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Fallout Wiki

General information[]

Fo76 holodisk

In Fallout 76, picking up holotapes will add them to the "HOLO" category of the Pip-Boy's "ITEM" tab.


Cut contentCut from final version of game or update.
In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammarName is spelled as it is in-game.
ImageHolotape contains an image.
SoundHolotape contains sound.
TextHolotape contains written text.
Cooking stationHolotape contains cooking recipe.
Pip-Boy gameHolotape contains playable minigame.


For locations and transcripts please refer to the individual articles.

Base game[]

Name Weight Value Related quest Editor ID Form ID
Sound "Air Purifier" project delays 0 0 MTR01_EdieHolotape 0014AB7C
Sound "That boy" 0 0 CBLore_WatogaEstates_MomDaughter2 003C7B18
Sound A reminder to myself 0 0 LC044_HiddenCacheHolotape 004E10F1
Sound A safe haven 0 0 LC161_ValleyGalleria_GhoulHolotape 003DC3CF
Sound About the Brotherhood 0 0 BoSHolo04_AboutTheBoS 002B9C48
Sound Accident 0 0 CBLore_GlassCave_Accident 003C7B0B
Sound Advanced mutations lab recording Cut content 0 0 MTNM02_WestTek_Holotape 001ECE07
Text Air data 0 0 FF05_BalanceAirDataHolotape 0007850D
Sound Alpine River Cabins complaint 0 0 LC101_AlpineRiverCabins_Complaint_Holotape 00511A85
Sound Anthropologist's holotape 0 0 LC007_HopewellCave_AnthropologistHolotape 003DC3B7
Sound Anya's holotape 0 0 SummersvilleMansions_LoreHolotape_B02 002B953B
Sound Appalachia landmarks - Philippi's Cemetery Battlefield 0 0 RE_ObjectCMB04_Holotape 0052F212
Sound Appalachia landmarks - Prickett's Fort 0 0 RE_ObjectCMB03_Holotape 0038EB1F
Sound Appalachia landmarks - Pumpkin House 0 0 RE_ObjectCMB01_Holotape 0038EB1E
Sound Arrest warrant 0 0 TW002ArrestWarrantHolotape 001190A7
Sound ATLAS research log #104 0 0 LC112_ObservatoryLog01Holotape 002B906F
Sound ATLAS research log #293 0 0 LC112_ObservatoryLog02Holotape 002B9070
Sound Automated call recording 0 0 SugarGrove_LoreHolotape_A01 002B9534
Sound Automated research program 001: Scorchbeast Cut content 0 0 BoSZ04IntroHolotape 0027BD15
Sound Bad news 0 0 CBLore_GlassCave_Kerwood_BadNews 003C7B0D
Sound Barnes' last note Cut content 0 0 CUT_SF08_SuicideRun_BarnesLastNote 0000898B
Sound Battle of Huntersville speech 0 0 BoSHolo05_Huntersville 002B9C49
Sound Be more careful 0 0 CBLore_CivicCenter_BeMoreCareful 003C7B0A
Text Betsy Spinelli's holotape 0 0 SFS02_Play_MiscRobCoHolotape 00389A83
Sound Blacksite holotape Cut content 0 0 MTNM02_BlacksiteHolotapeScene 001C7445
Text Blackwater Bandits key fragment 0 0 MTNL01_BlackwaterBanditsKeyHolotape 000504B4
Sound Blackwater Mine: Innovations 0 0 Blackwater_Mountain_LoreHolotape02 005119C8
Sound Blackwater Mine: Orientation 0 0 Blackwater_Mountain_LoreHolotape01 005119C7
Text Blank holotape 0 0 MoM02CBlankHolotape 00366718
Sound Bogged down 0 0 POI219_ForwardStationDelta_Holotape 002B908F
Sound BoS archive: ARP background 0 0 BoSZ04BackgroundHolotape 003EBB76
Sound BoS report - Antique store 0 0 LC008_AppalachianAntiques_CB_LoreHolotape01 00348922
Sound BoS report - Kerwood 0 0 LC046_KerwoodMine_CB_LoreHolotape01 00320472
Sound BoS report - Trainyard 0 0 FloodedTrain_CB_LoreHolotape01 00348923
Sound BoS report - Watoga Plaza 0 0 LC178_WatogaPlaza_CB_LoreHolotape_01 001A1A3D
Sound Bridge club recording 0 0 LC060_BridgeClubHolotape 003CDB18
Sound Buck Nixon's Rockhound holotape 0 0 MTR07_BuckNixonHolotape 003CD8D8
Sound Bypass holotape 0 0 EN01_BypassHolotape 001A65C7
Text Camp guide program v3.4 0 0 RSVP03_Holotape_Program 004F67DE
Sound Carl's note 0 0 NewRiverGorgeBridge_CarlHolotape 002B8DC0
Sound Charleston Herald Exclusive: The Motherlode 0 0 The Motherlode MTR05_IntroHolotape 00068731
Sound Charleston Herald interview - Juliana Wheatley Cut content 0 0 MTR_Welch_HeraldInterview 002B9177
Sound Christmas plans 0 0 LC024_XmasPlans_Holotape 002BA2E1
Sound Colton Pickins's police report 0 0 LC064_HillfolkHotdogs_Holotape 002B908B
Sound Concerned mother 0 0 CBLore_WatogaHS_ConcernedMother 003C7B13
Sound Concerns with Margie 0 0 LC144_MegGrobergHolotape 002CB4BB
Sound Confessions of an addict 0 0 LC044_ChemsAddictHolotape 003EBE5E
Sound Cooper Lu's journal 0 0 LC032_Clarksburg_Holotape 003D3D0C
Sound Course instructions 0 0 Into the Fire LC023_FireBreathersCourse_Holotape 002BA2DE
Sound Cryptid sighting: Grafton Monster 9/27 0 0 SugarGrove_LoreHolotape_B03 002B9537
Sound Cryptid sighting: Snallygaster 10/4 0 0 SugarGrove_LoreHolotape_B01 002B9535
Sound Cryptid sighting: Wendigo 10/25 0 0 SugarGrove_LoreHolotape_B04 002B9538
Sound Curse of the Wendigo - Part 1 0 0 TalesFromWestVirginiaHolotape09 00534F60
Sound Curse of the Wendigo - Part 2 0 0 TalesFromWestVirginiaHolotape10 00534F61
Text Cutthroats key fragment 0 0 Key to the Past MTNL01_CutthroatsKeyHolotape 0027E52A
Sound Cyrus's concern 0 0 LC110_PalaceOfTheWindingPath_CyrusHolotape 002B7860
Sound Damaged holotape 0 0 Into the Mystery MoM00DamagedHolotape 004E60E3
Sound Dara Gibson's diary Cut content 0 0 LC151_PioneerScoutCamp_Holotape 003D3D13
Sound Darius Angler's manifesto, part 2 0 0 LC051_Grafton_DariusAngler_Holotape02 003D3D0D
Sound Darius Angler's manifesto, part 3 0 0 LC051_RemoteCabin_DariusAngler_Holotape03 003D3D0F
Sound Darius Angler's manifesto, part 4 0 0 LC051_RemoteCabin_DariusAngler_Holotape04 003D3D10
Sound Darius Angler's manifesto, part 6 0 0 LC052_GraftonSteel_DariusAngler_Holotape06 003D3D12
Sound De Silva's recon report 0 0 BoSHolo_DeSilveRecon 002B9C4E
Sound Dear Riley 0 0 LC039_RileyHolotape 003D3A2B
Text Delbert's pantry login Cut content 0 0 RSVP02_Holotape_Login_Delbert 0052ECA5
Sound Device holotapes Cut content 0 0 MTNM02_Device01HolotapeScene
Text Diehards key fragment 0 0 Key to the Past MTNL01_DiehardsKeyHolotape 00170490
Sound Discarded introduction recording 0 0 FS_Abbie_SDSHolotape01 003D3A1D
Sound Discarded scenario recording 0 0 FS_Abbie_SDSHolotape02 003D3A1D
Sound Dumb street kids 0 0 LC095_RoofGangHolotape01 002BA1F2
Text E.R.P. security station Alpha 0 0 Falsely Accused TW002SecurityTape01 002BDB28
Text E.R.P. security station Bravo 0 0 Falsely Accused TW002SecurityTape02 002BDB2A
Text E.R.P. security station Charlie 0 0 Falsely Accused TW002SecurityTape03 002BDB2B
