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Dialogue for Nicole of the Followers of the Apocalypse.


{100}{}{You see Nicole.}
{101}{}{Tell me a little history behind the Followers.}
{102}{}{What do you worship?}
{103}{}{What's around here?}
{104}{}{I have some information for you.}

{105}{Nic_1}{Greetings. Hey! We're very glad you could join us. We hope you have found our humble abode to your satisfaction.}

{106}{}{Thanks. Can you tell me more about what you worship here?}
{107}{}{'Humble' is a good word. 'Dump' would be better.}
{108}{}{I have. Can I ask you a few questions?}
{109}{}{It's okay, I guess.}
{110}{}{Nuhh? Uh, nuh, nuh. Huh?}

{111}{Nic_2}{We don't worship so much as follow a set of principles. We want to bring peace back to this wasteland. The world tends toward destruction, so we try to make a difference.}


{113}{Nic_4}{We try to remind people why the Great War happened in the first place. And help insure it won't ever happen again.}

{114}{}{Have you been successful at all?}
{115}{}{Sounds like wishful thinking - not very realistic.}

{116}{Nic_5}{We never give up hope. We never will, even though most live by the gun these days. And we are concerned with the Children of the Cathedral...}

{117}{}{What about them?}

{118}{Nic_6}{They claim to want peace, like us. But anyone who disagrees with them just disappears. Their Dark God is not what he seems, believe me.}

{119}{}{How do you know?}
{120}{}{Don't you think you're being a bit paranoid?}
{121}{}{'Us?' Is this what all the Followers think or just you?}

{122}{Nic_7}{Call it instinct. We've seen Morpheus and the Nightkin and they don't look like peace makers to us. Their hospitals and message of peace make them attractive, but we know there's evil there.}

{123}{}{Don't you think you're being a little bit paranoid?}
{124}{}{Do you have any clues?}
{125}{}{Well, I'll make sure to tell you anything I find out.}
{126}{}{'We' this and 'we' that. Are you trying to put words in everyone's mouths?}

{127}{Nic_8}{Maybe, but it's what kept us alive this long.}
{128}{Nic_8a}{We are united. If not, we'll perish. Now forgive me if that irritates you.}
{129}{Nic_8b}{Is there anything else you need to know?}

{131}{}{No, thanks. I'll be going now.}

{132}{Nic_9}{Ask, and I'll answer if I can.}
{133}{Nic_10}{We don't have time for questions from the likes of you. My assistant will show you out.}
{134}{Nic_11}{Hey! I don't appreciate that, but I'll overlook it if you apologize.}

{135}{}{I'm sorry I ever talked to you.}
{136}{}{Okay, I'm sorry.}

{137}{Nic_12}{Fine. We don't have time to baby-sit. Leave us.}
{138}{Nic_13}{Apology accepted. Please remember you are a guest here. Now, is there anything else?}

{139}{}{Can I ask a few more questions?}
{140}{}{No, I'll be going now.}

{141}{Nic_14}{We wish you the best in the journeys ahead. Please feel free to use our base as much as you like.}
{142}{Nic_15}{We know it could be better. But when you're preparing for war...}

{143}{}{War with who?}

{144}{Nic_16}{The Children of the Cathedral. We believe in bringing peace to the land, but there's some things that just can't be helped.}

{145}{}{What do you mean? What did they do?}
{146}{}{Why do you believe in peace?}

{147}{Nic_17}{Ever since the Children showed up, anyone who doesn't believe in their vision disappears. They say that they are here for peace, but we know differently.}

{148}{}{How do you know?}
{149}{}{So what are you going to do about it?}
{150}{}{Where did the Children come from?}

{151}{Nic_18}{All we can do is prepare. But the time will come when we must fight these Children and their Dark God.}

{152}{}{Sounds dangerous. I'll let you know anything I find out.}
{153}{}{I thought you said you believed in peace?}

{154}{Nic_19}{Good! We could use any information. Now, is there anything else you'd like to ask?}

{155}{}{Yes, there is.}
{156}{}{No, thank you.}

{157}{Nic_20}{We do believe in peace, but we will defend this land if we have to. If that means the Followers go to war, so be it.}

{158}{}{Sounds contradictory to me.}
{159}{}{That's kind of two-faced, isn't it?}
{160}{}{Okay. Can I ask you a few more questions?}

{161}{Nic_21}{Not really. We came to teach peace, but we will defend ourselves, if necessary. That includes our beliefs}
{162}{Nic_21b}{You would not understand.}

{163}{}{Hmm, okay. Can I ask you a few more questions?}
{164}{}{All right. I think it's time for me to go.}

