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Mort's edu-tape #04: Mutations! is a holotape that was cut from the Fallout 76 update Wastelanders.



Mort: Welcome back, faithful students to the latest of Headmaster Mort's Edu-Tapes! In this segment, the item actively festering in so many of us: mutations. Prolonged or extreme exposure to radiation can affect the human body in a plethora of different ways:

Skeletal degeneration, growths where you didn't have growths before... ... your outer layer of skin leaving you like it's some kind of scumbag ex, Jessica. *clears throat* Sorry. Occasionally, however, these mutations will also unlock previously unknown potential inside their recipients. Your very own Headmaster Mort is now completely immune to further radiation exposure thanks to his mutation.

We at the Mort Institute have also heard reports of increased mental cognition and empathy, heightedIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar strength... ... and even the development of defensive electrical discharge? What? Seriously, Duchess? I think someone was pulling your leg.

Whatever. Now, I know what you're thinking. Headmaster, having my own pair of razor sharp talons is great, but what if I just want to live like a normal human being again? Well, luckily, there's a clear solution: good, old-fashioned Rad-Away. Consuming a Rad-Away or two will usually clear up any mutation symptoms, allowing you to return to your previous, dull, unmutated self.

Now, there's a question that may cross your mind once you've acquired a mutation: Mort, does this make me a monster? And let me be definitive here: no, you're not a monster because of your mutation. We're all so much more than what's inflicted on us, mutant or otherwise. All of us have experienced loss, desperation, regret just to be alive today. Those things can change us as much as hugging an open reactor core can. But what we do with those challenges, with the lives we've all had thrust upon us... that's where humanity lies. You only become a monster if you let the world make you one...

And with that, we conclude today's lesson on mutations. Tune in again soon for Headmaster Mort's next thrilling edu-venture. Thanks again for listening.
