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This is a transcript for dialogue with Joey Bello.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 006A5975 006A5987 Just a down-on-his-luck entertainer looking for a couch to crash on.
2 006A5976 006A5985 Appalachia, yah! Pleasure to be here. One of my favorite... States? Counties. What is this place? Ah, forget it. How you doing? You look great. Stage performance energy. Isn't sure what "Appalachia" is but doesn't let it throw off his groove
3 006A5977 006A5986 Real nice C.A.M.P. you got here. Real classy. Just missing one little thing... Live Entertainment! Sales pitch. He's the "live entertainment"
4 But you are in luck, my friend! I'm here to spark a little life. A little laughter. Maybe even a little love, huh? Hahaha, ah forget about it. Tongue in cheek nod to "Live, laugh, love" with "love" being a little flirty before he laughs it all off as a joke.
5 006A5979 006A5988 Stranger? Woah, I barely knew 'er! Boom! Ah ha ha! He knows it's a groaner but he's committed.
6 I kid, I kid, I kid! I'm harmless. No need for guns. I'm not packing. Said in good humor, but just in case the player is wanting to hurt him now after the previous bad joke
7 006A597B 006A5984 The name's Joey. Joey Bello! Ya know, like a roar of laughter, only spelt different.
8 I saw the stage and thought you might have an opening?
9 006A597D 006A5980 What I wouldn't give for a tato pie.
10 006AA60B No matter what happens, the show must go on. Self pep-talk
11 006AA60C Nah, no way Teddy's still following me. Quietly, to self.
12 006AA60D What do you think, Joey? Time for a little day trip? Said to self. Special emphasis on "day trip". Insinuating he's going to go take some Daytripper drugs.
13 006AA60E I don't mind when they throw tatos. It's the grenades I worry about.
14 006AA60F "Go to Appalachia" they said. "You'll have a blast" they said. Didn't realize they were literally still dropping nukes on themselves. To self.
15 006AA610 What do stylish kangaroos wear? Jumpsuits. Ha... What the hell is a kangaroo? Trying out a new joke he's read but doesn't know what a kangaroo is so doesn't get the joke
16 006AA64A There once was a man from Nantucket, he... no wait how'd it go again? Nah, fuck it. Trying to remember the limerick. Coincidentally ends up rhyming.
17 006AA96B Damn, I could really use another hit from that pipe. If I could just remember where it was...
18 006AA96C (Sigh) Mondays. Is it Monday? Feels like a Monday.
19 006A597E 006A5981 Hello, sunshine.
20 006AA600 You here for the show? Well then make like a branch and stick around.
21 006AA601 Break a leg out there. Just not mine!
22 006AA602 Oh, I'm walkin' here! The classic NYC line
23 006AA603 If danger calls tell 'em I'm on the can.
24 006AA604 Lookin' good!
25 006AA606 Ring-a-ding-ding! Frank Sinatra shout-out. A line Joey picked up from lounge singers in Atlantic City
26 006AA607 Ouch! Who gave you the shiner?
27 006AA608 Geez! Hope you left the other guy lookin' worse.
28 006AA609 Woo! Look at the pipes on you. Been working out?
29 006AA60A What's up dum-dum?
30 006AA611 Wow, somebody had a good time huh? A little hair of the dog will fix that right up.
31 006AA646 Those tatos you got there? You better not be planning to chuck those at me later. Mock suspicion - it's a joke
32 006AA647 Geez, I heard you was bright but didn't realize they meant radioactive.
33 006AA970 That a pipe gun in your pocket or you just happy to see me? Hey-oh!
34 006AA971 We havin' fun yet?
35 006AA972 Thinkin' hard, or hardly thinking?
36 006AFD0C I heard there's some kind of dance party over at Point Pleasant. Might pop some Day Tripper, check it out later. I just hope it doesn't get weird.
37 By the way, how many moths does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Just two, but I don't know how they get 'em inside there. Haha!
38 006AFD0D I hear Grahm's hosting another cook-out. Meat for weeks. Make sure you don't skip it 'cause that would be a missed steak. I mean, come on! emphasis on "missed steak" (mistake)
39 006AFD0E Did I take too many chems again or have you noticed a lot of, well...aliens lately? Wonder why they're invading Earth. Maybe the moon was full! HA!
40 Anyway, I hope the aliens aren't planning to blow up the Earth. 'Cause they're WAY too late!
41 006AFD13 Nice costume! Where's the party?
