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There you have it, New Vegas. Pretty as a diamond flush.Victor, Fallout: New Vegas

New Vegas is a post-War city established in the ruins of the pre-War city of Las Vegas, Nevada in the Mojave Wasteland.[1][2]


The Great War[]

Unlike other major cities of the United States, Vegas emerged from the atomic fire of the Great War relatively unscathed, owed to the preemptive actions of Robert House. In 2065, House correctly predicted that a nuclear exchange between the United States and China would take place within the next 15 years and began dedicating the resources of his company RobCo Industries to the protection of his home city. He used his considerable intelligence and vast wealth to ensure that when the War finally came, he would be prepared to survive and restore Vegas anew.[3][4][5]

House calculated that his defenses would protect against the majority of enemy nuclear missiles, but that at least some damage to the outer areas of Vegas and the surrounding towns was unavoidable. To this end, he had engineers in Sunnyvale develop the platinum chip, a sophisticated, high-density data storage device that would upgrade his defense systems and those of RobCo's patented Securitrons to the Mark II OS, ensuring that Vegas and the surrounding area would be as safe as possible.[6]

He further outfitted the Lucky 38 Casino with radar-jamming systems, missile arrays, a laser defense network, and life-support systems[3] to cement his grand plans to revitalize the city and beyond[7] while continuing to oversee the growing tensions around the world.

The platinum chip was originally due for delivery to Vegas by courier on October 23, 2077 per House's calculations. However, he realized too late that his predictions had been off by a factor of 20 hours. Before the platinum chip could leave Sunnyvale, the city was reduced to rubble by the breakout of the Great War, with the chip buried beneath it.[3] Left with systems running the inferior Mark I OS, House was forced to make do, though his defenses still managed to stop 68 of the 77 ICBMs aimed at the Vegas area.[8] Although House's preparations allowed for most of Vegas to survive intact, a series of system crashes due to the unstable OS eventually rendered him inactive in a decades-long coma. Immediately following the Great War, while civilians celebrated not being annihilated in nuclear fire, the subsequent fallout from the warheads that struck outside the city gradually seeped in over time, ultimately killing all of them regardless.[Non-game 1]

By late 2104, rumors that the city might have survived reached as far as Appalachia and Atlantic City.[9] When House eventually was able to resuscitate himself and come out of his coma decades following the nuclear apocalypse in 2138, while Vegas had fallen into disrepair he chose to observe and wait for the right time to make his move. In 2161, the Desert Ranger Tycho mentioned that his father had told him about an individual he met in Vegas who reminded Tycho of the casino kingpin Gizmo of Junktown.[2] Later, the city came under the control of squabbling tribes who were the descendants of Vault dwellers.[Non-game 2] These Vault tribes included the Mojave Boot-Riders and Slither Kin, among others. The Great Khans left California in 2267 and made their home in Vegas for a time and fought with the local Vault tribes.[10] [11]

Recreating Vegas[]

In 2274, New California Republic scouts arrived in the Mojave from New California and found the Hoover Dam still intact, also alerting House to the existence of stable wasteland societies and piquing his interest. Seizing the opportunity, House sent a wave of Securitrons from the Lucky 38 to offer an ultimatum to the raider tribes that had settled in the ruins: join House and be part of his city of "New Vegas", leave unharmed, or die. Of the groups House met, three accepted his offer and were remade into the Chairmen, the Omertas, and the White Glove Society, known collectively as the Three Families.[12] Only the Kings and the Great Khans refused but did not resist House's takeover as they abandoned the Strip, with the Kings settling in the northern slums of Vegas that became Freeside, while the Great Khans migrated to Bitter Springs far to the east from Vegas. While House considered the Three Families as well as the Securitrons enough to protect the "New Vegas" Strip for the time being, he knew that if the NCR wanted and then tried to take it by force, they would not be able to resist in any meaningful way.[13][14]

