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This is a transcript for dialogue with beggar.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
42 0058218B 00582277 Gotcha. I'm in the middle of deciphering a code from some mothman hunters anyway.
43 00582278 I've got to keep monitoring the chatter anyway, see ya.
44 00582279 No problem. I'm pretty busy myself. I'm the safety contact right now for someone who is tracking down strange lights in the sky.
45 0058227A Understood, I've got to be monitoring the chatter now anyway. Lots to do.
46 0058227B You gotta do what you gotta do.
47 0058218D 005827C6 Yeah! I knew you'd be interested. pleased the player is doing your favor/quest
48 005827C7 Thanks for looking into this.
49 005827C8 Great. I figured this was something you'd be interested in.
50 005827CA Yeah! I knew you'd be interested. pleased the player is doing your favor/quest
51 005827CB Thanks for looking into this.
52 005827CC Great. I figured this was something you'd be interested in.
53 005827CE Yeah! I knew you'd be interested. pleased the player is doing your favor/quest
54 005827CF Thanks for looking into this.
55 005827D0 Great. I figured this was something you'd be interested in.
56 005827D2 Yeah! I knew you'd be interested.
57 005827D3 Thanks for looking into this.
58 005827D4 Great. I figured this was something you'd be interested in.
59 005827D6 Yeah! I knew you'd be interested. pleased the player is doing your favor/quest
60 005827D7 Thanks for looking into this.
61 005827D8 Great. I figured this was something you'd be interested in.
62 0058218F 005822E1 This lovely scrap of info was picked up using a battle code cipher from the ancient times.
63 005822E2 This is what I've pieced together after I finally found the poem they used to base this code on.
64 005822E3 This tip is straight from my buddy Jimbo. He knows all sorts of wild stuff.
65 005822E4 Okay, right on. I deciphered this one with the Caesar shift. Simple stuff.
66 005822E5 I picked all this up on the open radio, can you believe it? No encryption at all. Hah!
67 005822E7 This lovely scrap of info was picked up using a battle code cipher from the ancient times.
68 005822E8 This is what I've pieced together after I finally found the poem they used to base this code on.
69 005822E9 This tip is straight from my buddy Jimbo. He knows all sorts of wild stuff.
70 005822EA Okay, right on. I deciphered this one with the Caesar shift. Simple stuff.
71 005822EB I picked all this up on the open radio, can you believe it? No encryption at all. Hah!
72 005822ED This lovely scrap of info was picked up using a battle code cipher from the ancient times.
73 005822EE This is what I've pieced together after I finally found the poem they used to base this code on.
74 005822EF This tip is straight from my buddy Jimbo. He knows all sorts of wild stuff.
75 005822F0 Okay, right on. I deciphered this one with the Caesar shift. Simple stuff.
76 005822F1 I picked all this up on the open radio, can you believe it? No encryption at all. Hah!
77 005822F3 This lovely scrap of info was picked up using a battle code cipher from the ancient times.
78 005822F4 This is what I've pieced together after I finally found the poem they used to base this code on.
79 005822F5 This tip is straight from my buddy Jimbo. He knows all sorts of wild stuff.
80 005822F6 Okay, right on. I deciphered this one with the Caesar shift. Simple stuff.
81 005822F7 I picked all this up on the open radio, can you believe it? No encryption at all. Hah!
82 005822F9 Okay, right on. I deciphered this one with the Caesar shift. Simple stuff.
83 005822FA I picked all this up on the open radio, can you believe it? No encryption at all. Hah!
84 005822FB You got it. This lovely scrap of info was picked up using a battle code cipher from the ancient times.
85 005822FC This is what I've pieced together after I finally found the poem they used to base this code on.
86 005822FD This tip is straight from my buddy Jimbo. He knows all sorts of wild stuff.
87 005822FF Picked it up somewhere.
88 00582191 00582711 A good friend of mine told me about this place, she said it's full of anglers these days. Said most scavengers have been avoiding it.
89 00582712 This spot seems to be guarded by a pack of anglers. What's a pack of anglers though? A bulk of anglers, a catch of anglers, or... a claw of anglers?
90 Maybe just the obvious: a "run-they're-aggressive-and-going-to-shred-us" of Anglers would suffice.
91 00582713 Radio chatter indicated that a bunch of Anglers were spotted shredding some wildlife near this location recently.
92 00582715 Heard some radio chatter that Assaultrons are circling this location heavily. Unclear why, but they are definitely not there to welcome you.
93 00582716 Heard from a hunter buddy of mine that a bunch of Assaultrons were at this location just attacking anything that came in range.
94 00582717 Not sure why exactly, but there seem to be reports of Assaultrons gathering at this exact spot.
95 00582719 Heard from old Jimbo that there are a ton of bloatflies in this place. Could be worse. Could be better.
96 0058271A There used to be a nest of bloatflies here a while ago, but I bet you they've all hatched by now. They're probably starving, too.
97 0058271B Bloatflies. You know I hate 'em. But right now they're your problem my friend, because they're all over the place that you need to be.
