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This is a transcript for dialogue with Xerxo.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0062CA7F 0062CB48 The Zebulonians weren't the first to develop advanced probing technology, but we definitely are the ones who perfected it.
2 We've got machines that can probe 100,000 organisms per second, and serve you ice cream when you're done.
3 0062CB49 You know that comic about the Unstoppables visiting the Ux-Ron galaxy? Complete fabrication.
4 They visited the Ux-Ray galaxy, and it wasn't the Unstoppables, it was the Immovables. Tell your historians to get it right next time.
5 0062CB4A What you call food on this planet is a disgrace. But the alcohol? Well, let's just say I'll be filing a Zebulonian copyright for all your drinks very soon.
6 0062CB4B Zebulonians used to molt, much like your snakes. But now we simply discard the skin and hang it in our closets as a memory of our youth.
7 0062CB4C If you need any help relaxing, I can show you an ancient Zebulonian meditation technique. It involves heavy drinking and vomiting out negative energies.
8 0062CB4D The gravity on this planet is so weird. My xer-joints, or what you humans call knees, they hurt so much when I have to stand for long hours.
9 0062CB4E Greetings Earthling. I am Xerxo, son of Xarlax, captain of the starship Voxthaltha of the Zebulon Empire.
10 0062CA81 0062CB58 There are 10,000 starships in the Zebulonian fleet, each one equipped with the latest in interstellar missile technology and a dozen private chefs.
11 0062CB59 I'll have you know I've flipped no less than ten planets in the last year alone. I'm not just a starship captain, I'm a renowned intergalactic realtor.
12 0062CB5A Every doctor in the Zebulon Empire learns to probe their first species by the age of ten. It's part of their rite of passage.
13 0062CB5B As a starship captain, I've seen my share of abductions. Super Mutants, Sheepsquatches... we've studied them all.
14 0062CB5C Our studies show the most intelligent being on this planet is actually a Mole Miner. Yet they want me to bargain with humans instead.
15 0062CB5D We Zebulonians have long since evolved past the need for skin. Our insides aren't so weak that they need to be covered.
16 0062CB5E I'll have you know the moonshine on this planet is its only redeeming quality.
17 0062CB5F My superiors are mostly hands off, but tentacles on. Tentacles tend to stick better, and keep you working.
18 0062CB60 Doing an audit of an entire planet is incredibly hard. You never know when one of you might blow it up again.
19 0062CB61 Space travel isn't very difficult. Time travel, even easier. But this "walking" these Earthlings are so fond of? It's killing me!
20 0062CB62 I've met a few people on this planet that I mistook for Zebulonians. But apparently they're something called "ghouls".
21 0062CB63 Twenty days until retirement and I get tasked with flipping this shitshow of a planet. Can you believe my luck?
22 0062CB64 Until they sent me here, I was going to retire and live on a beach on the planet Ur-Vox. Just me, the sand, the ocean, and those rings of color just like a rainbow. Wistful
23 0062CB65 There's eighty other planets I'd rather be on than this one. However, it still has its perks.
24 0062CB66 Sometimes I look at your sunsets and think to myself, oh, this planet is going to look fabulous when it's furnished. I really should remember to factor that into the price.
25 0062CB67 I have family on Zebulon. We communicate daily via telepathy. The long distance charges are out of this world, but it's certainly worth it.
26 0062CB68 I'm going to miss a lot of my childrens' milestones. When they play their first Zorxball game. When they fire their first ray gun. Prom.
27 0062CB69 Oy vey, one of my backs is killing me.
28 0062CA82 0062CB76 Earthling.
29 0062CB77 What a day. I could use a xartini. Ooo...or better yet, Earth whiskey.
30 0062CB78 When you have 47 stomachs, it's hard to tell which one has indigestion.
31 0062CB79 The air here is toxic to three of my lungs. Good thing I can shed them easily.
32 0062CB7D Vaya con Dios, Earthling.
33 0062CB7E Until our next encounter.
34 0062CB7F So long.
35 0062CB81 All Zebulonian technology is delivered through one's face holes. It provides the most impact. Gentle, almost apologetic, but doctor-like "It is what it is" tone
36 0062CB82 It's simple. The shot from my ray gun will rewrite your particles with that of a kangaroo and the DNA of an Olympic gold medalist in the long jump.