When the Mojave Campaign began and the main NCR forces arrived to assume control of Hoover Dam, House sent a Securitron envoy to meet them, calling for parlay between the NCR's leaders and himself. Afterward, they reached an agreement and signed the New Vegas Treaty, under which the NCR were allowed to send 95% of the dam's power output back to their inner territories as well as given permission to garrison McCarran International Airport as a base of operations for the New California Republic Army, and to establish an embassy on the Strip.[15] Meanwhile, House remained as the sovereign ruler of the Strip which would also retain the remaining 5% power output from the dam as well as give unrestricted access to NCR citizens and soldiers, leading to a boom in New Vegas' economy as tourists from all corners of the NCR, as well as stationed troopers on leave, would flock to the casinos and spend their hard-earned salaries on gambling, alcohol, and prostitutes.[13][16][17][Non-game 3] Early into the NCR's contact with New Vegas, there was hope of it and the rest of the Mojave Wasteland rapidly being annexed into the NCR, even possibly becoming the sixth state of the NCR union.[18] However, while these hopes remain, the likelihood of success has been frustrated by Mr. House's inaccessibility to NCR diplomats within the Lucky 38.

East/West Conflict[]

Around 2275, the NCR's expansion efforts into the Mojave, already stymied by their treaty with New Vegas, were met with a new threat: on the other side of the Colorado River, the conquering army known as Caesar's Legion approached. Having learned about the existence of New Vegas and Hoover Dam from a scout of his own, the Legion's supreme leader Caesar had set his eyes on conquering the Mojave with New Vegas as his "Rome" and mobilized his forces. In 2277, the collision of West and East culminated with the First Battle of Hoover Dam, which was a decisive loss for the Legion. However, Caesar lived still and did not retreat or abandon his plans of taking control of Vegas; he returned to the Legion's territory in Arizona to rebuild his depleted armies.

The Legion's arrival has created a delicate power balance in the Mojave Wasteland. While the NCR would have annexed New Vegas long ago, the substantial threat of the Legion means that if they attacked the Strip, Hoover Dam would be vulnerable; similarly, the Legion cannot take New Vegas as their new capital without leaving themselves vulnerable to NCR retaliation. Meanwhile, Mr. House watches and plans, vigilantly and silently, from the top of his tower high above the Strip.


Situated in the northern half of the Mojave Wasteland, New Vegas features a wide variety of socioeconomic situations, ranging from the affluent New Vegas Strip, through the impoverished Freeside and North Vegas Square, the arable fields of the NCR sharecropper farms, the resourceful Westside, to the derelict South Vegas ruins, and the outskirt hubs of inter-regional commerce consisting of the Crimson Caravan Company, Gun Runners, and the 188 Trading Post.

Most districts of the city have had walls of varying degrees of quality, ranging from concrete topped with barbed wire to train cars and neon signs, erected around them to keep out wasteland creatures and raiders, from the South Vegas ruins to North Vegas Square. A vast network of sewers, some of which are inhabited by humans and other creatures, exist underneath the city.[19] The areas outside of the Strip and Freeside are collectively referred to as "Outer Vegas".[20][21][22]

The Strip[]

Main article: New Vegas Strip

Glittering and awe-inspiring both before and after the Great War, the Strip is the heart of New Vegas.[23] The hotels, casinos, restaurants, and iconic skyline establish the Strip as a premier tourist destination and serve as the driving force behind New Vegas' economy.[24] Several pre-War establishments have come back alive with the Strip's signature lights and a vast variety of entertainment offerings, powered by electricity from the Hoover Dam.[25][26][27]

Vendors are allowed to work on the Strip selling non-alcoholic drinks and snack foods, signing a franchise agreement to forfeit 50% of their profits to Mr. House at the end of each working day.[28] Radio New Vegas can be heard here and throughout the region.[29]



Main article: Freeside

Freeside is the main slum of New Vegas. Controlled by the Kings and the Van Graffs, the streets are dangerous and lack the luster of the New Vegas Strip. Many gamblers and tourists find themselves under attack by thugs looking for a quick source of caps. Recent tensions between the NCR and the Kings have worsened the situation. Similar to the rest of outer Vegas, Freeside shows resentment towards the NCR, who are seen as unwelcome oppressors.


