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The Network, also known as the Radio Network,[1] is a post-War association of radio and cryptid enthusiasts in Appalachia. They communicate over a ham radio network and monitor unusual activity, including that of cryptids, in the region.[2][3]


What is known about the Network comes from the raider punk, who is himself a member of the Network using the codename "Punk."[4] The Network attempts to be a secretive organization and its membership is selective, based on mutual trust (built over many years, according to the raider punk) among its like-minded members.[5][6] The raider punk will let Vault Dwellers of Vault 76 in on knowledge of the Network, in exchange for their frequent assistance,[7] but will refuse to let them join as an official member, with some regret.[6]

The main goal of the Network is to monitor unusual activity in Appalachia, often relating to cryptids.[3] To that end, the Network attempts to make use of cryptid monitors in the region,[8] and employs several "network hunters" (field agents) to go boots-on-the-ground and investigate leads disseminated over the radio.[9] The raider punk is not one of these hunters; his role within the organization is to break codes and encrypted messages as a cryptologist.[10] Although the Network mainly communicates over radio, written coded messages are sometimes used, and the raider punk specializes in those.[11][12]

The membership and associates of the Network are varied, from traders,[13] to chem junkies,[14] to cryptid hunters,[15] to alleged psychics (though the raider punk says at least one of these psychics is not actually psychic and is actually just a chem addict).[16] They report odd sightings around Appalachia, and the hunters go out and deal with potential threats.[12] Some of these threats may include cryptid sightings, dangerous creatures, or even mysterious disappearances.[17] Although mainly a communication network, the organization is not afraid to use violence to solve their problems,[18] especially when threats against the Network are involved.[19]

Known members[]


  • The capitalization of this faction is inconsistent within the raider punk's dialogue, but it is always referred to as the Network or the Radio Network with varied capitalization.
  • During the radiant quest Rescue Agency, the raider punk asks the player character to rescue someone. In dialogue, the raider punk may randomly indicate that this person is a member of the Network.[25] The person needing to be rescued will spawn as a Settler.


The Network is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.


  1. ↑ Raider punk: "There's a Psychic who sometimes talks on the Radio Network and he said there's a vicious dog at this location. The dog used to be fine, he said. But he looked into the shadow realm and it's being ridden by an angry shadow demon lizard. Also, I should mention, this psychic is a chem fiend. So. Anyway. There might be a dog there. Also, I need to find out what chems cocktail that psychic was on. For... science... or... yeah."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  2. ↑ Raider punk: "Look. I got this dream, it eats me up inside. I've been traveling with this crowd for a while, and well... I need to get away. You feel me? They're well, don't get me wrong. I still wanna stop by and hang out with them, see the sights, but I need quiet, calm... I need to hear the world. I got a radio, I know some people. Got a buddy here in Crater, a hunter pal out in Foundation, know some people all over. I know people, man."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 Raider punk: "But first... let me explain what I can do for you, since I'm staying here and all. I'm going to let you in on the real Appalachia, my friend. You lucked out because... I'm part of a secret network that monitors unusual things and we track them down. And I'm going to slide some of that information your way."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  4. ↑ A Vault Dweller: "So... what's your name?"
    Raider punk: "Most of us don't use our real names once we join the network... my codename is Punk. That's good enough for me."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  5. ↑ Raider punk: "Good work there, friendo. Remember... mum's the word about the network. We're a selective group. Got it?"
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  6. ↑ 6.0 6.1 A Vault Dweller: "Can I join this 'network'?"
    Raider punk: "No way. Sorry, friend. It's a selective group of like-minded individuals and it takes years to build up their trust."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  7. ↑ Raider punk: "Damn you're good. I knew we could count on you for that. The network is not going to forget this, friend."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  8. ↑ Raider punk: "One of the hunters who reports to the network said there's a broken cryptid monitor at this place. We might be able to fix it up and use it. Of course... it might be junk or some misidentified gadget. But... it's worth checking out."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  9. ↑ Raider punk: "One of our network hunters got nabbed right in the middle of Crater. All our other hunters are on assignment. Can you take care of this?"
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  10. ↑ Vault Dweller: "What do you do for the network?"
    Raider punk: "I decipher codes mostly. I'm not what you'd call a field agent. That's more your style. It's kinda why I didn't fit in at Crater, I guess."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  11. ↑ Vault Dweller: "Why are there so many encrypted messages?"
    Raider punk: "Well, the network mostly communicates on the radio but sometimes you have to send written messages, right? That's where I come in. I love puzzles!"
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  12. ↑ 12.0 12.1 Raider punk: "I picked this one up from the network before leaving Crater, thought it would be a good one for you to chomp down on first. Our team is all over the place. They report odd things, sometimes on the radio, or in encoded notes, and sometimes direct from... psychics."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  13. ↑ Raider punk: "A trader got onto the radio specifically to tell us all that he thinks trapped a giant Mirelurk there. So... that's that."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  14. ↑ Raider punk: "One of the chem junkies that gets on the network sometimes is insisting that there's a Grafton Monster here. I don't know if I believe him."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  15. ↑ 15.0 15.1 Raider punk: "There's a Cryptid Hunter who reports regularly on the radio. Sounded like she was pretty sure she trapped something here... not sure what."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  16. ↑ Raider punk: "You have to investigate this cave. Of course, I promised I would pass it along that if you did, in fact, go there that you would meet with your doom. That's from the psychic, who isn't actually psychic. He just takes a ton of chems and likes to jump off tall objects. *sighs*"
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  17. ↑ Raider punk: "Network reported some disappearances lately. One of our hunters tracked it down and found some feral beasts... too many for them. Can you take over?"
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  18. ↑ Raider punk: "I don't want to go into details on this. It's gruesome. I'm going to just tell you that you need to kill this person and be done with it."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  19. ↑ Raider punk: "Found out about someone who has been killing cryptid hunters. Regularly. A cryptid hunter hunter. I need you to end this madness."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  20. ↑ Raider punk: "One of the psychics in the network predicted you'd return with it. Guess he was right. Nice."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  21. ↑ Raider punk: "Cryptid hunter I know said she tracked down something wild to this spot. She wasn't sure what it was. Said it was... filthy. Smelled like the swamp."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  22. ↑ Raider punk: "I know this Hunter who used to live in Beckley before the war, then left and came back recently. Exclusively tracks Cryptids now. Said this place has one for sure. Said he has a hunch it's a Sheepsquatch. I trust him."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  23. ↑ Raider punk: "There's a scavenger on the radio sometimes, older fellow. He said some Protectron lost him here once. He was hoping to pull some scrap from it. Sounded like it was running some sort of defensive algorithm. I'd watch out if you go in after it."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  24. ↑ Raider punk: "There's a guy on the Network and every time he kills a RadToad he just says "Ribbit" on the comms with no commentary. I don't know why. Anyway... there's a RadToad at this place. I know because he was going to go there and kill it, but... uh. I haven't heard a "ribbit" in a long time."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  25. ↑ Raider punk: "One of our network hunters got nabbed right in the middle of Crater. All our other hunters are on assignment. Can you take care of this?"
    (Raider punk's dialogue)