98 0058271D I heard from a couple traders that this place is packed with bloodbugs. Probably a nest. Get there before more eggs hatch.
99 0058271E Heard from a few separate sources that this place is packed with bloodbugs.
100 0058271F Sounds like a bunch of bloodbugs recently hatched here. They're probably starved from feeding on each other by now.
101 00582721 Sounds like this is a Blood Eagle meeting of some kind. Expect trouble. Warning
102 00582722 I heard there are a ton of Blood Eagles there, so... be on your toes. Warning
103 00582723 I got confirmation that there's some sort of Blood Eagle shindig happening there. Be on your guard. Warning
104 00582725 Ever see a nest of Cave Crickets? Their long stick-like legs just skittering around, tangled with each other in a writhing pile of crusty noodles...
105 If not, well, you're in for a treat! This place is currently bursting at the seams with them.
106 00582726 You should know that this place is packed with cave crickets. I wonder if there's one giant one in the middle, or just layers of regular ones.
107 00582727 I heard a while ago that this place had tons of mature cave cricket eggs. You know what that means: crunchy adult cave crickets will be there by now.
108 00582729 Could hear the deathclaws in this place from far away. Hard to say exactly how many, but be prepared for a nest.
109 0058272A Couple hunters got chased down by a pack of Deathclaws from this place. They barely made it out.
110 0058272B Radio chatter is convinced that this place is currently the beginning of a major Deathclaw nest. It's dangerous now, but could be a plague later.
111 0058272D Couple folks let me know that a bunch of eyebots are currently patrolling this place. Probably some old data. But they seem to be protective of it.
112 0058272E My friend Jimbo said that he saw some eyebots heading up to this place just recently. He said sometimes they do that, probably some old programming.
113 0058272F There was a strange radio message up there recently. Just a string of numbers. When I analyzed it a bit, seemed like coordinates to this place...
114 And the coordinates were intended for eyebots in particular. Not sure who sent it or when. Could be ancient orders for all I know.
115 00582731 I heard from some traders passing by that this place is absolutely teeming with feral ghouls.
116 00582732 Radio chatter indicated that this place is packed with ferals right about now.
117 00582733 Feral ghouls have been gathering at this place for a bit, it sounds like. You gotta wonder what they think about sometimes, or if they think at all.
118 00582735 Heard that some fog crawlers started showing up there just a bit ago, then more arrived, and more, and more. Now it's packed.
119 00582736 This place is basically a fog crawler festival right now. Who knows why, really. You know how these things are, though: fast and brutal.
120 00582737 In a separate report, I heard this place was filled with fog crawlers recently.
121 00582739 Sounds like something in this place has attracted the attention of the Grafton Monster itself. Kind of exciting, right?
122 0058273A The message I saw said the place was occupied by the Grafton Monster.
123 0058273B Sometimes the Grafton Monster seems to get attached to particular locations. Sounds like this place is the winner for today.
124 0058273D Heard from a buddy that this place is currently host to a nest of gulpers.
125 0058273E Ever wonder what dozens of gulpers sound like at once? You just might get your chance. This place is apparently infested.
126 0058273F Heard this place is packed with gulpers. Never heard of those things before I got here. Kinda trying to pretend like they don't exist, to be honest.
127 00582741 Just so you know, there's definitely some Honey Beasts here. Heard you can taste the honey in the air from far away.
128 00582742 I heard that this place might be some sort of breeding or feeding ground for Honey Beasts, could be rough. Use caution.
129 00582743 This place seems to be often occupied by Honey Beasts pretty often, so I'd honestly expect to see them around when you get there.
130 00582745 By the way... this place is teeming with giant insects. Just swarms of them.
131 One can only hope they aren't developing language and worshipping a giant insect god, set to destroy us all someday.
132 00582746 Oh, one more thing - it's just full of giant insects. Heard the place was buzzing with the sound of dozens of skittering legs and crackly wings.
133 00582747 Just be aware that this place tends to attract giant insects of all kinds, so I'd expect to see them there.
134 00582749 Heard this place is attractingLiberators. I wonder why? Probably just a glitch in their data. Just don't let them swarm you.
135 0058274A You can hear the Liberators from a fair bit away. It's probably packed with them.
136 0058274B I've heard a few reports that the place is full of Liberators. Just be prepared for them and you'll be fine. warning player about enemies at mission location (you assume the player can handle themselves, but you want them prepared)
137 0058274D A hunter buddy of mine tracked a Mega Sloth to this place. Granted, it's not particularly hard to track them on account of their speed, but still.
138 0058274E This place definitely has at least one Mega Sloth. Could be more. They're such majestic creatures, if you consider filth to be majesty -- and I do.
139 0058274F I heard on the radio chatter that there's at least one Mega Sloth there, so be warned. Though I think you'll see it before it sees you.
140 00582751 Heard from someone earlier that this place stinks like fish butt. That means only one thing: Mirelurks. Well, or fish butts. Two things, I guess.
141 00582752 This place tends to get stopped up with Mirelurks a lot. I bet it's some sort of breeding ground for them. Just be on the lookout.
