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"City of Lost Angels"
That crazy lightshow over the Fort, what the fuck was that, some kind of thumb of God you called down? Amazing, fucking amazing.General Oliver about the Securitron army destroying the Fort during All or Nothing or No Gods, No Masters

Fortification Hill, typically truncated as simply The Fort, is a location in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas.


Known before the Great War as "Fortification Hill", circa. 2277,[1] when the forces of Caesar's Legion returned to the Mojave, after being previously defeated by the New California Republic at the First Battle of Hoover Dam, to begin marshalling their strength for the upcoming Second Battle of Hoover Dam, they chose the site of what became known as just "The Fort" as their main headquarters, presiding over the eastern side of the Colorado River and looking upon the Old-World wall of the Hoover Dam. Here, Caesar himself resides, protected by his praetorian guard and commanding his Legion to attack and weaken the NCR "Profligates" through any means ahead of their next great battle to decide the future of the Mojave.[2]

Unbeknownst to Caesar, long before the Legion even existed, in the pre-War era, the weather monitoring station present on the hill had been secretly co-opted by Robert House. The billionaire CEO and future martial lord of New Vegas constructed a secret vault within the earth of Fortification Hill and filled it with an army of Securitron robots created by his company RobCo Industries, along with the technology to produce more if he ever needed the strength to defend his beloved city of Las Vegas.


Reaching the Fort is only possible via the raft controlled by Cursor Lucullus at Cottonwood Cove. However, accessing it, even if he is killed, is not possible until after a certain point in the game. To be able to reach the Fort, the player character must either receive the Mark of Caesar when exiting The Tops after completing Ring-a-Ding-Ding! (either by Vulpes Inculta, or by Alerio if one has killed Vulpes prior such as when first meeting him at Nipton during They Went That-a-Way), or when For the Republic, Part 2 has been progressed to the point when one must report to Colonel Moore to inform her that the Great Khans have been dealt with.

On either side of the entrance are sleeping tents. To the north of the entrance past the tents is a small bar. In the center of the camp are the arena and Caesar's tent. To the southwest, there are more tents, another bar, and the weather monitoring station, which initially cannot be entered until Caesar orders the player character to do so during Render Unto Caesar. Standing on top of the hill near the entrance will allow a view of other tents and structures off in the distance that cannot be visited.

If one was not invited via receiving the Mark, the guards at the Fort may be hostile. If one travels to Cottonwood Cove with Boone as an active companion, he will immediately attack all legionaries on sight, causing them and those at the Fort to turn hostile as well (unless a Legion faction disguise is worn).

Legion arena[]

Main article: Legion arena

The Legion arena is a small pit made of walls of scrap metal put together to form a post-apocalyptic colosseum. Here a male Courier can fight slaves and captured NCR soldiers to the death for the amusement of Caesar's legionaries; a female Courier will be told they are not allowed to fight in the arena and will not have this option. The only exceptions to this are: choosing to kill Benny (if he hadn't been dealt with at The Tops) by fighting him in the arena as a part of Render Unto Caesar, fighting Lupa to acquire her brain during Nothin' But a Hound Dog, and fighting the Legion mongrels during Saving (or Savaging) Sergeant Teddy.

Notable loot[]

  • 500 surplus 5.56mm rounds - At the end of the northeast trench seen when first entering the Fort.
  • Lupa's brain - Lupa must be killed for her brain. Antony may be spoken to while standing beside her, to arrange an arena fight with Lupa, for the quest Nothin' But a Hound Dog. Alternatively, Lupa may be attacked where she stands, but it will turn everyone at the camp hostile. Lupa's brain increases Rex's DT by 10.
  • Caesar's armor - Worn by Caesar.
  • Benny's suit and Maria - Both used by Benny (only if he was not killed at the Tops during Ring-a-Ding-Ding!).
  • Legion slave ledger - On a table on the lefthand side of Caesar's tent, in the righthand corner by some empty metal shelves.

Related quests[]


  • If one chooses to fight Benny in the arena, both the player character and he will be equipped with machetes, and his body will have Maria on it.
  • The Legionary guarding the entrance to Robert House's bunker pronounces Caesar with a soft "c" sound, unlike all the other Legionaries, who use a hard "k" sound.
  • There is a Museum of Technology poster in the first room of the weather monitoring station.
  • This location is actually far larger than the area that can be accessed. From various locations throughout the camp, one can see that the tents of the Legion stretch out far across the land surrounding the camp, though the gates to these areas are marked as "inaccessible."
  • Lupa's dead body will remain in the arena unless her brain is removed to take to Doctor Henry.
  • Blood spurts out of the training dummies when attacked with a power fist.
  • There is a crucified trooper on the left upon entering the gate.
  • The Legion has a strict policy of eradicating all use of drugs and alcohol among their men. Despite this, Legion officers and troops around the camp may be seen drinking beer.
  • If everyone in the Fort is killed with Boone present, he will acknowledge the death of Caesar and will proceed with a conversation about it.


