This is where we plan our battles, not enact them.
116 The Brotherhood should know that we're not a bunch of mindless killers. So if they want to send someone here to talk, they can.
117 Not that anything will come of it.
118 005B67F6 005B6817 That so? I won't question your change of heart. Everyone has their reasons. But we need to know you're committed.
119 If you mean it, talk to Sheena. She'll decide whether or not you're worth the risk.
120 005B67F8 005B6810 Nothing right now, but you should check back tomorrow. Those tin tyrants never run of fuel.
121 005B67FA 005B681A Too political for you? Don't worry. In the end it just amounts to fighting.
122 005B67FC 005B6811 I'll be here until the Brotherhood isn't.
123 005B6807 005B681D We're here to ensure that there remains a place for Crater in Appalachia.
124 The more people come here, the more they'll want to take their own space, set their own rules. And then force those rules on others.
125 Crater is our home. Our freedom. Our future. I won't allow anyone to take that away.
126 005B6808 005B6812 Run? Look, I'm not some kind of CEO or general. This is a family. Everyone does their part.
127 Mine is the talking. Letting people know what we're doing all this for, how important it is.
128 I may have started this effort, but it's the War Party who moves it forward. And if you're not a part of it, I'd caution you to stay out of it's way.
129 005B6809 005B686A Only good things. What do you want to know?
130 005B686B And help you with enemy reconnaissance? I don't think so.
131 Talk to me again when you're on our side.
132 005B680A 005B681F The Brotherhood thinks of itself as our saviors. They'll take what they believe is righteous. And when we refuse to give it, they'll strike us down.
133 It starts small. Food and supplies. A home base. They offer protection in return. And hope. Hope is powerful enough to make you blind.
134 So when they start asking for more - when they start setting rules, occupying homes, taking lives... Then it's too late. We can't let it get that far.
135 005B680B 005B6815 Besides the obvious Scorched and mutant life? Foundation, maybe. But it will be a long time before they start asking for more.
136 They're like us, in some ways. Just looking for a home. But don't tell Meg I said that.
137 005B680C 005B681E That they are. But that's why we're here.
138 005B680D 005B6813 Order, or tyranny? I'm not interested in either.
139 005B680E 005B6820 I'm responding to a threat. You can ignore the threat all you want, but that doesn't make it go away.
140 005B680F 005B6816 Then sit back and watch. See what it gets you when things suddenly go up in flames. At least I'll have my fire suit on.
181 005EF296 005B6823 Don't let the skeletons in the cages scare you. We're perfectly capable of making it quick.
182 005B6824 We don't take kindly to idle visits. So tell me, is that what this is?
183 005B6825 Do you have business, or are you just sightseeing?
184 005B6826 Our business is taking down the Brotherhood. You wanna make it yours?
185 005B6827 Pretty brave of you to go freely touring the Crater like this.
213 00605A43 00605A45 Marcia made her choice. But she's a victim of the Brotherhood, and not where our conflict lies.
214 So long as she doesn't take up arms against us, we'll do what we can to make sure Marcia doesn't end up in the crossfire.
215 00605A44 00605A46 Marcia is an invaluable member of our family. She has a different... perspective on the Brotherhood since she has history there.
216 On a more personal note, I think she has an admirable amount of strength. She fits right in.
217 Even Sheena has warmed up to her, and that in itself speaks volumes.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
3 005D2B00 005D2B26 So you really came. To be honest, I didn't expect the Brotherhood to show its face around here with anything less than a fully armored battalion.
4 Life is just full of surprises, isn't it?
5 So what can I do for you, o' honorable emissary of steel?
10 005D79CA Looks like things didn't turn out so well for me. Get it over with, then.
13 005DBD7A You ready to talk now?
14 005DBD7C You gonna kill me or what? I didn't think the Brotherhood liked to play with their food.
27 005D2B0A 005D2B17 Well, well. Looks like we have a visitor. Did the Brotherhood send you?
30 005D2B0C 005D2B18 You know, I'm interested in hearing more about this "protection of mankind" business.
31 I suppose killing a few no-good Raiders is an easy price to pay for the benefit this measly little vault will provide for us as a species, is that it?
32 005D2B12 005D2B20 This is your top priority. The longer we let these weapons spread, the more difficult it will be to track down all of them.
33 005D2B13 005D2B1A About that...
44 005D79BC 005D79C2 I have nothing left to discuss. I've given you my answer, "Initiate". Now for your sake, I'd suggest you don't stick around.
52 005DB138 005DBD76 Not looking to negotiate? Well I won't sit back and wait for the Brotherhood to fire first. Angry, opening fire
101 005DB180 005DB1E8 We've been over this. There's no compromising with people like the Brotherhood. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.
102 005DB181 005DB21E You and your metal buddies put me in a pretty tight spot back there.
103 There are people here in Crater depending on me, and I wasn't sure if I was going to make it back to them. So I prioritized a little bit.
104 And getting home to those people was more important than being completely sincere to a group of heavily armed tyrants.