{165}{Nic_22}{They showed up around the same time we did, but no one knows how they came about. We've heard rumors that their leader, Morpheus, was part of the Rippers before he was 'enlightened' by their Dark God.}

{166}{}{Hey, a guy can change.}
{167}{}{Sounds like he's not a nice fellow.}
{168}{}{I think I'll check it out.}

{169}{Nic_23}{That's a very charitable description. Now, is there anything else?}

{170}{}{Yes, there is.}
{171}{}{No, thank you.}

{172}{Nic_24}{Be very careful. Of course, we would love to know what's going on over there.}

{173}{}{Can I ask a few more questions?}
{174}{}{Thanks, I'll go now.}
{175}{Nic_25}{We started this group after seeing that bloodshed still ruled the land. There seemed to be no hope left. Man can't live without hope.}

{176}{}{And you give hope?}

{177}{}{You sound like one of the Children!}
{178}{}{When did you start this group?}

{179}{Nic_26}{We try. We try our best. Most people don't want to listen, but a few do.}

{180}{}{Well, I hope I can ask another question.}
{181}{}{It's time for me to leave.}

{182}{Nic_27}{I'm sure you'd be bored with the telling of the entire history of the Followers. There a number of books in here with that information.}

{183}{}{Can I ask a few more questions?}
{184}{}{Well, thanks. I need to go now.}

{185}{Nic_28}{A number of our spies have seen Nightkin coming in and out of the back room of the Children's temple. Something important is back there.}

{186}{}{Well, I'll report back anything I hear.}
{187}{}{Can I ask a few more questions?}
{188}{}{Interesting, but I gotta go.}

{189}{Nic_29}{What would you like to know?}

{190}{}{Where did the Followers start?}
{191}{}{Who started it?}
{192}{}{What are your goals?}

{193}{Nic_30}{Far to the south, near the Great Glow. The times were hard, but we managed to survive. We realized then the Great War must never happen again.}

{194}{}{So, you started the Followers of the Apocalypse?}
{195}{}{What made you come up north?}

{196}{Nic_31}{After my parents were killed by a marauders, [sigh] it was time the killing stopped. It's our goal to make this land the way it used to be, before the war.}

{197}{}{I'm sorry about your parents.}
{198}{}{So it could happen again? That's stupid!}
{199}{}{Who were the marauders?}
{200}{}{What made you bring the Followers up north?}

{201}{Nic_32}{We've never found out, although we've heard a group live up north in an old ruined city. We've let it rest.}

{202}{}{Why not? You could get revenge!}
{203}{}{Why did you end up bringing the Followers north?}

{204}{Nic_33}{We're here to make peace, not kill in hatred.}

{205}{}{Sounds more like fear.}
{206}{}{Very noble of you. If it was me I'd kill them all.}
{207}{}{Why are you up here now?}

{208}{Nic_34}{I'm not surprised. The Followers are here to talk sense into people like you.}

{209}{}{Good luck, it's a tough sell. Is that why you're up north now?}
{210}{}{And you don't think violence is ever good?}
{211}{}{Then answering more questions can't hurt, right?}
{212}{}{Well, I gotta go.}

{213}{Nic_35}{[Sigh] You're simply not ready to understand the differences. Okay. So why don't you just think about it, then come back to talk.}
{214}{Nic_36}{There aren't many left down south. The radiation has polluted almost everything. Most of the remaining people followed us to start the organization.}

{215}{}{How did your family survive?}
{216}{}{It's still that radioactive? After 80 years?}

{217}{Nic_37}{We lived on the outskirts of the Great Glow. Sickness had started spreading, so we gathered all the people and we made our way north. [Sigh] That's when my parents were killed.}

{218}{}{I'm sorry.}
{219}{}{Why is the area down there still that radioactive after all this time?}

{220}{Nic_39}{Thank you, I appreciate that. Now, is there anything else you needed to ask me?}

{221}{}{Yes, there is.}
{222}{}{No, I need to run.}

{223}{Nic_41}{Well, the rumor is that there was something so important there, that the area was saturated with bombs to insure everything was wiped out.}

{224}{}{Can I ask a few more questions?}
{225}{}{Interesting. But I have to go now.}

{226}{Nic_42}{Well, the Boneyard is pretty scarce as you can see. Adytum is to the west. The Children of the Cathedral are to the north. I wouldn't advise going too far south into the city, though, the Rippers and the Blades have made it into a battlefield.}
{227}{Nic_43}{About what?}

{228}{}{I know what's behind the Children of the Cathedral.}
{229}{}{How much are you willing to pay me?}
{230}{}{Nothing, never mind.}

