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Been a long time coming, but the Responders are back--for good, this time.

Rucker is the leader of the new Responders in Appalachia, taking over the organization from its former leader, Maria Chavez.


Rucker comes from Appalachia (describing herself as "born in a barn")[1] but lived elsewhere at the time of the Great War. A self-termed "army brat," Rucker and her family had moved north alongside her father, an army medic who "always wanted to be where the action was." When the bombs fell, her father's company took a direct hit and the rest of Rucker's family also perished in the chaos.[2] Wanting to honor her father's memory, Rucker chose to return to Appalachia, believing that her father would have wanted to be helping people back home when all hell broke loose.[3] Though she mourned her family, she refused to let that divert her focus from the present, believing helping the survivors to be more important.[4] The journey south along the East Coast to Appalachia was not easy, and she traveled with a few other stragglers who watched out for each other on the way.[5]

Upon returning to Appalachia, she learned about the Responders and their fate. Although she found a few people wearing the uniform, she noted that nobody was truly working to revive the organization in a proper manner. Rucker took every opportunity to learn about the Responders, whether it be reading documents or listening to stories. She realized that while the original group had faded, their ideals could not only be brought back but also repopularized. Through her efforts, by 2104 she singlehandedly managed to recreate the Responders in a fully autonomous state.[6] After they were invited to the Whitespring Refuge by Orlando, she joined the group there as their leader. While the organization is now independent enough for its departments to work on their own, Rucker still does much work to maintain morale and administrate the group. This has left her severely exhausted, but she continues on in her role.[7][8][9][10]

Rucker also has varying opinions on the occupants of the Whitespring Refuge. She distrusts Orlando and the "Management" for their secretive nature but is still grateful for their hospitality.[8][11] She appreciates Skippy Roerich's work and empathizes with his goals, seeing them as similar to hers.[12] Finally, she finds Initiate Ellison to be good-natured but is highly irritated by his talkativeness.[1][13]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon interactions essential
This character cannot be killed.
Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.

Refuge Daily: Code Blue

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

Responders Reborn


Apparel Weapon Other items
Responders' padded jacket


Rucker appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: The Pitt update.

Notable quotes[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Rucker: "Hell yes I was born in a barn, Ellison. What's your excuse?"
    (Rucker's dialogue)
  2. A Vault Dweller: "Did anyone else in your family make it out alive?"
    Rucker: "They did not. All I have to say about that is it wasn't for lack of trying--or fighting."
    (Rucker's dialogue)
  3. A Vault Dweller: "So what's your story?"
    Rucker: "Was an army brat before the bombs fell. My dad was a medic, and always wanted to be where the action was. Dad's company took a direct hit. I think his biggest regret was that he wasn't here, in Appalachia, when it all went down. I wanted to do right by him, so I figured the next best thing was to make the trek back here, myself, and do what I thought he'd have done."
    (Rucker's dialogue)
  4. Rucker: "Look, I appreciate the concern, truly--but what happened to my family is what happened to most folks' families. War has a way of blurring everyone's story into one: run, fight, hide, repeat. I'm more interested in the present, in keeping people alive long enough so they can have their own stories to tell."
    (Rucker's dialogue)
  5. A Vault Dweller: "How did you make it all the way back home from there?"
    Rucker: "Wasn't easy. Me and a few other stragglers had to pick our way down the east coast, ducking and dodging everything that moved except each other. Not the kind of experience one wants to talk much about. You understand."
    (Rucker's dialogue)
  6. A Vault Dweller: "You brought the Responders back yourself?"
    Rucker: "Well, it took a minute--and a miracle--but yeah. When I first got back to Appalachia the Responders were all but wiped out. Couple of folks wandering around wearing the uniform, but not a one doing any organizing or, hell, making any real work out of it. I started reading everything I could find and listening to anything anyone could tell me about the group before they all passed. I realized that while the Responders themselves didn't make it, the idea could be brought back--and this time, for good."
    (Rucker's dialogue)
  7. A Vault Dweller: "What do you do, here?"
    Rucker: "I keep the Responders, well, responding. We've grown enough now that most of the different departments organize themselves fairly well. But everyone needs a fire lit under 'em from time to time, and these days that's where most of my hours go. That, and keeping Orlando from sniffing around."
    (Rucker's dialogue)
  8. 8.0 8.1 A Vault Dweller: "Tell me about the Refuge."
    Rucker: "Nice enough place. Heard it used to be some kind of fancy trading post before the war. Can't say I'm overly fond of this 'management' that Orlando's wrapped up in, but I've got work needs doing, and I'm not one to turn down a safe place to do it in. I'm also not in love with all the hammering and drilling they got going on--but I'm not complaining. Well, starting now I'm not."
    (Rucker's dialogue)
  9. Rucker: "Hope you're here about the supplies I ordered. Wait...no that's someone else. And it's supposed to be tomorrow. Lord, I need a nap."
    (Rucker's dialogue)
  10. Rucker: "Damn, almost mixed some Calmex in with the Med-X. Who labels these things."
    (Rucker's dialogue)
  11. A Vault Dweller: "What can you tell me about Orlando?"
    Rucker: "Hell, I can't get Orlando to tell me about Orlando. Not that I'm ungrateful for the space they're giving us here, mind. But I've never met this 'management' they go on about, and I don't trust anyone who can't--or won't--show their face."
    (Rucker's dialogue)
  12. A Vault Dweller: "What's Skippy's deal?"
    Rucker: "Nice enough fella, considering what's going on back in the Pitt. Resourceful, too, in a way that's hard to come by these days. I won't pretend I ever got my head all the way around this 'Union' he's a part of. But he knows who his people are and does everything he can to keep 'em amongst the living. We're cut from common cloth like that."
    (Rucker's dialogue)
  13. A Vault Dweller: "About Initiate Ellison..."
    Rucker: "Lord, that kid. If you're asking me about him then I take it you haven't had the pleasure of him talking both your ears off at once. Truth told, I think the Brotherhood gave him a job just to stop him from jawing at 'em for five minutes. I'd begrudge their peace less if it didn't come at the cost of our quiet. At least with his yakking he can't sneak up on you. Orlando on the other hand..."
    (Rucker's dialogue)