Westside and North Vegas[]

Westside is one of the better-off residential areas of the city. The settlement supports its own militia and has become self-reliant, growing its own food and maintaining its own water supply. The residents often complain of problems with the Fiends and a smaller gang, the Scorpions, who remain a threat to the citizens. Likewise, in North Vegas Square, the citizens battle the same threats and similarly pride themselves on their independence and watching outsiders suspiciously.


East Vegas[]

Under the control of the NCR, east Vegas is one of the safer areas of the city. Protected from Fiends by Camp McCarran, east Vegas is home to several businesses with roots in New California, including the Crimson Caravan New Vegas branch, a Gun Runners factory, and a clinic run by the Followers of the Apocalypse. Aside from businesses, the area is also home to sharecropper farms settled by NCR citizens encouraged to move west by the Thaler Act, and a refugee camp run by the NCR Army in Aerotech Office Park.

South Vegas[]

Main article: South Vegas ruins

The southwestern region around Vegas is firmly in the hands of the Fiends, who rule from the fortified ruins around Vault 3. Several of their raider compounds can be found outside of their main territory.


  • In the entire Fallout series, Vegas is one of only two known pre-War locations that contains more than one Vault-Tec Vault within its boundaries, namely Vault 3 and Vault 21. The other known location is Santa Monica, which is home to Vaults 31, 32, and 33, which are interconnected as part of their experiment.
  • Due to the bright lights and the skyscraping height of the Lucky 38, the city can be seen from almost all areas of the map.
  • If one has a reputation with the NCR low enough that they attack on sight, the drunk military police on the Strip will not attack. However, four NCR troopers with cattle prods may spawn outside of Michael Angelo's workshop and attack immediately. If killed, this earns infamy from both the NCR and the Strip, despite the fight starting unprovoked. The Securitrons in the area will become hostile, forcing the player character to destroy them as well, resulting in additional infamy. The Securitrons in the other sections of the Strip will not be hostile, however.
  • The in-game version of the Fabulous New Vegas sign appears in the Atomic Command holotape game in Fallout 4.[30]
  • According to a paper note found in the Monongah police station in Appalachia, a shootout involving a supposed Chinese spy named "Shanghai Sally" occurred in the Ultra-Luxe casino in 2072.[31]
  • In the closing credits of Episode 8 of Season 1 of the Fallout TV series, the Strip is shown in a seemingly dilapidated state and devoid of life, which might be taken to imply that New Vegas was destroyed and abandoned sometime between the events of Fallout: New Vegas in 2281 and the events of the TV series in 2296. However, this is yet to be confirmed by any official sources.
    • The season credits are stylized such that any location seen in the credits is abandoned, with only skeletons to indicate any former signs of life. For example, Episode 7's credits show Griffith Observatory abandoned and destroyed, with only skeletons and dead figures in power armor seen, while Episode 8 itself shows the observatory fully inhabited (even after the previous inhabitants are routed by the Brotherhood).


New Vegas appears in Fallout: New Vegas and the Fallout (TV series) episode The Beginning. It is mentioned in its add-ons Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road. It is also mentioned in Fallout 4 and Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes[]

The in-game New Vegas is based on the real-world location of Las Vegas, located in Clark County, Nevada. Many locations in the game have real-world equivalents in and around the city, such as the casinos, neighborhoods, landmarks, and businesses.