Text E.R.P. security station Delta 0 0 Falsely Accused TW002SecurityTape04 002BDB29
Sound Elder Maxson's final conversation 0 0 BoSHolo08_MaxsonFinalMessage 002B9C4C
Sound Ella's log: Harpers Ferry 0 0 FS_Ella_HarpersHolotape 003D3A21
Sound Ella's log: The Mire 0 0 FS_Ella_MireHolotape 003D3A22
Text Ella's logs Cut content 0 0 SFM04_Organic_EllasStarterHolotape 0010D8F1
Text Ella's research 0 0 An Organic Solution SFM04_Organic_EllasResearchHolotape 0010D8F2
Sound Enola Walker's story, part 1 0 0 CB15_CBLore_Holotape_Enola_Part01 00390069
Sound Enola Walker's story, part 2 0 0 CB15_CBLore_Holotape_Enola_Part02 00390058
Sound Enola Walker's story, part 3 0 0 CB15_CBLore_Holotape_Enola_Part03 0038FFE9
Sound Enola Walker's story, part 4 0 0 CB15_CBLore_Holotape_Enola_Part04 0038FFB3
Sound Enola Walker's story, part 5 0 0 CB15_CBLore_Holotape_Enola_Part05 0038FF85
Sound Enola Walker's story, part 6 0 0 CB15_CBLore_Holotape_Enola_Part06 0038FF7F
Sound Everyone is gone 0 0 FS_Abbie_FamilyDeathHolotape 003D3A1B
Sound Everything changes 0 0 Collect and hold Whitespring holotapes LC060_ChangesHolotape 003CDB1D
Sound Eviction notice recording: The Kaminskis 0 0 MTR_Welch_EvictionNotice 003CB496
Sound Family and so-called friends 0 0 FS_Raleigh_SamHolotape 003D3A26
Sound Feeling good, looking good 0 0 LC095_ApartmentRenterHolotape01 002BA1E2
Sound Field report: AVR Medical 0 0 Holotape_AVRMedical 003D376D
Sound Field report: Mama Dolce's Food Processing 0 0 Holotape_Location_MamaDolces 003D376C
Sound Fire Breathers final exam briefing 0 0 MTR06_ExaminationBriefing 003B7621
Sound First day of command 0 0 BoSHolo_GraftonDam 002B9C4F
Sound First day of school 0 0 LC183_VTU_Holotape01 003D79F0
Text Flatwoods Tavern purchase order history 0 0 LC044_TavernSupplyOrderHolotape 003EBE67
Sound Ford's holotape 0 0 RE_ObjectCT01_Holotape 002C60DF
Sound Formation of the Brotherhood of Steel 0 0 BoSHolo03_BrotherhoodBegins 002B9C47
Sound Freddie Lang's holotape 0 0 LC002_FreddieLangHolotape 0037D255
Sound George Smith's memo 0 0 LC197_GraftonDam_Holotape 003D3D14
Sound Geraldine Fitzsimmon's holotape 0 0 LC020_PleasantValleySkiResort_GeraldineHolotape 0031BC22
Sound Going well 0 0 CBLore_Antiques_GoingWell 003C7B07
Sound Gone scrounging 0 0 CBLore_SteakHouse_GoneScrounging 003C7B11
Sound Goodbye 0 0 CBLore_SteakHouse_Goodbye 003C7B12
Sound Goodbye dad 0 0 BogTown_CB_LoreHolotape_02 0016B3AF
Text Gourmands' key fragment 0 0 Key to the Past MTNL01_GourmandsKeyHolotape 00054316
Sound Graduation ceremony 0 0 LC118_FinalClassHolotape 002B9C55
Sound Gym session notes 0 0 POI284_GymRatHolotape 003337D9
Sound Happy anniversary! 0 0 SFL02_Track_LettieHolotape 00335976
Sound Harland's up to no good 0 0 LC020_HarlandMargieHolotape 0037D254
Sound Harold Frost's R&D holotape 0 0 MTR02_HaroldFrostHolotape 003CD8D9
Sound Harpers Ferry proposal 0 0 FS_Raleigh_IdeaHolotape 003D3A25
Sound Have a nice life 0 0 CBLore_GlassCave_Kerwood_HaveANiceLife 003C7B0E
Sound Helvetia Protectron updates 0 0 LC042_RobotMechanic_Holotape 004ED189
Sound Highschoolers 0 0 CBLore_Bootlegger_Highschoolers 003C7B08
Text History of Morgantown: Author's notes 0 0 LC095_HistoryOfMorgantown_epilogue_Holotape 002BA1F0
Sound History of Morgantown: Vol. I 0 0 LC095_HistoryOfMorgantown_vol_1_Holotape 002BA1E6
Sound History of Morgantown: Vol. II 0 0 LC095_HistoryOfMorgantown_vol_2_Holotape 002BA1E7
Sound History of Morgantown: Vol. III 0 0 LC095_HistoryOfMorgantown_vol_3_Holotape 002BA1ED
Sound History of Morgantown: Vol. IV 0 0 LC095_HistoryOfMorgantown_vol_4_Holotape 002BA1EE
Sound Holden McMerrick's holotape 0 0 LC020_PleasantValleySkiResort_HoldenHolotape 0031BC23
Text Holotape for Rose 0 0 Reassembly Required FS02_MQ_Reassembly_RoseHolotape 003B9840
Sound Hornwright's proposal 0 0 LC093_MonongahTownship_DanielHornwrightHolotape 0031A4FC
Sound Hospital report: Staff incident 0 0 Allegheny_CB_LoreHolotape01 005117A5
Sound Hospital report: Violent incident 0 0 Allegheny_CB_LoreHolotape02 005117A6
Text HR meeting minutes 0 0 LC095_HRMeetingHolotape 002BA1E3
Sound Huntersville holotape Cut content 0 0 MTNM02_HuntersvilleHolotapeScene 001ECDC9
Sound Hunting 0 0 CBLore_RangerOffice_Hunting 003C7B16
Sound I hate Flatwoods 0 0 LC044_IrritableSurvivorHolotape 003337E4
Sound I'm stuck here 0 0 CBLore_GlassCave_GlassCave_ForemanDying 003C7B0C
Sound Impromptu raider meeting 0 0 LC137_SpruceKnobCampsite_RaiderHolotape 00318D36
Sound In memory of books 0 0 LC095_BookstoreOwnerHolotape 002BA1DD
Sound Incident record 5374 0 0 CBLore_WatogaEmergencyServices_CatRescue 003C7B1B
Sound Interloper 0 0 LC117_OtherThings_Holotape 005119F3
Sound Interrogation: Doe, Jane 0 0 LC024_RoseInterrogation_Holotape 002BA2E0
Sound Isaac's message to the Sloth 0 0 LC016_OdeToSlothsHolotape 00511C8A
Sound Isabel Smith-Waltz's journal 0 0 LC031_PrickettsFort_Holotape 003D3D15
Sound Jacob's holotape 1 0 0 FS_JacobPart01 00002CBA
Sound Jacob's holotape 2 0 0 FS_JacobPart02 00002CBB
Sound Jacob's holotape 3 0 0 FS_JacobPart03 00002CBC
Sound Jacob's holotape 4 0 0 FS_JacobPart04 00002CBD
Sound Jacqueline's holotape Cut content 0 0 SFL02_Track_JacquelineHolotape 00330B98
Sound James Waltz's notes 0 0 LC063_HemlockHoles_Holotape 003D3D16
Sound Jamey's journal - November 2 0 0 NewRiverGorgeResort_Holotape01 002B8DC7
Sound Jesus Sunday's holotape - Part 1 0 0 LC146_SundayBrothersCabin_JesusHolotape01 003DC3D7
Sound Jesus Sunday's holotape - Part 2 0 0 LC146_SundayBrothersCabin_JesusHolotape02 003DC3D8
Sound Jesus Sunday's holotape - Part 3 0 0 LC146_SundayBrothersCabin_JesusHolotape03 003DC3D9
Sound Jesus Sunday's holotape - Part 4 0 0 LC146_SundayBrothersCabin_JesusHolotape04 003DC3DB
Sound Jesus Sunday's holotape - Part 5 0 0 LC146_SundayBrothersCabin_JesusHolotape05 003DC3DB
Sound John Bunton's holotape 0 0 CrashedTruckPOI_Holotape 0037E12E
Sound Join the Auto-Miners Support Squad! 0 0 MTR_RustyPick_AutoMinerSupport 003CB4A0
Sound Joyce's message 0 0 Collect and hold Whitespring holotapes LC060_JoyceMessageHolotape 003CDB21
Sound Kelly's holotape 0 0 SummersvilleMansions_LoreHolotape_B01 002B953A
Sound Kendyll's holotape Cut content 0 0 SFL02_Track_KendyllHolotape 002E0F39
Sound Last day of school 0 0 LC183_VTU_Holotape02 003D79F1
Sound Last words 0 0 Mayor for a Day CB04_HolotapeClue1 0052B8E5