42 006AFD14 Got the party started without me, huh? Don't worry. I'll catch up.
43 006AFD15 Your mother know you're out dressed like that?
44 006AFD16 You look like you could eat a fat sandwich. You find one you let me know!
45 006AFD17 Damn. Eat something already. You're making me hungry! Emphasis on "me"
46 006AFD18 Good God! You okay? When they say break a leg they don't mean that literally you know?
47 006A597F 006A5989 Hey hey! As if starting a stage performance
48 006A598A How you doin'? the classic NJ line
49 006AA612 You lookin' for a put-down or a pick-me-up? Oh!
50 006AA613 What's cookin', good-lookin'?
51 006AA614 What's shakin', bacon?
52 006AA615 Hey chief!
53 006AA616 Yeah, whatya want?
54 006AA617 Heya boss!
55 006AA618 What's the scuttlebutt?
56 006AA619 What's good?
57 006AA64C There's my favorite Appalachian!
58 006AA93F Who loves ya, baby?
59 006AA96F How you doing? Not like Joey from Friends.
60 006A5991 006A599D Joey Bello Live! And I aim to keep it that way! Aims to stay alive (people who want him dead are after him)
61 006A5992 006A599A Yeah, jokes! You know... Knock-knock. Why did the chicken cross the road? Youse got jokes here in Appalachia, right? Amused/joking around but he's new here and isn't sure what the "comedy scene" is like in Appalachia
62 People pay caps to hear me crack wise and I help 'em forget about their miserable lives for a few minutes. Not rocket surgery, but it's a livin'!
63 006A5993 006A599E Eyyy, look at you, huh? Guess I'm not the only comedian in this C.A.M.P.! Amused at the player's "no funny business" comment when his whole thing is being a comedian
64 006A5994 006A599B You got it boss! Let me stash my stuff and I'll get right to work.
65 006A5995 006A5998 I tell jokes. I'm a traveling funny-man here all the way from exotic New Jersey. At your service. Says "Jersey" with a faux accent ("Joisey"). This and the next few lines are all part of a sales pitch to convince the player to let him stay
66 Let me stick around and I'll lighten the mood. Maybe show you a few tricks of the trade. Thicken your skin. Teach you some "Comedian Resilience".
67 Yeah, who knows? Anything's possible with Joey Bello in your corner!
68 006A5996 006A599C What can't I do? That's what you should be asking. But you want to know what I do do? You are filthy. I love it! "What I do do" is said like "doo-doo" and he's jokingly implying the player is asking about poop
69 006A5997 006A5999 What, like a clown? You think I'm here to make you laugh? Pretending to be offended
70 Well honk my nose and slip me into some oversized shoes cause you nailed it, buddy! Happy performance mode
71 006A9407 006A9421 Say "hi" to my supply.
72 006A9423 Sure thing, boss.
73 006A96F0 Anything else?
74 006A9717 Sticks and stones, my friend. Sticks and stones.
75 006A9718 Oh! Forget about it!
76 006A9719 Go get 'em Tiger!
77 006A971A C'mon, I'm just breakin' your balls. "I'm just joking around"
78 006A995B You got it!
79 006A995C Heard Teddy the Toe Taker was after me but I doubt he'd track me this far.
80 006A9E3B What's on your mind?
81 006AA5D9 You ever get so hungry you try eating an alarm clock? It's better than starving but it sure is time consuming.
82 006AA5DA Makes a lot of sense we use caps for our money, doesn't it? America has always been a cap-italist country. Cha-ching!
83 006AA5DB Looking back, we really should have known Communism was going to be a problem for us given all the red flags.
84 006AA5E0 What's the difference between a showman and a mobster? When a mobster says "break a leg" they usually mean someone else's. Oh!
85 006AA5E1 I had this idea for a jokes-by-mail service right, but it didn't work out. The jokes were hilarious, but the delivery was terrible.
86 006AA5E2 I borrowed this pair of shoes from my chem dealer. I don't know what they were laced with but I've been trippin' all day.
87 006AA5E3 You ever explore any of the old skyscrapers around here? I don't trust the elevators. In fact, I take steps to avoid them.
88 006AA5E4 I was never a big fan of mutations but after walking through that radiation zone I've gotta admit - they're growing on me!
89 006AA5E6 I played this prank on this settler when I covered his door knob with adhesive. A week later and the guy's still furious. He just can't let it go!
90 006AA5E7 Last night I had to shoot a feral ghoul in my pajamas. How it got into my pajamas I'll never know.
