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Fallout Wiki

Gaius Magnus is a centurion located in Dry Wells. He only appears after completion of the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road if the Courier chooses to launch Ulysses' nuclear missiles against Caesar's Legion.


Gaius Magnus is a centurion who wears the unique armor of the 87th Tribe. He is in Dry Wells with some of his legionaries, who become marked men after the Courier sends an atomic strike to the area.


He has very high health, and like other ghouls and marked men, he also constantly regenerates health from the high radiation in the area.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

The Apocalypse



  • Like Ulysses and Colonel Royez, Gaius Magnus is immune to knockdown attacks, such as the Ranger Takedown move or the special attack of the bumper sword.
  • Although he is armed with a minigun, Gaius Magnus will put it away after the first shot and rely solely on his machete for combat. This is because his combat style is set to "NVDLC04CSMarkedMenMelee" according to the G.E.C.K. editor, making him prefer melee weapons over firearms.
  • Gaius Magnus, along with Colonel Royez, Frank Horrigan and Ulysses are the only characters in the series that have 10 points in all of the SPECIAL stats.
  • Due to Gaius Magnus' immunity to knockdown, he simply freezes in place when he suffers a critical hit from the Compliance Regulator.
  • Due to the character's introduction in Lonesome Road, he does not count towards the Courier's tally for the Gun Runners' Arsenal challenge Against All Tyrants. This is because Gun Runner's Arsenal content cannot reference content from other add-ons without introducing load order bugs.[1]


Gaius Magnus appears only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road.

Behind the scenes[]

  • His name is an amalgamation of two powerful and historically influential Roman generals who lived during the late Roman Republic, Gaius Julius Caesar, and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus. Both were part of the First Triumvirate of Rome, along with Marcus Licinius Crassus.



  1. Question: "On the GRA Steam page, it says the Bozar is intended to be an "all-powerful LMG"; does that mean it was intended to benefit from the "Grunt" perk like the LMG? It doesn't seem to, not that it isn't a beast of a weapon as-is."
    Joshua Sawyer: "Unfortunately, because Grunt was introduced in Honest Hearts (DLC), GRA cannot reference it without introducing load order bugs. Sorry."
    (J.E. Sawyer at Formspring, 14 Dec 2011)