Sound Leaving Helvetia Cut content 0 0 LC042_LeavingHelvetia_Holotape 005119E8
Sound Lewisburg basket festival opening Cut content 0 0 Lewisburg_Holotape01 00511D5D
Sound Lewisburg wine festival opening Cut content 0 0 Lewisburg_Holotape02 00511D5E
Sound Light 'er up 0 0 POI286_FlatwoodsMine_Greg_Holotape 00511B6B
Sound Live-fire training exercise 0 0 Holotape_Location_Sutton 003D376B
Sound Lucky Hits! lottery recording 0 0 OrwellOrchards_Holotape01 002B8DCD
Sound Lucy's holotape 0 0 Tracking Unknowns SFL02_Track_LucyHolotape 002E0F38
Sound Madigan encounter 0 0 FS_Abbie_MadiganEncounterHolotape 003D3A1C
Sound Madigan scouting report - Garrahan 0 0 MTR06_ScoutingReport 003CB4BB
Sound Magnus Westbrooke's holotape 0 0 LC116_BoltonGreens_MagnusHolotape 002B7861
Sound Margie McClintock's holotape 0 0 Key to the Past MTNL01_MargieHolotape 002EE9B0
Sound Maria's last words 0 0 RS01_Contact_MariasHolotape 00027D70
Sound Master holotape 0 0 Coming to Fruition FS03_MQ_Fruition_MasterHolotape 0019C26F
Sound Mayor Mudge's private memo 0 0 LC051_GraftonMayorsOffice_Holotape 003D3D17
Sound Meg's concerns Cut content 0 0 LC144_RaidersComplainHolotape 0037D258
Sound Melody Larkin: Dispatch 0 0 MTN_TotW_MorgantownAirportHolotape 0037D52F
Sound Message for Jeff 0 0 Ecological Balance FF05_Balance_AmyHolotape 0033F7D2
Sound Message from Dave Jones Cut content 0 0 FederalDisposalField_Holotape 00511D5C
Sound Message from Hank Madigan 0 0 AMSHQ_CB_LoreHolotape01 000B1801
Sound Message to Beckley 0 0 LC142_JayDeeDeeHolotape 00511C7F
Sound Message to Marge 1 0 0 BoSHolo_Tex1 002B9C50
Sound Message to Marge 2 0 0 BoSHolo_Tex2 002B9C51
Sound Mine recorder tape - 10.23.77 0 0 MTR_LodeBaring02_MineEmergencyRecorder 003CB4B7
Text Missile silo state holotape 500 0 Officer on Deck EN07_SiloStateTape 004FB755
Text Monorail maintenance log #30045 0 0 LC095_MonorailStaffHolotape 002BA1F4
Sound Morris Stevens' holotape 0 0 LC116_MorrisStevensHolotape 0037D257
Sound Morris's end 0 0 LC182_WendigoCave_MorrisEndHolotape 002B7862
Sound Movie Pitch #5 0 0 LC127_WilmaHolotape 003D3A2D
Sound Mr. Torturers 0 0 CBLore_RobCo_MrTorturers 003C7B0F
Sound My name's James 0 0 MTR_MountBlair_MyNamesJames 003CB4AE
Sound My reputation 0 0 CBLore_WatogaEstates_MomDaughter4 003C7B1A
Sound Nari's holotape 0 0 Tracking Unknowns SFL02_Track_NariHolotape 001849E8
Sound Neverending missions 0 0 FS_Eddie_MissionsHolotape 003D3A20
Sound NIRA site doctor's report 0 0 LC106_NIRA_DoctorsReportHolotape 002B785F
Sound Niraj's confession 0 0 FS_Niraj_ConfessionHolotape 003D3A23
Sound Not my Morgantown 0 0 LC095_ApartmentRenterHolotape02 002BA1EC
Sound Old Nate's farewell 0 0 SummersvilleMansions_LoreHolotape_A01 002B9539
Sound One last toast 0 0 Collect and hold Whitespring holotapes LC060_JoyceToastHolotape 003CDB25
Sound Operation Free Watoga log 322 0 0 Mayor for a Day CB04_HolotapeClue2 004E5BB1
Sound Operation Summary - Blackwell 0 0 Bunker Buster EN01_MissionReportHolotape 001A65C5
Sound Order of Mysteries - Council recording 0 0 MoMHolotapeCouncil 004E6100
Text Order of Mysteries - Cryptos holotape 0 0 Seeker of Mysteries MoM03CryptosHolotape 00357E9E
Sound Order of Mysteries - Infirmary log 0 0 MoMHolotapeInfirmary 004E60FB
Sound Order of Mysteries - Lewisburg 0 0 Initiate of Mysteries MoM01MentorHolotape 00345D8C
Sound Order of Mysteries - Pleasant Valley 0 0 Seeker of Mysteries MoM03MissionHolotape 00357FFA
Sound Order of Mysteries - Production log #194 0 0 MoMHolotapeProduction1 004E60F3
Sound Order of Mysteries - Production log #209 0 0 MoMHolotapeProduction2 004E60F4
Sound Order of Mysteries - Production log #212 0 0 MoMHolotapeProduction3 004E60F5
Sound Order of Mysteries - Rank: Initiate 0 0 Initiate of Mysteries MoM01InitiateHolotape 003472FD
Sound Order of Mysteries - Rank: Mistress 0 0 The Mistress of Mystery MoM04MistressHolotape 00357FE4
Sound Order of Mysteries - Rank: Novice 0 0 Novice of Mysteries MoM02NoviceHolotape 00357FE4
Sound Order of Mysteries - Rank: Seeker 0 0 Seeker of Mysteries MoM03SeekerHolotape 00357FE3
Sound Order of Mysteries - The Blade of Bastet 0 0 Forging a Legend MoM02BBladeofBastetHolotape 00347314
Sound Order of Mysteries - The Phantom Device 0 0 Chasing Shadows MoM02APhantomDeviceHolotape 00347313
Sound Order of Mysteries - The Voice of Set 0 0 Prototypical Problems MoM02CVoiceOfSetHolotape 00347315
Sound Out of time 0 0 Holotape_Location_CharlestonFireDept 003D376E
Sound Overseer's journal, entry 1 0 0 Personal Matters OverseerPersonal_01_VTecAgHolotape 0026AACC
Sound Overseer's journal, entry 2 0 0 Personal Matters OverseerPersonal_02_FamilyHolotape 0026A05D
Sound Overseer's journal, entry 3 0 0 Personal Matters OverseerPersonal_03_HighSchoolHolotape 0026A05E
Sound Overseer's journal, entry 4 0 0 Personal Matters OverseerPersonal_04_UniversityHolotape 0026984F
Sound Overseer's journal, entry 5 0 0 Personal Matters OverseerPersonal_05_HouseHolotape 00269850
Sound Overseer's journal, entry 6 0 0 Personal Matters OverseerPersonal_06_MineHolotape 00269851
Sound Overseer's log - Allegheny 0 0 Overseer's Mission MQ_Overseer_09_AlleghenyHolotape 004E49F9
Sound Overseer's log - C.A.M.P. 0 0 First Contact
Overseer's Mission
MQ_Overseer_01A_CAMPHolotape 001389EC
Sound Overseer's log - Camp Venture 0 0 Overseer's Mission MQ_Overseer_08_CampVentureHolotape 004EC630
Sound Overseer's log - Charleston 0 0 Overseer's Mission MQ_Overseer_07_CharlestonHolotape 004E49FC
Sound Overseer's log - Firehouse 0 0 Overseer's Mission MQ_Overseer_04_FirehouseHolotape 004EC62C
Sound Overseer's log - Flatwoods 0 0 First Contact
Overseer's Mission
MQ_Overseer_02_FlatwoodsHolotape 004E49FD
Sound Overseer's log - Fort Defiance 0 0 Overseer's Mission MQ_Overseer_11_BackAtDefianceHolotape 004EC62F
Sound Overseer's log - Free States 0 0 Overseer's Mission MQ_Overseer_06_FreeStatesHolotape 004EC62D
Sound Overseer's log - Grafton 0 0 Overseer's Mission MQ_Overseer_X2_GraftonHolotape 004E49F7
Sound Overseer's log - McClintock 0 0 Overseer's Mission MQ_Overseer_10_CampMcClintockHolotape 004E49F4
Sound Overseer's log - Morgantown 0 0 Final Departure
Overseer's Mission
MQ_Overseer_03_MorgantownHQHolotape 004E49F8
Sound Overseer's log - Mountainside 0 0 Overseer's Mission MQ_Overseer_X3_MountainHolotape 004E49F3
