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Mary Jane is a deceased adventurer in the Commonwealth in 2287.


A crass but caring person, Mary Jane was a toughened survivalist whose experiences with the deadlier sides of the Commonwealth taught her to stay guarded and gave her a less idealistic perspective of the world with a "shoot first and ask questions later" philosophy.[1] This was aided by her custom CR-74L combat rifle, which she designed as a high-tech easy-to-use rifle for the average settler.[2] She eventually ended up living in the Quincy ruins near Fentons Food Stuffs;[3] as described by her wife Lily Bell, she was exiting Guns Guns Guns with "enough firepower to mow down a ten story Deathclaw" and collided with Lily, who was leaving Fentons Food Stuffs with a crate of tatos. In Lily's words, it was "love at first collision" and the two were quickly married.[4]

Despite her hardened nature, Mary Jane abstained from most "vices" such as drinking or smoking, believing that even "seemingly harmless shit" would eventually end up proving dangerous; the one vice she enjoyed was gambling. In contrast, Lily had many vices and often had to be rescued from dangerous situations by Mary Jane.[5]

Eventually in 2287, Lily voiced her dream of creating a "Commonwealth travel guide" for all settlers and travelers to learn about the Commonwealth, and seeing Sanctuary Hills in particular, having heard many stories about the location, though Mary Jane did not share her views.[6] Mary Jane agreed to support her in this venture, and the two left Quincy (unknowingly avoiding the Quincy Massacre) and set off through the Commonwealth gathering information on their stops along the way. However, as they progressed, it became increasingly clear that Lily was not well, finally being diagnosed with terminal cancer by Doctor Sun in Diamond City.[7] Despite second opinions in Goodneighbor and Bunker Hill, Mary Jane was unable to find help for Lily, and after listening to traders' tales of Sanctuary and Concord for the guide, the pair returned home to the now Gunners-controlled Quincy, where Lily finally succumbed and was buried by Mary Jane.[8]

Mary Jane took her wedding ring and her rifle and set back out for Sanctuary Hills, having made a promise to Lily to finish the guide by reaching Sanctuary in person. After six months of travel and countless injuries, she was able to do so, and intended to return her ring to Lily's grave in Quincy. However, she was killed by mongrels near Sanctuary, leaving behind the task for a good Samaritan to finish.[9]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

Way Back Home


Way Back Home: Finding Mary Jane's corpse and taking the Commonwealth travel guide, Mary Jane's wedding ring, and CR-74L rifle are all part of the quest. The couple's story on the guide are revealed through traveling during the quest.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Commonwealth travel guide
Mary Jane's wedding ring


Mary Jane appears only in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "CR-74L Combat Rifle."