The Fort appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

The Fort is located in the same geographical area as the real world Fortification Hill, located on the Arizona side of Lake Mead, overlooking the Hoover Dam.


  • PCPC When traveling to the Fort after talking to Lucullus, the loading screen will be glitched and will never end, even though the player has already loaded into the area. The only fix is to reload a save, open the console, click on Lucullus, type "kill", and enter the Fort by clicking the prompt shown when the camera is facing the barge. Using "coc thefort" can also circumvent this bug, but will break some of the game's scripts and is not recommended as a fix.
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 If Vulpes Inculta is killed after the Mark is given, and then becoming vilified by the Legion before traveling to the Fort the first time, going there will result in random resets of the reputations with other factions in the game (at least on the map).[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 You may not regain all your weapons upon leaving the Fort, so make sure you save before you attempt to leave.[verified]
  • PCPC After leaving Caesar's tent, Cursor Lucullus may have completely disappeared, making it impossible to leave the fort or retrieve your equipment.[verified]
    • This can be fixed on PC by simply using "Prid [Ref ID]" and then "Moveto player"
  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes, if Boone is waiting outside Fortification Hill, the guard outside Caesar's tent, the dog near him and everybody inside Caesar's tent except Caesar himself will be hostile. To prevent this, the player character must have previously kicked Boone from their party.[verified]
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 If the player character leaves the Fort after having the platinum chip returned to them by Caesar, the guard will take the chip. If the player character returns to the Lucky 38 and kills Mr. House, the platinum chip will be added back to their inventory. Fast traveling back to the Fort will initiate the same dialogue as trying to leave with the platinum chip. Choose the option to stay and they will not confiscate any of one's items.[verified]
  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Sometimes one will be randomly attacked by the guards when walking up to the tent.[verified]
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes the Praetorian guards in Caesar's tent will randomly attack even if one has the Mark of Caesar.[verified]
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 When the player character tries to leave the Fort by clicking on the gate, it will not trigger Cursor Lucullus to ask them if they are ready to leave.[verified]
  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 After following Benny to the Fort and choosing the option to crucify him, upon returning to the drawbridge it is possible to see two Bennys: One on the cross and another standing by it, the one standing by it can be talked to and untied. If he is untied, one will gain good Karma.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 There are a great many problems with corpses in the Fort. Any ash piles left in the Fort will respawn their inventories upon returning, as will some non-ash pile corpses. Any normally killed soldiers may also spawn alive upon returning. Non-ash pile corpses also have a habit of vanishing not long after they have been killed, even if one does not leave the area.[verified]
  • PCPC When exiting the Fort with a companion, unique weapons that were confiscated may be duplicated in the companion's inventory.[verified]
  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Occasionally, if the player character has a weapon drawn when they fast travel to the Fort and are disarmed when asked by the guard, their hands will remain in the position that they would be in for the weapon that had been drawn, even though the weapon is absent. This can be fixed by pressing the reload button, which will bring up one's fists.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes upon entering the Fort after wiping the Legion forces stationed there, a Powder Ganger will appear at the draw bridge. He will be hostile and will be wearing simple Powder Ganger armor with a stormchaser hat.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 If one kills everyone in the Fort (not counting slaves), every time upon re-entering, the dead bodies will respawn, dead, in the same spot they were killed but with new items on their inventories.[verified]
  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 The area in and around the Fort may be extremely choppy when first arriving there.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 It is possible to fast travel with the platinum chip in one's inventory by defeating Lupa in the arena during the Rex companion quest. [verified]
  • PCPC When entering the Fort for the first time with Arcade Gannon in one's party, his scripted dialogue relating to For Auld Lang Syne may interrupt the dialogue with the legionary main gate guard where he asks the player character to disarm and relinquish banned items. If this happens, the conversation with the main gate guard will not start unless one talks to the guard yourself, and one will get to keep all weapons and banned items. One can even draw weapons or use said items in front of the Legion without them becoming hostile.[verified]
  • PCPC It is possible to prevent all items from being taken (including the platinum chip) by immediately fast traveling away from the Fort upon first arriving via the barge at Cottonwood Cove, preventing the guard from initiating dialogue. When the player returns to the Fort with fast travel, they will be able to roam the Fort with all of their items on their person.[verification overdue]


Fallout: New Vegas[]

Magic: The Gathering[]


  1. Caesar: "Down the hill, at the west edge of camp, is an old building. It was here when the Fort was taken in 2277."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  2. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland - The Fort
The Fort