142 00582753 I know for a fact that this place is crawling with Mirelurks. I know at least three traders who went there for meat and ended up getting swarmed.
143 00582755 I heard from a trader that this place is currently occupied by some Mole Miners. Be prepared.
144 00582756 I heard from Grahm that this place has a bunch of Mole Miners occupying it. He said they're more rowdy than usual, so take heed.
145 00582757 This place has mole miners more often than not, really. Part of me wonders why they protect it so much. Does it have meaning to them?
146 But, anyway... best not to worry about any potential for higher thought or signs of cultural complexity, just blast them away. Safety first, kid
147 00582759 Heads up. This place stinks of molerats even from far off. Peat, rotten eggs, cilantro. People have been complaining on radio chatter for a while.
148 0058275A Every once in a while a small colony of molerats seems to take up residence here. I would bet they're back there again.
149 0058275B There are a couple places where molerats really like to infest, and this is one of them. I'd expect to see them here if I were you.
150 0058275D There's a ton of Mothman Cultists there, and I don't know why. No doubt some... you know. Cult business. Warning.
151 0058275E Some folks heard strange chanting coming from this place, so... I'd guess Mothman Cultists. Warning
152 0058275F Heard from a few sources that a bunch of Mothman Cultists showed up there recently. I wonder if they have... holidays? Festivals? Huh. Wondering
153 00582761 What do you get when a bunch of Mr. Gutsies get together in one place? Your future. Good luck, kid!
154 00582762 Keep in mind, a lot of Mr. Gutsies have been seen in this area as recently as today. It's hard to predict when they'll split, so be ready for them.
155 00582763 Some Mr. Gutsies have decided that this place is worth defending. Could be corrupt data. Hard to say, but be on guard. They're not playing around.
156 00582765 Heard this place was full of mutations of all kinds. I dunno, might be rough. But maybe you can handle it.
157 00582766 My old friend Jimbo said this place was packed with various kinds of mutations. I dunno, someitmes he's full of it, but I believe him in this case.
158 00582767 Caution is in order. Mutations have taken up residence there. warning player about enemies at mission location (you assume the player can handle themselves, but you want them prepared)
159 Have you ever wanted to see a place packed full of assorted mutations? Well, here's your chance. Good luck.
160 00582769 Heard from a buddy that this place is occupied by protectrons. Could hear them beeping and whirring from pretty far off, so there's a lot.
161 0058276A Couple of folks reported seeing tracks for a bunch of protectrons around this place. No scat though, turns out protectrons don't do that.
162 0058276B Sometimes protectrons get stuck around this place. Not sure why. Old algorithms, probably. Wouldn't be surprised if they were there again.
163 0058276D Heard a trader say he lost a pack animal in this place to some Rad Ants. Got absolutely swarmed and took down the beast. Be warned.
164 0058276E Just so you know, this place is teeming with ants. Big ones. Apparently their eggs started hatching recently and they're all starving.
165 0058276F I hate ants. Big ones, little ones, all of them. Well, lucky for me, I don't have to go to this place with you since it's teeming with them. Enjoy.
166 00582771 This place is utterly infested with rats, last I heard.
167 00582772 Spoke with a trader recently who specializes in dried rat meats, said he came up to this place and filled up in less than a minute. Totally overrun.
168 00582773 I heard there were tons of rat nests in the area, so it's probably breeding season or something. Be warned. It's probably infested.
169 00582775 You think radroaches are bad normally, right? Well this place is a radroach hotel. They're just breeding here until the place is overrun. Be warned.
170 00582776 This place is utterly infested with radroaches. Be warned.
171 00582777 I heard from a buddy that she didn't even need to get close to hear the skittering legs of radroaches there. The place is probably infested.
172 00582779 We aren't sure why, but there have been some scorpions spotted around this place in particular. Watch out.
173 0058277A A buddy of mine was walking by this place and heard some scorpion sounds. You know, clamping claws, skittering feet. Be warned. Could be a lot.
174 0058277B I've heard that some folks ran into some scorpions around this area before, so be on the lookout.
175 0058277D Heard radio chatter about a bunch of marauders in that area, so keep an eye out. They always expect a fight.
176 0058277E Heard a lot of reports that a bunch of rowdy marauders have taken up residence there. So be prepared for a fight.
177 0058277F I heard a marauder say on the open airwaves that his crew is holed up in this location, so there's no surprise for you. Expect them.
178 00582781 I heard this place is hopping with huge toads. Get it?! Hopping! Okay, scram kid.
179 00582782 Someone found a bunch of giant toad eggs around here a while back, I imagine they'd be full grown by now.
180 00582783 Sometimes giant toads swing by this place to spawn, I've heard. So keep an eye out.
181 00582785 Seems like a Robobrain has decided to patrol this exact spot. Be warned, it probably brought others with it.
182 00582786 Expect to encounter some Robobrains here. Got a report from a scout that their tracks were found in that area recently.
183 00582787 Last time I heard, there were some Robobrains in this area. They scared off the last group of folks who passed by pretty quickly.
184 00582789 Trader saw a conga line of robots heading towards this place. Not sure what their intention is, but I'd assume they're hostile.