91 006AA5E9 What's the worst thing a prison guard can find at a party? An open bar.
92 006AA5EA Growing up I never did learn what the word "apocalypse" meant. Oh well, it's not like it's the end of the world.
93 006AA5EE You hear the one about the drum set that fell off the roof? Badum-tss! Heh.
94 006AA5F0 I've taken so many chems I think they're affecting my memory. Not only that, I think they're affecting my memory!
95 006AA5F1 You hear about the wedding they held at the old radio tower? The ceremony was only so-so but the reception was amazing!
96 006AA5F2 You hear about that junkie that got addicted to soap? He's clean now. Woah!
97 006AA5F6 They say if you want to make it in showbiz you gotta be funny! Aw but hey, looks aren't everything.
98 006AA5FE Bada-bing, bada-boom!
99 006AA605 Hello, fellow Appalachian.
100 006AA64D Someone close to me died recently. It really makes you think. If the bullet had been another foot to the right... that would've been me!
101 006AA95C You know I love ya!
102 006AA96D Don't stop me if you've heard this one before.
103 006A9409 006A9429 At your service, boss. What can Joey Bello do for you?
104 006A940B 006A942B My life's an open book! Mostly a cautionary tale.
105 006A942C I didn't see nothin'! Who's asking, huh? Oh, whoops. Old habits die hard I guess. Just like me! A bit jokey - pretending the player is asking him to snitch on someone (which he's actually used to with dealing with the mafia)
106 006A940D 006A942E I've made the rounds.
107 006A942F You digging up dirt on somebody?
108 006AA644 Besides you? Yeah, I've met a new face or three.
109 006A940F 006A943D Oh, check it out.
110 006AA96E Alright. Alright.
111 006A9411 006A9426 Not if I see you first, Eh! Ha-ha!
112 006A9427 Hate to see you got but I love to watch you walk away. Huh?
113 006AA6A2 Catch you later, boss.
114 006AB1FC Break a leg!
115 006AB1FD Keep on keepin' on!
116 006A9413 006A9434 Ah, looking for a little a "pick-me-up"?
117 006A9435 See anything you like?
118 006A9436 Peruse away.
119 006A9437 You break it, you buy it.
120 006A9438 Well allow me to assist you with some uh...assistance.
121 006A9439 First one's free! Wait, nope. Forget it, you didn't hear that.
122 006A943B Don't low-ball me. I know what got here.
123 006A943C Make yourself aware of my wares. Heh heh.
124 006A9415 006A9422 Say no more, say no more! Your pal Joey's gonna show you the ropes of showbiz.
125 006A9417 006A9430 Woah-ho, slow down there champ! Don't want you ending up in the burn ward. Said as if he's pretending to be a sports coach watching out for an athlete pushing themselves too hard
126 You gotta recoup your self esteem before I lay into you like that again.
127 006A9432 Okie-doke, but remember you asked for it!
128 006AA967 Brace yourself.
129 006AA968 Hope you got a salve ready cause you're about to get burned.
130 006AA969 You're a glutton for punishment.
131 006AA96A One roast, comin' right up!
132 006A941A 006A9420 Ever wonder how a comedian gets up on stage to suffer the slings and arrows of all them hecklin' asshats without even so much as breakin' a sweat? says "slings and arrows" in a mock Shakespearean actor tone
133 Two words. Comedian. Resilience. Sales pitch.
134 You don't owe those chucklefucks nothin'! Pardon my French. You're a star! Who the hell are they to boo you? Motivation speech
135 See what you gotta do is flip their aggressive energy on them and make it yours.
136 Let their insults, or flying tatos, bounce off you like water off a radgull's back. Capeesh?
137 006A941C 006A9428 Quick learner. I like that about you.
138 006A941E 006A943E It's what you get when you cross a gull with a nuke. I dunno, I'm not a scientist. Brushing this off - player's question is not important
139 006A941F 006A9424 So here's what happens next. I'm gonna roast you and you're just gonna laugh it off. After that nothing's gonna get under your skin.
140 It'll build up your resilience like firewalkers walkin' barefoot on hot coals. Mind over matter. It's like psychiatry or y'know some crap like that but it works!
141 You just give me the word when you're ready.
142 006A96EB 006A9701 Walk it off!
143 006A9705 Too bad they don't make stimpaks for feelings, huh?
144 006A96EC 006A96FC Whoa! The language on you. Faux shock. He's in on the joke
145 006A96FE Fuggedaboutit!