{231}{Nic_44}{Finally! What'd you find out?}

{232}{}{I'm now the leader of the Children!}
{233}{}{Morpheus is not the leader of the Children. It's actually run by the Master.}
{234}{}{You know the Nightkin?}

{235}{Nic_45}{Wait a s...the Dark God? You're not telling me he's real.}

{236}{}{Oh, he's real all right, just not a god. He's a mutant who wants to make everyone a Nightkin, for their own good.}
{237}{}{Yes, he is! You should fear the all-mighty Dark God!}

{238}{Nic_46}{What do the Nightkin have to do with this?}

{239}{}{They're actually a race of super mutants. The Master is their leader.}

{240}{Nic_47}{What do they plan to do? }

{241}{}{The Master wants to make everyone a Nightkin. He thinks they're superior, and he thinks that turning everyone into them will save humanity!}
{242}{}{I'm not sure. I just know that the Master is turning people into Nightkin.}

{243}{Nic_49}{What should we do?}

{244}{}{I'm going to talk to the Master.}
{245}{}{I'm going to take out the Cathedral right now.}
{246}{}{I've destroyed the place where they make more Super Mutants, but I need help in taking out the Cathedral.}

{247}{Nic_50}{We can't let this opportunity pass. You scout the Cathedral. We'll meet you there and help you storm the place.}

{248}{}{No, not that. Do you know if there's a secret way in?}
{249}{}{Okay. Meet me there.}
{250}{}{No! I don't want anyone else to be hurt.}

{251}{Nic_52a}{No, but I know someone who will. Go to the Cathedral and find a woman named Laura. Tell her 'Red Rider'. We'll create a diversion if we can.}

{252}{}{Thanks. I hope luck is with us.}

{253}{Nic_53}{Luck has nothing to do with it. I have faith in you.}
{254}{Nic_56}{Our destiny lies before us. Let us hope we are worthy.}
{255}{Nic_57}{What? This is our destiny. The Followers will fight this evil so that the healing of the land can finally begin.}

{256}{}{No. I forbid it.}
{257}{}{Okay. Meet me at the Cathedral.}

{258}{Nic_58}{[Chuckle] You don't control us. We will attack, with or without your blessing!}
{259}{Nic_59}{Talk to him?! Are you crazy?}

{260}{}{Aren't you the one that preaches peace?}
{261}{}{No, and you can't stop me.}

{262}{Nic_60}{Well, yes, but...}

{263}{}{I think I can end this without bloodshed. Be ready, though, in case I fail.}

{264}{Nic_61a}{Obviously, your mind is made up. This might help you. Go to the Cathedral and find a woman named Laura. Say the phrase 'Red Rider'. And please...come back safely.}
{265}{Nic_63}{You have a strange sense of humor. Why don't you come back when you have something serious to say.}

{266}{}{Sorry, it was just a joke. It has to do with the Nightkin.}

{267}{Nic_65a}{So you're a mercenary. Fine, I'll give you 100 caps.}
{268}{Nic_66b}{Now, what do you have for me?}

{269}{}{I know someone is planning to con you out of some money. Thanks.}
{270}{}{Morpheus is not the leader of the Children. It's actually run by the Master.}
{271}{}{You know the Nightkin?}
{272}{}{The Children are controlled by space aliens.}

{273}{Nic_67}{Good luck. Now we've got to examine our options.}
{274}{Nic_68}{How noble, how impressive. And we thought you were different. Now take your money and leave.}
{275}{Nic_69}{Well hi. What can I help you with now?}

{276}{}{I need to ask a few questions.}
{277}{}{Sorry, I gotta go.}
{278}{}{Nuh, nuh, uh?}

{279}{Nic_70}{What do you want now?}

{280}{}{I wanted to say I'm sorry.}
{281}{}{I just wanted to see you again.}

{282}{Nic_70a}{Just leave}
{283}{Nic_71}{Apology accepted. What can I help you with?}

{284}{}{Can I ask a few more questions?}
{285}{}{That was all for now. I gotta go.}