105 So if you're looking for help with your little weapon problem, you can look somewhere else.
106 005DB182 005DB1F0 Brilliant! Let me just pop open a bottle of Nukashine and we'll kick back, exchange stories, tearfully share all the details of our tragic pasts...
107 But I suppose yours goes something like this. You were a wayward soul, lost, looking for purpose...
108 Then the Brotherhood of Steel came along and put a badge of honor on your chest. Made you feel like you really mattered.
109 So now, you'll do anything for them. Like risking your life to come to Crater and ask about those weapons you confiscated.
110 Well here's my backstory. The Brotherhood of Steel pointed their guns at my face and stole my property.
111 So that property is their problem now. I'm not telling you a damn thing.
112 005DB184 005DB22A Oh, right! The weapons... After they got forcibly confiscated from us, I almost forgot about them. See, the thing is... He's being petty
137 005DB195 005DB1DD Thanks for the tip. I'll add it to my compendium.
139 005DB197 005DB1E7 You wound me, Knight! In the heart, that is. Since I've surrendered, and you can't touch me anymore.
142 005DB199 005DB1EF They call you "Knight", don't they? Didn't know that was another word for "lapdog".
145 005DB19B 005DB1FA Hold on, let me get this straight. You barged in here looking to reclaim "your property", only to tell me you don't know where it came from?
146 This is almost too good to make up. I knew my feeling about the Brotherhood was right, but you just keep on confirming it.
147 Here's the thing. I don't talk about Raider affairs on "Brotherhood territory". That's what this is now, right?
148 If you really want to know, you can let me go and come talk to me in Crater.
149 I deal with reasonable individuals, not an entourage of fascists with their guns pointed at my face.
153 005DB1A5 005DB236 Big words for someone who just barged in and claimed ownership of our storeroom.
154 I suppose you don't have to follow the rules you apply to everyone else, is that it? Because you have a righteous cause?
155 That's fine. This story only adds fuel to our fire.
156 005DB1A7 005DB202 How about you? Do you seriously take orders from this constipated suit of metal?
159 005DB1A9 005DB20B This place doesn't offer us any strategic leverage over the Brotherhood.
160 If anything, you're going to waste more resources protecting a place so far away from your home base.
161 So then, it must be the weapons that are important to you.
162 What's so special about these rocket launchers, that a top ranking member would come to collect them himself?
163 005DB1AA 005DB1E2 So be it. You've made it clear the Brotherhood only provides two options: blind obedience, or violence. You take a wild guess which we would prefer.
165 005DB1AC 005DB1EB Agh... Alright, I'll admit, this is a serious oversight on my part.
166 Should have known those Initiates who stopped by would have gone crying to their superiors.
167 Humor me on one thing.
169 005DB1AE 005DB231 Oh, so that was you? Meg's mentioned your name here and there. Don't worry, only good things.
170 She placed a lot of trust in you back then, and it seems to have paid off.
171 Hmm... Alright, then. I don't know what's possessed you to put your lot in with the Brotherhood of Steel, but I'm sure there's more to that story.
172 Just don't expect to use the same excuse more than once. And humor me on one thing.
173 005DB232 Oh, so you were the one who broke Meg's trust and left us high and dry when the gold came to the table?
174 You screwed us then, and you're screwing us now. It's no surprise you've put your lot in with the Brotherhood.
175 You owe us. Not the other way around. So pay up and run back to your little fort.
179 005DB1B4 005DB1E0 And who's to say we don't have that whole platform you're standing on rigged to blow?
180 005DB1B6 005D2B19 You... do have a point.
182 005DB1BA 005DB1E9 Resorting to name-calling already. I have to say, I'm disappointed.
183 Thought I'd be able to speak to someone civilized from a big shot organization like yours.
185 005DB1BC 005DB21A Can't argue with that. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't slightly curious about all the heavily armored personnel who just showed up behind you. "slightly curious" - he's bluffing. this is pretty alarming
186 005DB1BE 005DB1EE Just taking a nice stroll around the Toxic Valley and stumbled upon a mysterious door, yeah? I can respect an adventurous spirit.
187 What I can't respect is the full entourage of Brotherhood soldiers who just showed up behind you.
188 005DB1C0 005DB226 That so? You got a deed to go with that claim? Because, uh, we're not gonna sign it.
189 005DB1C2 005DB1F8 It's wrong of me to judge by appearances, though. Why don't you introduce yourself?
190 005DB1C3 005DB237 I gotta say, you're doing a good job representing them, dressed up in all that clunky armor.
191 005DB238 Or are you going vault-hopping? Can't imagine it's easy getting used to the Wasteland after eating from silver spoons underground all those years.
192 005DB239 Didn't know they were working with run-of-the-mill average Wastelanders. Thought they wanted you strapped into one of those tin cans 'round the clock. tin cans = Power Armor
203 005DBD5F 005DBD6E I won't rely on a betrayal to take them down. You should know that.
206 005DBD62 005DBD6F What about you, forward scout? Think we can work this one out? Or are your underpants in as tight of a bunch as Mr. Compliance over there?
