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Fallout Wiki

Message from Dave Jones is a holotape cut from Fallout 76.



Dave Jones: Hey, this is Dave Jones calling from the, uhh, the trucking contractor. Hoping to talk to someone in charge over there. Listen, I know you Federal guys have a lot goin' on, but you gotta do something about all these protestors outside the disposal field. I mean, these people are really spooking my drivers - they're nuts. Gonna be chewin' on the fences before long, they're so bent outta shape. I know you're doing your best, but last thing I want is to be associated with some kinda accident up there, you know? The amount of, uhh, material you got stored up there, it could be real bad for the whole area if there's a leak or a spill or somethin'. Bad for my business, too. You know? Anyway, gimme a call back, let's get this sorted out. Thanks.