TV series

Las Vegas


  1. Viva Las Vegas 2025 poster
  2. 2.0 2.1 Tycho: "{102}{}{Another new face. Travelers here are a dime a dozen. But you have the look of someone different. Care to join me for a drink?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{104}{}{Sure.}"
    Tycho: "{106}{}{Delightful. I hope you don't mind your drink well-watered - they treat beer here like it's a potted plant.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{107}{}{So, what's your story?}"
    Tycho: "{109}{}{I could ask the same of you. In the interest of amity, I suppose I'll tell first. I'm called Tycho. Came from out east, what used to be called Nevada.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{110}{}{That's a pretty long trip.}"
    Tycho: "{112}{}{Yeah, it was. Decided to take it easy for a while. This place shows some promise, just as soon as someone cleans up some of the scum.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{113}{}{Why don't you?}"
    Tycho: "{118}{}{Not my place. I'd rather not cross Killian, after all. He'll clean up this town when he gets around to it. A good man, mark my words. But watch out for that fellow Gizmo. Reminds me of another fat freak my father told me about back in Las Vegas.}"
    (Tycho's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 The Courier: "You say that you saved Las Vegas. How?"
    Robert House: "By 2065 I deemed it a mathematical certainty that an atomic war would devastate the Earth within 15 years. Every projection I ran confirmed it. I knew I couldn't "save the world," nor did I care to. But I could save Vegas, and in the process, perhaps, save mankind. I set to work immediately. I thought I had plenty of time to prepare. As it turned out, I was 20 hours short."
    The Courier: "What preparations did you make to save Las Vegas?"
    Robert House: "On the day of the Great War, 77 atomic warheads targeted Las Vegas and its surrounding areas. My networked mainframes were able to predict and force-transmit disarm code subsets to 59 warheads, neutralizing them before impact. Laser cannons mounted on the roof of the Lucky 38 destroyed another 9 warheads. The rest got through, though none hit the city itself. A sub-optimal performance, admittedly. If only the Platinum Chip had arrived a day sooner..."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  4. Courier: "Say you keep control of New Vegas. What happens next?"
    Robert House: "New Vegas is more than a city - it's the remedy to mankind's derailment. The city's economy is a blast furnace in which can be forged the steel of a new rail line, running straight to a new horizon. What is the NCR? A society of people desperate to experience comfort, ease, luxury... A society of customers. With all that money pouring in? Give me 20 years, and I'll reignite the high technology development sectors. 50 years, and I'll have people in orbit. 100 years, and my colony ships will be heading for the stars, to search for planets unpolluted by the wrath and folly of a bygone generation."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  5. Courier: "In the meantime, you'd rule Vegas as some kind of dictator?"
    Robert House: "I prefer the term "autocrat." I would rule as a chief executive. I would not answer to a board of directors or any other entity. Nothing to impede progress. If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  6. Robert House: "The Platinum Chip is a data-storage device. I need you to manually upload the data from the Chip to the facility's primary computer. There's a terminal at the other end of this facility. There's a complication. While I can broadcast to this screen, I can't control any of the facility's systems. That means I can't deactivate its security bots... most of which appear to be active, according to the status board I'm looking at. "
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "Isn't that overstating things a bit?"
    Robert House: "To your untrained eyes, it may look as though mankind is making a comeback. In the NCR, you have something that resembles a nation state. Savage as it is, in Caesar's Legion, you have an organized society. But neither of these offer a future. They're regurgitations of the past. Bring me the Platinum Chip, and in ten years you'll hardly recognize this city."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  8. The Courier: "What preparations did you make to save Las Vegas?"
    Robert House: "On the day of the Great War, 77 atomic warheads targeted Las Vegas and its surrounding areas. My networked mainframes were able to predict and force-transmit disarm code subsets to 59 warheads, neutralizing them before impact. Laser cannons mounted on the roof of the Lucky 38 destroyed another 9 warheads. The rest got through, though none hit the city itself. A sub-optimal performance, admittedly. If only the Platinum Chip had arrived a day sooner..."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  9. "Was thinking I'd head West. Save up some caps here telling jokes then see if I can hire the Blue Ridge Caravan Company to take me towards Kentucky." "I've heard rumors Vegas might still be standing. Maybe I'll head there eventually, or try for Reno. Who knows, might even make it to Hollywood!"
    (Joey Bello's dialogue)
  10. The Courier: "Maybe you could give me the short version."