Sound Overseer's log - Nuke launch 0 0 Overseer's Mission MQ_Overseer_12_NukesHolotape 003D1138
Sound Overseer's log - Site Alpha 0 0 Overseer's Mission MQ_Overseer_X4_NukeSiloHolotape 00528081
Sound Overseer's log - Site Bravo 0 0 Overseer's Mission MQ_Overseer_X1_NukeSiloHolotape 004E49FB
Sound Overseer's log - Site Charlie 0 0 Overseer's Mission MQ_Overseer_X5_NukeSiloHolotape 00528086
Sound Overseer's log - Top of the World 0 0 Overseer's Mission MQ_Overseer_05_TopOfTheWorldHolotape 004EC62E
Sound Overseer's log - Vault 76 0 0 Reclamation Day MQ_Overseer_01_Vault76Holotape 004E49F6
Sound Patrol 1: Training Exercise 0 0 Safe for Work RSVP04_Holotape_Patrol_Part1 005103C3
Sound Patrol 2: Triage Center 0 0 Safe for Work RSVP04_Holotape_Patrol_Part2 005103C4
Sound Patrol 3: Processing Center 0 0 Safe for Work RSVP04_Holotape_Patrol_Part3 005103C5
Sound Patrol 4: Medical Center 0 0 Safe for Work RSVP04_Holotape_Patrol_Part4 005103C7
Sound Patrol 5: Control Tower 0 0 Safe for Work RSVP04_Holotape_Patrol_Part5 005103C7
Sound Pillars of Transcendence 0 0 Key to the Past MTNM03_Meditation01Holotape 004E601B
Sound Poseidon security director's recording 0 0 LC006_PoseidonSecurityDirectorHolotape 002B9084
Text Prepare for the Now!Cut content 0 0 SURV_Tutorial_Holotape_SurvivalGuide 002F1803
Sound Preservation of technology 0 0 Forbidden Knowledge BoSHolo06_SpeechOnTech 002B9C4A
Sound Presidential Cottage security recording 0 0 MoM02BSecurityRecordingHolotape 00357EA4
Sound Product brainstorming 1 0 0 LC111_NukaColaPlant_Holotape01 003D79F4
Sound Product brainstorming 2 Cut content 0 0 LC111_NukaColaPlant_Holotape02 003D79F5
Sound Product testing results Cut content 0 0 NukaColaPlant001 00511A49
Sound Professor Greebley's press release 0 0 POI265_PylonV13_Holotape 002B9091
Text Project Siphon holotape 0 0 Prototypical Problems MoM02CProjectSiphonHolotape 00357FB0
Sound Protecting our own 0 0 FS_Raleigh_ArmoryHolotape 003D3A24
Sound Protestors 0 0 WatogaEstates_CB_LoreHolotape02 001A1821
Text Psych eval: Olivia P. Henderson 0 0 LC096_OliviaPHendersonHolotape 002BA1E4
Text Psych eval: Wyatt Johnson 0 0 LC096_WyattJohnsonHolotape 002BA1DF
Sound Radio log: Aug 29 2077 0 0 BoSHolo02_FirstContact 002B9C46
Sound Randy's holotape 0 0 Tracking Unknowns SFL02_Track_RandyHolotape 001849E7
Text Reclamation Day: As a Team Cut content 0 0 76CharGenOverseerHolotape 0009C9F5
Text Reclamation Day: Doing Your Job Cut content 0 0 76CharGenPerkHolotape 0009C9F9
Text Reclamation Day: Hunting & Scavenging Cut content 0 0 76CharGenDinerHolotape 0009C9F3
Text Reclamation Day: Rebuilding Cut content 0 0 76CharGenReactorHolotape 0009C9F6
Text Reclamation Day: Wilderness Survival Cut content 0 0 76CharGenDoctorHolotape 0009C9F4
Text Reclamation Day: Your C.A.M.P. Cut content 0 0 76CharGenCAMPHolotape 0009C9F7
Text Reclamation Day: Your Survival Crate Cut content 0 0 76CharGenSurvivalCrateHolotape 0009C9F8
Sound Repair plan 0 0 LC052_GraftonSteelRepairs_Holotape 002BA2E3
Sound Report on Harpers Ferry attack 0 0 RespondersLoreHolotape_FreeStates 0051A5AB
Sound Requiem for Kelley 0 0 POI220_LostHome_Holotape 002B9090
Text Responder Protectron config tape 0 0 RE_SceneTS06_Holotape 0037E1D0
Sound Responder's personal log 0 0 LC096_StarvingResponderHolotape 0037E597
Sound Responder's plea 0 0 LC044_TrappedResponderHolotape 004E10EA
Sound Responders field manual: Disease Cut content 0 0 RS06_Manual_MariaHolotapeDisease 0012D3EE
Sound Responders field manual: Modding Cut content 0 0 RS06_Manual_SanjayHolotapeModding 00235DBB
Sound Responders field manual: Placed weapons Cut content 0 0 RS06_Manual_MelodyHolotapePlacedWeap 002D1590
Sound Responders field manual: Radiation Cut content 0 0 RS06_Manual_MariaHolotapeRadiation 0004BDCE
Sound Responders field manual: Repair Cut content 0 0 RS06_Manual_SanjayHolotapeRepair 00235DBC
Sound Responders field manual: Thrown weapons Cut content 0 0 RS06_Manual_MelodyHolotapeThrownWeap 002D1591
Sound Responders recruitment holotape 0 0 Responder_ProtectronHolotape 003C8636
Sound Restoring order 0 0 FS_Eddie_HarpersHolotape 003D3A1F
Sound Retirement 0 0 BogTown_CB_LoreHolotape_01 0016B3F2
Sound Rita - The Fire Breather 0 0 MTR06_Misc_RitatheFirebreather 0038CD64
Text Robot virus 0 0 Mayor for a Day CB04_Virus 002AA921
Sound Rory's holotape 0 0 FS01_MQ_Warn_MiscRaiderHolotape 0038F1B1
Sound Rosalynn and David's ski trip 0 0 LC150_DavidRosalynnHolotape 0037D253
Sound Sam Blackwell Interview, Pt. One 0 0 EN01_Misc_BlackwellInterviewHolotape01 001A65C6
Sound Sam Blackwell Interview, Pt. Two 0 0 EN01_Misc_BlackwellInterviewHolotape02 00311419
Sound Sanjay's report 0 0 LC065_SanjayHolotape 003D3A2A
Sound Scope out the crash 0 0 RE_SceneBB04_Holotape01 0033384C
Sound Scorchslayer's journal - Part 1 0 0 Into the Fire MTR06_ScorchslayersRecording_Part01 001367BE
Sound Scorchslayer's journal - Part 2 0 0 Into the Fire MTR06_ScorchslayersRecording_Part02 0013676C
Sound Scorchslayer's journal - Part 3 0 0 Into the Fire MTR06_ScorchslayersRecording_Part03 00136733
Sound Scribe Grant's plea 0 0 BoSHolo09_GrantsFinalWords 002B9C4D
Sound Senior executive exam updates 0 0 MTR05_SeniorExamUpdatesHolotape 00331C9A
Sound Sensor module specs 0 0 BoSr02SensorBriefingHolotape 00289502
Sound Shannon Rivers' recording 0 0 The Mistress of Mystery MoM04BattleSiteHolotape 00358010
Sound Sideshow Snallygaster - Part 1 0 0 TalesFromWestVirginiaHolotape07 00534F5A
Sound Sideshow Snallygaster - Part 2 0 0 TalesFromWestVirginiaHolotape08 00534F5B
Sound Sight to see 0 0 CBLore_FloodedTrainyard_SighToSee 003C7B14
Sound Sign those permits 0 0 CBLore_RangerOffice_SignThosePermits 003C7B15
Text Soil data 0 0 Ecological Balance FF05_BalanceSoilDataHolotape 0007850C
Sound Something's up 0 0 LC058_ResearchCenter_Jonathan_Holotape 00511B69
Sound Speaker Poole interview 0 0 LC023_HeraldInterview_Holotape 002BA2DF
Sound Springhill feedback 0 0 Collect and hold Whitespring holotapes LC060_GolfFeedbackHolotape 003CDB1A
Sound Stuck 0 0 LC095_VictorHolotape (Morgantown)
CBLore_AMS_StuckInTube (AMS)
002BA1E8 (Morgantown)
003C7B06 (AMS)
Sound Subject K-117M interview 0 0 LC184_WestTek_Interview_Holotape 002B9092
Sound Subject K-120F personal recording 0 0 LC184_WestTek_K120F_Holotape 002B9093
Sound Surveillance system tape - 8/08/77 0 0 Find Duchess's Stash MTR_Welch_HomeRecording 003CB49D
