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Fallout Wiki

I know not why Caesar would wish to speak with such a physically inferior whelp, but I will allow this one exception. You may bear Caesar's mark, but do not attempt to share any of your medicine with anyone in The Fort.

The Legionary main gate guard is guarding the main gate of the Fort in 2281.


The guard to the main gate, who makes sure that no chems are taken into the Fort (as the Legion punishes their use with death), as well as disarming any non-legionary. His armor indicates that he is a prime legionary.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

38 Paradigm of Humanity
This character has no special interactions.

Other interactions[]

When approaching he will ask the Courier to surrender any weapons, alcohol and chems prior to granting access to the Fort. The Courier can agree, in which case they will be permitted to continue, or disagree, resulting in a last warning. At this point, any further snide remarks will result in the present legionaries becoming hostile.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Legion prime armor Machete
Throwing spear
Tier 1 gun
Legion Denarius Weapons footlocker key


  • With a Speech check, he can be convinced that the Courier has a heart problem. If convinced, he will let them pass with their chems.
  • If killed, no other Legionary will take up his role at the gate.


The Legionary main gate guard appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.