    Papa Khan: "In a hurry, are you? Very well then: The Great Khans came east out of the NCR 14 years ago. We ruled the Wastes, then, and called no man master. But we underestimated the Families of the Strip, and they drove us back to Bitter Springs, where we remained until the NCR arrived and drove us here."
    (Papa Khan's dialogue)
  11. The Courier: "What can you tell me about what's going on around the Strip?"
    Receptionist: "It's hard to believe that not too long ago most of the families on the Strip were little more than warring tribes. The Omertas even had a big war with the Khans, once upon a time."
    (Gomorrah Recptionist's dialogue)
  12. The Courier: "You recruited the Omertas as one of the Three Families?"
    Robert House: "Yes, though at the time they called themselves the "Slither Kin." A vicious clan, not that's changed, exactly. They were nomads, capable fighters, but their specialty was betrayal. They'd invite travelers into their yurts, drug them, murder or enslave them. They took pride in their craft. I don't think Omertas saw other people as people at all. Everyone else was just... prey. They reminded me of a certain criminal element Vegas used to attract. I told them some stories, gave them some clothes - and they ran with it."
    The Courier: "What were the original names of the other tribes?"
    Robert House: "The Chairmen, as we know them now, went by the unfortunate appellation of the "Mojave Boot-Riders." They were nomads, too. As for the White Glove Society, I afraid I'm contractually obligated not to reveal their original name."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  13. 13.0 13.1 The Courier: "How did you establish New Vegas?"
    Robert House: "We can discuss this in greater detail at another time. Suffice it to say that when my Securitrons detected NCR scouts at Hoover Dam, I took action. I recruited a tribal force to supplement my Securitrons and renovated the Strip just in time to welcome the NCR as it marched into the region. Instead of war, a treaty was negotiated. And the money started to pour in."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  14. The Courier: "What can you tell me about Freeside?"
    The King: "To understand Freeside, you have to look back a few years. Originally, we were all just tribes making a living in this area. That all changed when Mr. House came around. He made an offer to the three biggest tribes that were willing to listen to him. Today, everyone calls those tribes the Three Families, and they live in luxury and run their own casinos in the Strip. The rest of us were left to fight over the crumbs, living in the shadow of those more fortunate. Things got pretty nasty for a while. But we wanted more. A place of our own. A place where no one could tell us what to do. And we didn't want to go elsewhere to find it. So we took control of this place, and made it our own. And that's really all Freeside is, the best of a bad situation."
    (The King's dialogue)
  15. Courier: "What were the terms of your treaty with the NCR?"
    Robert House: "NCR forces were permitted to occupy Hoover Dam and establish a military base at McCarran Airport. Well, it used to be one. They recognized my sovereignty over the Vegas Strip and agreed to supply electricity and water once their engineers repaired the dam. Written into the treaty were provisions that the NCR do nothing to prevent its soldiers and civilians from visiting the Strip. That's how I harnessed the NCR to my endeavor. Their occupation has been the engine of my growing economy."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  16. The Courier: "I'd like to know more about the NCR."
    Dennis Crocker: "I can provide a quick history lesson, if that's what you're looking for. In 2274, President Kimball sent the NCR army into the Mojave in force, with the objective of occupying and repairing Hoover Dam. Rangers and army scouts had confirmed that the dam was basically unoccupied and could be restored to an operable condition. Upon arriving at the dam, however, they discovered that a large force of tribals and robots had occupied it. This was our introduction to the Three Families, the Securitrons, and, of course, Mr. House. Using his Securitrons as intermediaries, Mr. House called for parlay. He claimed his forces had occupied Hoover Dam in order to safeguard it for our arrival. And that he was ready to turn it over to us, so long as we could agree to terms. Those terms became the Treaty of New Vegas. The Treaty recognized Mr. House's sovereignty over the Strip and granted us rights to establish military bases at the Dam and McCarran Airport. The NCR is legally permitted to send 95% of the electricity produced by the dam to our home states. The remaining 5% goes to the Strip. The treaty actually makes it illegal for the NCR to prevent its citizens, or troops on furlough, from visiting the Strip. Once on the Strip, our citizens are subject to arrest - or punishment - by House's Securitrons, though that's a rare occurrence. Our troops enjoy a different status. It's illegal for the Securitrons to take action against them. Of course, it's also illegal for our troops to carry firearms on the Strip, so there isn't much trouble they can get into. Our military police does an adequate job of keeping the troops on furlough in line. I don't envy them that task. The embassy was established a few weeks after the Treaty was signed. Basically Mr. House handed us a dumpy little building he had no interest in renovating. I'm the third ambassador to hold this post. And the first, I think, to accept its limitations. My predecessors had ambitions of engineering the annexation of the Mojave. They thought they'd convince Mr. House to join up. I've never even spoken to the man - or whatever he is. Maybe the situation will change once we've beaten the Legion once and for all."
