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The Lucky 38 control room is an unmarked location within the Lucky 38 in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas.


As part of his expansive modifications to the Lucky 38 in preparation for the nuclear apocalypse as predicted by his calculations, Robert House had a secret antechamber added within the resort to serve as his command center and eventually, his long-term life support chamber. Sometime before 2077, House ceased all public appearances and entered the stasis chamber within the control room, sealing himself inside permanently while additionally directly wiring himself into the Lucky 38's networked systems, giving him full control of it and his army of Securitrons.[1]

At the onset of the Great War, still stuck working with the inferior Mark I OS due to the loss of the platinum chip when Sunnyvale was destroyed, House struggled against numerous glitches and system crashes after his automated defenses managed to destroy most of the nuclear warheads launched at Vegas. Though he was able to prevent the destruction of his home city, House was forced into a decades-long coma, for which he would not awaken until 2138.[2]


The door to the control room resides in a hidden section of the Lucky 38 penthouse, accessed via a Hard-locked terminal to the left of Mr. House's main console, which can either be hacked or opened with the Lucky 38 VIP keycard (obtained from either the H&H Tools factory or the House Resort at Camp Golf).

The room itself consists of a catwalk over a seemingly bottomless chasm. At the far end is a high-tech life support chamber containing the real, decrepit Robert House. A terminal just in front of the chamber allows for the option of either opening it or sterilizing the chamber (which instantly kills House).


  • Upon leaving the chamber after killing Mr. House, going back in will show that both he and the chamber have disappeared from the game and the terminal can no longer be used.
  • If Mr. House is killed with an energy weapon, his chamber will disintegrate along with him.
  • The real Mr. House counts as an abomination for the Abominable challenge.
  • Upon killing Mr. House for any reason, The House Has Gone Bust! will simultaneously trigger and fail, and one will receive the paper note "A tragedy has befallen all mankind".


The Lucky 38 control room appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

Concept art reveals that the control room was originally meant to be far more luxurious and grander in appearance. The life support chamber itself was originally larger, more detailed, and darker in color, and a Securitron would've stood guard next to the chamber. Large windows with plants in front of them would've been situated on both sides of the chamber, and there would have been two pools in front of the chamber.


PCPC If a thrown explosive is thrown at the chamber prior to opening it, the chamber will move to the left.[verified]



  1. The Courier: "You appear to be a computer, not a man."
    Mr. House: "Don't let the video screens and computer terminals fool you. I'm flesh and blood, not silicon."
    The Courier: "The lifespan you're claiming is impossible, except for ghouls and super mutants."
    Mr. House: "[SUCCEEDED] I see you've made a study of the topic. My knowledge of the science of longevity would fill several text books... Perhaps, after a decade or two of economic reconstruction, I can commercialize these technologies and offer to others, such as yourself."
    The Courier: "How have you stayed alive all this time?"
    Mr. House: "Let's just say it was very... costly. But I was willing to make the sacrifices longevity entailed, financial and otherwise."
    (Mr. House's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "How did you nearly die, defending Vegas?"
    Mr. House: "Software glitches set off a cascade of system crashes. I had to take the Lucky 38's reactor offline, lest it melt down. For nearly five years I battled power outages and more system crashes until I finally managed to reboot my data core with an older version of the OS. I spent the next few decades in a veritable coma. But I survived, obviously - and eventually thrived."
    (Mr. House's dialogue)