207 005DBD67 005DBD6C Terrorize? We're out here trying to survive, just like anyone else.
208 Meanwhile, the Brotherhood is marching around in Power Armor, threatening people who don't meet its demands. You tell me who's the real terror.
209 005DBD69 005DBD75 So you don't want to tell me. Fair enough. I'll find out through other means.
210 Either way, they're not of much use to us. Rocket launchers aren't practical in a typical firefight.
225 005E558C 005E5590 You don't give your subordinates enough credit. In any case, I got the answer I wanted.
227 005E558E 005E5593 Finally, some honesty.
229 005E559C 005E55A2 I won't let them. Do we have their patrol routes yet? A couple ambushes ought to take 'em down a notch.
231 005E559E 005E55A1 Can't believe they had the nerve to just barge in like that. That Knight acts like some kind of righteous savior.
232 005EF228 005DB20F The rookie should know the way. Send them.
233 Oh, and Mr. Knight? Learn to relax your face muscles a little.
234 005DB210 Don't worry, if it's only one of you, we don't usually kill-on-sight.
235 Now let us through.
236 005EF229 005DB21B Sorry, I don't discuss Raider affairs on "Brotherhood territory". If you really want to know, you can come talk to me in Crater.
238 005EF22B 005DB1F7 We're heading back to Crater. This stash isn't worth it.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
165 0053AF97 005E8B60 That the best you can do?
166 005E8B61 I thought you'd put up more of a fight!
167 005E8B62 You sure you're trying?
171 0053AF98 005E8B64 Ugh!
172 005E8B65 Shit!
173 005E8B66 Ah, that one stung! Cocky, surprised
174 005E8B67 Ha! You got me! Cocky
175 005E8B68 Ugh! That hurts!
299 005E8B5A 005E8B5C Not like this...
300 005E8B5D I... have to get back to Crater...
301 005E8B5E I can't let it end like this...


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
12 005F59C3 00601D71 Couldn't stay away, could you? I'm not often taken by surprise, but I'll admit, you threw me for a loop when I found out what you did for Sheena.
13 Didn't think an uptight organization like the Brotherhood had any room for rats. Don't worry, it's a term of endearment.
14 00601D72 You have some nerve showing up here after you sold us out.
15 I'll let Marcia speak for herself, but I'm pretty sure she's not interested in going back.
37 005F5D9E 005F5DA9 I know you're eager to help, but Sheena and Burke are the best there is. Anything that gives them trouble is going to be extremely dangerous.
56 00601CCA 00601D6B We're a family here. Sheena's as clever as they come, but I know her too well to let something like that live under the radar forever.
72 00601CCC 00601D46 Just like the Brotherhood to come in here and start making demands.
73 Ever think that this is exactly the kind of behavior that made Marcia leave in the first place?
75 00601CCE 00601D5D Bring my people back alive and in one piece.
76 00601CCF 00601D49 You being willing to put your life on the line for us is indication enough that you belong in this family.
79 00601CD1 00601D63 I feel better having one of us there instead of blindly trusting the Brotherhood. Make sure someone is focused on saving Sheena and Burke.
80 00601CD2 00601D4E We don't spill blood in the War Room. But if you lay a hand on her, I'll break that rule in a heartbeat.
86 00601CD9 00601D3E Nice try. As much as it kills me, I'm not stupid enough to leave things unsupervised when two of us are already missing.
90 00601CE0 00601D4C I value their lives as much as my own.
91 I can't trust...I can't put their lives in the hands of the Brotherhood. That makes them as good as dead.
93 00601CE2 00601D65 You have done enough "helping" already. You had your chance and you blew it.
94 00601CE4 00601D50 Ah, so gracious, too! How did we ever get so lucky to have such benevolent overlords?
95 00601CE6 00601D3C Well, it wasn't my plan for you to know about this, but now that you do, I guess there's no way around it.
96 Marcia's not going back with you. She's going after Sheena and Burke.
97 She's been bossed around by the Brotherhood enough in her life. Why don't you do something for her for a change, and help out?
98 00601CE7 00601D69 Marcia, dammit.
100 00601CE9 00601D40 She did make one mistake, thinking a bootlicker like you had any chance of actually helping us.
101 00601CEA 00601D6F Don't think it means you're one of us now. It takes more than one mutually beneficial trade to build trust.
102 00601CEB 00601D58 I think that's for the best.
103 00601CED 00601D45 Have it your way.
104 00601CEF 00601D30 I don't place bets on the lives of my family.
107 00601CF7 00601D4D I'm glad you asked! It just so happens we're planning a dinner party. The Brotherhood will be our distinguished guests.
108 We'd like to deliver a special thank you for showing up in Appalachia without even needing an invitation, and laying down the law in this filthy, treacherous Wasteland.
109 00601CF9 00601D39 Help out once, and you think you're part of the team, huh? I'm afraid loyalty doesn't come that cheap.
110 00601CFB 00601D66 Astute observation, detective. Doesn't make it any of your business.
111 00601CFD 00601D51 Hell no, I'm not. How about you don't waste everyone's time and just leave?