Sound Survivor stories collected by Dassa Ben-Ami Cut content 0 0 RSVP00_Holotape_Dassa_IntroStory 003B32EF
Sound Survivor story: Colonel 0 0 RSVP00_Holotape_SurvivorStories_ColonelKid 002B42D2
Sound Survivor story: Dassa Ben-Ami 0 0 RSVP00_Holotape_SurvivorStories_Dassa 002B42D3
Sound Survivor story: Kesha McDermott 0 0 Thirst Things First RSVP00_Holotape_SurvivorStories_Kesha 002B4384
Sound Survivor story: Miguel Caldera 0 0 RSVP00_Holotape_SurvivorStories_Miguel 002B42E0
Sound Survivor story: Nurse Scott 0 0 RSVP00_Holotape_SurvivorStories_Scott 00383CFB
Sound Survivor story: Responder Colonel 0 0 RSVP00_Holotape_SurvivorStories_ColonelAdult 002B42E1
Sound Survivor story: Rev. Delbert Winters 0 0 Second Helpings RSVP00_Holotape_SurvivorStories_Delbert 002E6D7B
Sound Survivor story: Sofie 0 0 RSVP00_Holotape_SurvivorStories_Sofie 002B4343
Sound Survivor story: Tabitha 0 0 RSVP00_Holotape_SurvivorStories_Tabitha 00383CFC
Sound Survivor story: Willie Mae 0 0 RSVP00_Holotape_SurvivorStories_WillieMae 00383CFA
Sound System access tape 0 0 One of Us EN02_MODUSHolotape 0029CBC1
Sound Taking a chance 0 0 POI210_JohnsonsAcre_Holotape 002B908E
Sound Test log 3-12-78-A14 0 0 LC167_ArktosResearchPostwar_Holotape 002BA2E8
Sound Test log 9-23-77-A10 0 0 LC167_ArktosResearchPrewar_Holotape 002BA2E6
Sound Thanks Lenny 0 0 LC199_CrevasseDam_Holotape 002B908D
Sound That boy 0 0 CBLore_WatogaEstates_MomDaughter1 003C7B17
Sound The 197 from DC 0 0 MTR_MountBlair_The197FromDC 003CB4AD
Sound The Addington's Dangerous Game 0 0 LC068_BlackBearLodge_Holotape 002B908C
Sound The Battle of Morgantown 0 0 LC095_StreetGangHolotape01 002BA1E9
Sound The Beast of Grafton - Part 1 0 0 TalesFromWestVirginiaHolotape03 00534F4F
Sound The Beast of Grafton - Part 2 0 0 TalesFromWestVirginiaHolotape04 00534F50
Sound The Beckley informant Cut content 0 0 LC010_WiretapHolotape 002B9C53
Sound The big day 0 0 Holotape_Location_Summersville2 003D376A
Sound The Chosen 0 0 LC037_FinalWords_Holotape 00511A04
Sound The Christmas Flood 0 0 RespondersLoreHolotape_Raiders 004ECC68
Sound The fairgrounds' new sponsor Cut content 0 0 Lewisburg_TylerCountyFair01 002B8EED
Sound The Fire Breathers 0 0 MTR06_Misc_CreatingtheFirebreathers 0038CD7D
Sound The Golden Holotape 0 0 RE_SceneSM01_Holotape01 004E1032
Sound The government's plan 0 0 RE_ObjectCT02_Holotape 003E156C
Sound The Huntersville Incident 0 0 LC067_Huntersville_IncidentHolotape 002B785E
Sound The Mothman Cometh - Part 1 0 0 TalesFromWestVirginiaHolotape05 00534F53
Sound The Mothman Cometh - Part 2 0 0 TalesFromWestVirginiaHolotape06 00534F54
Sound The nuclear option 0 0 BoSHolo07_OnNukes 002B9C4B
Sound The Whitespring staff meeting, 12.27.79 0 0 Collect and hold Whitespring holotapes LC060_JoyceMeetingHolotape 003CDB23
Sound They're coming 0 0 Collect and hold Whitespring holotapes LC060_GolfClub02Holotape 003CDB16
Sound Thomas Brennan's announcement 0 0 LC043_EasternRegionalPenitentiary_BrennansAnnouncement_Holotape 002B9086
Sound Thoughts of the day 0 0 LC019_SarahHolotape 003D3A28
Sound Tinkering 0 0 CBLore_RobCo_Tinkering 003C7B10
Sound Too much noise 0 0 LC034_CowSpotsCreamery_TooMuchNoise_Holotape 002B9089
Sound Top of the World ad packet 0 0 LC072_MTN_TotW_BeckleyHolotape 0037D52B
Sound Tossed the stash 0 0 LC011_BerkeleySprings_Chris_Holotape 00511B6A
Sound Trainyard supervisor's report Cut content 0 0 LC028_HappySupervisorHolotape 002B9C54
Sound Transmission recording Cut content 0 0 CUT_LC091_MonPowerTransmission_Holotape 002BA2E4
Text Trappers key fragment 0 0 Key to the Past MTNL01_TrappersKeyHolotape 000504B8
Sound Trappers' warning 0 0 POI272_WalterHolotape 0037D256
Text US government supply requisition 10 0 Request Government Air Drop GQ_DropGovtHolotape 00015B14
Text Vault 94 access codeCut content 0 0 V94_AccessCodeHolotape 0015FAE5
Sound Vault 94 Community Council recording 0 0 V94_HolotapeCommunityCouncil 002FB492
Sound Vault 94 G.E.C.K. recording 0 0 V94_HolotapeGECK 002FB4A9
Sound Volunteer training program: Food 0 0 Second Helpings RSVP02_Holotape_FoodStory 003B56E1
Sound Volunteer training program: Shelter 0 0 Tentative Plans RSVP03_Holotape_SurvivorStory_Camping 003B56E2
Sound Volunteer training program: Water 0 0 Thirst Things First RSVP01_Holotape_WaterStory 003B56E0
Sound Volunteer training: Camping 101 0 0 Tentative Plans RSVP03_Holotape_Camping101 003B32EE
Sound Voting advertisement 0 0 LC024_AutomationVoteAd_Holotape 002BA2DD
Sound Vox interpreter holotape 0 0 Someone to Talk To MTNS05_VoxInterpreterHolotape 002AB56F
Sound War games 0 0 BoSHolo01_WarGames 002B9C45
Text Water data 0 0 Ecological Balance FF05_BalanceWaterDataHolotape 0007850B
Sound Watoga municipal courtroom recording Cut content 0 0 CBLore_WatogaMunicipal_Holotape01 00511D5F
Sound Watoga residents 0 0 WatogaEstates_CB_LoreHolotape01 001A13C5
Sound We have failed 0 0 RE_ObjectSM01_Holotape01 0031C714
Sound We're coming for you 0 0 EN01_WereComingForYouHolotape 004E71A0
Sound Welcome to the Fire Breathers 0 0 Into the Fire MTR06_Outro 003B7622
Sound Welcome to the Freak Show 0 0 POI238_FreakShowOwnerHolotape 002BA1E5
Sound Welcome to the Future! Cut content 0 0 FF00_Tutorial_Holotape 002BA51E
Sound Welcome to the Whitespring 0 0 Bunker Buster EN01_WelcomeToTheWhitespringHolotape 00283EC8
Sound Wendigo cave - Soldier's story 0 0 LC182_WendigoCaveStory_Soldier_Holotape01 002B7BD4
Sound Where am I? 0 0 LC130_LandviewLighthouse_ChemAddict_Holotape 0051173F
Sound Where now? 0 0 BogTown_CB_LoreHolotape_03 0016B370
Sound Who Goes There? - Part 1 0 0 TalesFromWestVirginiaHolotape01 00534F49
Sound Who Goes There? - Part 2 0 0 TalesFromWestVirginiaHolotape02 00534F4A
Sound Wiretap evidence - Quentin Arlen Cut content 0 0 MTR_Welch_WiretapEvidence 002B9176
Sound WWWP Log Ride entry 10172077 daily 1 0 Cold Case TW007_SecurityHolotape_OtisMail 0007D8BD
Sound WWWP Slither Slide 10172077 daily 1 0 Cold Case TW007_SecurityHolotape_TrackerRemoved 0007D8BE
Sound You smart bastard 0 0 CBLore_CivicCenter_YouSmartBastard 003C7B09
Sound Your new world! Cut content 0 0 SURV_Tutorial_Holotape 002F16C6
Sound Your order's arrived 0 0 Find Duchess's Stash MTR_RustyPick_OrderArrived 003CB4A5
Sound Your reputation 0 0 CBLore_WatogaEstates_MomDaughter3 003C7B19