146 006AE3F3 You kiss your mother with that mouth?
147 006A96ED 006A96F2 Water off a radgull's back, baby!
148 006A96F4 Now you're ready to take on the world.
149 006A96EE 006A96F7 Boom. Roasted.
150 006A96F8 Got 'em!
151 006A96F9 You want I should call the Responders to come treat that burn?
152 006A96FA Badum-tss!
153 006AA961 Zing!
154 006AA962 Let me know if you need some ice for that burn.
155 006A96EF 006A9707 You're so dumb when you were a baby your dad gave you an "I'm S.P.E.C.A.L." book. That's "special" without the I for intelligence, dummy. SPECAL pronounced "speckle"
156 006A9708 Your aim's so bad when you throw rocks at the ground you miss!
157 006A9709 You're so ugly you make me wanna quit drinking just in case I ever start seeing two of youse!
158 006A970A You're so fat when they need a new nuke code they just get you to hop on a scale. Ha-hoh! Boom!
159 006A970B You're so uncivilized the only culture you've got is mold.
160 006A970C Your stench is so bad you make me wish I was a ghoul just so I didn't have a nose.
161 006A970D If being ugly was a crime you'd be on the most wanted list. And given your looks it'd probably be the first time anybody's ever wanted you.
162 006A970E I never forget a face, but in your case I wish I could make an exception. Yours looks like it caught fire and someone put it out with a tire iron.
163 006A970F You're so stupid it takes you an entire hour to make Instamash.
164 006A9710 I heard you was strong but I guess they were talking about your stench! Pee-yoo. Your breath would make onions cry!
165 006A9711 You're so stupid when you heard it was chilly outside you grabbed a bowl and spoon.
166 006A9712 Your family tree must have been a cactus 'cause you're a real prick.
167 006A9713 You must have a real open mind, 'cause I can hear the wind whistling through your ears.
168 006A9714 Yeesh, you're so ugly you could become ghoulified and no one would even notice.
169 006A9715 How 'bout, your cranium called. It's got some space to rent. Haha!
170 006A9716 You're so fat when you go camping the yao guai have to hide their food! Yao guai - Yao rhymes with "Ow!" and Guai rhymes with "eye"
171 006AA641 You're so dumb when you play Russian Roulette you cheat and load an extra bullet. Lucky for you your aim's so bad even at that range you miss!
172 006AA642 You're so ugly you don't need a Stealth Boy to be sneaky 'cause nobody ever wants to look at you.
173 006AA643 You're so fat when you try to haul ass it takes you two trips!
174 006A9938 006A9E41 Exactly! It turns out if you make 'em laugh then maybe they won't make you bleed. Keep 'em laughing and maybe they'll keep you alive.
175 Hell, tell 'em the occasional groaner and they might even toss a few tatos your way. Kid's gotta eat, right?
176 006A9939 006A9E3C Hey if you've got something they want and they can't take it from your corpse then you're more valuable to them alive than dead.
177 Everybody needs a good laugh and I provide 'em with the jokes!
178 006A993A 006A9E45 And that's the story of how Joey Bello became a standup comedian. Course if I'm lucky enough to get a stool I happily become a sitdown one. Get it?
179 006A993E 006A9E39 Don't worry. It's just a nickname.
180 Teddy's actually short for Theodore. Heh-heh. Joke here is that you'd think "Toe Taker" was the nickname, not that Teddy was the nickname. He really does take toes.
181 Speaking of funny nicknames d'you know Dick is short for Richard? No kidding. Now you're probably asking yourself how do you get Dick from Richard.
182 You gotta ask him nice! Hey-oh!
183 006A993F 006A9E3D Before the big one my family lived in a small town on the outskirts of New Jersey, back when I was just an ankle-biter. A bit casual. It was also a long time ago so he's not too broken up about it.
184 After the bombs it was just me and ma left. We stuck it out there for awhile, ya know best we could, then made our way towards Atlantic City.
185 006A9940 006A9E34 She tried her best but ma just wasn't cut out for life in the apocalypse. Her spirit died. Then her body joined it. I was, you know probably eleven? Said casually/joking but he is a bit sensitive about his mom
186 Ma was always super supportive though! Even back then when I told her I wanted to be a comedian she'd just laugh so hard.
187 It took a few years and a few scars but I eventually made it to Atlantic City. I started small, scored some gigs on the pier, even earned some caps!