185 0058278A Couple buddies of mine went in there lately thinking it was just abandoned, but nope. Robots. Loads of them.
186 0058278B Heard some robots were occupying this place for some reason. Always hard to know why robots do the things they do, but be warned.
187 0058278D Got a tip that some military robots are currently occupying this particular place, so be warned.
188 0058278E Military buddy of mine said he was followed by a bunch of military robots shouting orders at him.
189 He lost them in this place, but I bet you they're still there, waiting.
190 0058278F Heard on the radio that a bunch of military robots were patrolling right around this area, so stay on guard.
191 00582791 I asked a buddy if she had noticed anything near this place lately, and she said it was just full of the usual Scorched. Good to know though.
192 00582792 Haven't heard anything unusual about this particular place, but I would expect it to be full of Scorched. Kinda normal for this area.
193 00582793 Safe to assume this place is full of Scorched. It often is.
194 00582795 Heard there were Sentry Bots roaming in this place. Not sure what their deal is, but be warned.
195 00582796 I heard someone say they passed some Sentry Bots heading towards this place. Who knows why, but they're probably still there.
196 00582797 Sentry Bots have been spotted in this area, though not sure what they're trying to do. Just be warned.
197 00582799 Want to see the Sheepsquatch? Word is, this place has one. Maybe more, but at least one.
198 0058279A One of my hunter buddies tracked a Sheepsquatch to this place, but the beast is holed up there pretty safely. So be warned.
199 0058279B Friend of mine said the place reeks of Sheepsquatch stink. Be warned.
200 0058279D Sounds like there's Snally Gasters there. Hate those things.
201 0058279E I've heard a lot of chatter lately about this. From the sounds of it, I'd guess Snally Gasters.
202 0058279F From what I can gather, place has Snally Gasters. Don't get swallowed up.
203 005827A1 My buddy Jimbo said last time he was nearby, he saw some Stingwing nests around this place. So watch out.
204 005827A2 A hunter I know was chased from this general area by a pack of Stingwings. So be on the lookout.
205 005827A3 I've heard that some Stingwings have been nesting around in this area, so keep an eye out.
206 005827A5 You'll probably smell them first, but keep an eye out for the Super Mutants anyway.
207 005827A6 Last I heard, the place was being used by a group of Super Mutants. Probably still the case, so use caution.
208 005827A7 Heard someone say they heard a bunch of Super Mutant chatter going on near this place, so take heed.
209 005827A9 Heads up: a couple of traders warned me that this place was covered in swamp creatures.
210 005827AA Try to stay safe, but keep an eye out for swamp creatures. I heard the place was pretty much flooded with them.
211 005827AB Got a report that the place is full of swamp creatures, so stay alert.
212 005827AD Heard this place was full of bloated, giant ticks. Just a giant nest of them skittering around with their tiny sucker mouths.
213 005827AE Be warned... this place is probably still crawling with Ticks. Last I heard, it was infested.
214 005827AF How much do you like to pop Ticks? Well, if your answer is: "It's my favorite thing ever!" then you're going to love this place.
215 005827B1 If I said this place was overrun with packs of dogs, do you imagine tiny fluffy yippy dogs? I do! Unfortunately, these are mean, disease-ridden ones.
216 005827B2 Couple of buddies ran into a pack of vicious dogs around here a while back. Could still be there.
217 005827B3 Heard some folks spotted vicious dogs in that area. So, not too worrisome but be on the lookout.
218 005827B5 Heard there were potentially several Wendigo here. Not sure why. Maybe it's a weird family reunion? I don't even know if that's a thing. Wondering
219 005827B6 Word is, there are multiple Wendigos there. Watch out. Seriously, though. Warning
220 005827B7 Picked up some chatter about multiple Wendigos spotted there. Be on the lookout. It sounds dangerous. Warning
221 005827B9 Couple hunters said they found an enormous amount of wolf scat around this place. The hunters moved on to easier grounds. Expect trouble.
222 005827BA One thing about this place - seems to be used frequently by packs of wolves that are rather protective of their territory.
223 005827BB Howls can be heard around this place -- sounds like wolves though, not anything too worrisome.
224 005827BD A hunter buddy of mine said he was chased away from this place by a pack of snarling yao guai. Said it was definitely too much for him to handle.
225 005827BE I've heard a lot of chatter lately about this place. Sounds like there are tons of grunts and strange noises coming from this place.
226 Probably just yao guai. But could be rutting yao guai. Brace yourself.
227 005827BF Ever wanted a giant hug from a hostile and entirely deadly teddy bear covered in blood and scabs? If so, then this is your place.
228 005827C1 I don't know what's there, exactly. Could be pretty much anything. I asked everybody I know, and nothing. Not a peep.
229 005827C2 I asked everybody. Even Jimbo and Grahm, and nobody has been here lately. All reports are old. I'd assume the worst.
230 005827C3 Honestly, I don't know what's at this spot. So many conflicting reports. I have heard that it's overrun by... something though.