Name Weight Value Related quest Editor ID Form ID
Pip-Boy game Atomic Command 0 0 AtomicCommand_HolotapeGame 002345CE
Pip-Boy game Automatron 0 0 Automatron_HolotapeGame 001683DF
Pip-Boy game Grognak & the Ruby Ruins 0 0 Grognak_HolotapeGame 002345CF
Pip-Boy game Nuka Tapper 0 0 Magazine_Holotape_NukatapperBook 004ED368
Pip-Boy game Pipfall 0 0 Pipfall_HolotapeGame 002345D7
Pip-Boy game Red Menace 0 0 RedMenace_HolotapeGame 002345EB
Pip-Boy game Wastelad 0 0 HolotapeGame_Wastelad 00524B4C
Pip-Boy game Zeta Invaders 0 0 ZetaInvaders_HolotapeGame 002345F6

Wild Appalachia[]

Name Weight Value Related quest Editor ID Form ID
Sound Anne's holotape 0 0 Bucket List P01C_Bucket_HolotapeAnneLitzinger 003F01CD
Sound Ansel's holotape 0 0 Bucket List P01C_Bucket_HolotapeAnselAbrahms 003F01CC
Sound Arktos Pharma - Trapped underground 0 0 UD001_Holotape_APL_Dr_Christina_Bryan 0047B7F4
Sound AUTOMATED RECORD 0000001 0 0 Babylon_Intro_HolotapeClue1 00424564
Sound AUTOMATED RECORD 0000002 0 0 Babylon_Intro_HolotapeClue2 00424545
Sound The Beast of Beckley 0 0 Unsolved: Death and Taxidermy P01B_Mini_Random03_Holotape_Intro 0046A5D5
Sound Behavioral reprogramming 0 0 The Lowe-Down P01B_Lying_02_CalvinRecording 003F0745
Sound Burrows mission brief 0 0 Waste Management P01B_Burrows_MissionBrief_Holotape 003ECC17
Sound C.L.U.E. holotape Cut content 0 0 Lying Lowe zzz_P01B_CLUE_Holotape 00478DE1
Sound Colin's disappearance Cut content 0 0 Lying Lowe zzz_P01B_Lying_Shelley04_Holotape 0046A38F
Sound Colin's homecoming Cut content 0 0 Lying Lowe zzz_P01B_Lying_Shelley03_Holotape 0046A38C
Sound Date night 0 0 A Perfect Getaway P01B_Mini_Squatch01_MainHolo 00464860
Sound Final initiation 0 0 Wasted on Nukashine UD005_PiHouseFraternity_Hazing_Holotape 0047C3E1
Sound For Maude 0 0 Waste Management UD002_MarcusBossRoom_Holotape 00454C07
Sound Janelle's revenge 0 0 Unsolved: Death and Taxidermy P01B_Mini_Random03_Holotape_Janelle 003F3840
Sound Klein's notes (part 1 & part 2) 0 0 The Lowe-Down P01B_Lying_02_PoliceHolo1
Sound Leaving Lewisburg Cut content 0 0 Lying Lowe zzz_P01B_Lying_Shelley05_Holotape 0046A391
Sound Lewis's personal log 0 0 Wasted on Nukashine UD006_EtaPsiHouseFraternity_NukaMoonshine_Holotape 0047F320
Sound Life with Calvin 0 0 Lying Lowe P01B_Lying_Shelley02_Holotape 0046A38A
Sound Marcus' speech 0 0 Waste Management UD002_MarcusSpeech_Holotape 00454C06
Sound Mary Tinley's recording 0 0 Unsolved: Picnic Panic P01B_Mini_Random04_recording 003F7435
Sound Mission briefing Cut content 0 0 Mission: Accessible P03T_MarshallSceneQuest_Holotape 003F4C80
Sound New meat 0 0 A Perfect Getaway P01B_Mini_Squatch01_MeatHolo 00464861
Sound Note to self 0 0 Lying Lowe P01B_Lying_Calvin01_Holotape 0046A381
Sound Potential cryptid sighting in Monongah Cut content 0 0 Unsolved: Tracking Terror P01B_Mini_Random02_Holotape 003EFB5E
Sound Raymond's pep talk 0 0 Unsolved: Death and Taxidermy P01B_Mini_Random03_Holotape_Raymond 003F5E7F
Sound Test subject notes Cut content 0 0 P03L_McCreary_Holotape 0042758E
Sound Wanted: Sheepsquatch 0 0 Lying Lowe P01B_Lying_Shelley01_Holotape 0046A386
Sound Warning for Dylan 0 0 UD002_TrishWarning_Holotape 00454C08
Sound Wolf's message to Bo-Peep 0 0 Baa Baa Black Sheep P01B_Mini_Robot01_BBWolfMessage_Holotape 0046DC79
Sound XXX Cut content 0 0 DELETED_Holotape 0047B7F6