188 It's a hard-knock life, kid, but hey that's showbiz!
189 006A9941 006A9E3A Ma said dad was a hero. A firefighter. Lost him and my brothers in the aftermath of the bombs. Proud his dad was a hero even though he barely knew him. Also a bit bitter he died
190 I barely remember my old man let alone my brothers. They were all bigger and older than me. Big enough to help out, old enough to get themselves killed. A bit bitter - he believes putting your neck out to help gets you killed and that cost him his family.
191 006A9943 006A9E44 New Jersey? Oof, freakin' horrible. Poisonous chems on the streets, filth everywhere, people killin' each other over a can of beans... Exaggerated. This is a self-dig joke. He actually loves New Jersey
192 And then the bombs dropped. Ah-ha, hey-oh! implying all the bad stuff existed before the bomb
193 006A9944 006A9E37 Nah, I'm just talkin' smack.
194 006A9945 006A9E43 Whoa, watch your mouth! Huh? Ain't nobody earned the right to talk about New Jersey until you've called it home. Doesn't want the player making fun of New Jersey
195 006A9946 006A9E35 Truth is, it's not as bad as some places and helluva lot better than some others. Atlantic City's a real good time if you've got the caps.
196 I'd tell you to tell 'em Joey sent you if you ever find your way to AC, but it's probably a bad idea if you're a fan of havin' unbroken legs.
197 006A9E25 006A9E2B 'Cause my aim ain't shit! Whoops, sorry ma. I couldn't hit water if I fell in a lake. Took me 16 years just to hit puberty. "sorry" cause he slipped up and swore
198 Sure, I'll throw hands in a barroom brawl but when spit really hits the fan I get the hell outta Dodge.
199 I guess you could call me a "running joke"! Ha ha ha ha! Zing!
200 006A9E26 006A9E2A Look, life was hard out there for a kid. Guy like me crosses paths with a raider and all they see is a punching bag. Half serious but also laughing at himself a bit/self aware
201 You know how they say when you got a hammer every problem looks like a nail? Well when you're a comedian all your problems look like punchlines.
202 So I crack wise. Tell a joke. Break the ice and then hope they don't break my bones.
203 006A9E27 006A9E2D Short story short, I made a joke at a made man's expense and he wanted payback. This and the following lines are half truth, half a joke setup
204 Thankfully I got tipped off by a pal on the inside. "Joey! You really crossed the line this time!" he says.
205 "I know, I know! How much is it going to cost me to smooth things over?" I ask. "Two caps", he says.
206 I'm thinking, "Two caps? That's nothing! What's the catch?"
207 Turns out they wanted my knee caps!
208 I've grown real attached to my legs so I hoofed it outta town with just the clothes on my back and the caps in my pocket. Use 'em or lose 'em, right?
209 006A9E28 006A9E2E 'Cause I dropped out of school and did a lot of chems. A joke at comedians' expense
210 Nah, I'm just breakin' your balls. I never went to school!
211 The truth is it was a survival tactic. I was always a small fry. Ya know, runt of the litter. Easy pickings for gangs and raiders.
212 Comedy kept me alive.
213 006A9E29 006A9E2C What, am I not blending in with the local yokels? What gave it away? My cultural refinement and foreign charm? All said in jest. He's new to Appalachia and aware that New Jersey isn't known for its cultural refinement either
214 Nah, I'm from back East. New Jersey born and raised.
215 006A9E50 006A9E5C Ya, when I was a kid I was obsessed with one-liners. Every joke I ever heard got committed to memory.
216 You used to be able to buy these packs of gum with a joke inside. I spent every cent of my allowance buyin' those packs and I don't even like gum!
217 I hate to admit it, but nearly every joke I know has been borrowed or jacked.
218 Truth is I'm just another scavenger doin' his best to survive. 'Course I'm standing in the spotlight getting an applause doin' it but eh, same thing.
219 006A9E52 006A9E58 I scavenge from old first-aid kits and bathroom cupboards when I can. That or I dip into the ole "swear jar" for caps and trade for 'em.
220 006A9E54 006A9E5A Why, you lookin' to buy?
221 006A9E55 006A9E59 Yeah, you do! Go get 'em Tiger! Hyping up the player, a fellow chem abuser
222 They have this stuff back in Atlantic City that makes Psycho look like bubblegum.
223 Never tried it myself - ya know, way out of my class, but I hear that shit's on a whole 'nother level.
224 They say laughter's the best medicine but let's be real. You ever find me bleeding out just go ahead and jab me with every feel-good chem you got.
