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This is a transcript for dialogue with Ruby, Carbon's prostitute.

Welcome to Carbon, stranger. Most people are a little spooked because of the raiders... some of 'em are busting up the bar right now. My name's Ruby. I'm what you might call an "entertainer"...
What's a nice girl like you doing in a shitty town like this?
Have you seen any Brotherhood soldiers around?
Tell me more about these raiders...
I could use some "entertainment". How much?
I'm already entertained. Guess I'll head for the bar now.
Anything little Ruby can help you with?
What's your story, Ruby?
Have you seen any Brotherhood of Steel soldiers around?
Tell me more about these raiders.
How much for your... services?
What do you know about the radscorpions in the warehouse?
I want to know more about that crater at the edge of town...
Have you heard anything about a mutant army in the area?
I'm looking for a ghoul city in this region...
Just stopped by to say hi. See you around.
I've lived here in Carbon all my life. We got raiders and radscorpions... but I guess things could be worse.
Enough about you. Let's talk about something else...
Tell me more about these raiders.
Radscorpions, huh?
Yeah, they could be worse. See you.
Yeah, I remember seeing a bunch of people in armor. They didn't pay any attention to me, if you know what I mean, so I didn't pay any attention to them.
Let me ask you something else then...
Guess I'll ask someone else. Bye.
The raiders control Carbon, really. They take what they want, and sometimes people get hurt or killed. But they ain't all bad, you know? Least they know how to party. Not like those soldiers...
I had some other questions...
Soldiers? You remember seeing some soldiers around?
They sound real swell. I'm gonna go trade recipes with them.
Well well, and I thought it was gonna be a slow day. Wanna party?
Here's 10 caps. Let's boogie.
You couldn't be worth more than 5 caps. Max.
I'll pay you 10,000 caps for your shirt.
Forget I even asked. Let's talk about something else.
I think I hear my mommy calling. I'd better go.
All right, big boy. Here we go...
... You should put a leash on that thing before it hurts someone!
Thank you, ma'am. May I have another?
Enough playing around. I need some information...
I, uh, need to go lie down somewhere.
Women know what women want, sugar. Come here and I'll show you...
... What did I tell you? Another satisfied customer.
Wow... I think I need another round to really get the full effect.
Whew! That hit the spot. Now, down to business...
Thanks for the... demonstration. Catch you later.
Well, uh, sure. I guess so... Hey, what're you doin'?!?...
... Uh, I think I'm gonna be sick...
Baby, I'm just getting warmed up...
Can't handle a little ooze, huh? How about some info then?
I'd love to stay and watch, but I gotta get going.
Wanna ride the Ruby train again? Okay...
... Guess I passed you some of my little friends. Don't worry. The itching should stop in about a week...
I can't say I'm surprised. Let's stick to no-contact conversation...
Just what I fucking needed. I'm outta here.
That much money gets you one of these... (gives you the finger)
I guess I'm in for 10 caps, then.
Hey, take it easy! Let's just talk...
Enjoy that finger while I'm gone, honey.
Hey stranger, I was wondering... could you help me find Mr. Pussy?
Uh... how much will this cost me?
Forget it. I've got serious things on my mind...
I don't have time for Mr. Pussy. Bye.
My cat, Mr. Pussy. I haven't seen him in days. Sometimes he goes down into the nasty hole next to the bar... Can you find him for me?
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'll find Mr. Pussy. Now, some questions...
What can you tell me about that hole next to the bar?
Uh, this heap of bloody fur isn't Mr. Pussy, is it?
Your cat is named Mr. Pussy? Right. I'm going to walk away now...
I don't know much about radscorpions... except that they're gross.
That's helpful. Let me ask you something else.
Well put. Hope business picks up. See you.
That damn ugly hole... People used to go down there to find scrap, but it's too dangerous with all the radscorpions. And now Mr. Pussy is missing...
I'm sorry... it almost sounded like you said "Mr. Pussy is missing"?
Radscorpions? What about them?
I'm not sure what that means, but I had some other questions...
Oh, I get it. I'll give you some time alone to "find" Mr. Pussy...
AAAAA!! They killed Mr. Pussy! Well th-thank you for bringing his body back... Here... here's a few caps...
I know this is a tough time for you, but I had some other questions...
Yeah, thanks. Sorry about Mr. Pussy.
Those fucking bastards! Usually they're mean, but this time... one of them stole my necklace... it belonged to my grandmother...
Those bastards! Usually they're mean, but this time... one of them stole my necklace... it belonged to my grandmother...
You need to get your mind off it. Does this dump have any beds?
I found this necklace on one of the raiders. It didn't look so good on him.
I'll hunt the motherfucker down. I promise...
You insensitive prick! Can't you see I'm upset?!? That necklace was important to me! And all you can think about is fucking...
You insensitive jerk! Can't you see I'm upset?!? That necklace was important to me! And all you can think about is sex...
Jeez, I'm just trying to help. No respect, I tell ya...
Oh... you found my necklace! You're wonderful! Here... take this!
Thanks. I had some other questions...
You're welcome. Catch you later.
Oh. My necklace. I guess you want a reward, huh? You were so hot to get in the sack before...
... Now get the hell out of here.
Wait a second! I have some questions...
Shit. That's all? I'm gone...
Mutants!?! When I was a little girl, people told stories about the mutants to scare us. They're not real, are they?
I'm afraid so. And I'll need your help if I'm going to find them...
No, of course not. I, uh, better be going now.
Sorry, I can't help you. I've only seen one ghoul before, a shriveled up fella passing through town. What was his name? Henry? Harold?
I really don't want to hear about this. I had some other questions...
Don't strain yourself. I have to go anyway.
Never heard of any ghoul city... Hey! You're... you're one of them, aren't you? A ghoul, I mean.
You catch on quick. Let me ask you about something else.
Me? No... I've just got a really bad sunburn. Better go see the doctor now.
That's a lot of money for a dirty ol' shirt. Hell, what do I care...
... There ya go, honey!
Now this is what I call a conversation!
I'll cherish it forever. Farewell...