231 00582193 0058241B I think I can tell you how to get there... but otherwise, you're on your own. sincere, trying to be helpful, but you really don't know much
232 0058241C Sometimes even I come up a little short. I can give you the coordinates, but that's about as helpful as I can be. sincere, trying to be helpful, but you really don't know much
233 0058241E I heard it's located in a cabin, maybe near it or under it. Hard to say.
234 0058241F From what I can tell, this is somewhere inside of a cabin.
235 00582420 Seems to me like it's in a cabin. Might be one that was used by some of my buddies back in the old days.
236 00582422 I was able to dig into it further, and I believe you should be able to find it in this camp.
237 00582423 Seems like it's going to be in a camp. I think I stayed at this place once, long ago.
238 00582424 I believe it's at a camp, one that a bunch of my hunter buddies used to use back in the day.
239 00582426 I heard a special codeword in the message that indicates we're looking for a cave.
240 00582427 There were a few clues that I picked up on that seem to point to a cave.
241 00582428 I've eliminated a few locations nearby, and it only leaves one: a cave. That has to be it.
242 0058242A It's in a civic building. Don't ask me how I know. I have my sources.
243 0058242B I had to call in a favor for this one. Got a scout to confirm that it's definitely in here, too.
244 0058242C I woke up in the middle of the night to someone repeating this location in radio chatter. Said a friend went in and didn't make it out.
245 0058242E In an old communications building. I definitely scavenged this place for parts before.
246 0058242F It's an old communications building. You should be able to get in and out quick.
247 00582430 I had a list of over a dozen potential locations in this region, but it just has to be this communications operations station.
248 00582432 It's in an old compound. Had a military buddy who checked it out recently, said she saw it in there but had to evacuate fast. But it's confirmed.
249 00582433 It's definitely in this compound. The only other possibility is really remote, so let's focus on the most likely option first.
250 00582434 I asked on the radio chatter if anyone had been to this compound lately. A couple people, but nothing extensive. So I bet it's there.
251 00582436 It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out where this was stashed. I mean, he just replied, "Dam!" And I figured... well... anyway.
252 00582437 The coded message I got just had a bunch of jokes in it. Then I realized the jokes had a theme... and well, you're going to a dam.
253 00582438 I talked with a hunter who was previously in that area, and he confirmed that the dam had some recent activity. Sounds promising to me.
254 0058243A I intercepted some radio chatter between some marauders, and in the background I could hear machinery. Factory machinery. Kinda broken, but still.
255 0058243B I know the area where this should basically be, and if I were hiding valuables, I'd use the factory first. I think that's your best bet.
256 0058243C It's in the factory. I can't say exactly how I know... I have to protect my sources sometimes. But trust me.
257 0058243E I heard through the grapevine that this farm definitely has something special there. That matches up with the radio chatter too.
258 0058243F It's at the farm. I know someone else who went there recently to find this exact thing and well... anyway, it's up for grabs now.
259 00582440 I overheard some traders who said that farm had something worthwhile in it, and I checked it out from there. Seems to be worth a quick look-see.
260 00582442 I picked up some coordinates that point exactly to this house.
261 00582443 It's just a house. I couldn't find anyone who had been there lately, so it does seem like a good hiding place.
262 00582444 I've eliminated the other potential locations in the vicinity, but the house remains a strong possibility. So start there.
263 00582446 I asked a buddy if he had checked out this lookout tower, but he said he just doesn't do heights. So let's just start there, I guess?
264 00582447 I've eliminated a bunch of potential options but the lookout tower is the only one that I lack information on. So... start there.
265 00582448 How do you feel about heights? I'm at least sixty percent sure that it's in this lookout tower.
266 0058244A One of my contacts sent this lead over because he doesn't do medical facilities. Says they're just creepy. And, well, he's not wrong.
267 0058244B So if I was hiding a valuable thing in this particular region, I'd stash it in this medical facility. Lots of secure space inside.
268 0058244C Heard a hunter lately talk about this medical facility, said they wanted to go back. Sounded like our stuff. So I think you should swing by first.
269 0058244E I asked for details on the radio network and got one reply, "Mine." I figured, that's fine -- I respect claims. That's how we work.
270 But then she clarified that is was inside of a mine. Ha. Anyway, she saw it on her way out. Didn't want to detour for it. All yours.
271 0058244F I spoke with a trader that I know, and she said she stopped by that mine recently and seemed promising. So let's start there.
272 00582450 I intercepted a message from a marauder who left some valuables in a mine recently. Nobody's heard from him since. Seems to match up.
273 00582452 My information seemed to indicate a power substation somewhere, but I was able to dig a bit more to find the precise one for you.
274 00582453 I've eliminated almost every place in the area except for this one power substation.
275 00582454 Got confirmation from my buddy Jimbo that we should check this power substation for it. Don't ask me how Jimbo knows this stuff.
276 00582456 How long has it been since you were at the park? Well, everything I heard indicates that's where to look. Try to have some fun, will ya?
277 00582457 This one is at the park. Get your running shoes on and stretch first!
278 00582458 A couple of traders secretly use that park to store their supplies, so I think we should start there.