Nuclear Winter[]

Name Weight Value Related quest Editor ID Form ID
Sound Antonio's holotape 0 0 V94_HolotapeSalavar 002FB4AC
Sound Clayton Ward - 20780415 0 0 Babylon_Holotape_NWLog1_02 00406088
Sound Elizabeth Chambers - 20771019 0 0 Babylon_Holotape_NWLog2_01 0040608A
Sound Joel & Elizabeth Chambers - 20780623 0 0 Babylon_Holotape_NWLog2_02 0040608B
Sound Joel & Elizabeth Chambers - 20780803 0 0 Babylon_Holotape_NWLog2_03 0040608C
Sound Harold Clark - To the Members of the Board, pt.1 0 0 Babylon_Holotape_NWLog1_01 00406087
Sound Harold Clark - To the Members of the Board, pt.2 0 0 Babylon_Holotape_NWLog1_03 00406089
Sound Helen Marks & Reuben Gill - 20780803 0 0 Babylon_Holotape_NWLog2_04 0040608D
Sound Reuben Gill - 20840520 0 0 Babylon_Holotape_Prologue01 0040609A
Sound Reuben Gill - 20940303 0 0 Babylon_Holotape_Prologue02 00406077
Sound Reuben Gill - 21021023 0 0 Babylon_Holotape_Prologue03 00406079
Sound Reuben Gill to whoever finds this vault 0 0 Babylon_Holotape_Prologue04 0040607B
Sound Sgt. Baker - 20771013 0 0 Babylon_Holotape_NWLog3_01 0040608E
Sound Sgt. Baker - 20771120 0 0 Babylon_Holotape_NWLog3_02 0040608F
Sound Sgt. Baker - 20780727 0 0 Babylon_Holotape_NWLog3_03 00406090
Sound Sgt. Baker - 20780806 0 0 Babylon_Holotape_NWLog3_04 00406091


Name Weight Value Related quest Editor ID Form ID
Sound Agreement with Radicals 0 0 Hunter for Hire W05_MQ_002P_Radical_DanielTape 005895F6
Sound Algorithm reset test 0 0 W05_WL024_MotherlodeHolotape01 0058CCEE
Text Algorithm update 0 0 W05_WL024_MotherlodeHolotape01
Sound Apologies to Lou 0 0 W05_MQR_204P_FisherHolotape 0056FA80
Sound Ayla's plans 0 0 W05_COMP_RQ_Beckett_Holotape_Ayla 00596723
Sound Bless y'all's hearts 0 0 W05_MQR_204P_SurgeHolotape 0056FA82
Sound Blood Eagle oath 0 0 W05_DM_BloodEagleHolotape01 0058CCF3
Sound Blood Eagle rules for advancing in rank 0 0 WL050_Holotape_Blood_Eagle_Maz_Tabor 0058488C
Sound Blood Eagles - AshTrey 0 0 WL049_Holotape_Blood_Eagle_AshTrey 00584D55
Sound Board meeting 0 0 Strange Bedfellows W05_MQ_101P_A_DavidHolotapeMeeting 0041B848
Sound Broadcast tape 0 0 W05_MQ_002P_Radical_RadioTape 00543876
Sound Chapter 7 0 0 W05_DM_CultistHolotape01 0058CCF1
Sound Chapter 8 0 0 W05_DM_CultistHolotape02 0058CCF2
Sound Cultist - Devotion Cut content 0 0 WL062_Holotape_CultistPriest 00584D61
Sound Cultist - Mind's Eye 0 0 WL065_Holotape_CultistPriest 00584D66
Sound Cultist - Redemption 0 0 WL061_Holotape_CultistPriest 00584D51
Sound Deep Sleep routine 0 0 COMP_Astronaut_006_Holotape_Whalesong 00571F69
Text Emergency protocols 0 0 In Case of Emergency COMP_Astronaut_001_Holotape_EmergencyProtocols 0057E07C
Sound Estella's holotape 0 0 Overseer, Overseen W05_MQ_102P_VTec_Holotape03 00544D61
Sound Filtcher farm interview 0 0 Treasure Unknown W05_Clue4_Holotape 00569C98
Sound First days in Vault 79 0 0 W05_Vault79_holotape01 0058C8B0
Sound Homecoming 0 0 W05_Crater_Homecoming_Tape 005855DB
Sound Jen's goodbye 0 0 W05_Holotape_Foundation_Jen02
Sound Jen's journal, entry 1 0 0 W05_Holotape_Foundation_Jen01 00586F14
Sound Lugnuts vehicle modifications 0 0 W05_Holotape_Mechanic_Lugnut 00584D4A
Text Medical records: Daguerre 0 0 Privacy Violation COMP_Astronaut_008_Holotape_PatientRecords 00571F6B
Sound Meg sucks 0 0 W05_Crater_MegSucks_Tape 005855DD
Sound Mort's edu-tape 01: Placing your C.A.M.P. 0 0 Hunter for Hire W05_Wayward_MortTape01 0042A24F
Sound Mort's edu-tape 02: Building at your C.A.M.P. 0 0 Hunter for Hire W05_Wayward_MortTape02 0042A24E
Sound Mort's edu-tape 03: Powering your C.A.M.P. 0 0 Hunter for Hire W05_Wayward_MortTape03 0042A250
Sound Mort's edu-tape 04: Mutations!Cut content 0 0 W05_Wayward_MortTape04 005852F8
Sound Negotiations 0 0 W05_MQ_003P_Muscle_DuncanSkinnerTape 005852F1
Sound Note to self 0 0 Strange Bedfellows W05_MQ_101P_A_DavidHolotapeNote 0041B847
Sound Paige's journal, entry 1 0 0 W05_Holotape_Foundation_Paige01 00586F17
Sound Paige's journal, entry 2 0 0 W05_Holotape_Foundation_Paige02 00586F18
Sound Paige's journal, entry 3 0 0 W05_Holotape_Foundation_Paige03 00586F19
Sound Paige's journal, entry 4 0 0 W05_Holotape_Foundation_Paige04 00586F1A
Sound Paige's journal, entry 5 0 0 W05_Holotape_Foundation_Paige05_GoldChoiceF1
Text Patent design: Deep Sleeper Pod 0 0 Patently False COMP_Astronaut_007_Holotape_SchematicsPod 00571F6A
Sound President's eyes only 0 0 W05_WL038_DiverHolotape01 0058CCF0
Sound Reginald Stone's journal, entry 712 0 0 W05_Vault79_holotape02 0058C8B1
Sound Rocco and Lev's deal 0 0 W05_MQR_204P_LevHolotape 0056FA7E
Sound The End of America Cut content 0 0 W05_WL038_EndAmerica_Tape 005855DE
Sound The Eye's subject: Frankie 0 0 Sibling Piracy W05_COMP_RQ_Beckett_Holotape_Frankie 00596725
Sound The Foundation plan 0 0 W05_Crater_FoundationAttack_Tape 005855DC
Text The "hook up" 0 0 Strange Bedfellows W05_MQ_101P_A_HookUp 00547847
Sound The Saga of The Horn 0 0 W05_COMP_RQ_Beckett_Holotape_Blood 00596724
Sound The Wayward interrogation 0 0 W05_MQ_002P_Radical_RoperRecruitmentTape 005852F5
Sound Thorpe: 10/03/2077 9:34am 0 0 Strange Bedfellows W05_MQ_101P_A_DavidHolotapeTessa 0041B849
Sound To Meg and Crater freaks 0 0 WL047_RoccoLevDealHolotape 00583132
Text U.S.S.A. encryption key program 0 0 Crash Landing COMP_Astronaut_Intro_Holotape_EncryptionKey 0055F6C3
Sound Vault reactor incident 0 0 Overseer, Overseen W05_MQ_102P_VTec_Holotape01
Sound Visit with Officer Whitehead 0 0 W05_Wayward_DuchessPersonalTape 005852F0