37 The effects will be temporary, but should be felt almost immediately. Just try it, and you'll see.
38 0062CB84 Of course, Earthling.
39 0062CB85 If we must.
40 0062CB86 What remains to be discussed?
41 0062CA84 0062CB23 Thank you. You know, many Earthlings are hostile to our kind. They call us names like "ghoul," or "crazy person," or "stop, thief!" Appreciative, warming up
42 But me, I ignore all of these taunts, for the sake of my mission: the invasion and complete subjugation of your planet. Tone shifts to something matter-of-fact and somewhat sinister
43 0062CA86 0062CB09 There is no need, Earthling. I have already met him and eaten him, as is required by Zebulon law. Appreciative and matter-of-fact
44 Before digesting him in one of my 47 stomachs, I made sure to slather plenty of barbecue sauce on his forehead, just the way you humans like it.
45 We're not barbarians, after all. We may plan on invading and subjugating your entire species, but we do respect your customs. Genuine and earnest
46 0062CA88 0062CB35 That was your first mistake. Thinking. But please rest assured, you won't have to think any longer, once we invade and subjugate your people.
47 In fact, thinking will likely be made a crime punishable by death, followed of course by having to watch a series of instructional videos.
48 Given that there are 1,757 stages of hell in the Zebulon afterlife, you will have ample time to watch these videos and reflect on your mistakes.
49 0062CA8A 0062CB11 Maybe for you. But I take no joy in the complete domination of your species. Earnest, matter-of-fact.
50 I am simply required by intergalactic law to read you the terms and conditions of your surrender.
51 If not for that, we would not be having this conversation, because I would be drinking a xartini and you would be a pile of goo.
52 0062CA8C 0062CB55 That may be how it works in your culture, but Zebulonians do not engage in your primitive rituals of dinner, movies, and inane small talk. Aloof
53 When we see something we want, we form an exploratory committee on the 25th of Dexember, to summon the God of War, Xanta.
54 Xanta then creates a list of planets that have been naughty, and nice. The naughty ones we invade. And your planet has been...so naughty.
55 0062CA8E 0062CB19 Should we wait until you screw it up even more? Bemused, aloof
56 Relax, Earthling. We don't plan on staying long. Your planet is what they call in the intergalactic market, a "fixer upper."
57 We plan on cleaning it, renovating it, and then flipping it to the Martians at twice the cost.
58 0062CA90 0062CB01 Yes. A real estate empire. What kind of empire were you imagining? No doubt one that reflects your failings as a species. Exasperated,
59 0062CA92 0062CB24 Oh yes. Martian sand is quite valuable in the Andromeda Galaxy. It is the source of the Empire's early wealth. They use our sand in hourglasses, you know.
60 They say using Martian sand is more precise than an atomic clock. Of course, it's all just a scam. Anyone with 19 brains knows that time isn't real.
61 0062CA94 0062CB0A Don't make me laugh. Your currency is no good on the intergalactic market. We don't use inefficient, primitive methods of exchange like bottlecaps.
62 All of our transactions are performed using ions, transferred via clouds of gas we exhale using specialized glands.
63 0062CA96 0062CB36 There's no need for you to respond. At least, not unless you've been chosen as Supreme Leader, at which point I will need you to formally surrender.
64 0062CA98 0062CB13 What's the matter with you, are you some kind of communist? You Earthlings should know that everything can be bought and sold, even this conversation.
65 I'm actually recording this on a holotape right now, and will be putting it up for auction this very evening.
66 Hopefully you don't say anything idiotic and tank the value.
67 0062CA9A 0062CB6A I will do my best, but this is hardly a vacation. Once the Zebulon fleet arrives, you'll see.
68 0062CA9C 0062CB1B Good. I'm glad you're able to see the forest for the trees, even though you burned half of them down.
69 0062CA9E 0062CB03 Don't worry, I would never touch anything you Earthlings have put your sausage-like tentacles on. Aloof, mildly disgusted at the thought
70 0062CA9F 0062CB26 Anyway, there's still some paperwork I need to file for closing escrow on the planet, so if you need me, I'll be on my spaceship.
71 0062CAA1 0062CB0C Normally I don't do this, but in exchange for letting me park my spaceship here, I'm willing to rewrite the rules.