279 0058245A If it's not at this research facility then I guess someone else found it by now. I had confirmation that it's there a few days ago, anyway.
280 0058245B According to every bit of information I've gathered, it is absolutely at this research facility.
281 0058245C As much as I loathe to send you to a research facility, I think that's where you gotta start.
282 0058245E So, I asked my old buddy Jimbo, and he said to check out this resort. With the information I already picked up, it just seemed like the perfect spot.
283 0058245F I eliminated several potential locations, but this resort sticks out. It's gotta be there.
284 00582460 I just have a strong hunch that it's at this resort. I can't even tell you why for sure.
285 00582462 The old school seems to be where to go. It used to be used to stash a bunch of goodies for a while, and seems like something got left behind.
286 00582463 There's a school that matches the description of the location in the code, and I think that's our best bet.
287 00582464 I got a buddy to scout a few potential locales for us. He said he couldn't get to it, but it's in the school for sure.
288 00582466 It's inside an old store or shopping center, from what I was able to discern.
289 00582467 From what I heard on the radio chatter, it seems to be inside of a store. Dunno which aisle, hah! explaining a mission/favor you are asking the player to do
290 00582468 During the conversation that I overheard, it sounded like it's located in a store.
291 0058246A From the radio chatter, it seems like this is located in a town. I can't really get more specific than that.
292 0058246B I dug into it a bit more, and I know for sure that it's in a town. Hard to get more specific than that.
293 0058246C The message was cutting out on the radio, so I know it's in a town anyway...
294 0058246E I eliminated several possible locations except for the trainyard, so let's start there.
295 0058246F I asked a buddy who asked an old hunter friend, who asked a former solider she knows, who asked a farmer that just arrived from the east...
296 And the farmer said that she heard a trader say that he saw someone in this exact trainyard with that stuff. So, that's what I got.
297 00582470 My old hunting buddy Jimbo said it's definitely in the trainyard. He knows, because he was there recently, but he had to leave fast.
298 00582472 I've isolated the issue down to three possible locations. If I were hiding something, I'd pick the tunnel out of these options. So let's start there.
299 00582473 I picked up a simple encoded message. When I say simple, I mean it was literally a Bookl cipher. Adorable. It's in the tunnel, no question about it.
300 00582474 I didn't bother with this lead for a bit, but someone just asked about it on the radio, so you should probably check it out before they do.
301 00582476 I distinctly heard humming on the radio, and it reminded me of an old restaurant's jingle. So I think that's where you should go.
302 00582477 I was able to pull in a few favors on this one to narrow down the location, and I can tell you for sure that it's at this restaurant.
303 00582478 I have been slowly eliminating locations where this could be located for quite a while. Seems like the only thing that's left is this restaurant.
304 0058247A This was a hard one to pinpoint. I was able to eliminate a bunch of nearby locales... so I think it's going to be in the wilderness.
305 0058247B According to the radio chatter, this is just somewhere in the wilderness basically. But I have narrowed it down a bit for you at least.
306 0058247C I dug into this one quite a lot, and I've narrowed it down to a small tract of land in the wilderness.
307 0058247E I'll show you on your map, but beyond that, I have no idea. sincere, trying to be helpful, but you really don't know much
308 00582195 00582D74 I don't know who the heck is who there. Anyone could be in on it! Maybe not the one that's tied up though. Unless? ... No. Hmnm. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
309 00582D75 Not sure I've deciphered all the details, but they should be tied up. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
310 00582D76 You'll know who needs rescuing when you look into their eyes. It's magnetic. Like june bugs. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
311 00582D78 They don't want us to know everything ... but you should go in shooting ... or stabbing? Whatever your astral sign aligns with. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
312 00582D79 I've sent you the details via mental telepathy. It might take a moment or two to get to you. Because of ... the weather. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
313 00582D7A The Snallymaster snatched the details right out of my head, so you'll figure it out. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
314 00582D7C This is all a plan by the Angler to catch us unawares. Kill it. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
315 00582D7D You need to kill the Angler. It has the power. The signal. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
316 00582D7E The Angler is the one. It's got the numbers in its blood. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
317 00582D80 This might shock you, but it's an Assaultron. They're in on it! sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
318 00582D81 The Assaultron needs to die before it can hear your thoughts. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
319 00582D82 The Assaultron isn't what it appears to be. It needs to be destroyed, probably with silver weapons or bullets. Just in case. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
320 00582D84 I bet you didn't know a Bloatfly is what happens when you shoot someone's head off. You need to go pop it, before it grows a new body. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
321 00582D85 Look, it's a Bloatfly. I know, it seems out there, but you need to wake up! sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
322 00582D86 You need to kill the Bloatfly before it comes back into my dreams. It's unacceptable and annoying. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
323 00582D88 Kill the Bloodbug there. They harvest our blood for the Snallymaster, you know? sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
324 00582D89 Make sure you kill the Bloodbug there before it injects you with mutations! sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
325 00582D8A You need to kill a Bloodbug there, goes by the name of ... Gregory. Not that it will tell you that, but I have my sources. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
326 00582D8C I hear there will be a Blood Eagle, or that's what it wants you to think it is. It's all an elaborate disguise of course.