The Legendary Run[]

Name Weight Value Related quest Editor ID Form ID
Sound A father's goodbye 0 0 E06_PocketWatch_EarleWilliams_Holotape 0059F728

Steel Dawn[]

Name Weight Value Related quest Editor ID Form ID
Sound Knight Connors: Report 0 0 BS01_Holotape_Connors 005E57F6
Sound Weapon demonstration 0 0 BS01_MQ06_Settlers_WeaponDemoTape 005DB4F6

Steel Reign[]

Name Related quest Editor ID Form ID
Text Command parameters Out of the Blue BS02_MQ03_Blue_AssaultronHolotape 005FB509
Text Copy of research notes Missing Persons BS02_MQ02_Missing_ResearchNotesHolotape 005FACF4
Sound FEV research log #1 A Satisfied Conscience BS02_MQ04_Conscience_Blackburn_Holotape_Research_01 006047B2
Sound FEV research log #5 A Satisfied Conscience BS02_MQ04_Conscience_Blackburn_Holotape_Research_02 006047B3
Sound FEV research log #13 A Satisfied Conscience BS02_MQ04_Conscience_Blackburn_Holotape_Research_03 006047B4
Sound FEV research log #17 A Satisfied Conscience BS02_MQ04_Conscience_Blackburn_Holotape_Research_04 006047B5
Sound FEV research log #22 A Satisfied Conscience BS02_MQ04_Conscience_Blackburn_Holotape_Research_05 006047B6
Sound FEV research log #38 A Satisfied Conscience BS02_MQ04_Conscience_Blackburn_Holotape_Research_06 006047B7
Sound FEV research log #57 A Satisfied Conscience BS02_MQ04_Conscience_Blackburn_Holotape_Research_07 006047B8
Sound FEV research log #112 A Satisfied Conscience BS02_MQ04_Conscience_Blackburn_Holotape_Research_08 006047B9
Sound FEV research log #148 A Satisfied Conscience BS02_MQ04_Conscience_Blackburn_Holotape_Research_09 006047BB
Sound Huntersville memories A Satisfied Conscience BS02_MQ04_Conscience_Blackburn_Holotape_Personal_02 006047B1
Sound Return to Appalachia A Satisfied Conscience BS02_MQ04_Conscience_Blackburn_Holotape_Personal_01 006047B0

Expeditions: The Pitt[]

Name Related quest Editor ID Form ID
Sound Fanatic slayer's holotape XPD_Pitt01_FanaticSlayer_Holotape 0064B910
Sound Striker's log 01: Mission brief XPD_Pitt01_StrikersLog_Holotape01 0064B90C
Sound Striker's log 02: Pursuit XPD_Pitt01_StrikersLog_Holotape02 0064B90D
Sound Striker's log 03: Lion's den XPD_Pitt01_StrikersLog_Holotape03 0064B90E
Sound Striker's log 04: Failure XPD_Pitt01_StrikersLog_Holotape04 0064B90F
Sound Runner's log 01: Career change XPD_Pitt02_RunnersLog_Holotape_01 0065F75F
Sound Runner's log 02: White lies XPD_Pitt02_RunnersLog_Holotape_02 0065F760
Sound Runner's log 03: Too much XPD_Pitt02_RunnersLog_Holotape_03 0065F761
Sound Runner's log 04: Lambs to the slaughter XPD_Pitt02_RunnersLog_Holotape_04 0065F762

Nuka-World on Tour[]

Name Related quest Editor ID Form ID
Sound Holotape What Slept Beneath NWOT_Beneath_Holotape 00664B03

Once in a Blue Moon[]

Name Related quest Editor ID Form ID
Sound A Night at the Neapolitan JackHunter_Neapolitan01_Holotape
Sound The Decadent Metal Dome JackHunter_MetalDome_Holotape 006DC8F3
Sound Nukashine: What a trip! JackHunter_Nukashine_Holotape 006DC8F4
Sound Protocol Adonais #1 Protocol Adonais MOON_SQ08_Aries_Holotape_Scene05_Tape01 006AA61F
Sound Protocol Adonais #2 Protocol Adonais MOON_SQ08_Aries_Holotape_Scene04_Tape02 006AA620
Sound Protocol Adonais #3 Protocol Adonais MOON_SQ08_Aries_Holotape_Scene03_Tape03 006AA624
Sound Protocol Adonais #4 Protocol Adonais MOON_SQ08_Aries_Holotape_Scene02_Tape04 006AA621
Sound Protocol Adonais #5 Protocol Adonais MOON_SQ08_Aries_Holotape_Scene01_Tape05 006AA623
Sound Protocol Adonais #6 Protocol Adonais MOON_SQ08_Aries_Holotape_Scene06_Tape06 006AA622

America's Playground[]

Name Quest Editor ID Form ID
Sound A lead at last AC_SQ01_HellsEagles_Investigation01_Holotape 0073BB19
Sound A special surprise AC_SQ03_Custodial_ASpecialSurprise_Holotape 00744973
Sound Stella meets Stratton AC_SQ03_Custodial_StellaMeetsStratton_Holotape 00744972
Sound Succession AC_MQ04_Succession_Holotape 0075C91E
Sound The final scene AC_SQ03_Custodial_TheFinalScene_Holotape 00731619
Sound Ticking clock XPD_AC_TickingClock_Holotape 0075BF8C

Skyline Valley[]

Name Quest Editor ID Form ID
Sound Daniel's holotape Double-Crossed Wires Storm_MQ09_Dan_Holotape 0076C9B5
Sound Goodbye my love Storm_Holotape_Cassidy02 0075E136
Sound Situation report S-487 The Calm Before Storm_MQ03_OberlinsHolotape 00735240
Sound Vault life Storm_Holotape_Cassidy01 0075E135

Milepost Zero[]

Name Quest Editor ID Form ID
Sound Luke's holotape A Bump in the Road MILE_CaravanIntro_Holotape 007915FB

See also[]
