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This is a transcript for dialogue with Gomorrah receptionist.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Well look, the bully is back. What the hell do you want? 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Hello and welcome to Gomorrah. What can I help you with today? 2
GREETING Neutral 50 Hello and welcome to Gomorrah. How can I help you? 3
vDialogueGomorrahGenericTopic008 I need a key to Cachino's room. Do you have one that will work? Neutral 50 Yeah, Cachino is a creep. I'll give you a key for some caps... Hazard pay. 4
I need a key to Cachino's room. Do you have one that will work? Neutral 50 Yeah, Cachino is a creep. I'll give you a key for some caps... Hazard pay. 5
vDialogueGomorrahGenericTopic009 Thanks, but I'll find another way. Neutral 50 No skin off my back. 6
vDialogueGomorrahGenericTopic010 Ok, 300 caps is a deal. Neutral 50 Fine, here you go. If anyone asks you ain't never seen me before. 7
Ok, 300 caps is a deal. Neutral 50 Fine, here you go. If anyone asks you ain't never seen me before. 8
How about 200 caps and I forget we ever met. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Sounds like a deal to me. 9
How about 200 caps and I forget we ever met. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Yeah, but come back when you have the money. 10
Free sounds better to me. Neutral 50 [FAILED] I bet it does, but free ain't gonna work. 11
vDialogueGomorrahGenericvGOMReceptionistTopic000 Do you have any rooms available? Neutral 50 Sorry, we don't have any hotel rooms available right now, but feel free to gamble or help yourself to our other services. 12
Do you have any rooms available? Neutral 50 Sorry, we don't have any hotel rooms available right now, but feel free to gamble or help yourself to our other services. 13
vDialogueGomorrahGenericvGOMReceptionistTopic001 What is there to do around here? Neutral 50 Feel free to head to our club, Brimstone, or you can see our gorgeous courtyard out behind the casino. 14
What is there to do around here? Neutral 50 Feel free to head to our club, Brimstone, or you can see our gorgeous courtyard out behind the casino. 15
I know you feel safe here, but I could crush your windpipe before anyone noticed. Fear 50 You make an excellent point. I never liked that Cachino fuck anyway. Here you go. 16
I bet I could beat you up. Disgust 50 With those skinny little arms? Not before the bouncer put two in the back of your head. Now stop being stupid. 17
I know you feel safe here, but I could crush your windpipe before anyone noticed. Fear 50 You make an excellent point. I never liked that Cachino fuck anyway. Here you go. 18
I bet I could beat you up. Disgust 50 With those skinny little arms? Not before the bouncer put two in the back of your head. Now stop being stupid. 19
vDialogueGomorrahvGOMReceptionistTopic000 I'm sure you have all the good dirt on what goes on around here. Neutral 50 I sure do, but loose lips{giggle} sink ships. 20
<Speech Options>
Don't worry about me, I can keep your secrets. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Alright, you look pretty trustworthy. 21
A little gossip never hurt anyone. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Sorry, but the Omertas don't look very kindly upon gossiping. 22
<Cherchez La Femme>
Beautiful, I would love to help you loosen those lips. Neutral 50 I...{stammer} well, since you ask so nicely, and I'm not sure I could resist those pretty eyes. What do you want to know? 23
vDialogueGomorrahvGOMReceptionistTopic003 What can you tell me about what's going on around the Strip? Neutral 50 I've heard some pretty shady rumors about the Ultra Luxe. 24
Neutral 50 I'm not sure what the deal is, but although they try to put on airs, that place is just plain creepy. Maybe it's the masks. 25
What can you tell me about what's going on around the Strip? Neutral 50 Not much of a rumor, but I hear the Tops is always looking for new talent. Lord knows they've needed it for a long time. 26
What can you tell me about what's going on around the Strip? Neutral 50 I'm not sure what's going on at Lucky 38. That place is weird. Nobody ever goes in. Nobody ever comes out. 27
What can you tell me about what's going on around the Strip? Neutral 50 I hear you've actually been inside Lucky 38? You're the first person who's been in there in as long as anybody can remember. 28
What can you tell me about what's going on around the Strip? Neutral 50 It's hard to believe that not too long ago most of the families on the Strip were little more than warring tribes. 29
Neutral 50 The Omertas even had a big war with the Khans, once upon a time. 30
What can you tell me about what's going on around the Strip? Neutral 50 Sorry, that's all the news worth talking about. All I have at least. 31
vDialogueGomorrahvGOMReceptionistTopic004 What can you tell me about what's going on in Gomorrah? Neutral 50 Gossip is one thing, dirt on the Family is something else totally. 32
I'm calling in for an outstanding balance for some information. Tell me what the Omertas are up to. Sad 50 {sigh} I knew someone would call in that mark soon. What do you want to know? 33
I'm calling in for an outstanding balance for some information. Tell me what the Omertas are up to. Sad 50 That was one of my sisters, but my family always repays our debts. What do you want to know? 34
vDialogueGomorrahvGOMReceptionistTopic005 Can you help me find someone? Neutral 50 Depends on who you're looking for. 35
vDialogueGomorrahvGOMReceptionistTopic006 I'm looking for Cachino. Neutral 50 Cachino is usually on this floor in Brimstone, having drinks. If he isn't there then he's probably in his room upstairs. 36
vDialogueGomorrahvGOMReceptionistTopic007 Can you tell me where Troike is? Neutral 50 Troike spends all his days down in Zoara on the lower level. 37
Can you tell me where Troike is? Neutral 50 Troike is dead, but I'm sure you know that. 38
vDialogueGomorrahvGOMReceptionistTopic008 Do you know someone named Clanden? Disgust 50 Yeah. I know him.{unhappy, spoken with contempt} You'll probably find him in his room upstairs. He usually just sends down for girls or food. 39
Do you know someone named Clanden? Neutral 50 I knew someone named Clanden. Good fucking riddance. 40
vDialogueGomorrahvGOMReceptionistTopic009 Where can I find the management? Neutral 50 Big Sal and Nero split their time in Zoara overlooking the main casino floor from the balcony. No one but Family is allowed up there, though. 41
vDialogueGomorrahvGOMReceptionistTopic010 I need to know who to talk to about what's been going on in Gomorrah. Neutral 50 All I can tell you is to find Cachino. He's the lowest level Lieutenant you're going to be able to talk to. 42
Neutral 50 Some of the girls say he's been involved in some shady business the Family wouldn't really like. Ask him about it. 43
vDialogueGomorrahvGOMReceptionistTopic011 Tell me what the Family is up to. Neutral 50 Sorry, they don't tell me their plans and I don't want to know. I'm just happy they don't make me fuck anybody anymore. 44
vDialogueGomorrahvGOMReceptionistTopic012 Let me ask you about something else. Neutral 50 Fire away. 45
vDialogueGomorrahvGOMReceptionistTopic013 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Enjoy yourself. 46
vDialogueGomorrahvGOMReceptionistTopic014 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Be careful. 47