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Fallout Wiki

Colonel Royez is a member of the NCR Army stationed on the Long 15 in 2281.


Colonel Royez is in charge of the NCR camp on the Long 15, managing supplies between California and the Mojave Outpost.

At some point, Royez came to possess the unique Scorched Sierra power armor, decorated with a taxidermized bear head and various ornamental pieces, and unlike most suits of NCR salvaged power armor, retained the joint servos to function like standard power armor.

If the Courier chooses to launch the nuclear weapons at NCR territory from Ulysses' Temple, he and his unit are transformed by the radiation into marked men and can be fought and killed after going through the Gate to Long 15.


He and his squad of marked men soldiers are encountered in the irradiated Long 15, amidst the wreckage of three crashed vertibirds. Royez's very high health and high DT due to his armor is complimented by the high levels of radiation in the area granting them a high level of health regeneration like all marked men.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Scorched Sierra power armor
Plasma caster
Combat knife
Microfusion cell, over charge (1-11)
$5 NCR (20-120) or
$20 NCR (20-70) or
$100 NCR (10-20)
(75% chance)


  • Like Ulysses and Gaius Magnus, Colonel Royez is immune to knockdowns (such as from the Ranger Takedown or the special attack of the bumper sword).
  • Colonel Royez uses overcharged microfusion cells instead of standard cells, giving his plasma caster increased damage and armor penetration. He deals very high damage and can kill a level 50 character in just three or four shots.
  • Unlike most non-player characters in the game, he has no less than ten points in every SPECIAL stat and has four tag skills all at 100, making him that much more difficult to fight as an opponent.
  • Because Colonel Royez is immune to knockdown, he simply freezes in place when he suffers a critical hit from the Compliance Regulator.
  • Royez is one of the few named NPCs that wear power armor along with Edgar Hardin, Paladins Ramos, Todd, and Sato, and companions if they are given a set.
  • Despite having working power armor, the pulse gun doesn't affect him.
  • Colonel Royez, along with Frank Horrigan, Gaius Magnus, and Ulysses are the only antagonists in the series that have 10 points in all of the SPECIAL stats.


Royez appears only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road.

