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This is a transcript for dialogue with Diane.


DianeCaesar So, about the alliance with Caesar's Legion.... Happy 50 Don't worry, Jack and I have talked it over. We'll talk up the idea of breaking the alliance. 1
So, about the alliance with Caesar's Legion.... Disgust 50 Anders got back a little while before you did, he told me what happened. If that's how the Legion treats my people, I don't want any part of them. 2
I've been told you're someone I should talk to about stopping the Khans' alliance with Caesar. Surprise 50 Hey, it's not like I'm super-attached to working with Caesar or anything, but if it'll stop his patrols from harassing my runners, I'm all for it. 3
DianeWork I'm looking to make a few caps. Got any work for me? Disgust 35 I don't have any compelling reason to trust you, given your behavior. So no, I'm not really inclined to give you a job. 4
I'm looking to make a few caps. Got any work for me? Surprise 15 {Thoughtful} Hmm... you look like you could handle yourself in a fix. All right, I'll tell you what. Anders, one of my best runners, is overdue to report back. 5
Happy 20 If you can find out what happened to him, I'll give you some real work. 6
I finished the Crimson Caravan run. Happy 15 Great! Here's your payment. 7
I finished the Vault 3 run. Happy 30 And you didn't even get skinned alive. I'm impressed. Here's your payment. 8
Any new jobs for me? Pained 15 Like I said, find Anders first, then we'll see about trusting you with more work. 9
Now that Anders is back, how about that work? Happy 15 Yeah, you did good finding him. Okay, if you want a little work, I think I can find you something. 10
Any new jobs for me? Happy 25 Okay, if you want a little work, I think I can find you something. 11
Any new jobs for me? Surprise 15 Not right at the moment, but you could talk to Jack - he's always looking for new recipes. 12
Any new jobs for me? Anger 15 Ordinarily I would, but it seems like all our clients have ended up dead. You could talk to Jack - he's always looking for new recipes. 13
GREETING GREETING Anger 50 Get away from me, you lunatic! 14
GREETING Happy 25 Anders told me what happened. We owe you one for rescuing him. Tell you what: I can give you caps as a thank you, or a special recipe Jack cooked up. 15
GREETING Fear 20 Any luck finding Anders? 16
GREETING Surprise 25 You're not one of my regulars. What do you want? 17
GREETING Happy 25 I've been hearing a lot of good things about you. What's up? 18
GREETING Happy 50 Hey! Seems like you've been making lots of friends around here. 19
GREETING Fear 25 {Wary, the player is an unpredictable nutter} Oh, uh, hey - Jack can probably give you a discount, if that'll calm you down. 20
GREETING Fear 50 Look, we'll be happy to sell you any chems you want, just don't do anything crazy, okay? 21
GREETING Disgust 25 If there's something you want, spill it - otherwise, move along. 22
GREETING Disgust 50 Make it quick - I don't want to be seen with you. 23
GREETING Anger 35 Dammit, someone offed Motor-Runner! That guy was one of our biggest clients. 24
GREETING Fear 25 Someone's been picking off the leaders of the Fiends down in New Vegas. That's going to cut into our profits. 25
GREETING Neutral 50 Did you make that delivery yet? 26
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey, what's up? 27
JackDianeMedicine Have you started making meds yet? Happy 20 Yeah, you made a pretty good argument. We'll keep it small for now, but if it turns a profit we might expand. 28
You've got an impressive setup here - have you considered making more helpful chems? Surprise 20 Helpful? What, like bathtub Stimpaks? What's the point of that? 29
JackMerchant What do you have for sale? Happy 10 Jack handles the small-time purchases. You should talk to him unless you're looking for a major shipment. 30
JackandDianeCaesar What do you think about Caesar? Disgust 15 Well, it's not like I'm super-attached to working with Caesar or anything, but if it'll stop his patrols from harassing my runners, I'm all for it. 31
Fear 10 Papa hasn't steered us wrong yet. 32
JackandDianeInfo What is it you do here? Happy 15 We keep the Great Khans from falling apart, essentially. Jack manufactures the chems, I organize the runners and the shipments. 33
JackandDianeKhans Tell me a little about the Great Khans. Sad 20 I'll spare you the history lesson - talk to Papa Khan if you want to hear that story. 34
Sad 35 Things have been rough for a while now, even with Jack working all the time and my runners making deliveries daily we're barely getting by. 35
Fear 15 Maybe this alliance with Caesar will help, but I don't know. 36
VMS45VRRCDianeTopic000 Caesar isn't going to let you run drugs as an ally any more than he supports it now. He hates chems. Surprise 50 I haven't heard anything like that. Do you have any proof? 37
VMS45VRRCDianeTopic001 Not yet, but I'll find some. Neutral 50 Okay, come on back when you do. 38
VMS45VRRCDianeTopic002 No, and finding some would be too much work. Never mind. Disgust 10 Okay, I won't bother. 39
VMS46NullLinks VMS46NullLinks Disgust 15 We've got an associate in the Crimson Caravan Trading Company who distributes for us in Outer Vegas. He's been after us for a new shipment. 40
