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This is a transcript for dialogue with Rucker.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0063BED6 0063BEF3 Always something that needs doing.
2 0063BEF4 Wonder why they call it the Pitt. Eh, probably better I don't have to know.
3 0063BEF5 *whistles* Ellison needs to access his calm, goddamn.
4 0063BEF6 Responders are gonna need more jumpsuits, at this rate.
5 0063BEF7 That Orlando could talk the bark off a tree.
6 0063BEF8 If you want something done right, you gotta make sure you don't get shot, stabbed, radsick, or blown up. And then you gotta do it yourself.
7 0063BEF9 Got a shipment of meds coming in tomorrow. Hope it's on time.
8 0063BEFA Lots of new faces--and fresh wounds.
9 0063BEFB Hell yes I was born in a barn, Ellison. What's your excuse? emphasis *your*
10 0063BEFC Vertibird ain't the only thing running on empty, 'round here.
11 0063BEFD Me and Orlando are about to have some words. Go on and get your 'management' to keep the place clean if you don't like the way I do it.
12 0063BEFE If it ain't broke, then double check. It's probably broke.
13 0065328D Yes, exactly.
14 0065328E That sounds good.
15 0065328F That's not quite what I had in mind.
16 006611DC So, you feeling up for giving the Responders a hand?
17 0063BED7 0063BF03 Whew, don't need a Geiger counter when you're glowing like a Christmas tree. Slight disbelief, concern
18 0063BF04 Hope you're here about the supplies I ordered. Wait...no that's someone else. And it's supposed to be tomorrow. Lord, I need a nap. Tired
19 0063BF05 Heard folks had all the coffee they could drink before the war. Lucky bastards. Well, not lucky...what with the bombs, and everything. Observational, idle thought
20 0063BF06 Damn, almost mixed some Calmex in with the Med-X. Who labels these things. Overworked, distracted from lack of sleep
21 0063BF08 Stoppin' in to chat? I'm not complaining. Friendly/approachable
22 0063BF09 Been a long time coming, but the Responders are back--for good, this time. Proud, she's the one who brought this group back from the brink of destruction
23 0063BF0A Here to lend a hand, or 'cuz you need a hand? Either way--the Responders are here for you. Tired, overworked but still here to help. Slight emphasis "lend" and "need"
24 0065324E 00653288 Well, you're not bleeding through your shirt. I call that a good day. Overworked, tired but still approachable.
25 Name's Rucker. I head up the Responders around here. Friendly
26 00653289 Good to see you back. Overworked, tired but still approachable.
27 0065328A What can I do you for? Overworked, tired but still approachable.
28 0065328B Hey there, sorry about the mess. What's up? Overworked, tired but still approachable.
29 00653250 00653278 Better believe it. And it's my job to make sure we stick around, this time. Proud of what she's done
30 00653252 00653295 Nothing right now, believe that or not. Check in again soon, though. Almost always something that needs doing around here. emphasis *that*
31 00653254 0065327E Thought you might. Go on ahead.
32 00653256 00653283 Good talking with you.
33 00653284 Take care of yourself--and your fellow Appalachians, if you're able.
34 00653285 Till next time.
35 00653286 Stay upright out there.
36 00653258 00653294 Well, it took a minute--and a miracle--but yeah. Proud, but you can hear the exhaustion in her voice
37 When I first got back to Appalachia the Responders were all but wiped out. Not a pleasant memory for her
38 Couple of folks wandering around wearing the uniform, but not a one doing any organizing or, hell, making any real work out of it. Annoyed that people didn't seem to want to do this work themselves
39 I started reading everything I could find and listening to anything anyone could tell me about the group before they all passed.
40 I realized that while the Responders themselves didn't make it, the idea could be brought back--and this time, for good. Proud of being able to do this
41 0065325A 0065327C Nice enough place. Heard it used to be some kind of fancy trading post before the war.
42 Can't say I'm overly fond of this "management" that Orlando's wrapped up in, but I've got work needs doing, and I'm not one to turn down a safe place to do it in. Suspicious of Orlando, but can't bring herself to act ungrateful.
43 I'm also not in love with all the hammering and drilling they got going on--but I'm not complaining. Well, starting now I'm not. Lots of noise makes it hard to sleep and concentrate.