    (Dennis Crocker's dialogue)
  17. Courier: "Wasn't the NCR's army big enough to defeat your Securitrons and the Three Families?"
    Robert House: "Indeed it was - and still is. But not without taking significant casualties. Would Kimball and Oliver have traded the lives of hundreds of soldiers for absolute control of Hoover Dam? Oh yes. They weren't afraid of me, they were afraid of Caesar - that attacking me would leave them vulnerable to a Legion offensive. And so they negotiated. Not out of the kindness of their hearts, as they try to make it seem. Because the calculus of power left no other choice."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  18. NCR civilian: "I always knew House would give in! Sixth state of the union, here we come!"
    (Generic NCR civilian dialogue)
  19. The Courier: "Are the New Canaanites really a tribe?"
    Joshua Graham: "We wear more clothing than them and understand more about technology, but we're still a tribe, a linked family of families. The Boneyard, Phoenix, New Vegas, they're just places, metal and stone. New Canaan dies, but the tribe lives on. When the walls come tumbling down, when you lose everything you have, you always have family. And your family always has tribe."
    (Joshua Graham's dialogue)
  20. Arcade Gannon: "In case it's not obvious, I think you should redirect the power to Freeside and outer Vegas."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  21. The Courier: "Sure, what have you got?"
    Diane: "With Anders out of commission for so long, we're shorthanded on runners, and some backlogs have piled up. We've got an associate in the Crimson Caravan Trading Company who distributes for us in Outer Vegas. He's been after us for a new shipment."
    (Diane's dialogue)
  22. The gate leading out of Freeside is called "Exit to Outer Vegas".
  23. The Courier: "Is New Vegas's power a threat to you?"
    Ulysses: "Power isn't strength. Power can wall off someone, when they {slight emph} believe it's freed them.{No sound file} House's power... you've seen the wall around Vegas. He gains more power, that wall will grow. The Mojave'll become Vegas. But it's more lights than strength. You'll see the way of it soon enough."
    (Ulysses' dialogue)
  24. The Courier: "What happened to my gear?"
    Elijah: "It lies in the bunker - or whatever mantrap caught you. It's the Sierra Madre, its security systems strip guests to their garments. It has... prejudices against outside material, "contraband." Almost anything with a radiation signature. The New Vegas casinos do the same thing, manually. Although preventing bloodshed, not radiation poisoning, is their main concern."
    (Elijah's dialogue)
  25. Courier: "What's this about a dormant reactor?"
    Robert House: "The strain of defending Las Vegas from annihilation exceeded my power systems' capacity. My primary reactor shut down. For years, I played a miser with my emergency power supply. I began to run out of reserves around the time I woke the first batch of Securitrons. Negotiating an allotment of power from Hoover Dam was crucial. That's what's powered the Strip for the past seven years."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  26. Courier: "What were the terms of your treaty with the NCR?"
    Robert House: "They recognized my sovereignty over the Vegas Strip and agreed to supply electricity and water once their engineers repaired the dam. Written into the treaty were provisions that the NCR do nothing to prevent its soldiers and civilians from visiting the Strip. That's how I harnessed the NCR to my endeavor. Their occupation has been the engine of my growing economy."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  27. The Courier: "And if Kimball were to be assassinated?"
    Robert House: "Then the Hero of the Mojave would become the Martyr of Hoover Dam. And when, subsequently, I force the NCR to retreat... They lick their wounds, and dream of righteous vengeance against New Vegas. Hello, embargo, farewell, tourist economy. I've calculated and re-calculated these probabilities. Kimball must live."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  28. Courier: "Do you work for one of the casinos?"
    Street vendor: "Nope, strictly independent. Well... kind of independent. To vend anything here on the Strip, you got to register with one of those police robots and sign a franchise agreement. At the end of each day, you keep half of what you made. The rest, you hand over to those bots - and they know if you're cheating. Yep, he makes the rules. It's steep, but it sure beats living in North Vegas. Here on the Strip I can afford to eat, and no one tries to kill me."
    (Street vendor's dialogue)
  29. Blind Diode Jefferson: "What I wouldn't give to be able to pick up Radio New Vegas. Mmm... Those cats can really play."
    (Blind Diode Jefferson's dialogue)
  30. Fabulous New Vegas sign as depicted in Atomic Command
  31. Shanghai Sally: Casino Shootout