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic000 Sure, just tell me who I'm looking for and where to start. Anger 10 About three weeks ago I sent Anders southeast to find a route into Arizona to open new markets for our product. 41
Fear 10 He should have been back two days ago, but there's been no sign of him. 42
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic001 Sounds like more trouble than it's worth. I'll pass. Sad 15 Okay then. Job'll be waiting if you change your mind. 43
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic002 Okay, I'll be back as soon as I have any news. Happy 25 Thanks. Prove you're reliable on this, and I'll have more for you later. 44
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic003 Sure, what have you got? Anger 10 With Anders out of commission for so long, we're shorthanded on runners, and some backlogs have piled up. 45
Pained 10 We've got an associate in the Crimson Caravan Trading Company who distributes for us in Outer Vegas. He's been after us for a new shipment. 46
Sure, what have you got? Surprise 25 You up for something challenging? 47
Disgust 15 I've got a shipment of Jet and Psycho that needs to be delivered to Motor Runner at Vault 3. 48
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic005 Sure, I'll do it. Happy 25 Great. Here's the package - your contact is Don Hostetler at the Crimson Caravan. Come back and see me when you're done. 49
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic006 Okay, I'll do that. Neutral 50 Anything else? 50
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic008 Piece of cake. Fear 25 Don't get cocky, the Fiends are twitchy. Most of them won't bother a Khan, but the ones outside the Vault... well, they're outside for a reason. 51
Happy 25 Here's the package - good luck. Your payment will be waiting when you get back. 52
Piece of cake. Fear 25 Don't get cocky, the Fiends are twitchy. Most of them won't bother a Khan, but the ones outside the Vault... well, they're outside for a reason. 53
Happy 25 Here's the package - good luck. Your payment will be waiting when you get back. 54
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic010 Medical supplies are always scarce, and they don't kill the buyer as often. Think of the profits! Happy 15 [SUCCEEDED] You've got a point. Selling meds to the locals could be a pretty nice side gig. All right, I'll tell Jack to give it a try. 55
But you could turn a profit and help the people of the Mojave! Disgust 10 [FAILED] That's touching, but it would take away from our bottom line. I'll have to pass. 56
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic011 I'll take the caps. Happy 25 Here you go, you've earned these. 57
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic012 I'll take the recipe. Happy 25 Here you go. Enjoy it. 58
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic013 What alliance? Disgust 15 Papa Khan has been talking to Caesar's emissary for weeks now - they're always going on about crushing the NCR. 59
Fear 30 Papa's announced that if Caesar goes to war against the NCR, the Khans will go with him. 60
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic014 Why are things so tough? Fear 20 Red Rock Canyon isn't exactly the most hospitable place - there's no food, barely any water, and nothing anybody wants. 61
Sad 35 We used to send patrols out to acquire supplies, but ever since Bitter Springs there just aren't enough of us left. 62
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic015 Let's talk about something else. Surprise 10 Sure, what do you want to know? 63
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic016 So you're drug dealers? Anger 20 We're supplying things people want in exchange for things our tribe needs. Don't judge us. 64
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic017 Who do you sell to? Anger 5 We make regular shipments to a lot of settlements around the Mojave - a lot of our business comes from the Fiends lately. 65
Disgust 50 Personally, I think they're kind of creepy, but Papa likes the fact that they get hopped up on Psycho and harass NCR patrols. 66
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic018 Good to know. I had some other questions. Neutral 50 Like what? 67
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic019 Not yet, but I had more questions. Neutral 50 Okay, but please find him as soon as you can. 68
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic020 I'm afraid he's dead. Neutral 50 What? How? What happened? 69
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic021 <Truth> I killed him. Neutral 50 What? Why the hell would you do that? Are you insane? 70
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic022 <Lie> The Legion caught him and crucified him. He was dead when I found him. Neutral 50 Dammit! Okay, well, thank you for finding out at least. Was there something else you needed? 71
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic024 I didn't know he worked for you. Neutral 50 Oh, because that makes it so much better! Get out of my sight, I have nothing to say to you any more! 72
VMS46VRRCDianeTopic025 It was fun. He made a noise like a deflating balloon. Neutral 50 You're psychotic! Get out of my sight, I have nothing to say to you any more! 73


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 Catch you later. 74