44 0065325C 00653274 Was an army brat before the bombs fell. My dad was a medic, and always wanted to be where the action was.
45 Dad's company took a direct hit. I think his biggest regret was that he wasn't here, in Appalachia, when it all went down. Not a pleasant memory
46 I wanted to do right by him, so I figured the next best thing was to make the trek back here, myself, and do what I thought he'd have done. Likes to think her father would be proud of her
47 0065325E 00653280 I keep the Responders, well, responding.
48 We've grown enough now that most of the different departments organize themselves fairly well.
49 But everyone needs a fire lit under 'em from time to time, and these days that's where most of my hours go. Glad to help out, but is definitely feeling the weight/pressure/exhaustion
50 That, and keeping Orlando from sniffing around. Suspicious of Orlando
51 00653260 00653276 All right, then.
52 00653262 00653281 Wasn't easy. Me and a few other stragglers had to pick our way down the east coast, ducking and dodging everything that moved except each other.
53 Not the kind of experience one wants to talk much about. You understand.
54 00653264 00653277 They did not. All I have to say about that is it wasn't for lack of trying--or fighting.
55 00653266 00653291 Sure thing.
56 00653268 0065327B Look, I appreciate the concern, truly--but what happened to my family is what happened to most folks' families.
57 War has a way of blurring everyone's story into one: run, fight, hide, repeat.
58 I'm more interested in the present, in keeping people alive long enough so they can have their own stories to tell.
59 0065326A 00653290 Depends on who you mean.
60 0065326C 00653279 Hell, I can't get Orlando to tell me about Orlando. Not that I'm ungrateful for the space they're giving us here, mind.
61 But I've never met this "management" they go on about, and I don't trust anyone who can't--or won't--show their face.
62 0065326E 00653273 Nice enough fella, considering what's going on back in the Pitt. Resourceful, too, in a way that's hard to come by these days.
63 I won't pretend I ever got my head all the way around this "Union" he's a part of.
64 But he knows who his people are and does everything he can to keep 'em amongst the living. We're cut from common cloth like that. Genuine admiration
65 00653270 0065327F Lord, that kid. She thinks he's nice enough, but he talks too much and pesters her frequently even though she's busy.
66 If you're asking me about him then I take it you haven't had the pleasure of him talking both your ears off at once.
67 Truth told, I think the Brotherhood gave him a job just to stop him from jawing at 'em for five minutes.
68 I'd begrudge their peace less if it didn't come at the cost of our quiet. At least with his yakking he can't sneak up on you.
69 Orlando on the other hand...
70 00653272 00653275 No worries.
71 00653997 0065399B The hell you want to take my photo for? Sounds silly, but I don't see the harm. Sure, fire away.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0063BED8 0063BEEE Well, seems like timing is one of your strong suits.
2 0063BEEF Welcome back.
3 0063BEF0 Good to see you again.
11 0063BED9 0063BEE3 A lead just came in on something promising, if you're up for making the trip.
12 0063BEE4 Got a case I can't quite get my head around, and if you can spare a trip I'd sure appreciate you bringing something back for me.
13 0063BEE5 Listen, got good word of something that might give the Responders an edge in treating these folks. Just need to get it here in one piece.
14 0065327D Got a patient in last night and none of us have any idea what's wrong with 'em. But we do have a lead on something that'll help--if you're up for it.
15 0063BEDA 0063BEE7 Anything you're able to find, go ahead and bring it back to our lead medic. I'll let her know to look for you. Good luck out there.
16 0063BEDB 0063BEF1 All right. Come back if you change your mind.
17 0063BEDD 0063BEE1 Nice! Well, let's get to it then.
18 0063BEDF 0063BEE9 So, what do you say? Want to help the Responders make a difference?
19 0063BEEA Can the Responders count on you?
20 0063BEEB So how 'bout it?
21 0063BEEC So talk to me. You in?
22 0063BEE0 0063BF00 Look, I can stitch up a gash with the best of 'em. But Appalachia...well, she can do a lot worse than cut us open.
23 Got a lot of folks here with sickness we don't understand, and injuries we don't know how to treat.
24 What we need more than anything is know-how. So I propose we trade: what I got that I don't need, for what you need that you don't got.