225 006A9E56 006A9E5E Yeah, I know but what doesn't? Way I see it everything we do might kill us. Might as well feel good doing it. Defensive/humored at the naive stance of the player. He's been using chems a long time and has heard this all before
226 I knew this meatball back in Atlantic City. Wouldn't touch chems. Said they were too addictive.
227 This chucklehead was always drinking brake fluid instead. Claimed he could stop at any time! Ha ha ha! "stop any time" is a punchline (cause the guy was drinking brake fluid)
228 Look, I know this crap ain't good for me but what's a guy gonna do? Quit? Ma never raised no quitter. Dismissive. Also tosses in a joke about not being a quitter as if the act of quitting is worse than doing chems
229 006A9E57 006A9E5B I guess it depends on your definition of "a lot" but yeah I'm something of a chem connoisseur. Started taking Daytripper when I was still a kid.
230 They say chems screw with your growth but I was always short for my age even before that.
231 In fact, I was so short that when I took Daytripper I didn't even get high. I got medium!
232 006A9E64 006A9E6A Woah-whoa hey! Fuck you, huh. I don't go to where you work and tell you how to eat a dick! More surprised than pure rage. He is angry but is masking it a bit with a snap comeback/insult
233 Aw, fuck! Heh, you got me. Sorry ma, that's 10 caps for the swear jar. Shit. I mean spit! I mean ah-fu... ah sorry ma. Realizes he lost his cool and is embarrassed/disappointed
234 006A9E65 006A9E69 What, like smashin' melons with a super sledge? Thanks for the advice but maybe leave the comedy routine to me, rookie?
235 006A9E66 006A9E6C You forgot handsome! But thanks, boss. Happy to be here.
236 006A9E6D Yeah, but looks aren't everything, am I right?
237 006A9E67 006A9E68 Lay it on me!
238 006A9F6E 006A9F87 I once tried doing stand-up for a herd of brahmin but I got mooed off stage. Heh-ha!
239 006A9F88 Heard they're trying out a new strategy to keep the caravans hidden from raiders. They're calling it cow-moo-flage. Heh-ha-ha!
240 006A9F89 I asked 'em if they deliver chems but they told me they want to keep drugs away from the brahmin. Guess they're worried the steaks'll get too high. Come on!
241 006A9F8A When I'm ready to hit the road I might try hitching a ride with 'em West. I wonder if they could get me to Kentucky? Gotta save up some caps first.
242 006A9F6F 006A9F74 I'm sure they mean well but with a name like "Foundation" you gotta expect people to walk all over you. Kind of shaking his head. He thinks "Foundation" is too nice for their own good
243 006AA5D7 Ward claims he's keepin' an eye on the "vital equipment" but it must be hard if he's gazin' through the bottom of a bottle as often as I think he is. Implying he thinks Ward is an alcoholic
244 006A9F70 006A9F75 Those raiders up in Crater seem pretty decent Yeah, for raiders at least. I've certainly rubbed elbows with worse.
245 But if you ever end up drinking with 'em make sure you don't ever order a round of shots. Good way to trigger a massacre. Heh, God I kill me. Implying that ordering shots leads to a shootout
246 006A9F9B Those Blood Eagles? You ever cross paths with them I suggest that you, uh, don't. Those rotters really make me think twice about doing chems. Blood Eagles are bad news. Even Joey doesn't want to have anything to do with them
247 Of course thinking twice takes a lot of brainpower and then I want some Mentats. Joke/self-dig since he's a chem user
248 But I'd rather try to get high sniffin' brahmin farts than deal with the Blood Eagles.
249 006AB1FE You hear this gal "Rose" on the radio? She sounds like a firecracker. Maybe I'll try to track her down and see if she wants to go day tripping.
250 006AB1FF The raiders out here should really think about getting in on the protection racket.
251 That's where you get people to pay you to protect them from what you'll do to them if they ever stop paying you.
252 006A9F71 006A9F77 You know if they're booking gigs? It might be nice to play a classy joint like The Whitespring once in a while, yeah if I stick around.
253 Oh, oh! What do you call a radstag on a stage? A deer in stage lights! Ha ha! Wocka-wocka! This is a joke commonly heard at the Whitespring and Joey is parroting/mocking it a bit cause he knows it's super cheesy.
254 006A9F78 Seem like good people. Pretty stupid of 'em to put their necks out there but... ya know, sounds like the kinda outfit Dad would've signed up with. He's a bit bitter cause his dad died helping people but he also can't help but be a little impressed at people who help others
255 006A9F72 006A9F7B More like the Brotherhood of Stealin', am I right?
