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Fallout Wiki

I'm going to put this in my fridge.

Veronica is a resident of Vault 33 in the Fallout TV series.

Fallout TV series[]

The Ghouls[]

After the raiders attack Vault 33, she is tasked with supervising the imprisoned raiders, alongside two armored guards.

Veronica sits at her desk, playing solitaire, until Norm arrives with a trolley tray with a Jell-O cake. The two greet each other, and Veronica became upset to learn that the raiders are getting the Jell-O cake, which Norm remarks, he's following his orders. To that, Veronica wondered what his father would have to say about this, which Norm claims he'd deliver the cake himself. Agreeing with Norm, she mentions that Hank was a saint and was allowed to have it by Veronica, who thankfully takes it away and remarking she'd put it in her fridge.

The Radio[]

As time passed, Veronica continued to sit behind her desk again, playing solitaire as Norm delivered the Vault 32 raiders their daily food.

Eventually, when the Vault 32 raiders all died from poisoning, Veronica was blamed for it. While being hauled away by two Vault 33 guards, Veronica claimed she was innocent.


Veronica is seemingly kind and cordial as displayed when she spoke with Norm about the Jell-O cake.


Veronica appears only in the Fallout TV series episodes "The Ghouls" and "The Radio."


Fallout TV series characters