25 I've heard you're looking to head into the Pitt. And the only safe way out of Appalachia's that metal bird Lennox has perched up on the roof.
26 And what keeps her in the air are those Ultracite cells Orlando keeps locked up.
27 So that's the deal. You bring back medical information that'll help me figure out how to help these folks, and I'll get you all the juice you need.
28 0065B190 0065B195 What? That's gotta be a contender for most useless request I've ever heard. Sure, go ahead, but don't expect me to waste time posing or anything.
70 00660ED1 00660ED5 Arktos is a big place, but I'm hoping you won't have to dig too much.
71 00660ED6 AVR Medical Center, down in Charleston, should have what we're looking for.
72 00660ED7 Hope you don't mind heading into the Mire.
73 00660ED8 Today you'll be going to school--what's left of it, anyway.
74 00660ED9 We've narrowed down what we need to Vault Tec's Agricultural Center.
75 00660EDA Hope you don't mind a trip over to Cranberry Bog.
76 00660ED2 00660EE3 What we're looking for is a pharmacology reference book, something our medics here have been after for awhile.
77 I'm hoping you can come through for them.
78 00660EE4 Word is, there's a lot of pre-war patient records still inside AVR.
79 If we can get our hands on even a few of them, we'll learn a great deal about how they used to take care of folks...
80 ...and that'll help us do a better job today.
81 00660EE5 Braxon's is a weird little place, way I hear it. Some kind of medical supply company.
82 We're hoping to find something there that can help us repair the equipment we already have--and maybe even improve on it.
83 00660EE6 Before the war, they would teach high school students about anatomy and physiology. Isn't that wild?
84 I don't know how helpful it was to those kids...
85 ...but if there's any textbooks on the subject still intact at Morgantown High, I can damn-well tell you how helpful it would be to the Responders.
86 00660EE7 It sounds crazy, but just before the bombs fell, the war had taken up so many resources that animal doctors were told to start treating humans.
87 Whatever the hospitals did to train up those folks, I'm betting it's something we could use, too.
88 00660EE8 Now, this one might be tricky.
89 Watoga Emergency was almost entirely run by robots, but even robots had to tell their patients how to take care of themselves once they left the hospital.
90 What we're looking for there is any record of that information, so we can do the same for our patients here in the Refuge.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
8 0062F5D7 006452F9 Wasn't sure we'd see you back. Changed your mind?
59 00644F33 00644F99 Head on up to the roof to meet our pilot, Lennox. She'll sort you out.
60 Thanks for doing this, and for your help earlier. You're always welcome at the Refuge. Especially if you want to help us out again.
61 Stay safe out there. Come back alive.
62 00644F34 00644FBE The answer is no, by the way. We run some regular sorties, trade some supplies, carry messages.
63 Our radios don't reach that far, so communication's either us or waiting for caravans.
64 00644F35 00644FA2 No, it does not.
65 00644F36 00644FC7 It doesn't hurt that we've got factories that can still make manufactured goods, either.
66 00644F37 00644FAB Well, I can answer that, Skippy.
67 First of all, we've got refugees here from the Pitt - people who've made it all the way down on foot or in caravans.
68 And the best way to help that situation is to help people not need to flee the Pitt in the first place.
69 Second, the Union's the best chance of stability the Pitt's got. The Responders don't just want to triage the world.
70 We want to help it rebuild one day. We'll need allies to do that.
76 00644F41 00644F98 Now, Skippy, it's their choice.
87 00644F4C 00644FB4 Anyway, sure thing. I guess you've already got all the Ultracells you'll need - I know you've got mine.
88 Sophie and Esme tell me you helped them out, too, so I expect you got theirs as well.
89 00644F4D 00644F9A Don't let Lennox hear you call it a "plane". She takes it personally.
91 00644F4F 00644FA4 We've met. Had a feeling you might be up for this when you came by earlier. Guess I was right.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
56 0064814D 00648157 The hell you taking my picture for? If you're bored, we got lots to do around here.
57 0065399F All good? Great. You know, if you've got time for sightseeing I hear Skippy's been looking for someone to help out with taking photos for his guide.