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The Painted Rock tribe are a mentioned-only group associated with Caesar's Legion in Fallout: New Vegas.


Once inhabiting the former American state of Arizona, sometime between 2248 and 2281, the Painted Rock tribe was conquered and absorbed into the Legion. In the Legion, the former tribals became well renowned for their toughness, outdone only by the centurions, the Legate, and the praetoria guarding Caesar himself. Alongside the Red Okie Centuria, they make up a large number of the Legion's veteran members, spoken of as the best the Legion has to offer that have slain many enemies and earned their rank.[1]

In October 2281, they remained behind in the Legion's territories east of the Colorado River,[1] but later that same year, they migrate into the Mojave Wasteland at the behest of Caesar to answer the call to war against the New California Republic at the Second Battle of Hoover Dam.[2]


The Painted Rock tribe is mentioned only in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

The tribe's name and their former presence in Arizona seemingly implies that they took their namesake from the Painted Desert, a real-world location in eastern Arizona.


  1. ā†‘ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Legion officer: "Soon the Legion's veterans will arrive from Arizona. Each has killed many times his number."
    (Legionaries' dialogue)
  2. ā†‘ The Courier: "What's the Legion been up to?"
    Hanlon: "Word is that the Legion's old timers have shown up, Caesar's veterans from the Red Okie Centuria and what was the Painted Rock tribe. They're the best of the best and the baddest of the bad. Short of a centurion or praetorian, they don't come any tougher. You come across a pack of them, weigh your options carefully."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)