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Fallout Wiki

Olivia P. Henderson was a guard for the Responders prior to 2102.


Before the Great War, Olivia was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and was told she only had a few years left to live. However, she survived for well over a decade after the bombs dropped, even living to volunteer with the Responders at Morgantown Airport. She believed that her cancer was either in remission or being slowed down by the post-War radiation.

She eventually volunteered to guard the airport's Scorched Plague quarantine research zone. Despite knowing that the role was permanent and she would never be able to leave, she chose to take the position anyways due to her cancer. While carrying out the role she became close to another guard, Wyatt Johnson, and treated him like a son. They lived together in the airplane wreck near the quarantine zone before the airport fell to the Scorched.

Following a psychological evaluation, Doctor Madison concluded that Olivia was stubborn, willfully ignorant, and cynical, but still mentally and physiologically fit for her position.[1]


Olivia P. Henderson is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

