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This is a transcript for dialogue with Gilda Broscoe.


1DLC03_V118_Quest_GildaDateScene{Post coitus} That was great, Detective. But we probably shouldn't make a habit of this. Catch you later, tiger.A1a
2DLC03_V118_QuestGildaMain{Flirty and film noire} Well now. If it isn't the brave Detective.A
3{slow and sultry.} I haven't seen someone with a body like that in far, far too long.Player Default: Thanks, I suppose. I had some questions about the case.A
4{with a raised eyebrow, you've flirted with the player a lot at this point.} Hey there tiger. Here for more stories from my acting career or... something else?A
5{Mildly flirty.} Hello again Detective. Here for my acting stories I assume?A
6{no nonsense. You don't like the player at this point, but you still are eager for attention and too "in character" to be rude to their face.} Did you change your mind about hearing my acting stories Detective?A
7Player Default: I'll be around. Languishing from your inattention.Care to hear some of my stories, detective?A2a
8Player Default: I'll be around. Languishing from your inattention.Surely you must be here for my salacious stories of the silver screen?A3a
9Player Default: I'll be around. Languishing from your inattention.Surely you'd prefer to hear some tales from my storied acting career instead of talking about some dreadful murder...A4a
10Did you need something else?Player Default: Tell me about yourself.A1a
11Player Default: Gross.How rude! I guess I'll just find someone else to tell my acting stories to. Goodbye Detective.B1a
12Player Default: You're not so bad yourself.You should have seen me before all this. Red hair that was the envy of every girl and legs for days, darling.X1a
13I'm sure you'd rather hear some of my stories from the silver screen rather than talk about that nasty murder business.X1b
14Player Default: Can we talk about the murder?{pouty and petulant, but playfully so} Oh boo. You're no fun. I suppose we can talk about the case, unless you'd rather hear some stories from my acting career?Y1a
15I used to do musicals, back when they were in fashion. The Beautiful Cigar Girl, Wagons on the Plain, A Woman of the Royal Navy.A2a
16They were ever so much fun!Gilda: Did you need something else?A2b
17Did you know that I was supposed to star in Love Sets Sail? The only reason that bitch Vera got the part is because her uncle was the producer.Gilda: Did you need something else?A3a
18Did you know, that while filming Night of the Fish Men's Return, Synthia Marsh had the most terrible allergic reaction to the fish man suit?A4a
19More than half the scenes had to be done with her stunt double! And that stunt double ended up having an affair with her co-star.Gilda: Did you need something else?A4b
20Keith and I first met when we acted together in Empire on the Nile. It was a period piece, huge production budget.A5a
21He played Mark Antony, and I, of course, played Cleopatra. Ooh how I hated that black hair though.A5b
22Sean Holzman, he was the director you see, well he threw the most lavish set parties. They were absolutely bacchanalian.Gilda: Did you need something else?A5c
23Did you know there were thinking of making a TV show of The Silver Shroud? Between you and me, Keith's agent had an inside track to get him the role.Gilda: Did you need something else?A6a
24{pause and raise eyebrow before "compromising situation". She is also completely ignoring why Keith would have been in that kind of nightclub} He'll deny ever saying it, but Keith once told me he caught Vince Natali and Sergio Amore together at a nightclub in a compromising situation.Gilda: Did you need something else?A7a
25Player Default: Not right now.{flirtingly dramatic} I'll be around. Languishing from your inattention.B1a
26Player Default: Not right now.{Terse. The player has been rude to you} Fine. Goodbye Detective.B2a
27Player Default: I must say, you're quite the actress.{false modesty, flirting with the player.} What can I say? It just comes naturally.X1a
28Player Default: Have you ever done radio? Your voice is quite enchanting.Well darling, play your cards right and maybe I'll whisper some sweet nothings in your ear.X2a
29Player Default: I must say, I've known flesh and blood girls who aren't half the woman you are.Keep it up Tiger, and we'll find out if you can handle how much woman I am.X3a
30Player Default: Why don't we grab a bottle of wine and go watch the sunset?{linger on it. you crave attention and have been in this vault for 200 years. The player is about to have relations with you} Mmm, sounds good, Detective.X4a
31Player Default: Maybe later.You're sweet, Detective. But it wouldn't be fair to Keith.X5a
32{very friendly/ almost sultry. The player has listened to your stories and/or flirted with you.} Sure, darling, what did you need?Player Default: Tell me about yourself.Y1a