  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition pp. 462-463: "House Arrest
    When blaring civil defense sirens heralded mankind's doom on October 23rd, 2077, the citizens of Las Vegas bore witness to an astonishing spectacle. Huge laser cannons unfurled from secret housings in the roof of the Lucky 38 casino and Hoover Dam's intake towers and began spitting blasts of green fire into the sky, destroying warhead after warhead and sparing Las Vegas's urban center and the dam from direct hits. Citizens filled the streets and cheered. And then they died horribly from the lethal fallout that blew in from the dozens of warheads that detonated around Las Vegas.
    Though Mr. House's missile defense grid performed admirably, the Great War was in actuality the day of his greatest setback. Having spent decades preparing for the statistical inevitability of atomic war, house found himself forced to protect Las Vegas with buggy software. Had the Great War occurred even 24 hours later, House would have received and installed Mark II of his defensive systems' operating software. Instead, the disc containing the upgrade-which had just passed quality assurance-was buried in the irradiated ruins of the Sunnyvale, California lab where it was developed.
    Defending Las Vegas from atomic destruction set off a cascade of system crashes that plunged the Lucky 38 into darkness and nearly killed Mr. House. Running on a trickle of emergency power, the electrode-studded command helmet by which he controlled the Lucky 38 shorting out with maddening frequency, the replenishing salve bath and pharmaceuticals he'd spent billions to develop going rancid, his ensconced body aging, House battled to reboot his data core with an older version of the operating system. It was a daily struggle that would grind on for nearly five years, inflicting a physical and mental strain so severe that House lapsed into a coma when the reboot was finally achieved.
    When House finally came to, decades had passed. Immediately he began using his Securitron robots to search out human settlements, and eventually he was able to hire salvage teams in the distant west to search for the priceless upgrade disc in the ruins of the Sunnyvale. The disc was not to be found for many years, during which time House was forced to improvise an ad hoc defense of the Vegas region against the encroachment of NCR forces, namely the recruitment and employment of the Three Families to augment his downgraded Mark I Securitron robot defenses."
  2. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.42: "Freeside"
    "Las Vegas wasn't heavily damaged during the Great War, but people didn't immediately "settle" into the remnants of the old city. The various Vault tribes that emerged years later, hunted and fought among the ruins, but it was not until the "return" of Mr. House that they ceased (most) of their hostilities. Mr House directed the tribes to use his sizable quantities of pre-war construction materials to build the crude (but effective) outer walls that separate The Strip and Freeside from the rest of New Vegas. While Mr. House valued the area around Fremont Street, he ultimately viewed it as secondary in importance to the Strip itself and he had a second, inner wall that separated the two areas. When NCR prospectors (and eventually the army) arrived in the region, people typically went straight for The Strip, leaving Freeside (as it had become known by locals) as an informal stopping point. Eventually Mr. House recognized that he could use Freeside as a filter for undesirables, and pulled his favored tribes and all Securitrons into the Strip, leaving Freeside to fend for itself."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  3. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.463: "A Vision for New Vegas: Mr. House proposes an automatic future for New Vegas: undisputed authority of a technocratic visionary. His long-term goal is to use the attractions of New Vegas as an economic engine to reignite mankind's technological progress. While he has no desire to control every aspect of the lives of those would inhabit the region, neither would the ways and means by which he achieves economic and technological progress be up for discussion. As the ruins of the former world mutely attest, democracy is a failed experiment. The time has come for Mr. House to heroically save Vegas for the second time, forging an independent, dynamic, high-technology enterprise zone. So long as Mr. House's basic rules are followed, his intentions are to take a "hands off" approach towards the subjects of his kingdom; he is effectively a libertarian dictator creating his own version of paradise rooted in the old world. If the player supports Mr. House, she is supporting the New Vegas libertopia, a place where the strong rule unfettered for as long as they stay strong and where the weak are continually trampled underfoot. But it's a place where Mr. House wants you to dream, that someday, you could be one of the strong."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide/Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
New Vegas