72 I know intergalactic parking fees can be exorbitant, so don't think I don't appreciate your gesture.
73 And if you want to learn the secrets of intergalactic space flight, I can help with that too. Hints of pride
74 0062CB0D All right, Earthling. What do you need?
75 0062CAA3 0062CB38 Very well. Proceed with your inquiry, Earthling.
76 0062CAA5 0062CB6D Besides the marshmallow center?
77 0062CB6E Besides the caramel-filled crust?
78 0062CB6F Besides the mole people living in the clouds?
79 0062CB70 You mean, aside from the strange smells emanating from the occupants?
80 0062CB71 Besides the odd noise it makes when it rotates?
81 0062CB72 Besides the fact that it's an intergalactic tax haven?
82 0062CAA9 0062CB2E The very best in Zebulonian technology.
83 0062CB2F Premium Zebulonian wares, at premium prices.
84 0062CB30 This transaction is classified, you understand me? Serious
85 0062CB31 Everything you see here, as long as it's visible.
86 0062CAAB 0062CB4F Simple. By shooting you in the face.
87 0062CB50 Your memory's failing you Earthling. You've already got your gamma ray shot.
88 0062CB51 One burst of gamma rays, coming right up.
89 0062CB52 Then you'll get it. Right in the puddum.
90 0062CB53 Just remember to watch your landings.
91 0062CB54 Close your eyes and I'll count to three. One...
92 0062CAB1 0062CB04 Very well, Earthling. I'll be sure to calibrate my weapon to your flesh settings.
93 0062CAB3 0062CB27 Oh, I wouldn't worry. By intergalactic standards, you're about two million xorbits below the poverty line. It really doesn't get much worse than that. Pronounced "zor-bits".
94 0062CAB5 0062CB0E Fine, but there's nothing dangerous about it. Gently persuasive, disarming
95 0062CAB6 0062CB39 Perhaps I should explain further.
96 0062CAC0 0062CB2B It does not say "Blast." The symbols merely resemble your language, and it's confusing you.
97 What appears to you as letters are in fact ancient Zebulonian runes that spell the name "Xerxo."
98 0062CAC2 0062CB0F Before we begin the invasion and close escrow on your planet, some reconnaissance and an appraisal needs to be done.
99 I am here studying your people, and perhaps, if the opportunity avails itself, mate with them.
100 0062CAC4 0062CB3E Yes, Earthling. For allowing me to stay at your camp, I have decided to generously give you our most distinguished award: the Zebulonian Medal of Honor. Here.
101 0062CAC6 0062CB17 Zebulonians do not forget. We have 38 brains, each one working independently to remember the time you didn't pay your fair share for dinner
102 Mary chipped in, and she barely ate. But you! You ate half the food, and conveniently "forgot" your wallet at home. His mask slips, begins to reference his past life
103 Everyone else may have forgot that minor transgression, but little brain number 36 didn't. Back to his Xerxo self
104 0062CAC8 0062CAFF Well, that is an understandable deduction for a species that uses their own clothing as a napkin. Aloof
105 But make no mistake. My suit says Xerxo, just like your clothes scream out, "wash me."
106 0062CACA 0062CB21 An understandable deduction for a species that collects trash and then displays it in their museums as art. Aloof
107 But make no mistake, my suit says Xerxo. You're just having trouble telling the difference.
108 0062CACC 0062CB08 An understandable deduction for someone that can only think using Earthling languages. Aloof
109 But no, it doesn't. My suit says Xerxo, just as your clothes clearly say, "hardly working."
110 0062CACE 0062CB12 Well, the other day, I did have something you Earthlings call, a "dream."
111 I had switched my brain organs to sleep mode when I was suddenly bombarded by a strange visual.
112 It was of a tall man in a spacesuit, walking on a stage. And in the background, there was a voice that said, "Elliot, break a leg." Xerxo's mask begins to slip
113 And perhaps this Elliot is a real person - a shell of himself, trying to find a way to cope in a world he simply does not understand. Xerxo's mask slips further.
114 But given that my name is Xerxo, and I've never broken either of my legs, my dream was clearly about someone else. Back to Xerxo, straightens up, but rattled by the conversation
115 0062CAD0 0062CB56 I've never heard of it, and no one has ever referred to me as a verb of any kind.
