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The Dark God of the Children of the Cathedral is a figure invoked in various contexts throughout Fallout. The character Loxley claims the Children also refer to their deity as the Night God.[1]

The term represents both a real person and a pre-existing religious concept:

  • The Master, originally a Vault dweller named Richard Grey, is the indescribable psychic biomass who controls the cult. Many of his followers refer to him as the Dark God or the Holy Flame.
  • The Dark God was a deity worshipped by Morpheus and his cult before the Master found them, as described in the Vault 13 timeline document and the Fallout Bible. Congregants unaware of their leader's true nature ostensibly still worship this abstract entity.


  • Nicole mentions that the Followers have heard rumors Morpheus was once a member of the Rippers before he was 'enlightened' by the Dark God.[2]
    • In the full context of her script, she may or may not mean to imply she believes Richard recruited Morpheus directly from the Rippers.
  • The voiced character Laura, a spy for the Followers of the Apocalypse, has a unique response for Tell me about {Dark}/{God}: "The what?"[3]
    • Laura's Tell me about lines are all delivered in the context that she is undercover, even after she reveals herself to the player, so this ignorance is probably feigned. The voice delivery reflects this.
  • During the climactic section of Dane's monologue, he calls out to God, then corrects himself and calls out to Master.[4]
  • The architecture of the Cathedral itself features a large angelic figure placed centrally above the entrance, backed by a brilliant stained glass window which appears to depict the sun as a radiation symbol.
  • The term Night God suggests some connection to nightkin.


  1. The Vault Dweller: "{1016}{}{Cathedral}"
    Loxley: "{1116}{LOX_82}{Now there's a scary bunch. They strut around all day talking about their Night God, as if he's the next best thing since merchant pockets with holes. They can heal you up pretty cheap. I'll give'em that. You can find'em in that hospital of theirs downtown.}"
  2. {165}{Nic_22}{They showed up around the same time we did, but no one knows how they came about. We've heard rumors that their leader, Morpheus, was part of the Rippers before he was 'enlightened' by their Dark God.}
  3. #
    # Laura Tell-Me-Abouts


    {1112}{laura81}{The what?}
  4. "Oh God! Master, not God! At least I remember my own name. At least I still have that. Most of the other failures didn't, before they shot them. Not pretty corpses either. Nightkin target practice!" (DANE.MSG)