256 Bet they'd like us to think they're named for the shiny Power Armor they wear but really it's 'cause they're always pinching everybody's stuff.
257 006A9F7C How many knights does it take to change a light bulb? Only one to screw it in but an entire squadron to take it from whoever owned it before that. Ha!
258 006A9F73 006A9F7E You meet these guys, "The Brotherhood of Steel"? Said like a late night comedian setup
259 006A9F7F You meet those folks working out of the Whitespring Hotel? The Responders. Said like a late night comedian setup
260 006A9F80 I've started picking up who's who when it comes to your local flavors of Raider.
261 006A9F81 There's this settlement calling themselves "Foundation". Said like a late night comedian setup
262 006A9F82 You do any jobs with the Blue Ridge Caravan Company? The Brahmin drivers?
263 006A9F83 You ever run into these Mothman Cultist whackadoos? Said like a late night comedian setup
264 006A9F84 I'm guessing you've seen those "Super Mutants". How could you miss 'em, right? Said like a late night comedian setup
265 006A9F85 What's the deal with robots? Said like a late night comedian setup
266 006A9F98 006A9F9E The other day I bumped into this "Insult-bot". Geez, they weren't kidding when they said the robots were coming for everybody's jobs were they?
267 But hey, funny is funny. I might just might have to "borrow" some of his material. Eyy-yoink.
268 006A9F9F I visited that Metal Dome place the other day. You know, the arena run by the Rust Eagles?
269 I placed bets on the kill-bots thinking there was no way robots programmed to do nothing but kill could possibly lose. But... zero won. Ha! Get it? Says "zero won" in a mock robot voice like "zero one"
270 006A9FA0 I was poking around VTU and stumbled across this robot in a tattoo parlor. Bartender and drinking buddy all-in-one. Now that's my kind of robot!
271 You know, I once had a one night stand with a robot back in Atlantic City. I wanted to cuddle but it just wanted to screw, nut, and bolt! Hahahaha!
272 006A9F99 006A9F9C Come on! I'd heard Appalachia has its hillbillies but you're telling me there's really a whole group of rednecks out here worshipping a giant bug? Amused disbelief
273 I mean sure, the Piney's back home have their Jersey Devil but at least you don't find 'em praying to it.
274 006AA5D5 006A9FA1 Why'd the robot cross the road? It was programmed to be a chicken. Baw-cawk!
275 006AA5DC What has broken arms, broken legs, and lies at the bottom of a pier? People who tell jokes about the mafia. Ay-ay-ay! "Ay-ay-ay" is feigned worry. Like "I hope the mob didn't hear that".
276 006AA5DD You know what we call a classy person back in New Jersey? A visitor.
277 006AA5DE You hear about the wise-guy that got a job workin' as a housekeeper? Yeah, he's a maid man. Oh, I'm cleanin' up here!
278 006AA5DF What's a mobster's favorite game? Whack-the-mole. Ha ha!
279 006AA5E5 Why is breakfast cereal so bad at stand-up comedy? 'Cause Sugar Bombs! Get it? Sugar. Bombs. Yeah, all right, forget it.
280 006AA5E8 What'd the redneck say to his girlfriend when they broke up? Let's just be cousins. Haha!
281 006AA5EB You hear that Santatron has a new comedy act? Yeah, it sleighs. Ho ho ho haha!
282 006AA5EC Why'd the snitch feel nervous around calendars? Cause his days were numbered. Bada-boom!
283 006AA5ED How does a mobster keep a clean conscience? Easy, they never use it.
284 006AA5EF If you've got four drinks in one hand and another 3 in the other what have you got? Alcoholism. Badum-bump!
285 006AA5F3 A friend of mine stared selling fireworks, grenades, missiles, and TNT. Y'know he says business is booming.
286 006AA5F4 Why'd the mafia put a hit out on the mime? He had to be silenced.
287 006AA5F5 A blindfolded man walks into a bar. Then a table. Then a chair. Ha-ha, you see?
288 006AA635 What do you call a mobster who's gotten too many rads? A gabaghoul! Gabagool = gaba-ghoul. Said with a strong fake Italian accent.
289 006AA636 Before I insult anyone I like to first walk a mile in their shoes. Yeah that way I'm a mile away and I got their shoes.