327 00582D8D Kill the Blood Eagle that looks into your eyes deeply, before they take control of your mind.
328 00582D8E You gotta kill a Blood Eagle, who is actually also a communist. You can tell because of the signals they send out.
329 00582D90 You need to kill the Cave Cricket before it jumps inside you. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
330 00582D91 You're looking for a Cave Cricket, it sings a song after midnight, but only if nobody's listening. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
331 00582D92 It looks like a Cave Cricket, but between you and me, that's bullshit. It's a robot. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
332 00582D94 You're looking for a Deathclaw. You'll know it when you see it, this is your destiny. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
333 00582D95 You need to kill the Deathclaw there before it molts and becomes indistinguishable from the rest of us. Nobody wants to admit it, but it's true! sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
334 00582D96 You gotta kill the Deathclaw there, but it's a secret government experiment ... so it might have special abilities. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
335 00582D98 You're going after an Eyebot. They're always watching, just staring, looking into your soul. Playing radio broadcasts from the moon. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
336 00582D99 You need to kill the Eyebot there. It has the power to do terrible things. Terrible! sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
337 00582D9A I'd tell you to destroy this Eyebot if it was actually a robot, but you're going to have to kill it. It's alive. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
338 00582D9C It's the Fog Crawler you need to kill. Quickly, before it adapts its plans! sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
339 00582D9D Kill the damn Fog Crawler. I can't answer any more questions or it will read the answers off of your skin. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
340 00582D9E Take care of the thing that looks like a Fog Crawler. We can't let it escape. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
341 00582DA0 You need to kill a Feral Ghoul, aka the living dead. Nobody's fooled by the name, it's just polite posturing. We've all heard the old radio dramas. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
342 00582DA1 You need to kill the Feral Ghoul there. It's on to our plans. It's speaking the codes already! sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
343 00582DA2 There's a Feral Ghoul there that has the mutagens in its blood, carrying the encoded secrets of the secret communist base in Appalachia. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
344 00582DA4 Nobody's going to be fooled by the obvious disguise, but there's a "Grafton Monster" there that needs killing. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
345 00582DA5 You gotta kill the Grafton Monster that's there, before it grows a head. When they have a head they're twice as empathic. It'll incapacitate you with sadness. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
346 00582DA6 Kill the Grafton Monster that's there, before the communists take samples of its genetic code. We can't defeat that future horror. We just can't. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
347 00582DA8 You're going after a Gulper. Walk towards it sideways so it can't jump in your mouth. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
348 00582DA9 Kill the Gulper there. It knows too much. Don't let the appearance fool you, that's a rookie mistake. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
349 00582DAA Signs point to your target being a Gulper. Like actual signs, the letters moved around and spelled out the word. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
350 00582DAC There's a Honey Beast there that's full of secrets instead of bees. They sting even worse. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
351 00582DAD You need to kill the Honey Beast you find there, it vibrates at a frequency that disrupts my thoughts. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
352 00582DAE It's essential that you kill the Honey Beast there. It's actually a miniaturized factory that's pumping out robot bees by the score. Robees ... Beebots? It's gotta be stopped! "Roe-Bees!"
353 00582DB0 You're going after some insects. Like the ones that live inside the skin of Super Mutants. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
354 00582DB1 You need to kill a giant insect there. It used to be a guy I knew, so just be quick about it. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
355 00582DB2 From what I could decipher, you'll be killing a giant insect. It needs to be stopped before it can inject anyone else with mutagens. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
356 00582DB4 Time to take out some communist spies. You're going on a Liberator hunt! sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
357 00582DB5 You need to take out the Liberator there before it sends back our dreams to the communists! sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
358 00582DB6 There's a Liberator that you need to destroy. Its mission is to destroy all the money everyone has, so we'll all have to be commies! Watch your pockets! sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
359 00582DB8 Your target is a Mega Sloth. It learned our language and has become a spy for the communists. It can blend in, hear things other spies can't. Insidious! sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
360 00582DB9 You need to kill a Mega Sloth there, but don't make eye contact! It can steal your soul with a smile. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
361 00582DBA It's important that you take out the Mega Sloth. It got mutated by the bugs and now it has explosive urine. Think of the damage! sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
362 00582DBC You're going after a Mirelurk. I can't tell you why. It's too dangerous if the secret gets out. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
363 00582DBD Kill the Mirelurk there. It's in on the whole thing! The WHOLE thing! sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
364 00582DBE You gotta kill a Mirelurk, it's been smuggling secrets to the secret moon base for months, years maybe! sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
365 00582DC0 You're going after a Mole Miner. Whatever you do, don't listen to anything it says. It's a LIAR. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
366 00582DC1 You're after a Mole Miner. It has ... special powers. Best wear sunglasses, or it'll read your thoughts through your eyes. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
367 00582DC2 From what I can tell, you gotta kill a Mole Miner. It's the future parent of something that you do not want to see born. Trust me. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
368 00582DC4 You need to kill a Mole Rat. Just don't touch its skin, it sends out dangerous pheromones. Sex. Pheromones. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
369 00582DC5 You gotta kill a Mole Rat. It wants to steal my clothes. Replace me. sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
370 00582DC6 The target's a Mole Rat used in top secret experiments. It's going to spread those genes unless we act. Mole Rats with opposable THUMBS ... using guns! sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
371 00582DC8 Now, I don't usually get involved with Mothman Cultists, but there's one that's learned to teleport into my dreams. Their death is the only cure.
