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Fallout Wiki

The Psychic is a member of the Network, an association of radio and cryptid enthusiasts, in Appalachia.[1]


According to fellow Network member raider punk, despite the name, the Psychic is not actually someone with psychic abilities.[2] Rather, the Psychic is simply a chem addict who talks as though he knows of curses,[3] shadow realms and psychic foretellings.[4] He also enjoys jumping off of tall objects.[5]

The raider punk claims that there are multiple "psychics" within the Network,[6][7] but distinguishes this psychic in particular by referring to him as the "psychic chem fiend"[8] or "not-psychic Psychic."[2]


The Psychic is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.


  1. Raider punk: "The Psychic told me—for free—that this campsite is what we're looking for. I don't know why it was free information though."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Raider punk: "It's just a house. A simple, completely and definitely not haunted house. I was advised by the not-psychic Psychic that I had to warn you."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  3. Raider punk: "The psychic was telling me that you might be cursed now because this thing is cursed. It's probably bullshit though. Anyway, let's hope right?"
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  4. Raider punk: "There's a Psychic who sometimes talks on the Radio Network and he said there's a vicious dog at this location. The dog used to be fine, he said. But he looked into the shadow realm and it's being ridden by an angry shadow demon lizard. Also, I should mention, this psychic is a chem fiend. So. Anyway. There might be a dog there. Also, I need to find out what chems cocktail that psychic was on. For... science... or... yeah."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  5. Raider punk: "You have to investigate this cave. Of course, I promised I would pass it along that if you did, in fact, go there that you would meet with your doom. That's from the psychic, who isn't actually psychic. He just takes a ton of chems and likes to jump off tall objects. *sighs*"
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  6. Raider punk: "One of the psychics in the network predicted you'd return with it. Guess he was right. Nice."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  7. Raider punk: "I picked this one up from the network before leaving Crater, thought it would be a good one for you to chomp down on first. Our team is all over the place. They report odd things, sometimes on the radio, or in encoded notes, and sometimes direct from... psychics."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  8. Raider punk: "The psychic chem fiend I know said this old communications building is exactly the place to be. Seems... uh. Worth a shot. I guess."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)