33Perhaps if we were better acquainted I'd be willing to share what I know.Y2a
34I don't think I want to talk to someone as rude as you.Y3a
35Player Default: Tell me about yourself.My favorite subject! Simply put, darling, I'm the greatest actress in the world.A1a
36When this... international scuffle blows over, I shall return to the silver screen and lead the world to a new golden age of cinema!Gilda: Did you need something else?A1b
37Player Default: It looks like the baseball bat from Keith's movie is missing.{trying to change the topic} Really? That's a shame, it was a great picture. He was so cute in that tight uniform.Gilda: Did you need something else?X1a
38Player Default: I found Keith's baseball bat at the scene of the murder. Any thoughts on how it got there?I don't know detective, I can't really imagine Keith killing Ezra.Gilda: Did you need something else?X2a
39Player Default: I've gotten the impression you've had an affair with Santiago.{with a sigh} Look. I love Keith, I do. But sometimes he just can't give me the attention I need. A girl gets lonely, Detective.X3a
40It only lasted a few dozen years. The man's a bit much even for me.Gilda: Did you need something else?X3b
41Player Default: I found a love letter to Ezra in your room. Know anything about it?You were hired to catch a killer, not to prod into our personal affairs, Detective.Gilda: Did you need something else?X4a
42Player Default: You need to come clean about Keith and Ezra.Oh Keith... I thought he was finally over him.Gilda: Did you need something else?X5a
43Player Default: What were you and Keith talking about when I came in?{Start out trying to smooth things over, but have a little heat on the end. you actually are a bit mad. Maybe you wouldn't have affairs if he didn't} Look Detective, I've known about Keith and Ezra for a long time. We're both movie stars, it's just part of the life. Why would I be mad?Gilda: Did you need something else?X6a
44Player Default: It looks like the baseball bat from Keith's movie is missing.Oh, that? We were rehearsing. Got to stay sharp if we are going to rebuild Hollywood. But Keith always gets flustered when he's upset.Gilda: Did you need something else?X7a
45Player Default: Apparently Julianna had a big argument with Ezra a few days before he died. Did you happen to overhear any of the conversation?Oh ho ho! Yes, I haven't seen a woman go off like that since Theresa Dubois fired her costume designer. But to get back to your question...Y1a
46It was fever pitch, Detective. She had apparently gone to the overseer's office to check on the state of things and found it in horrible disrepair.Y1b
47But, and this is where it gets interesting, it sounded like she found something that really set her off, couldn't hear what though...Gilda: Did you need something else?Y1c
48Player Default: Did you have any thoughts about the murder?Well, it is a bit strange how obsessed Santiago has been with the murder. I mean, he's always been a bit obsessive though...Y2a
49He did a whole series of paintings of me, hundreds! Said I was his muse. It was flattering for a while, but the man is a bit much. Even for me.Gilda: Did you need something else?Y2b
50DLC03_V118_QuestIntroGildaKeithExitGUgh. Fine, I'm going to the beach.A1a
51DLC03_V118_QuestIntroGildaKeithWait{rehearsing a scene from a film noire script that is intended to sound suspicious to the player} Why'd you do it? Huh? He deserved better than that.Keith: You think I'm stupid? I saw the way he looked at you. You gonna tell me that's nothin'?A1a
52Keith: You think I'm stupid? I saw the way he looked at you. You gonna tell me that's nothin'?{pause between "were" and "friends", really play up the film noire} It wasn't like that, we were friends. He helped me out of a tight spot or two is all.Keith: I couldn't stand by like some pasty faced Percy while he put the moves on my best girl.A1a
53Keith: I couldn't stand by like some pasty faced Percy while he put the moves on my best girl.But now the law is on our tail, what are we going to do?Keith: Come away with me. Let's leave this dark hole of a city behind. We can be in Buenos Aires by tomorrow.A1a
54Keith: Come away with me. Let's leave this dark hole of a city behind. We can be in Buenos Aires by tomorrow.Oh, I want to believe you, I do but... they'll never let us go.Keith: Then we'll make our stand here. I- I've got a gun for each of us.A1a
55Keith: Then we'll make our stand here. I- I've got a gun for each of us.{Breaking the scene after Keith flubs his line} No, no, no, no, no!A1a
56The line is, "Then we'll make our stand here. Two lovers, together, with a bullet for each of them."Keith: God. Why can't I ever get that line.A1b


57-What was all that about, Detective?A
58I can't believe it was him the whole time.A
59You shouldn't be in here, the killer is still loose.A