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Fallout Wiki

The Huntersville holotape is a holotape that was cut from Fallout 76.



Curtis Wilson: December 14th, 2076. I, Curtis Wilson, and Sheriff Scott Darcy, have infiltrated the Huntersville Quarantine as part of our investigation. What we've seen and found is shocking. There are no civilians here, only big, green, hulking monstrosities locked up like animals. There are documents that suggest West-Tek involvement. We should investigate the nearby Research Center. I found a password for a Dr. Khan: kafka3. I wouldn't be surprised if...

Scott Darcy: Shut it, someone's coming.

Army officer: Hey, you're not authorized to be here! Who...

Scott Darcy: Damn, we've been compromised! Go go go!

Curtis Wilson: ...Shit, I dropped the tape!