116 I told the writers it was a stupid name, but do they listen to old Elliot? No. They tell him, "you do your job, and we'll do ours." Xerxo's mask slips, becomes Elliot momentarily
117 Well, now I'm doing the job of invading this backwater planet, so the joke's on them. Back to Xerxo, straightens up.
118 0062CAD2 0062CB1A Do you think I take pleasure in this mission? I simply do what I must, for the sake of the Empire.
119 If that means performing the ancient Zebulonian love dance with one of your high ranking diplomats, so be it.
120 0062CAD4 0062CB02 Well, as flattered as I am by the proposition, I'm only allowed to perform the ancient Zebulonian love dance with high ranking government officials.
121 If you would like, however, we can stand near each other, and exchange nearby gases. I understand that is what qualifies as intimacy among your species. In a "want to grab a cup of coffee?" type of casual tone
122 0062CAD6 0062CB25 Because that is how you Earthlings reveal your secrets. By being seduced, letting your guard down, and then whispering them in your sleep. Confused at the question. A sort of "duh, of course" tone.
123 I've studied enough of your primitive spy cartridges to know of this fact.
124 0062CAD8 0062CB0B Then I will continue as I have. Studying, appraising, and reading your amazing romance literature.
125 Just because I am not participating in your primitive mating rituals doesn't mean I shouldn't be well prepared for the scenario.
126 0062CADA 0062CB37 No, it only looks like that to your untrained eye. Like an enthusiastic professor
127 Now, while it is similar to your toilet paper in look, feel, and two-ply softness, I assure you, it is made of authentic Zebulonian eagle feathers. Beaming with pride
128 0062CADC 0062CB14 You should. It's only been given to a non-Zebulonian on two occasions. One to a Zambonian who stopped the Ice Insurrection on the Planet Hockeystick.
129 And the second, to the Scorchbeast Queen that ravaged your planet and helped reduce the asking price.
130 0062CADE 0062CB6C What you do with the medal is your own business. Usually while sitting, with the door closed. But either way, it's an honor well deserved.
131 0062CADF 0062CB1D Now go on, before I get all misty-eyed.
132 0062CAE2 0062CB3A Yes, a few things. But perhaps you can tell me more.
133 0062CAE4 0062CB16 Of course! I know all about Dr. Zornhole and his infamous jog.
134 0062CAE6 0062CB74 Do you think that just because I'm a space captain, brilliant military tactician, and devilishly handsome, that I am not also a student of history?
135 I know all about that piece of Earthist propaganda.
136 0062CAE8 0062CB20 Yes. Almost... too close.
137 0062CAEA 0062CB07 That's what I said.
138 0062CAEC 0062CB2D You cannot correct me. I am a Zebulonian, and you are not. That makes me right, and you wrong.
139 0062CAEE 0062CB1F I so hate to disappoint you, but your hero is a fraud. Weary
140 He'd like you to think it was a run. But if you look at the tape, you'll see that he's actually jogging and the tape has simply been sped up. Weary
141 0062CAF0 0062CB06 It depicts the Zebulon Empire as evil, the Neptunians as Earth slaves, and worst of all, Blast Hannigan as a hero.
142 0062CAF2 0062CB2C Well for one, Blast Hannigan isn't a real name. It can't be. What kind of monster would name their child "Blast?"
143 Only a Hollywood director could conceive of such cruelty.
144 The rest is more or less true to reality, except we were liberators, and the colonists were from Uranus. They always are.
145 Meanwhile, Earthlings had nothing to do with the incident, and yet they still plaster their names all over the credits. Typical.
146 0062CAF4 0062CB10 Blast Hannigan doesn't even exist. He's an Earthling creation, through and through. Letting the player down softly
147 0062CAF6 0062CB3F The simplest explanation is quite often the right one. The Neptunian media probably leaked it to your press. Matter-of-fact
148 0062CAF8 0062CB18 Good. And trust me, it's not worth watching. The acting is atrocious.
149 0062CAFA 0062CB00 The Zebulonian runes on my suit spell "Xerxo". They're the same runes you'll find on my intergalactic pilot's license.
150 0062CAFC 0062CB22 A change of subject would be most welcome.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
68 005A21AB 0062CB7A What is it, Earthling?
69 0062CB7B Need something, Earthling? I'm rather busy.