{286}{Nic_72}{Please, we're busy. Don't you have things to do?}
{287}{Nic_74}{What are you doing? Put that down!}
{289}{Nic_76}{Stop that!}
{290}{Nic_77}{Hey! Get out of here!}
{291}{Nic_78}{Well, if you say so. Now run along, because we have work to do.}
{292}{Nic_79}{Talk to Jake. He knows more about that.}
{293}{Nic_80}{As I said...}
{294}{Nic_81}{As I mentioned before...}
{295}{Nic_82}{I said...}
{296}{Nic_83}{Well, as I said...}
{297}{Nic_84}{Hi! Are you an idiot?}
{298}{Nic_85}{I've told you that numerous times. Maybe you should work on your memory.}
{299}{Nic_86}{Morpheus is the leader of the Children of the Cathedral. He is evil, and that fact must be exposed.}
{300}{Nic_87}{There's not much to tell.}
{301}{Nic_87a}{Laura is one of our insiders within the Cathedral. She's extremely loyal to our cause}
{302}{Nic_87b}{Jake is second in command.}
{303}{Nic_88}{In here, you'll find historical texts and philosophical texts...almost anything. Feel free to look around.}
{304}{Nic_89}{The Children of the Cathedral worship him. They say he only wants to heal humanity, but that's a lie.}
{305}{Nic_90}{I've heard very little about him.}
{306}{Nic_91}{They're the personal servants of Morpheus. They're huge, hulking creatures. Ugh!}
{307}{Nic_92}{You've probably seen their hospitals around. They preach peace, but there is something wrong with them. We need to find out what.}
{308}{Nic_93}{It's a small settlement. You'll find it to the west in the Boneyard.}
{309}{Nic_94}{Before the Great War, this was a huge, thriving city. My mother told stories, but there's hardly anything left now. Just ruins and death.}}
{310}{Nic_95}{They war with the Blades down south. The Rippers are the most ruthless gang in the Boneyard. When we sent people to convert them, the only thing we got back were their heads.}
{311}{Nic_96}{The Blades fight the Rippers down south. They're the most agreeable of the two gangs, though that's not saying much. We've converted a few of them.}
{312}{Nic_97}{Our history is in the last case, top shelf.}
{313}{Nic_98}{Everything was burned, everything destroyed. We try to teach people peace, so that it will never happen again.}
{314}{Nic_99}{That's the trading city to the north. We're trying to set up a table there.}
{315}{Nic_100}{We're not sure about them. They sell guns, we sell peace. But their motives...}
{316}{Nic_101}{We know nothing about that.}
{317}{Nic_102}{We've never heard of that.}
{318}{Nic_103}{We don't know what you're talking about.}

{319}{}{What else do you know about the Children of the Cathedral?}
{320}{}{Can I ask you a few more questions about them?}
{321}{}{Can I ask you about something else?}
{322}{}{Do you know who their leader is?}
{323}{}{Do you have any suspicions about them?}
{324}{}{Can you help me destroy them?}
{325}{}{Thanks I can use all the help I can get!}
{326}{}{Thanks for the information. I'll be going now.}

# Nicole Tell-Me-Abouts generic responses
{980}{Nic_101}{We know nothing about that.}
{981}{Nic_102}{We've never heard of that.}
{982}{Nic_103}{We don't know what you're talking about.}

# Nicole Tell-Me-Abouts

{1100}{Nic_86}{Morpheus is the leader of the Children of the Cathedral. He is evil, and that fact must be exposed.}
{1101}{Nic_87}{There's not much to tell.}
{1102}{Nic_87a}{Laura is one of our insiders within the Cathedral. She's extremely loyal to our cause.}
{1103}{Nic_87b}{Jake is second in command.}
{1104}{Nic_88}{In here, you'll find historical texts and philosophical texts...almost anything. Feel free to look around.}
{1105}{Nic_89}{The Children of the Cathedral worship him. They say he only wants to heal humanity, but that's a lie.}
{1106}{Nic_90}{I've heard very little about him.}
{1107}{Nic_91}{They're the personal servants of Morpheus. They're huge, hulking creatures. Ugh!}
{1108}{Nic_92}{You've probably seen their hospitals around. They preach peace, but there is something wrong with them. We need to find out what.}
{1109}{Nic_93}{It's a small settlement. You'll find it to the west in the Boneyard.}
{1110}{Nic_94}{Before the Great War, this was a huge, thriving city. My mother told stories, but there's hardly anything left now. Just ruins and death.}
{1111}{Nic_97}{Our history is in the last case, top shelf.}
{1112}{Nic_98}{Everything was burned, everything destroyed. We try to teach people peace, so that it will never happen again.}
{1113}{Nic_99}{That's the trading city to the north. We're trying to set up a table there.}
{1114}{Nic_100}{We're not sure about them. They sell guns, we sell peace. But their motives...}
{1115}{Nic_94}{Before the Great War, this was a huge, thriving city. My mother told stories, but there's hardly anything left now. Just ruins and death.}
{1116}{Nic_94}{Before the Great War, this was a huge, thriving city. My mother told stories, but there's hardly anything left now. Just ruins and death.}
{1117}{Nic_100}{We're not sure about them. They sell guns, we sell peace. But their motives...}
{1118}{Nic_101}{We know nothing about that.}
{1119}{Nic_102}{We've never heard of that.}
{1120}{Nic_103}{We don't know what you're talking about.}
