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Jimbo is a member of the Network, an association of radio and cryptid enthusiasts, in Appalachia. He is also a close friend and associate of the raider punk.


Jimbo and the raider punk met when they were both in the same group of raiders, prior to joining the Crater Raiders.[1] When they both became part of the gang at the Crater, Jimbo left soon afterwards, instead wanting to be independent. However, Jimbo did invite the raider punk into the Network, an association of radio and cryptid enthusiasts.[2]

Jimbo is a heavy chem user, and uses hard drugs much more than the raider punk. The raider punk says this is why they are not together anymore, but he still considers Jimbo a close friend.[1] Jimbo has since gone on other dates, including at the Whitespring Resort.[3] According to the raider punk, Jimbo is also a rail enthusiast who "loves trains."[4] Jimbo occasionally uses various cabins and factories in Appalachia as places to store his chem stashes.[5][6] He is sometimes "full of it" and prone to embellishments,[7] but is a good hunter and previously accompanied the raider punk on hunting trips, referring to Jimbo as his "old hunting buddy."[4] Jimbo once told the raider punk that, one time, he killed a radtoad and climbed into its carcass.[8]


It is never explicitly confirmed in dialogue whether Jimbo and the raider punk were romantically involved. However, the raider punk does say that he and Jimbo are no longer "together" and that he will be there waiting for Jimbo to get off of the hard chems. The script notes for this dialogue say that "He loves Jimbo but he knows Jimbo is a bit too unstable for him."[1]


Jimbo is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.

Behind the scenes[]

Jimbo also would have been mentioned in the dialogue of the beggar, a cut ally who acted as a prototype of the raider punk. However, Jimbo's background with raider gangs was not developed for the beggar, and Jimbo is only ever mentioned off-handedly as a friend in the beggar's cut dialogue.[9]


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 A Vault Dweller: "What's up with Jimbo?"
    Raider punk: "Jimbo? Well... we met in the last gang before Crater. He's into the hard chems way more than me... it's the only reason we aren't together now. One day he'll get bored of them though. I hope anyway... and I'll be here for him when he does."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  2. ↑ A Vault Dweller: "How did you join the network?"
    Raider punk: "My buddy Jimbo pulled me into it. He was with the gang at Crater for a while and left a bit before me. Wanted to do things his own way."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  3. ↑ Raider punk: "Jimbo went down to Whitespring for a classy date, and on his way back up he saw a Scorchbeast just shredding some poor Settlers at this spot."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 Raider punk: "My old hunting buddy Jimbo said it's definitely in the train yard. He knows because he loves trains and he... knows these things."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  5. ↑ Raider punk: "You've got to search this Cabin. For sure. Jimbo said he noticed something weird when he was there last. One of his chem stashes is... was... there."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  6. ↑ Raider punk: "Jimbo said this factory has has some weird activity lately. He said he was gonna stash some chems there, but then he thought better of it."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  7. ↑ Raider punk: "My old friend Jimbo said this place was packed with various kinds of mutations. I dunno, someitmesIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar he's full of it, but I believe him in this case."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  8. ↑ Raider punk: "Jimbo said one time he killed a RadToad then climbed inside its carcass. Why would he tell me this? Anyway, there's one here. Do... what you will."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  9. ↑ Cut content Beggar (Wastelanders)/Dialogue