372 00582DC9 I'm sending you out to kill a Mothman Cultist. I can't say why, or they'll know and they'll fly away.
373 00582DCA Look, the signals don't lie, and they're saying a Mothman Cultist is coming for you. The only thing you can do is come for them first!
374 00582DCC There's a Mr. Gutsy out there that has stolen my blood while I sleep several times. Maybe yours too. Destroy it.
375 00582DCD You need to go kill this Mr. Gutsy, it wants to steal the sky away. Obviously that's just... not okay.
376 00582DCE It's incredibly important you kill a traitorous Mr. Gutsy, it's defected to serve the beings from space. You know the ones.
377 00582DD0 You need to do something about the amount of Mutations wandering around. Kill them, probably. I tried training them, doesn't work well.
378 00582DD1 You need to kill a Mutation, it stole something from me. I don't even know what it was, or want it back, but it's going to keep stealing until it dies.
379 00582DD2 You need to kill the Mutation there. It's got the numbers in its voice.
380 00582DD4 I need you to kill the Protectron that's there. Goes by the name of... Gregory. You'll know it when you see it.
381 00582DD5 I can't be too specific. You're headed out to kill a Protectron. It's looking through my eyes so it can see the numbers, too.
382 00582DD6 Destroy the Protectron there. It's not what it looks like. Maybe use fire, if it comes back after you get it the first time.
383 00582DD8 You're going to need to kill a Rad Ant, it's gained mental telepathy and it won't stop talking to me.
384 00582DD9 What was that? You're thinking that you need to kill a Rad Ant? Alright. I'll trust you on this one.
385 00582DDA You need to kill this Rad Ant to keep something terrible from happening. The signal wasn't clear what would happen, but it was bad.
386 00582DDC You need to go squash a Radroach. It's got a mutation we can't let spread, ruins the taste.
446 00582197 00582AE8 I had a vision about a weapon that you need for what's coming. You know, maybe it wasn't my vision. Was it yours? Stop sending me your brain waves!
447 00582AE9 The Snallymaster came to me last night, told me about a weapon that's yours. You just need to go get it ... become one with it again.
448 00582AEA I found that weapon you asked me about. Or was that your doppelganger? No, wait. Don't tell me. I don't want to know, just in case they take my dreams tonight.
449 00582AEC You need to get new armor so that they can't use your blood to track you. I know where some is that might work. It's not bugged or anything.
450 00582AED Communists stole some armor from the military. You need to go rescue it before it's too late and it becomes one of them too.
451 00582AEE Look, I didn't want to say anything because I wasn't sure if you were in on it, but your armor has eyes on it. I know where you can find some that doesn't.
452 00582AF0 I heard about a stash of junk that might hold the secret to winning the war. You know, the Great War? It's still going. You just can't see it without the gift.
453 00582AF1 I intercepted a molerat with human eyes, and it told me about a stash of junk nearby. I'm going to make a little coat in case it returns. It's naked!
454 00582AF2 One of my "old buddies" told me about some quality junk. You need to go check this out. I don't think she's human anymore. This could be a huge lead.
455 00582AF4 Doppelgangers are at it again, man. You need to deal with them. Permanently.
456 00582AF5 I heard someone talking communist nonsense. You need to go stop them before they get away with state secrets!
457 00582AF6 There's someone who has been sending me radio signals at night in my dreams. You need to kill them before they kill me.
458 00582AF8 I had a dream about killing again.
459 00582AF9 I intercepted a communique about a new threat. Something we couldn't have seen coming, because our minds were already read and changed, in real time! emphasized like, "In. Real. TIME!"
460 00582AFA The aliens demanded a sacrifice. You need to be the one to do it. Spill blood or they'll scoop you up, then leave you in Ohio or something horrible.
461 00582AFC Heard about a person who got on the wrong side of the doppelgangers. We should rescue them before they get replaced.
462 00582AFD I intercepted a communique from the communists. Something about a rescue, maybe. I can't understand it unless I look at the words in the mirror.
463 00582AFE I heard about someone who got nabbed. It was broadcast from the moon, right into my mind. I swear! They're still fighting the lizard people up there.
464 0058F98A There's an alien out there, just pretending to be people like you and me. You need to stop this before it's too late. They'll learn all our secrets!
465 0058F98B I heard about someone who has hair that leaves their head and travels out at night, planting lies in other peoples' heads. You gotta stop them!
466 0058F98C Get this, I saw someone who looks just like me. Then, they suddenly looked different! You gotta kill it before it changes again.
467 0058F98D Don't listen to what they say. Robots are real and they are replacing us. Go kill this person, see the gears inside, they're going to get away otherwise.