290 006AA637 What'd the Vault-tec employee say when he saw the nukes dropping? Armageddon outta here!
291 006AA64E I heard an old acquaintance of mine died the other day. We weren't that close, which is good, cause he stepped on a land mine.
292 006AA64F How many mobsters does it take to throw a snitch off a cliff? None, he slipped and fell all by himself.
293 006AA650 What do you get when you cross a mob boss and his right hand man? A bullet to the head.
294 006AA651 You hear about that cool bachelor party they threw for the two-headed buck? It was a real rad radstag stag.
295 006AA942 You ever get so hungry you try eating an alarm clock? It's better than starving but it sure is time consuming.
296 006AA943 I had this idea for a jokes-by-mail service but it didn't work out. The jokes were hilarious but the delivery was terrible.
297 006AA944 I borrowed this pair of shoes from my chem dealer. I don't know what they were laced with but I've been trippin' all day.
298 006AA945 You ever explore any of the old skyscrapers around here? I don't trust the elevators. In fact, I take steps to avoid them.
299 006AA946 I was never a big fan of mutations but after walking through that radiation zone I've gotta admit - they're growing on me!
300 006AA947 I played this prank on this settler where I covered his door knob with adhesive. A week later and the guy's still furious. He just can't let it go!
301 006AA949 Growing up I never did learn what the word "apocalypse" meant. Oh well, it's not like it's the end of the world.
302 006AA94B You hear about the wedding they held at the old radio tower? The ceremony was only so-so but the reception was amazing!
303 006AA966 You hear about that junkie that got addicted to soap? He's clean now.
304 006CDE56 Makes a lot of sense we use caps for our money, doesn't it? America has always been a cap-italist country. Cha-ching!
305 006CDE57 What's the worst thing a prison guard can find at a party? An open bar.
306 006CDE58 You hear the one about the drum set that fell off the roof? Badum-tss! Heh.
307 006AA62E 006AA634 Got it. I'll keep my shoes on. A bit cold. Player might kick him out at any time and he knows it.
308 006AA62F 006AA638 Thanks, boss. I appreciate it. I know I joke around a lot but I mean it. sincere. The player has been kind to him and he knows it
309 006AA630 006AA632 Was thinking I'd head West. Save up some caps here telling jokes then see if I can hire the Blue Ridge Caravan Company to take me towards Kentucky.
310 I've heard rumors Vegas might still be standing. Maybe I'll head there eventually, or try for Reno. Who knows, might even make it to Hollywood!
311 Next time you see Joey Bello it could be in gorgeous PanaLuxe Color! Which I'm guessing is like real life, only better cause it's made in Hollywood. He know's this is an unrealistic dream but is selling it
312 006AA631 006AA633 Nah, not forever. Appalachia's nice, but I'm not sure if it's a fit, you know? I'll be here a while if you'll have me. Got to save up some caps.
313 006AA95D 006AA964 There's this one, Grahm, eh he seems alright. Tried to sell me meat. I tried to teach him a joke, but he butchered it.
314 006AA965 Everybody likes to hate on Super Mutants but y'know they're not all bad. It's just that 99% of them that give the rest a bad name.
315 006AE3DB 006AE3E4 Yeah next time maybe just kick me in the balls instead, huh? Still, I guess I could take my own advice and grow a thicker skin.
316 006AE3DD 006AE3E5 Yeah I guess you ruffled this radgull's feathers huh? Maybe I'm gettin' soft, I wasn't expecting you to lay into me like that. Well criticism noted. Trying to act amused but he was rattled by the player being so mean
317 006AE3DF 006AA63C Alright, but you didn't hear it from me.
318 006AA63E Here's the scoop.
319 006AE3E0 006AE3E7 Good idea. Better to let 'em air out a little bit.
320 006AE3E8 Oh yeah, don't want to have too much fun, right?
321 006AE3E1 006AE3EA I got you!
322 006AE3EB What, you think I'm made of jokes? Alright try this one on.
323 006AE3EC That's it. That's all the jokes I got. Nah! I'm kidding!
324 006AE3ED This one slayed 'em back home.
325 006AE3E2 006AA63A I'll be here all night. And day.
326 006AA63B Thanks, you've been a great audience. Said as if ending a show
327 006AA63F Goodnight everybody! Mock sign off as if he just finished a stand up set
328 006B4F75 006AE3E3 That? That's my swear jar. You know! My cuss pot, my curse can, my profanity pitcher. It's where I toss a few caps if I slip up and drop an F-bomb.